Dryden Observer, 5 Sep 1930, p. 1

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rs pr qf arewell Banquet y The Exhibition DINORWIC--A farewell banque' was | SEPTEMBER 24th and 25th are the held in the Community Hall here on cates set for the Twenty-third An- Saturday night August 30th in hon- {nual Exhibltion of the Dryden Agri- our of Mr F. H Woodworth, manag- {cultural Society. The Exhibits will er of the Hudson's Bay Company at {be displayed in the Curling Rink this point, who is retiring on pen- Building thig year, giving the ad- sion September 1st and is leaving | vantage of having all the display the district for Biscotasing in East- fon one ficor which will be of an ern Ontario, where he is going ic jadvantage to both Exhibitor and the spend a well earned retir ment Ipublic. According to the number of The hall was crowded that nighl jinquiries being made regardjog the and thy evening was spent in dauc | Fair, this should be one of the best ing and closed with a scrumptious re|years for the number of Exhibits, past, and the singing of Auldjand the general quality of Garden Lang Syne and He's a Jolly Good land Field Products one sees as they Fellow. The principal speaker of travel around, thee should be a the evening was Mr B, Lyons, who | wonderful Show of Products of the p behalf of all present wished Mr Soil. As formerly the live stock ex : Woodworth a very happy retirement jhibits and sports will take place on Mr Woodwarth suitably replied and ]the Fair Grounds the gecond day of thanked all for the glorious evening the Fair. All members are partica- and remarked he was extremely sor- larly requested to get their entries ry at leaving Dinorwic where hejin as goon as possible; take a little spent a good many years of his life,| care in making up your entry forms ang he would always remeber hisland se e that you have the right many friends here, He then shook [class and section, When once plac- hands with all present. ed they connot be altered and many Mr Woodworth entered the service!prizes are lost through the Exhibt of the Hudson's Bay Company in the [being in the wrong clasg or section. vear 1896 at Dinorwic where, until} If you are not a member of the + 1908 he wag in charge of the Com-jSociety will you help us out by buy- panys transportation for the north- ling a dollar ticket This will admit ern posts of the Company, as mn|you to the Fai, atany time and to these days before the C. N. R waslall events, incidentally you will be constructed, all freight for the north {helping out the Agricultural Society went in from Dinorwic. He ably jand we need the funds, Like most managed that work for twelve years objects of this nature Wwe cannot when in 1908 he was put in charge carry on and build up an organiza of Cochrane post, an important es- ition without capital, In a district tablishment then, From Cochrans gs large as this a membership of he wag promoted to the important 500 should not be out of the way: charge of Biscotasing post, where hy the more Wwe can make of ta an- emn- o> . successfully worked for 17 years un nual Fair. Who will help ! "til he was again back to Dvinorwic gbership tickets may be had from as manager, the scene of hig eariy jany of the Directors, or from the: association with the Company, He] Secretary. : remained at Dinorwic until his re-f Following is the Judges Report uf . 'cent. retirement, and it js notable ithe Garden Contest: that he commenced his service with] Mr Sid Bartlett, 1st prize $15 :00 the Company here, and after thirty | General appearance .._ 30 Poirits five years without a break he was Freedom from Weeds and . retired fom the home post. disease mmm 20 Points My Woodworth is a man of the old Cultivation and Care of : school and a fine example of the! do Dr MN . 10 Points fast disappearing fur-trader For Quality of Vegetables, siza & many years he carried on the dati:g shape ..__..____ 10 Points of a Justice of the Peace, and aiso| Fruit ____--__...- . 20 Points took an active part in all municipal ss - affairs, being for many years chair 90 man of the School Board and other |Mr F. G Wiles, 2nd prize $10.00 committees, too numerous to Genera] appearance ..__ 15 Poin's mention in detail. 