, po sn Re a Th a et a eB SE . zur CERO ED () GRE OSES (TES GEE () ns OSE 01 EE TD OT (TN Chapter 8--Cap uted Again "As a lone plane broke the surrounding Easter REE CC GRRE (3 button and | so that thej Puzzled, he touched a the doors slid open - Wa 53 = 5 plane could taxi into the hangers AT PRICES NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN DRYDEN 3 NI EE | e ot here ¥ 1gh- THESE Were Purchased by us as part of.a $15,700:00 od Dick re i hed ots And € Club Order at an Erormous Discount, Our display is tr oat a visitor too." Ready, Lcok thcm Over while Asczortment is Complete "Wiay, John!". cried the Colonel, Let us put it away until Xmas, "I thought you were dad.' -> "No," replied his brother, but if it wasn't for Dick, I would still be 2 chief of the Negroes." . 3 Before the Colonel turned to tha k Dick, he slipped away to overhaul his plane, and let the two.reunitcd brothers together, ! The next week was an unevent- ful one for the Phantom Squadron B with just the regular duties around . the aerodrome. One day, Dick was 'determined to clear up a problem that.bothered him, so he sought The Basem:=nt WE have Given up One Entire Side <i) to a display of Gifts at one Price Only © cov Viz Some Surprising Values or CA A Manufacturer's Sacrifice, direct from a Quebec i out Colonel Lockhart and addres- Factory makes these prizes possible, sed him: : "There is one thing that I don't quite understand, why and how did you disappear, and why don't you return to England?" : "Well," replied the Colonel, I had done = little exploring before the war as I was rather intcrested in this mysterious Island and the idea of a unique Squadron helping England in the war, I felt sure was to come, struck me as I examined these caves, The idea devclop- od until I was determined to try it out. I obtained some pilots and mechanics, good friends of mine, & , we built this aerodrome, with sev- eral spare planes and equipment, 'Tt took all our ready cash, but one or two of ug were millionaires, so managed to get our squadron ready three months before the war. I think that I can help England as well like this as any other way, & I prefer working alone, so now you know the truth. Of course, you can return to England if you want to." "No thanks, 1 like thig life, it's ren td Sn es That night Dick went for a stroll along the shore. There was nothing Men's Buckskin, high top --___.. {1 75 Men's Buckskin, medium top $1.40 $1.10 -. 80 cargss Women'y Buckskin ..... - Misses, Boys andl Girls .. Will be Filled at Cat:logue prices and carrying anywhere in the district, Ralph Pronger 'The Store of Better Values' FRE (3 SUED T+ RR SRRID- ) ELER () SHE ©) GIG SD) STRAT (SEN 2 R51) CER ORE (5 r _-- 2 EEE gr RAEN TE i 47s fo SR Se TT oi Lah Rr Bt on DE wt BR a Rn NO © A) Bf Et RR ct Re RSet Hd Ra ARR TER i Bd HED) ER OES OED (ED 14 GERD O ETD Ind YETI TRE 345 NV ERR FRUIT CAKE--plain--per I --oo --oooovnt Decorated, per oh a Year, 50 @ i BAD for Christma New Also a Special Iced SHORTBREZA _ Li, or RE a TR tell that two nations were en- and one pound 5. aged in a deadly strife, everything was quiet, except the wind sighing in the tree tops, or the faint rust- ling of the birds, as they settled m their perches in the trees. Behind him, the jungle was wrap- ped in the shadow of the night, while before him the water shim- ered in the wan light of the moon, peeping between light, clouds, that scurried across the sky bafore the wind. As Dick looked up towards the star-strewn heavens, he noticed Mars, that intriguing red planet that seemed to beckon adventurers out into the great interstellar, To- night it seemed redder than ever, forbidding, even threatening, as it floated on, in ity orbit. Dick smiled to himself as he noticed these things, though little did he think We will put your own wording on these, limited to seven words, for example--A Merry Xmas'; 'A Happy New Year' Please Order as Barly as Possible to avoid disappointment ha: si Ce 5 Tnsist on BRYCE"S BREAD and CAKES. Only the best of in- gredients used in Our Bakeshop. ERRATA SRR es en/ New fall Samples for SUITS wn d-- "COATS Houses ip Canada, Just arrived from one of the best at only RADIOS Latest Scientific Developments are afl in the New FADA. Fada Continues to design for Perfection; Sacrificing Nothing for Prices. Everywhere FADA 1s Heralded as the Outstanding Achievement of the Year. