Dryden Observer, 12 Sep 1930, p. 2

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+ "~~ JHE DRYDEN OBSERVER ~~ mn 3 2 : A X 3 ' ; . c FY HF LE HITE a h quired, Water she uld be us? d free Li TECH BETH EEE DUB HAR TB EEL LT feels : body Waste ly both internally and externally. g g #hs If considering the purchase of a : here 1s Rost exercise and fresh air help to g g ™ | A! Whenever work goes on there 18 4. "oy parts of the bdy work king E Ew a z ed] : 3 always something useless Je t over in harmony, A hygiene life kezps E = 4 A. & p) : & A fe 3iin the form of waste oe rutbish Whe the organs of el mination in g ol E a : : HS RR Sa LE Rr Boia bum LE ree %id condition, and when tre organs of rah 5, A & £ 0 Paver as nde 0 A i] elim nation are cound the bedy is 2 Cy £4 Bon Degn prepased gr oe helped to keep healthy Thus health 5 iy 5] See us now, as we have some ways some waste to be fo pse of re through proper livng, E pd Our bodies are constantly at ns ES i ; ; i work, Even while we sleep there R LODGE = 3 pe] Exceptional Bargains to offer on + doce melliy, Wo. Destin, oat GOLDEN STA £ & z iH hearts beat, and other functicns of AF: & A: M:, No. 484, GRC; I'T1 e e = & y ! 1 mncevyc 1 % = a Guaranteed ch is Sass. ot Tantei Meets in the Masonic Hail, Dryden, 0 a V ® + i 2g four body continue at a low COD. yp. gecond Tuesday of eseh momth. g rk : 5 Sg i whey SS Visitors Cordially Invited. A full selection of T.atest Style : 13 2) on © Lg Te Muoen : : si Lae eon Ll » Used Ears with an 0. K varying according to the "ood in- hp de COOPER, W:M Coats, suitable for Fall anl Winter E fake and fhe ad viy of the body A. E. BERREY, Sec'y Wear-- Leading Fabrics, Important £ ; 'S Vite od i Aha : : ira Style Details and Excellent Tail r- 8 that coun® : The removal of its waste products L 0. L, DRYDEN LODGE, No, 1054 Hid ol i dt give Fashion HF] is necessary if the body is to func- Shests the Wires and Tiled a EE A = tion properly and be jn a state of Wednesday of each month at eight : ypes for every Occasion, . = health, The body is provided with mh. in the Town Hab. / Visiting | Prices Range from 74 jmeans for the disposal of is wastes|y on cordially invited wey = 8 oe [and as long as these means of dis R. McMONAGLE, W.M ® L a ES = 4% posal functon properly there is no ! B SMITH Sec' on 60.00 to $750.00 § =~ rratiy CIEE L ) ® some interference with 'the machir.- 1:0:0:F:; DRYDEN LODGE ery of elimination that troubles|n, = 41m meets in the Town Hall 3 start, Several organs of the b-dy Dryden every Monday evening at Tr rpm gi 7 [ part in the eliminat on. ; 21 ELE EL, ae TT PARRA Sl > tody, it is digested and asisimila G. R HAMILTON, N:G: Easy G. M. A, C. Terms 5s ted, Food provides the cnergy : 5 lida 0 for bedy activities and the heat BY to keep the body warm. It als» Let's Start 2 q \ & Rd providss materials for the growth urance Bros cof and repair, and in addit'on certain Gardening 3 . 1 substances called vitam'ns which ; | Choice Line of are requir:d for the regulation of WE Have all the Tools; Sent bedy functions, Watering Cans; Hesg in 50; t Chevrolet, Pontiac & Buick Dealers \d From the food are left inassimila and 100-ft, Lengths. F resh Meats . ) Nd ted parts which go to mak: up the Lets of Cheap Paints for Garden . oT HN i lh ee ii diel Frerh Homemade Sausages : products of the various organs aad One Set Disc Harrews mam lissucs of the bdy, These w. st: Second Hand; but as : TTR il lini. products must all be regularly el'm- ' I'ish good as neew, | inated when the body is functi'n'ng get New Discs; new bu Shop Were || rvedeebistton Lumber Yard | ns sot wd of the carben] 1 Be 20 ot x bari doxide gas which is form d in the ;One Second Hand Ch va Builder @& Contractor. body and carried to the lungs in blood streams, The kidne sg remove LUMBER-- LATHS-- __ SHINGLES-- CEMENT-- waste materials from the blood and E. A. KX LOSE, 4 : secrete such wastes = in solution 'n = ROOF NGS-- PLASTERS-- WINDOWS and DOORS | i : the