'A man of wide Freedom from Weeds and attainment his advice was eagerly disease ________ 20 Points sought after. His recollections of | Cultivation and Care of early days in the service are very Plone vo Sudo 10 Points interesting, and he could hoid an] Quality of Vegetables, size & audience for hours with his ; Shape ......____ 15 Points lectures, Trail imide ovine 10 Pointy On behalf of his many friends in ---- the district we take this opportun- 70 ity of wishing My and Mrs Wood-] Mr G. Harris, 8rd prize $5:00 worth a very happy retirement and] General appearance ..._ 10 Poin's wish them all success in the evening | Freedom from Weeds and of their lives. ; f disease ._______ 20 Points i --J TT P.i Cultivation and Care of - . Plants .._.____ 10 Points W. R. CLIMENSON ---1 Quality of Vegetables, size & Piano Tuner. .. = Shape ..__..___. 15 Pointg will be in town this month _. Frat vooeeiom ove. 10 Points __ leave your orders at Pronger _._ and Armgstrong's Store. 65 : MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE } do Trg 15 oT he undersigne til Septembz Wakes ; for the a, of Tax Collector EE ng of the Kenora : over Sead for the Township of Van Horne and er i ih 1 Glengoland School Sectin for 1930, will > ae in od an Salary $100:00. Applicant to furnish MOIYY all on September : ati Tod a 8;00 p:m for General Business & ; Election of Directors. ( er | RR J S. CORNER; Secy rr mm then mann, NOTICE-- Fa the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian! 8th at 8:00 p:m: Hall, in the Pulp Mill E. B. COLLISON; Secy 6 21 APPLES; ONE LOAF; 3 POUNDS MEAT-ONE LUNCH Dmitro Guly, a six-foot ditch dig on a het consumed 81 large green apples; core and all and then asked an anostoundsd grocer to do- nate a loaf of bread awd a threze- PREVENT FIRE ger PREVENT iuntil five years ago when ill health :Wm Tew and D. E, McRae, Judges Growers Association | 3X The Regular Monthly Meeting of! 4 Legion will be held on Monday; Sept! §Y Reach Approval Regarding Routing of Highway {rom Head of Lekes Fort William; Sept 83--At a meeting held in Fort William with represen- tatives present from Fort Frances; Kenora; Dryden; Antikokan; Rainy River; Sioux Lookout and Upsala; a resolution was passed unanimously calling upon the provincial govern- ment to proceed with the construc- tion of the trans-Canada highway from the head of the lakes to the Manitoba boundary by a rou'e pas- sing through Upsula; Ignacz; Dry- den and Kenora as soon as the Dominion Government guarantees half the cost. The resolution was moved by E, C Popham; president of the Kenora board of trade and T as they were at first insistent upon the Highway being routed via Fort Frances. However the sirong feel- ing that 'developed in favor of the northern route resulted in a com- promise being reached and the north ern route was finally adopled at midnight with a rider attached to it requesting the Provincial Govern- ment to start to build without delay a provincial Hig:way eonmeeting B% William and Fort Frances, This Fort William ang was accepted ag an amendment to their original resolu tion hy the mover and seconder of the first; thus enabling the macting seconded by Earl Hutch'nson; mem- ber for Kenora digtrict in the Jocal house, The resolution was not passed with out a lengthy discussion during which it seemed for a time as if the claims of the delegates from Fort Frances were likely to deadlock the meeting to give ungnimous approval which was done by a standling vo:e--Free Press, Mayor Wood and Alfyrd Pitt rep- resented Dryden at this important meeting and presented the claim of Dryden for the routing which has now be settled upon, Wm Martin Passes A very well known and highly re- spected old timer of Dryden passed away this week in the person of William John Martin, who resided in the district for over 20 years, and forced him to retire, resided on his Tragic Accieent at Dyment A most tragic accident occurred at Dyment on Tuesday, September 2nd when Alfred C, Jetmundson was instantly killed, when he accidently fell from a wagon load of freight he was drawing from the station into the Road Construction Camp, The farm at Glengoland with Mrs Mar- tin, Although for the past five years, two of which were spent in Winni- peg and several months in the local hospital, Mr Martin had guffered greatly from Bronichal shock those agsociateq with him. Last Thursday evening he had ben' on Friday morning he arose usual but guffe 8d a sudden heart at- tack' and djed before aid could be} summoned, A native of Ontario the late Mr Martin was born in Oshgwa in year 1876. 