Dryden Observer, 31 Oct 1930, p. 1

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VOL. EX DRYDEN, Ontario, October 31st, 1080 Armistice Memorial Sunday-- The annual armistice memorial of the combined Churches, under the direction of the Dryden Branch of the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L wil] be held on Sunday, November 9th. Men wil] meet at the Town Hall at Eight o'Clock Sharp. Service will begin at 8:15 p:m. Monday-- ot On Monday, November 10th, the Legion will hold a big Whist Drive and Dance in the Pulp Mill Hall for which valuable prizes will be given for whist, and novelty dances.' Russe]l's Ramblers will supply the music and refreshments will be ser- ved, and the admission wil] only be 75c., for whist, lunch and dance. Tickets are now on sale and may be had from any member of the Legion. Tuesday, November 1lth-- On Tuesday, November 11th, al] Legion members in the district will gather for a big Armistice Banquet in the Pulp Mill Hall. Th's will be a real celebration and get-to-gether and al] members and ex-service men are invited, Tickets may bz got from Mrs Gordon, at the Central Hotel, and the price will be 75. SER . NOTICE-- oe A meeting of the Dryden and dist- rict Liberal Association will Hallowe'en Masquerade' Tonight's the night of the big Hallowe'en Masquerade, under the 'auspices of Silver Star Chapter, No 177 O:E:S in the Masonic Hall This is the event of the season, so 'be on hand early and don't miss any of the fun. Russell's' Ramblers will play. The prizes are most at- | tractive and there will be prizes for | novelty dances as well as the Cost- fumes. Lunch will be served in St Liuke's Parish Hall, and a real Hal- the Town Hall, Dryden on Sat- urday afternoon at 3 p.m in con- nection with the coming Provin- cial Convention to be held in Toronto in December. NOTICE--. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canad- ian Legion, B;E:S:L will be held! at the Central Hotel on Monday of November 3rd at 8 p:ms, -sharp. lowe'en lunch too. Don't miss it This will be strictly a business Admission 75. meeting, and all members are re- i quested to attend. Note the change 'LADIES: -- ft the date, the meeting is being h y lier. Friday afternoon, November 7th,' Elna Sve k earlier "the Senior Ladies Aid of the United Churcl t the ladi f Neuse Er Ri fe Go i ha SE en ; Toe, a Although one car has made the the Co Ss ; : : ck MecCr: f Dyment the basement of the Church. You bein dao Mlvedin © 0 Yun advises motorists not to attempt the trip to that village unless they are prepared for some rough pulling jand maybe to be hauled out with a 'team a couple of times. The road .is not yet fit for travel with any comfort, to say the least. jin due time will receive an Invita- « "tion from one of the hostesses, but if by error your name has been mis-; sed, would you accept an invitation through the medium of this notice. Everyone is welcome and wanted. | This year the Aid will have no , Anniversary Dinner, so we ask for, your support on Friday, November . 7th. You will be pleasantly enter- tained with a musical program. St Luke's W. A. will hold their Annual Bazaar in the Parish Hall on Thursday, Nov. 22nd "THE IRISH LINEN PEDDLAR" The Junior Ladies Aid of Oxdrift 'are giving a play entitled The ty Hall, November Admission: 25 and 15c., 'an Auction Sale of Yoni Work; 'Reed Baskets, Trays & Fern Stand. | Hot Dog and Coffee served for. lune, 10¢. Come and have a good | , time RRR pe ---- i NOTICE-- Hotel ht Lo r Ig SPECIAL = ECONOMY PRICE LENSES- FRAMES - ON. ONE A First Quality Lense Ground to your Individual Requirements A Turkey Shoot wi be held .meeting of