AED-OGEED-O GED () GEN OXIDE () SNE () END CEOS OSE GTN 06 ve a park er Children's PRO. Childrens Heavy Weight Chinchilla Coats--Red flannel lining--6 to 10 years ----.... . $4. 95 Childres's Red River Coats--of navy Chinchilla with red flannel lining with hood and scarf--4 to 10 years QD 0 Laie snd ..---- $6.50 & Corner"s Little prema Corner ponder: 'What are the wild wives saying? For real satisfact- jon with farm equip- ment, insist on McCor -mick-- Deering. Stranger: What is ly if it gets some of his money. Grain ground is more profitable for feeding cows or pigs than un- ground grain. A six horse McCormick -- Deering engine and a right there with the power too, either om the pully, draw bar, or power take off. Husband: One more payment and the furn- iture is ours. Wife: Good, Then we can throw it out iJ. A.GARDINE' and we are to it every day. See the big Posters for the Remarkable Bargains in all lines of Hardware. adding New Stuff Vol, 3 October 18th No. 17 a : EAGLE RIVER ; Co at Val 11 '& : S at . Something for the The world likes a -Deeirnz, every 1ling IS Now On Agest for : - b) simmer resort flirt to good loser, particular- handy, and they are Frast & Wood (MPLEMENTS. COCKSEUTEY PLOW COY- «8 88 Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats--with heavy wool tweed 2 and get some mew ily : : the popultion of this vessott or McCormick tuff lining, double-breasted style, 6 to 16 years... 87 a0 Door] ! ind stuff. 3 J town ? SCENE "DIME STD DAY OR NIGET CALLS to - $10.50 Also a fine selection of Girls Fur-irimmead Coats in all Shades, Styles and sizes: . Ladies Tweed and Flannel Dresses All Wonderful Values We have just received this week, a full assortment of Ladies Fall and Winter Dresses, Newest Styles in flannel tweeds, jersey & wool crepes--16 to 44 __. ------83. 95 just tolook at A size arator, you need *o § Wednesday of each moth at ' . $7.95 for every farm, walk- . have one in your own Jp.m., in the Town Hall. oe A. WEAVER, 5s ing, riding and tract- The real farm trac- home, try it out and Bhrethren cordially imvited Dryden, Ontasho LEERMGREED CITI OEE OGD Girls Fall Dresses Native: Two hund- red. Strangers What do you do for a living? Native: I own one of the biggest garages McCormick-Déering plows are made and sold for plowing, not or plows. is just the rig every farmer should' have. I hear youre writ. ing for a woman's paper. : Yes, I am, It's one of those barber shop magazines. tor is the McCormick Premier Gasoline, or Royalite Coal Oil, by the barre] or gallon; also Marvelube Motor Oil, Machine Oil, Cup Grease, ete. To enjoy a McCorm- ick-Deering cream aep- be convinced. GOLDEN 'STAR LODGE AF: & A: M:, No, 484 GR Meets in the Masonic Halil Visitors Cordially Invited. F. 0 BAKER, W:M, A. E, BERREY, Sec. BE i li L 0 DRYDEN LODGE, Me, 2] Moots the First wed Fife | R. McMONAGLE, WM :C; Day, 62R 3 Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. BEM IN 1 es Ou i Sa Sharples Cream Separatees. Re RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. | HITE THE HTH ore re ANDERSON & HARRIS hii DIRECTORS = PROMPTLY ATYENBED TO PHONE- Ditght, OL B 4 SID ECS () GED) GEE) WE PP MPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS I LIVERY AND DRAY fi tweeds and --- $2.95 For the Miss 6 to 16 -- in flanne], jersey, 5, SMITH, Sec'y. crepes, ete. .. a J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. 1:0:0:F, DRYDEN LODGE|00000000000000 6 prairies - 84.95 : No. 417, meets in the Toewn Hali{QO GRANITE & MARBLE (© = -- An Sith ee : i Dye every Monday evening at| O MONUMENTS [¢] ! p.m. 0} GEO. NOBLE, © i. A.. MeCALLUM, NG, 0] Dryden, Ontario Ralph J. Pro nger The Yankee planes roared fo meet F, WHITELEY, Rec. Sec. 60000060000000 them but they were so elusive that: no direct hit was made. Instead two Yankee planes lurched sickeningly, 'Men! SE OG ERD OGD GEE GED 0nd EERO oC 'The Store of Better Values' SEND EE ED) - SURD> (GED) -IS>()- -C-) rs © > 13 "THE PHANTOM SQUADRON' __ ror. Dick's' pilot came over and climbed into the plane, Dick not- iced a parachute on his back, "How about lending me one of those silk umbrellas. I'm tied and if anything goes wrong, I can't jump." "Yes," said the pilct 'and a fine mess I'd be in if you jumped at TR A With this done, Dick wedged the handle in a crack in: the back of the seat. Then the tedious task of sawing at his bonds commenczad. several times his knife slipped and gashed his wrists, but he kept on unti] he felt one strand part, Soon the others also parted and the ropes slipped off his wrists. In a few minutes his feet were free also and then hurtled towards the water, the pilots lying across the controls, kil- led by the deadly radio