'He is survived by his wife and one sister Mys Wm Green Washington, D.C. and one brother G Martin of Toronto, to whom the sympathy of all ls extended. Dryden Hotel on Monday afternoon, Rev. W R. Tindle, conducting the service, A great number of the ds- ceased friends were present and the War Veterans were represtnted as well & many cars full of mourners jourened to the Cemetery to pay their last respects to one who was and Heart; trouble, his death came as a great: y iborn in the Dyment settlement His ! death has cast around in his usual good spirits and , Whole : jest "sympathy of all is felt for the as ; the fely attended by from Dryden and Dyment, ag well as Inter-- f Funeral service was held from the omraanty Hall; Waldhof on Friday so highly thought. of by all who! wheel of the wagon passed over the young mén's head causing instant death from a fractured skull. The late Alfred Jetmundson wag the son of My & Mys I C. Jetmund- son, very well kmown and respected residents of Dyment. He was just twenty four years of age and was a deep gloom over settlement and the deep- i bereaved relatives, Funeral service wag held from St | L.uke's Church Diyden, Rev W R, Tindly conducting and was very larg- sorrowing fijend: members of the L: O: L: ment took place at Dryden Cemetery GRAND DANCE-- A grand dance will be helg in the 'Sept 12. Whiteley Orchestra. Re- freshments, Admission -- Gents $1; ladies Tbe, knew him, The pall bearers were: Messrs C Coombe; Di Reid; F Pink- erton; P Ahern; H Wild, and Alex MecPhgil, Interment took place at Dryden Cemetery. \Ogers adio Perfect Screen Grid; Fully Guaranteed Tubes; Pre-Selec- tor Tuned Circuit, The New Rogers' Modulator Sturd.er Construction; Highly Developed Selectivity No A: C: Hum pound bologna sausage, home after refusing a drink of pop but smoking a fat cigar as part of the bet financial loss fige with s p E CiwgON, Agent, Dryden back at work, hungry Guly went! H ol Friends say Dimtro was SI'ghtly gd Indisposed for two hours but he was RB i BREESE 1931 Mode's Model 630: complete $198.00 Combination: complete $365 00 Convenjent Terms rider was added by F W Fraser of § Council Meeting | The most important matter for 'discussion at the Regular mcmthly meeting of the Town Council Tueg- day evening, was the appointment of a Town Electrician, In reply toithe date has not beem definitely .advertisments which appeared recen set, but it is anticipated that tly, there was a whole sheaf of let--the event will take place towsrda ters from applicants from the {the end of this month. The first af- Prairie Provinces to Toronto and one tempt at a Field Day last year was applicant from Winnipeg appeared very encouraging, possibly a little in person, The written applications more support from the publie will were sorted down to a few most like- make it even more intercsting. This ly ong, and then the busiriess of ,year we are expecting scree To-0f- selecting one beman. Trere was eon-| eration with the Public School poe siderable heated discussion which re-jils and very keen competition Is an Field Day Lo: cosa 'Arrangements are being modg b¥ the Trustees for holding the seesnd annual Field Day in comn@ction with the Continuation School Athiceties, 'sulted in a motion being made to ticipated. Full arnouncemert as to 'the effect 'that the Town hire Mr, date, ete will be made in mex: iNygren (who appeared in person) as i week's Observer. In the megR- itime one or two gentlemen ex- Blectriciian for three months and if { feenion am interest in the effort of satisfactoy to keep him on, This motion was made by Couneillor i putting on the Field Day and gemer- Klose and seconded by Couneilloy |cus'y offered to domate cups ow Wright, Myr Nvgren offered ({o!competition, If thes® gentlemen work for three months free if hisjwill got in touch with Ip b= services were found to be unsatisfac-iScott or the secretary as soo a3 tory. Councillor Proudfoot surpor-{possible, arrangements could ke ted by Councillor Pitt prefered to, made te have them ready for presen hire one who was a British subject | tation to 'he winners this y@ar, and an ex-sérvicg man who wag may | =I : SEE ried