Dryden Observer, 29 Aug 1930, p. 1

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ye one, before be corrected on our ¢ failed, because ten years ago when such an organization was attempt- "ra. DRYDEN, Ontario, August 29, 1980 oh Motor League We have no figures to quote, but one giance on a Saturday night at the line of parked cars on each side of the principal streets of Dryden, will give some idea of the great num- ber of motor cars in this district. All will agree there are hundreds and hundreds of them; more than enough we believe to form a real Motor League for the benefit of motorists in the entire gistrice from Dinorwic to on the east to Vermilion and Quib- ell to the West of us, There are a great many advant- ages to be gained from such ga League, and now is the time to the trans-Canada lighway is through here and there are more traffic problems. At pres- ent there gre many trafic faults lo district roads and many improvements that couid be introduced by a well organized Motor Association. In Manitoba the Motor League is just as active as the police in the enforcement of traffic and a n d other laws for safety on the High- ways and has patrols on the road to check up those who fail to observe the Rules, The League issues daily bulletins on roaq condiions through- out the province, insists on all brakes being tested and gives countless other valugble assistance. ' There is nothing to prevent this district from having just such an organization and the benefits are unlimited. The only thing that is needed is a get-to-gether of auto owners and the rest is easy. Don't say we tried it once & it "6d there were mot enough cars in district to keep up the league. This is not the case now, so leis shave it this Fall--The Dryden Dis- trct Motor l.eague. TOWN OF DRYDEN a Electrican Wanted Applications will be rece'ved by the To Open Studio Prof. F. Simons, outstanding tea- at Mrs Flemings Residence ang will teach in Dryden three days every week, Prof. Simons who has degree of Bachelor of Music ang is graduated from the Royal Conserva- tory of Music, has studied with the leading teachers of Europe including the famous violinist Eugene Lsaye. This shoulg give Drrydens music- lovers a wonderful opportunity to develop fully their talent and abil jty for the violin or piano. Myr Simons also hgs. made a special study of class teaching for a chance to study at a very low Prof. Simons is also very interes- assured there are in Dyyden many talents oh various instruments and will endeavour to get those people 'at Pronger undersigned until September 2nd, next for an Electrican for the Town of Dryden. Duties to comprise all Electrical and Telephone work for the town. Married man preferred. Salary $130.00 per month, Applicant to state age and experience. M, BAILEY, Chairman Electric Light and Telephone Committee MUNICIPALTY OF MACHIN Notice of First Posting of Voters List Voters' List 1930, Municipality of Mgchin; District of Kenora Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Vot- ers List Act, and that I have post- 'ed up at my Office at Minnjtak', on the 20th day of August 1930; the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for memb- ers of the Municipal Council, and [4 members of Parliament, and thay sch List remains there for inspac- ton. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proczed- ings to have any errors .or omis- sions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 10th day of September 1930. Tited the 26th day of August, 1930 GEO. RUETE, Clerk of the Municipality of Machin PREVENT FIRE as far as ible through fire. preventive measures PREVENT financial loss b fire with sufficient FIRE INSURANCE © SCBA ER WITH bE QIBBOMN, Agent, Dryden together and start a local orches- tra. Anyone who wishes to apply for lessons or is interested in any kind of music may have full information & Armstrong's Music Store. Prize Winners Following is the list of Winners in the Field Crop Competition: OATS 1st--R. B Amos: ond--T. H Lewis; 3rd--C. Dirummond;; 4th--\V. Dievoe; 5th-- 8. Richardson; th--J. W Pollard 7th R. & Pollard BARLEY: 1st--A. E Browning; ond--E. Lundine, - Srd--T. H Lewis; _- 4th--S. Richardson; 5th-- Wm Tew; 6th--Robt. Ambos; Tth---George Ruete. ole ON A VISIT TO ENGLAND-- Mrs Chas. J. Wright left on Wednesday to spend several months with relatives In England. A large number of friends were at the dep- ot to bid her farewell. --- -- WATCH -- for the announcement of the High School