the Curling Club will he 'held the following Thursday, Nov. '6th at 8 pm in the Town Hall. A Good Selection of Up-to-date FRAMES DAY ONLY ov. 17% FOWL SUPPER and DANCE-. will be held at the opening of the new schoo] at Amesdale, on Thursday, Nov. 6th, under the auspices of the Women's Institute. Sapp-r ser- ed from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission RRR RRR, = 3 i Eye Soveplive EE CE Er CE to ER Cock Adult 75c. Children under (15) HOTEL, D on aa ITY den NOTICE-- I, Olaf A. Isacksen, Sheet ing Contractor, etc., have returned from a 30-day holiday from the Head of the Lake of the Woods and am now open for services to the Community of Dryden and district, as long as the Crown does not need imy service. , R.0. 5 EEE eB Fa OLAF O. ISACKSON NOTICE-- Applications will be received until]. Tuesday, November 4th for the pos- jtion as Caretaker of the Curling Rink for the coming winter, Written applications only will be considered. Applicant must state salary expect- ed, also experience. JL. SKILLEN, Secy. JREVENT brcsancial loss by with sufficient RE INSURANCE 24EVBRE WIT MBSON, Agent, J, 3 Dryden TTT The Now rwick Gifts for Christmas are now on display in STR ME SET ST pl HE = SE ae "= 4 eo this store. A delightful array of Articles at prices to suit everyone. We recommend this line of GIFTS. We suggest that you make at Selections now and have them kept for you. he | held in the Council Chambers of: Young People's Society Meetings-- The last two meetings of the Young People's Society of the Unit- ed Church have been interesting and instructive affairs. Last Wednesday the meeting took the form of a Social, the objective being to establish a feeling of good fellowship among the members of the Society. And how wel] this ob- jective was demonstrated--just ask anyone present. The Society has many int- erests, and all young peopls over 18 are tavited to participate actively. It has entirely new procedure, as far as Young People's Societies go, in that it embraces diversified top- 'ics, ional Affairs and Debates; Literary including Spiritual, Internat- and Dramatics. This week : Barker and Treas., ;the capable Committee Heads, 'Irish Linen Peddlar in the Communi. 7th at 8 p'm.. followed by' jTORONTO, Oct, Kj . i selections 'the . 'regular Rogers- Majestic theme song and General Metal Worker, Heat-' {| IN THE MATTER of the Estate of B | Constantin the meeting was in charge of the Literary Committes and the subject under discussion was 'John Masefield, the new Poet Laureate. A number of the memb- ers took part, and many of Mase- field's poems were rendered both in story and song. Under the guidance of the officers who are as follows. Hon Pres, Dr ; Morison; Pres. Miss Blak sone; ' Vice-Pres, Joe Russell; Sec., Miss F Egan Ray, and the Society should prove in time, an es- sential vik of the Community. EE Se 'Sale of Feoiiey Wolk i The Catholic Women's League will hold a Tea and Sale of Fancy Work at the home of Mrs Strutt on Thursday, Nov 13th from 3 to 5 p.m MAJESTIC RADIO CHAIN BROADCAST 31--"New Moon" wil] be the feature of Rogers-Majestic chain broad- i at cast for Sunday, November 2, at Including :-- ot Jim Hutchison's farm on Thursday, 9:30 p.m eastern standard time. LENSES, I= Nowember 6th, starting at two The program to be rendered hy FRAME lg | o'cloak p.m. Romanelli's orchastra under the per-|° CASE & i= sonal direction of Luigi Romane]lj EXAMINATION f= NOTICE-- --. tand assisting artists will includ wid: Owing to another meeting on 'Lover Come Back To Me'; 'Softly La, Thursday, Oct. 30, the semi-ahnual As In The Morning Sunrise'; 'Mari- anna' and 'One Kiss'--al] selections