with a family of six, hut as it' ---BiRTHS-- was a case of two against three, At Dryden Red Cross Hompits Councillor Bajley supporting Cour- 7 August 15th to Rev, G W and Klose's motion, it passed and Mr Ny. Mrs Plurridge of Ignace. a damgh- gren was hired on the three months ter trial, f At Dryden Red Crosg Hoapita! It wag moved by Coun. Wright on August 17th to Mr and Mrs 8 J and seconded by Coun, Proudfoot that Swanson; a B8om, accounts to the amount of $1,430:95'! At Dryden Red Cross Hospital be pas: d for paymtnt. fon August 28th to Mir and Mrs T Bi Other motiong were: { Wall of Oxdrift; a daughter. Pit4-Froudfoot--That the Cemee-] At Dryden Red Cross Heapital tery committee be grant.d the sum 'on August 22nd to Yr and Mrs H, of $200.00. 'Beddome; a daughter. Pitt-Bailey-- That the Council At Dryden Red Cross Hospital grant the sum of $200:00 to the on August 24th to Mr and Mpg W Dryden Agricultural Soc'ety, H Wall of Oxdrift; a daughter, The meeting then adjourned. PROF. F SIMONS B: M:; L: BR: 8S M Congart; Violipist; Pianist Private tenching for begi at Special Prices. Sa Pupils prepared for highest Diplomas & Conesrt WoFi. For application apply ts PRONGER & ARMSTRONG ied Dryden Visits Sioux Lookout S f All roads lead to. Sioux Lookont Monday, September first and .Dry-- a w ura~ We 18D Tres! i si Wag wall re3resented at the ha | Music Store Labour Day Celebration ther, abou! o = fifty local young people making the NW rwdlin Wavigatie 2 ET ai mj NOT LCT RAVIERLE. Lo Ped Bins oles £a% 0 port Arthur to Detroit fro Season one with Siouk Leokont, In Whiel: pry onjeMonday, 1 pans they were victorious only te be 5 Bari. 1 TE beaten in the final game with =a amon; C---SBTULLLT, : a Noronic--Wednesdoy, 3 T8853 crack team from Transcoma, Bub > our boys gave them 3 resi battle! For Information and Ticheds Apply Go are and the brand of ball they plaved. : was nothing to be sneez®d at. ayy S. X e RAY, Ag 8 Cumberland Sizsst Upon their return the Dryd®n gang wag full of praise for the hos- PORT ARTEIR, Cuierls Eas == patility extended them jn the neigh- bouring town, stating that the besi ny 19:5 The Surest Way i to Fight was none too good for them and en- 7.7 Hard Times en rm Bema AE = k tertainment wag nrovided for every moment of their stay; a big dance whic: lasted till train ime Tuceday morning winding up the festvivit- ies. 'Most of the Kids did ge mueh yelling at the Ball Gameg that they were unable to speak above 3 Whis- per for a few days. If you will, pardon our stretching the truth we! | will admit that we included Biil {Tuck in with the 'Kids' Ughe Bin-| da Cid so well on the ye] ing that we | tunderstand 2 Padio Announcers job! wil] be offered him as goon as his returns; which we hope willl never happen Don't misunderstand Ugho we mean we wouldn't like | you to leave town for some terrible] place like Chicago, Anyway a great | time was had at Sioux IToskout Specialized training is the surest weapon against hard times. Bmplovers do not dismiss :lilled office help witen business ack, fot the reason that they ot be easily replaced. o 2A canny Thain now so that you will ai2d for an office posi- tion when the opportunity comes to you. Any temporary self- denial wl be repaid riany times ver hy vour additional earning Aer. Yrs ig jo} 4 CITNTIFIC INSTRUCTION cally directed éndivi- Card of ThanksS-- Mr L. C. Jetmundson of Dyment w':hes to thank everyone for th® kindness and sympathy exi®nded to his family during their rec- ent s-d bereavement and espec- En instouction ond a high s'andura of thoroughriess have resulted in our Placement De- partment annually receiving more than 2.000 calls. ially the members of Dyment Train in Winnipeg, Western and Dryden L: O, 1. Canada's largest employment |§ centre. Write for free prospectus Pi TT 3 of courses. Bs THANKS-- THR Hy Many thanks to our friendg in & Hl © Dryden and Dinorwic for their 51 CC | ) i s . " Hed prompt assistance in the hour BUSINESS COLLEGE oy of our distress, ; ; 5 5 C. R and Mys STANFORD | Portage Ave. at Edmostton St. 4 a lg WINNIPEG | ? (Owners of Reliance Sehesl of El -- -- WATCH = $ Commerze. Regina, but not cea- fj for the announcement of the nected with other Success Cai- i High School Boys' Orchestra legss in the West) dance soom,

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