Boys' Orchestra dance soon. SPER ¥ VSR -- ATTEND COUNTY LOGGE-- Messrs J. D Nicholson, L: O: L County Master, Baden Smith; Wm. Jones; C C. Pilkey; W H Moore Ted, McMonagle and Mr & Mrs R. McMonagle visiteq Kenora over the week-end, the occasion being the L. 0. L. County Meeting and Dlecora- tion Service of the Kenora Lodge. cher of Winnipeg will open a studio the beginners with sucerssful adn often} outstanding results, This method has the advantage of giving everybody' rate and will devlope the hidden tal- ent and musical taste much quicker. ted in Orchestra work and has been Addresses Meeting | at Oxdrift « 3 | } HON, PETER HEENAN MEOTLED i OXDRIFT, Ont--A large crowd + gathered here on Friday evening to meet Hon, Peter and Mrs Heenan before 'their departure for Ottawa. Mr Fred Brignall as chzirman ex tended a warm welcome to Mr and Mrs Heenan & congratulated Mr Heenan on his election as member for this constituency and hoped that the honoured guests would visit with often. He also welemed Earl Hut- _chinson, M, L. A. who was present & spoke briefly and stated that he f cxperted a good program of road work in the district, The audience then called for Mrs Heenan, who spoke a few words of appreciation for the magnificent sup port given Peter. Upon arising to speak Hon, My Heenan was given the usual enthusiatsic reception he always receives at Oxdrift. He thanked the people of Oxdrift for the support given him. 'In fact' he said, 'I owe much to the loyal sup- porters in the entire distrlet for the About Telephones Dear Editor,--l1 was rather surprs- ed not to see any letters in your lag] weeks issue, You can imagine a subject like Telephones not being wanted. Telephone System in this district would go a long way towards keep- ing settlers settled. It is quite true you can't have telephones for nothing, but there is no reason why it should be dear here, we have plenty of poles. and each farmer can put up his own, For ages pastit seems that man munication, so = important that in large business departments are connected by tele- phone and again the mgnagement office. It saves time, and somelr times much money. In a district like thls where we can very sedlom ever see our next door neighbours, house we really need something like the telephone, It would save | many unnecessary trips during the year It would be a speedy way of reporting fires; call! the doctor. Why one could fill a page on its usefulness alone, By gall means, let's have. a telephone system providing it does not cost too much. J. G, TAYLOR 20th Century iris niStamog] CPR I would like to call the attention Golf Tournament GOLFERS-- Attention The Dryden Golf Club is desirous of allmembers turning in their score of Dryden folk to the brave act performed by Eddie Kimball of Ver- Person/{ly I think that a !sible, 'ing arranged which is figured from has been trying for quicker com-! is this! places the miljon Bay. A young boy haa go' into difficulties and Eddfe, hea cries of distress, jumped In water fully dressed and brought youngster to land, Eddie is mst "e years old yet. A Fire Ranger hajp- pened to come along and applied First Aid to the youngster, and he lis none the worse for his experience. | Eddie Kimbell deserves great "praise for his heroic deed, cards of recent games--three if pos A handicap schedule is be- cards when turned in to the Dry- den Pharmgey. This will permit a tournament to be drawn up in the near future in which all players of different de- grees of proficieney will have a equal chance of winning. The Course at present is almost perfect. © Get out and swing your The Scouts will meet at headquart- Clubs to your hearts content and ers on Tuesday, Sept. 22 instead of maybe you will bring home the Monday at 7 pm, The Cubs will bacon, ytucet as use! on Thursday. H Duty patrol, Hawke patrol, BOX SOCIAL-- | ing Svar A Box Social under the auspices of the United Church, will be held at Eton and Rugby School on Fri- NOTICE. The Twentieth Century Young day, September 5th at 8 pm. Liberals Associatlon will hold : first annual picnic at Elue Lake on Sunday, September Tth. AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT-- Further information can be be k in~d f tary. "What Really Happened In the Gar- | stead slew the seston, den ¢f Eden' will be Rev. McAlljs- == Sr -- ters sermon theme Sunday evening, in the Baptist Church, All are invi- ted to hear this message. Questions are invited 4 The Surest Way 1 to Fight Club Meets A meeting of