BR ARRRARAS | years the Indianapolis highway race il Boot has furnished the burial place for 1 freak ideas of motor designs, hs | AY Fol A ig In 1811 a most unfortunate accident occurred, so far as the BE | pocliet book of the pecple was concerned, a 6-cylinder car iH Ha r ne § 8 won the race. be! = Since then every Race has heen won by either a four or ok an eight-cylinder car, but that one single slip-up was enough __ Ls : to make the engineers think they were on the rght track I= : In recent years they have discovered the only absolutely -rel'able motor, is the 4-cylinder ang multiples thereof. So -to-day we find every reputable maufacturer ¢ radua'ly ¢ an- ging from the 6-cylinder motor to the 8-cylinder. I Firs; Class Workmansh'p Guarante d 5 and service that can't be beat. Considering this trend the thought naturally arisesi----_. ie All Shoe and Harness Accessories fi: i30iiaEaieiaeasss ease ani i aatastiasasiesesoiin Will the 6-cylinder car you are you being urged to buy 5 For Sale. to Cay he a museum specimen tomorrow ? gid i we. For the man to whom operating ¢ost is Important, there il FF WILL, A BD im portant will always be the 4-cylinder car--and Ford will make It. [= . Firat Be Sots i sit 1] i= - Announcement ig Event 5 Deliverea : 2 Tamarac, per cord.__.____ 87:89. e El -..Mixed Fuel per cord ..._$8:58_. Sales and Service a firyden and Kenora, Ont, Bl 5° [001 on 880-) of the Clothtng SWAN SWANSON __ CHARLES SILVER 8 Season Licensed Auctioneer § § P Fr ogressive Shoe Whey, considering the purchase of A : Address--Charles Street § . , i Dryden, Ontorio 5 ; Hospital 1A MON Nn! §Call or ai for ioe Don't let this (FIRST -- tl MACHINERY Bd | DRYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH chance go by k iE os fo ek i Te 4 an re We picked up by a quantity purchase two bargains, one in Coffee and one in Tea and we are passing these WORKMANSHIP --Consult Us-- 16 a.m--DBible Sipael : : along at very small profits, until the \ Cl, ASS MATERIAL te 13 guneBorning Worship +2 5 | : hao Yory Dr 3 : Buying direct from the Cutters, we {7:30 p.m--Gospel S:rvice--Subject {Here is something you cannot af- id end of the month or until te wack MODERATE PRICES be The end of theWorld or Ags which? ford to, miss. On Tuesday, Septem- is exhausted. "DONE WHILE YOU. WATT" JOBg| 9 ve you "rr Join us in Singing old fashioned ber 2nd Mr C. R. Hudgins head SPECIALTY, Gospel Songs and Enjoylng 5 Gos- | office Representative of Tip Tiop ie ol TUNE Line oF 20 B. C. pel message from the Book. Thilors Limited will be at our store Rev. T. E. McALLISTER, Pastop |20d Will personally measure every SHOE POLISHES and LACES 3 Sa _ jman ordering a suit or topcoat on MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE overcoat that day. He will also : UNITED CHURCH OF |! gfve you oxpert 'advice on choice PROMPT ATTENTION | M.BEATH LL Co CANADA, Dryden jor fabrics and on styles. We will grind the Bean fre:h for you if you say so, and the lowness mma he A THE JEWELERS Oxdrift---1.80 Sunday School; 2.30 of this Lovely Coffee will appeal to P.O. Box 240 L GREENHILL Divine Worship This is an excellent opportunity for oe Dryden. Ont. *s ; C. P, R. Watch Inspectors Dryden----10 a.m. Sunday School; every man in town or outside to 4 \ " 11 a.m, Divine Worship, 7 secure extrgordinary hilgh quailty o'clock, Divine Worship ! personal service along with the J. W. HOWES, Minister { great value which Thp Top Clothes il wa offer at gll times, DRYDEN PARISH CHURCH i : St Luk' . a Your Fall Suit or Overcoat Tailored 3 to your individual TRINITY VII, 110 a:m:--Sunday School measurement, for 11 a:m--Holy Communion. 