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON-- See the New AUTOMATIC FLASHOGRAPHIC tuning device; Hear the NOISE FILTER, the Foe to Statice, and the Automatic Volume Contrql, Which Eliminates Rosrs & Fading; Witness the new CABINET BEAUTY & Marvel at the Clear Natural Tone Quality & Perfor- mance that only the 16 All Star Fada Features CAN GIVE. AA The Finest Radio of the Year. May We demonstrate this _.aim in your home. Highest Class Lines of all Gent's Furnishings, we "The Dryden Tilo" "The Phantom Squadron" 'By ROUL DE BOURLAIS ray ening and how it would change this Island, Colonel |sphere that Lockhart turnel on his sound decet-|home, feven stopping or and it recorded a whistling noise. war, but leaving er 3 . PROUDFOOT]| how this planet was really threat TRACT we proudly call our - 4 this present v3 ons in itg place Tw Sizes twice as terrible while it lasted. IS) . Then there was wafted to his 10-20 and 1 5.30 ears the sound of thunder or other more terrible agencies, As he listened, Dick's new gurner, Tom Wilkes, a curly-headed lad of eight- cen, came running up. Dick had grown fond of this youngster and they were real pals now. When he reached Dick, he start- ed talking excitedly, to which Dick replied laughingly: (to be continued) Young Alrman In Grave Difficulty Little Ted is going to be an airman some day. He has a picture book full of airplane pictures, and also an airplane which he wistfully tells you is down in the basement, broken. Although he ia only seven, he seems to know already that there is a big difference between him and other boys he hears shouting and playing out on the lawn. And, indeed, there iz a difference! Like the broken plane, there is damage to the little body that will take long to mend, The patient nurses and the kindly doctors at the Queen Mary Hospital are doing their best, and hope to re- store the wasted lungs to health and vigor. Children are very susceptible to consumption, but nine out of ten can be saved if taken in time. This McCORMICK-- DEERING TRACTORS sre in a class by themselves, Thiottle Governor; Fenders over Tear Wheels; Doomy Comfortakls Platform; Belt Pulley; Adjustable Drawbar; Removable Spade Lugs Tigh Tension Magneto with Impvlse Starter; Handy Brake and Radiator Curtain; is Regular Eguipment. i SH 10.20 Price--30R0 (0) 15-20 Price ©1945 (4) F.0:B --Winnipeg--Tax Included * Get our Literature, it will show you the many advantages of the . McCormick-Deering J. S. CORNER, Oxdri work requires the co-operation of many, many friends if it is to grow in usefulness. Your assistance is greatly needed. Will you kindly send a subscription? Please address it to Mr. A. H. A 228 College Street, Toronto. fe, mes, KLEEN - E Windows CLEAN THE WHOLE WINDOW BY REMOVING TOP AND _ LOWER SASH Made in our Bakery frem the finest Imgradients to any size you wish to ezder: And Can You Beat These Prices ? Plain Christmas I'ruit Cake, per ® «+ cmmmemseee 442 Plain Iced, Decorated Chris' nag Fruit Cake, por 1 Ae PUSH IN THIS BK te re SE FORWARD PULL Ts ENS = E== = SSSR Almond Iced, Christmas Fruit Cake, per B®... ...... €0e 25 EY Homemade Candy eye oaly--3(c 1 _NTEROR_VIEW Dryden Lumber Co. Ltd | Deglers if BUILDERS' SURFLIES £ LUMBER, %ZATH, PLASTER. CEMENT, etc. all varieties, per 1b ype r i "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do ve} Book Your Xmas Passage at Pronger aad Armsriong's Gifts For Everyone On Your List, Toys that make Little Folkg Hopes Become Big Thrills, Beautiful Boxes of Stationery, . from ....ee....mmses.on SBC LE Rl EL et 83.00 Books, "Full of Meat, from ., .___.. o.oo 12C : Eo ---- pes $4.00 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- from Jews Harps to Saxophones Thanks to You is Good! Business Pronger "Through Service We Grow" ENG