urine. The undigested part of Cooked Meats Phone 6, A.PATERSON, Dryden Gis AER RRA ) ome Tis 07 & Gand the tood io olmimied ty he bowl | Dryden Ontario Sot Quality and Service i RL TITTIES 05850014 . A CR nd pores ening i BLO Ee NOBLE off A Home Without a Radio is aro] 8 00008000000 LikeaHouse Without Windows Sheriff's Sale of Lands for arrears of School Taxes School Section No.. 1 of the Township of Southworth ang Hartman in the District of Kenora ang the Province of Ontario, To Our Town Customers: We have new Phileos, Westinghouse Deforest Crosley and Atwater Kent, Electric Models exhibited on our floor at Prices complete from $99:90 to ____...--------- $375:00 By virtte of a Warrant under the Chairman and Secretary-treasurér of School Section No. 1 of the Townships of Southworth and Hartman; in the District of Kenora; dated the 18th day of June 1930; commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for grrears of taxes respectivew due thereon together with the costs incurred; I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that pursuantto the Assessment Act; I shall on WEDNESDAY the Third (3) day of December; 1930 at the hour of Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon at tne Seriff's office in the Town of Ken- ora; in the Districe of Kenora; proceed to sell py Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the sajl arrears and charges theereon unless such arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid, { To Our Country Customers: We have new powerful DeForest Westingho s, Battery Crosley and Sets, using 2-volt Screen Grid Radjotrons and ths new two-volt 'a' Battery, Ji ; La ; vd #2 pat or un Also good trade-in Table & Cabinetmodels t ily at No, of Lot Con. Arrears Years in Arrears 7 Taxes Expenses Total Name of Owner & Address Pat ; 2 from _.__ $55:00 to a 2 LI TER mn <5 Township of Hartman > ope my complete with batteries and tubes, Nj of 4 2 94 . \1927;; 1928; 1929) i. ik Colin. Equi iH 2 2 v 3 i _ Equipment: Sz of 4 1. 1 2 130 al g + 1927;; 1928; 1929) : pa 02 he $4.24 $ 32,26 2 2) A. Jp Kein St Xz Our Skilled Mechanic will give y.u excellent advice 3 ali & oy i cs See oronto; Ont, a nd teed "vice CN of 8 1 525.5 1027;; 1928; 1920) Ln ' a guarantee service on any set, Sy; of 4 2 160 To, 39275; 1928; 1929) --~ $96:03 $15.05 $111.85 ; : Batteries: «N15 of 7 2 143 ©, 71927; 1928; 1929) Lad Mohawk Timber Co. So 21308 Super Heavy Duty Burgess 'B' Batteries @ $5:50 N (A of 8 2 161 » ¥1927;; 1928; 1929) fori rg 24 King St:; W No 486 Super heavy duty, layer built, 45 volt, @__ $5:50 > : i Be . ne =H : Z Toronto; Ont. Pat Jumbo Maple Leaf Batteries 45 volt @ ____..___ $3:75 Niji of 12 1 §1927;; 1928; 1929. i 44 $23:34 $ 3:63 $ 26.97 Mrs W. G. Kenhedy; 396 Burgess & Ever-ready 'C' Batteries, @ vee 280 & TO 3rd St.; Verdun; Que. Pat os HE Th - ope of Re of Southworth Pronger & Armstrong Dryden, Ontario CEN SSE SER ON Ne Tote ir 2-35 1) ERR Le ) 12: 9105 165.19.) 20; 21; 24; 25 ) Block ) ) 29; 30; 33; 34° 37 and 38 3%:,79; 58, 10 3 13; 14; 15; 16) 17; 18; 19; 23, ) Block 24 25:20; 80.) 33; 84; 37; 38, ) Block A) Lo Undivided Yo 14 Int. 51:64 2 ) A Select Line of Undivided ) 14 Int, 8. W ) 1922 to 1929 : $387:31 $52:51 $390:32 Mrs Jane Henry Corner HL. W 7 ) 9:93 Inclusive --- * £0 gpl 4 mes Beachville; Ont. Pat | A Sin MB ne Of All Varities & Lots 1; 2; 9; 10, ) Block 24: 20: 28: 20,..) .B = 2 x : - aT (green /egetables 11 90 A898 LY 6 FE | K if 29 ) 54% | Ete Care TE : of E Kind in' S PN . wr very Kind in Season yor 9 and West ) Block | 1921 to 1929 $148:79 A J. Bannemran 3 0 7 3g ha'f of 10. ) "Inclusive Ss : 50 Bannerman Ave. -- RE £ ; Zvi TSE A Pn Winnipeg, Man Pat ~ 4 I The adjourned sales if any, will be held at the same' time er place two weeks Iter. Published in the On'aric Gazette, ; C. James Wrigiit, August 80th and Setpember.6, 13 and 20, 1930, Sm, Siren sonsniii Sil ai JOHN WW. HUMBLE, iin nom Sheriff of 'Kenora

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