ray. The three inch guns on the "Inde- pendence" bleached forth but the in- visible targets were not hit, except one which ventured too close and was crearly seen from the zeppelin, It hurtled down in the wake of the two Yanks, a mass of flames. A ghost plane from the Phantom SUITS New fall Samples for Bandy Homemade ~ the wrong time. I'll give you one ol and-- when we get over the Pacific. Reck- he stood up contemplating his next Squadron suddenly zoomed upward' 9 ,v on you won't jump then." move. above the 'Independence' and then' O { ( A TS 'When the land had been left be-; Hardly had he done Whix, then like hovered directly above. A' black hind them, Dick's pilot threw a a bolt from the blue, swooped an object descended on the back of the pay parachute at Dick's feet, which he aeroplane squadron, with the skull giant, a thousand pound bomb, the! Just arrived from one of the best HE struggled into as best he could, and cross bones clearly painted on only possible way that the hugs air} Houses i, Canada : a : with his hands tied. the fuselage, but around them were liner could be punctured. There was na ? Peanut Brittle--Cocoanvt Rock--Nut Fudge Suddenly Dick remembered his knife painted red, white and blue, circles a terific explosion and the air was : at y --- Maple Cream--per Pound ......oceeesmmy.o. 30¢ He wriggled until it fell out of his of the British aeroplanes. But these filled with flying debris, When this] iS yaes pocket and then he picked it up were silent and almost invisible a- cleared, Dick saw a gaping hole in' ; i with his teeth. Placing it between gainst the blue sky. On the back the top of the 'Independence' thru' : ; his knees, he proceeded to open the of each was a radio gun turret and which flames licked hungrily. The blade, Dick recognized the Phantom Squad- ghost plane had vanished and Wag ] 4 Don't forget you get 13 Loaves of BREAD for" §F (Of) Ov hr i here, Highest Class Lines of all Gent's ! O § O il RY h Pro ; WE = ® } Se. ; Furnishings. : $i 9 T. PROUDFOOT | i "The Dryden Tailos" On Sale Tomorrow! ELEN i fi=at fies) Red add y Grocery Store 3223 VALUE / was in the fight with the others. SREASRERSRER The 'Independence, now a mass of flames, went plunging down to- wards the sea and the air was soon full of parachutes, the occupants } fg preferring to be drowned than burnt in the zeppelin. Dick: was so engrossed with the awesome sight that he did not think; of himself until suddenly ethoin - he heard the characteristic sound of Mie ) O NEED now to buy a name- less * stencil" radio to save a few dollars. Here is a new model = : of the famous Rogers... Seven tubes, four of the new Perfected MONDAY--" No Phone Orders for these Specials Screen-Grid type... All tubes fully parted air and them a crackling 5-1bs Clover Honey for ....-- mmmemem 40C 3 guaranteed by Rogers... Highly noise, The plane shivered as if it on Per ro a = os 2k : He a : were. alive, and then dlid inte a even Chocolate Bars fOr ...o..eeeriomee:ommemm. 28¢ €. eso I'VE gan ; 2 7 . Step Bl 2H > AR nose-dive. Glancing forward Dick op TUESDAY-- SEr « o 3 3 saw the pilot lying prone across the EH Prunes--two pounds TOT we... . ccemroreesmmmmes.. 20€ » _* Control"... Genuine Electro- controls, while flames Leta tke 3 Creamery Butter--per pound ---..-- Lee 36¢ . yy. ward from the cockpit. Mechanically d= Icing Sugar--pe 'nd d Fria ndsome : =i TET DOT. + oe i) semi Sam niin, nm o's AG ; Dyn > i; Fo / 2 Dick stepped to the door and opened Hig WEDNESDAY -- 1stinctive burl walnut cabine€t... i 3 "pull : es ae Sim, eae Tomatoes-- Peas-~ Corn-- three for --_...- 4%¢c Sixth year of proven performance 2 cord of ve my and was soon eg MEI re S98 ; oating toward the ocean waiting to ii : dT Em axed Dlimele vt mmniete . . . Easiest terms of payment... a an Puritan Malt--per El a Re Complete with tubes, only $198 denly something seemed to jerk ThURSDAY-- delivered and installed to your Dick upward and he was pulled i= Our regular 45¢ Coffee--per POUNA ..cromeeemmssrs. S9€ 20 Rolled Oats for .._... Sodas--per packet |. FRIDAY Biscuits--b5¢ Cookies for Snipe Wo + win 3 5s 190 through the air at a tremendous' Uc speed. He felt dizzy, the wind cut Fi through his clothes like a knife, un-! til it numbed his body. Everything. swam dizzly in front of his eyes and ig he could do nothing but let himself | OS be dragged. Then painless, merei- ful darkness enshrouded every thing and he knew no more, {Continued next weekk aerial. You can pay $200 more for .a radio, but you cannot get more performance! ! - Dryden Pharmacy, Ltd Dryden : Ontario ry Ba eb sie suai: BOE ce emus lasib fmemto-- mm SEmcmc 8 8 cn 28¢ in hous 0. H. . Pron a r om {REAL