from the "New Moon." Rogers- Magestic tenor and Contralto will be heard in these Numbers. Others in the program will he excerpts from 'Pagliacci', 'At Dawn ing' with tenor, 'Rose In The Bud' with contralto and a popular med- ley including 'Ro-Ro-Rolling 'Along' I.Still Get A Thrill Thinking Of You', The Moon Is Low' and the {Tune In On My Heart. The Orch. estra is under the personal super- vision of Luigi Romanelli. The Rogers-Ma'estic bro deast is a regular Sunday evening feature this season and reaches Canadian listeners from ccast to coast with the greetings of Rogers-Majestic Batteryless and Majestic Electric Radios. More than five hundred radic dealers have co-operated to make these notably broadcasts possible, Wes. McKnight is the announcer. The following stations are includ- ed in the Rogers-Majestic network, with CFRB, Canada's newest, la g- est and most beautiful radio studio - as the key station: CHYC--DMontreal, Que. CNRO--Ottawa, Ont., CFRB--Toronto, Ont. CIPGC--London, Ont., CKY--Winnigeg, Man , CJGX--Yorkton, Sask., CJRW--Fleming, Sask., NOTICE TO CREDITORS Serna, also. known as Kostyn Seroa, late of the city of Winnipeg, in the Province of Man- !itoba and of the Post Office of Rob- | inson, in the Province of Ontario, ; deceased; TAKE NOTICE that all claims! ;against the estate of the above" named deceased must be filed with The Toronto General Trust Corpora- | tion, 283 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg Man., verified by Statutory Declar- ation, on or before the 25th day of November, A.D 1930 DATED at Winnipeg, oe this 22nd day of October, A.D 193 DUBIENSKI & POPP, Solicitors for thé Toronto General Trust Corporation, Adminietsgters. T--Mrs &' S Taylor; fovnage Fall Fair Prize-Winners Class 1--Heavy Draft Horses, -- Sec. 1--1st John Parr. Class 2 -- Agricultural] Horses, Sec 1--1st John Parr; Sec 2--ist John Rowat; See 4--1st A L Wise; Sec 5--1st John Rowat; Sec 6--ist John Rowat. Class 83--General Purpose Horses, Sec 3--1st W D Dickson, 2nd A = Wice. 2 Class 5--Pure Bred Shorthorn -- Sec 5--1st€F Morton. Class 6-- Pure Bred Holsteins--- Sec 2--1st A L Wice. Class T--Pure Bred Jerseys--See 1--1st Henry Hardy. Class 8-- Pure Bred Agyrshires Sec 1--J' A Crerar; Sec 2--7J A Crerar. ; Class 9--9--Any Other Pure Bred Tattle---See. 5--J Parr Class 10--Daiiy Cattle, Sec 1--ist D Reid, 2nd R McGregor, rd D Reid; Sec 2--1st J' H Parr, ? nd W Tew; Sec 3--1st W Tew} md J H Parr; Sec 4--1st A L Wice. Class 11--Beef Cattle, Grade-- See 1--1st J H Parr, 2nd W. Tew; Sec 3--W Tew; Sec 6-- W Tew. Class 12--Pure Bred Sheep, Short | Wool--Sec 1--1st F T Brignall; 2nd' J Morton; Sec 2--F T Brignall;' Sec 3--F T Brignall; Sec 5--F T Bpgnall. Class 13--Gyrade Sheep--Sec 1 F T Brignall; Sec 2 F T Brignall. Class 14--Pigs, Bacon Type--See 2--J' Morton; Sec 3 J H Parr; Sec 4-- 1stJ Morton, 2nd J H Parr; Sec 5--J' H Parr; Sec 6--J H Parr. Grade--.__ The See 4--F T, 4 A Great Event | Motorists and all residents of | Dryden and district wil] be ine terested to learn that a pioneer adventure took place on Tuez. day, Oct. 28, when Jarl Jei- mundson and John Lund, beth of Dyment, drove a 1928 modsi A Ford Tudor through to Dry- den for the first time jn his- tory. The boys say that the car came nobly throuch and in spite of numerous rough spots they had no difficulty in mak- | ing the trip. [RS SPE RADIO NEWS FOR READERS-- Broadeast over station CKY, Win. 