the Twentieth Cen- tury Young liberal Association was held in the Oxdrift Community Hall Wednesday night, August 27, It was decided to hold the Club's first annual picnic on Sunday, Septemb- ed Tth at Blue Lake. The regson Sunday was picked was to allow all the members to attend, The Club's membership is now over 200. Twenty new members applied for their membership at the last meebing. The Club will hold its meetings on | the last Thursday of each month, The next meeting will bg held on. the last Thursday in September at Wabjgoon. ----- manner in which they stood behind me in the recent election. With the tactics that were used it was a real test and I couldn't blame cause I hadnt time to refute much" of the propaganda which was spread not | from the Platform, but other- wise. "Things are now in good shape for the further developmest of the eoun- try: and this district' he continued and the opposition has promised such things as Highways and a cure for unemployment and I intend to do my bit 'to see that the promises are fulfilled.' Dancing followed the speeches & a splendid time was enjoyed by all. LE ye TENE A -N £3 v T= spr any who might have changeed be-: 1 PROF. F SIMONS B: M:;; L: R: SS M _ Concert; Violinist; Pianist Privat, teaching for begimmers at Special Prices. Pupils prepared for highest | Diplomas & Concert Work. For application apply to PRONGER & ARMSTRONG Music Store Dryden--:--Ontarjo Thanks While T have perscaally had the oppo: tunity of thamking the great- er number of Electerz im this Constituency for the support given me at the polls in the recent Elec tion. I now wish to take this op- portunity of thanking all fer their splendid support. Peter Heenan Hard Times Specialized training is the surest weapon against hard times. a: Employers de not - dismiss skilled office help when business is slack, for the reason that they cannot be easily replaced. Train now so that you will be prepared for an office posi- tion when the opportunity comes Northern Navigatip ae ak | Train in Winnipeg, Western i z Canada's largest employment i te @ centre. Write for free prospectus "Port Arthur to Detroit fro Season I goths Wh For Information and Tickeln to you. Any temporary self- denial will be repaid many times over by your additional! earning power. CHICKEN SUPPER St Tukes W. A. will hold 2 Tien i Tetsiny SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION I ~ : Scientifically divected indivi-" 14 : a dual instruction and a high if standard of thoroughness have resulted in our Placement De- partment onnually recefving more than 2,000 calls. Huronjc--Mondsy, 1 pias THE Hamonjc--Saturdsy, 1 p.m ON ; Noronic--Wednesday, 1 m3 NS) I | CC i SS BuUsiNEss COLLEGE Portage Ave. at Edmonton St. WINNIPEG (Owners of Reliance Schesl o Cornmerce, Regina, but not 6% nected with other Success Col- leges in the West) Apply %e S. W. RAY, Agent 8 Cumberland - Stragt PORT ARTHUR, Ostarle # 8 : I New Nova Scotian Hotel, Halifax The New Sereen Grid Brunswick $108.00 less radiotrons Come in for a Demonstration he Nova Scotian Hotel 'of the Canadian National Railways opened will give the Canadian National Railways an up-to-date hotel adjoining their terminal station and will provide a needed , facility for the travelling public. The hotel has 160 bedrooms, each with bath, besides the necessary complement of public rooms. feature of the new hotel is the large garage which has been pro- vided in the basement of the hotel, at Halifax, which will shortly be will give to Halifax a national broad- casts of the Canadian National eighth floor, where tourists may store their cars 1 oor, radio voice in the while remaining in the city or while visiting other parts of the province by train. The hotel con- nects with the new modern termi- nal and from its roof gardens furnishes remarkable sconic views both to the harbor and the land- ward side. ' Constructed, of Nova Scotia brick and stone, in the Georgian style of architecture, the Nova Scotian has manyr pleasing features about it. One of these, the System. Visitors to Canada, entering the Dominion through the Halifax gateway will receive a splendid first impression of the country when they step from the train into this magnificent building which is connscted with the sta- tion, permitting the passenger to reach his hotel room without having to step outs! 2 into the open air from the time & i the train. 7adio broadcasting stydip om the |

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