1b {7 pm :--Evensong oii ly Idan at 11 am--Rev. C: C Wat- king | W. R. TINDLE, Rector. | M. J. Crosier General Merchant This cannot be charged, nor can it be put on the Mail Order at this absurd price. But although it must be Cash, we make no limit to the quantity, five ten; fifteen or twenty pounds if you waat them. Surely fresh ground Full Flavoreq Coffee at 29c per 1b is worth a thought, Tea Then a little flurry in Tea: which is of such fine flavor that It is worth Toe a pound. For FINE JEWELR WATCHES; CLOCKS; TOILET. sa: FINE ENGLISH, AND FRENCH ¢. ser CUT GLASS; SILVERWARE and CUTLERY In Silver and Stainless Steel ! One Price to Measure hs 00 i Bolen Unrivglled Value ELECTRICAL GOODS and APPLIANCES--all kinds; Stock on Hand REPAIRING A SPECIALTY i ! el OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO __ Unrivalled Service 1-1b of this excellent Tea and one Chlna Cup and Saucer for £52, A. G. RIPLEY, Jeweller 'Ch oice Da'ry Butter, per Ib... 20 One day only For the practical part of this, see a on the: Cuoiery Window: DRYDEN ONTARIO Granuljed Sugar 10-lbs for .. :60 2 rkgs Cornflakes and 1 pkg. ; Bowles Lo a dr 2G "| Gasoline, from a Clear Vision Pump A BBall ae ire S000 BRIS eid ten 21:60 Gasoline, by the Barrel delivered White Rose anion EAR RR REMEMBER THE DATE ie Red Beal io ll... ceili 29 = En-ar-Co Oil--for the ears Tip-top Thilors through their vast gl I Se purchasing rescources and direct buy TT 'a FE B A Zz A A gD { 1qt....____..___...__... .30 Jing methods of selling bring hund- : ; Brantford Binder Twine--600f; to fdreds of pel Ai - > 1 | the poun within the reach of every Canadian 8c. to 8H. Store. Sb a Sow LL Sh man. For $27 you have your : choice of every pattern, weave and . color that is being featured for the " Mr L. C. Moffat, spec'al represen- oie caoiimng season-- tajilored perfect : @ G | s gtlored perfectly fis 3 ia hi A Class ified to your measure by the country's 28, My Moffat will have a full Line of models in Suits and Overcoats for thy coming Season. most outstanding designers & tailors WANTET+--High School Girl wants and satisfaction fs guaranteed. work for board.--Apply OBSERVER OFFICE. 3 Our new Fall Line, which we are - yom SALE--Good Piano, $175.00 for Sheng includes all the new dark = ,cash.--apply 'OBSERVER OFFICE {5°2°%s and pafterns for Fall and H Winter wear in both suits and over 1,110 RENT-Su'te, also Ching Cabinet I coats, Make it a point to be here iand Kitchen Cabinet for sale, apply on September 2nd and order the | STAR POOL ROOM, new clothes you need. It will pay 31" oer § h 3 3 . {COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND. you both in money and satisfactinh. i 'Board--Reisonable Rates. Apply to] 3: Mrs FLEMING (Harris House). These are right up to the minute Did you ever stop to think that you in design. can obtain some good bargains at Prices are Right, the Fit will be Right, the designs are Right, Please take a note of the date. Please cde in and see the excellent Dis- play. ax the Bazaar, and some extra specials too, Look oy Our Windows this week for Our Specials. rh >) = =n ® on g¥ o = a @® = sen GOODS BOUGHT and SOLD Come in and Look Arcund, wheh in {For Bale or Rent-- Three Houses, ahh |! R. H PRONGER_ Dryden 3 FOR SALE--Fresh Milk Cow, apuly | ito GEO. KEATLEY jr, Dryden 2 "a FOR SALE--No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY | W E THORSEN & SON H--epply R H. PRONGER'S OFFIcE ~~ eW & Secondhaid Store Dryden ; DRYDEN -- ONTARIO FL ;