'nipez, Sunday merning, 1° 2,1. November 2nd-- Chorush--O God, the Reck © Area 8 Ag iy B: S: A. Singers; Violin Solo Children's Owen Bass Sela Walked a Miss Iris Spencer; Radio Story--Unecle Jim; People That 'Darkness--Mr James; Bible Exps- sitiocn--My J. E Mchnsen; Anthem T, B: S: A Singers; Conversatisn Mr and Mrs BR. T Woed; Chorus-- T:B:S:A Singers. REE U0 AE LT SSE M J. COrosier OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO __ we are Paying the Following Prices "for Farm Produce: Good DAIRY BUTTER, 1b 36 Fresh EGGS, (20-0z. to dozen) POV JOTI apres + sme wivn + BOs Fresh EGGS (under 20-oz, to JOBIRY ils iin st 03 lime TRY Kindly note gg specifications snd ave SE REARS q Vn Wiles; ec i1- -J Adams, W Tew, Sec 12--J Dreef, [irs | intle: ro Class 15--Pigs, Lard Type--Sec © J Dreef. Class 16-- Poultry ---Sec 8 1si, ad Hardy, 2nd Mrs Goldrup; Sec 4-~ ist H Hardy, 2nd Mrs Goldrup, 3rd Mrs J Hewitson; Sec 5--Mrs Wm Jones; Scc 6--Mrs Wm Jones; See See 8--Mrs J Taylor; See 18--1st G. McMon- gle, 2nd J Dreef; Sec 14 1st F. G Villes, 2nd R Johnson, 8+d Mrs Go! Wintle. Class 19-- Vegtableg--See Tw Tew, Mrs Begg, G Harrsi; Sec 2-- Mrs Hewitson, Mrs P Shepherd, F G Wiles; Sec 3--Mrs Wintle, Mrs McRae, Mrs © Wice; See 4--A BE Browning, W Tew, F Mocre; Ses 5--J" Dreef, F T Brignall; Sec 6--- "rgliicEse, G Harris, I' Moore; Sec up; Sec 24--Mrs J S Taylor; S f -Mrs Shepherd, R Pollard, F T 5--I1st A L Wice, 2nd G Harn ; 'gnall; Sec 8--W A Millroy, J sec 26--1st Mrs Goldrup, 2nd A § 'ams, F T Brignall; Sec 9--W Wice, 3rd Mrs L Orvis; See 32- | w, F G Wiles, G Harris; Sec 10 Ars J Hewitson. A R Ascough, R Owten, E A Class 17--Grain and Seed--Sec 'AE Browning; Szc 5--A E Bro ing; Se¢ 6--1st T H Lewis, 21 ) Johnstone; Sec T--1st R Joh bse; See 11--J Adams, J Dreef, Outen; See 12--J Dreef, W A 'llroy, W H Silver; Sec 13--Mrs ppage, A Ascough, F G Wiles; "one, 3rd T H Lewis; = Sec 8--1 2. 14--F G Taylor, F T Brirmall, " Mattson; Sec 9--J Mattson; S Dreef; See 15-3 G Taylor, W A 3--1st A T."Browning, 2nd T lroy, Mrs Begg; Sec 16-- A 7 owis, 3rd W:Tew; Sec 14--A owning, A Ascough, F G Wil s; "rowning; Sec 16--A E Brownin: zc 17--A R Ascough; Sec 15--V sec 17--1st K Ray, 2nd E Spic. sw, Mrs Dean, Mrs Titze; See 'rd R Hamilton; Sec 18--T H Lew: § +--C Larsen, R McGregor, W A Jee 12--1st A E Browning, 2nd uo 1 Lewis, 3rd T Davidson. Class 18--Roost,--Mrs Hellem, "Mrs T Miles; See 2--H Hardy, Mrs 7olkmar, J' Dreef; Ss¢ 3--J Parr, R Pollard, W Tew; Ses 4--Mrs Lap- rage, Ken Ray, W Tew; Sec 5--H Hardy, F Wiles; Ken Ray; Sec 6-- R Pollard, A E Browning, W Tew; Sec 7--R Pollard, R Johnston, J Dreef; Sec 8--R Pollard, H Hardy; 0 aa Lillroy; in] Sec 21--A R Ascough, A. 7 Browning, R McGregor, Sec 22 --T Crerar, Mrs Wintle, Mrs J S Corner; Sec 23--A R Ascough, J Parr, J' Adams; Sec 25--Mrs Lap- page, A R Ascough, E A Klose; Sec 26--R Pollard, W Tew, BR John. son; Sec 27--R Johnson, W Miiler R Wigle; Sec 28--W Tew, G Haz- ris, J G Taylor; Sec 29--B I%e- Gregor, Mrs Wm Jones, B Beggs; Sec 9--F T Brignall, F G Wiles, Mrs | Sec Ho Ww Hiver Does ; Sec 30--TF G Wiles W Tew, Nes Lappage. si $2,500.00 on October 1 . i I i 1 i}! : hh ld See one of its Representatives HEAD OFFICE "I sure thought of the old Sun Life when I was under there! MAN, a mine foreman in Ohio, tock out a policy for SUN LIFE ASS COMPANY OF CANADA [29 Sth, 1926. Four days afterwards, a sec- gion cf the mine roof fell and twenty-five tons of slate inned him down. In falling t fortunately formed an in- verted. "VV", else he would bave been crushed. Two hours and a haif later a rescue party extricated him. As he was being carried to the surface, his first words WERE 3 sure thought of the old Sun Life when I was wader there." The Sun Life of Canada will protect you too, at moderate cot. URANCE MONTREAL LE 1 SKILLEN, Apeity Begin |

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