or __--ovents of the day - 7 CANADIAN A Specia] Meeting of the Canadian Legion will be held on Sunday, Dec. 21, in the Paper Mill Hal at 3.00 o'clock A full attend- ance. is requested. : LEGION DRYDEN, Ontario, December 12th, 1938 ---n The Toronto Trip 'GLEANINGS FROM How much can one person cram into 'orie short week in [Toront® ? This question could be adequately 'answered by any one of the Misces A Wilkinson, P White; B Blake E ~ Jackson and E Lewis the five young lady-winners of the contest sponsor- cd by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the Women's Insti- tute for Proficiency in Judging Household Science, resented the district, Leaving Dryden November 22nd, the party arrived in Toronto, day the 24th, numbered 280 girls, including thay: erones, The party registered at the Rogal York Hotel for the werk, November 24-- The girls attended the United Farmers'. Co Operative plant, Here was demonstrated scien- tific methods pertaining to butter- making, egg - handling and poultry raising, Returned to the Royal York in the evening, where music, and after-dinner speeches completed the day. % November 25th--The cutstanding were a visit to the Exhibition Grounds and a sigth- seeing tour of the city. The party reached the Fair by means of thre? private street cars, They saw ex- cellnet breeds of poultry, dogs Guinea pigs; rabbits; cattle an d sheep. Niagra Falls, in miniature; displayed by the Walker Theatre Co was a great magnificent sight So also was a miniature Japanese home The tour of Toronto in the after noon proved an interesting and in- structive event Through Sunny Side and along the Humbar river in 10 sight-seeing busses the party made a jolly 'cotipany, Vi-ited some of the city's oldest residents, Dover Castle and the Parliament Build- ings, P ictures of the en'ire comp- any were taken, They met Lord & Lady Wellingdon at" the Fair, The evening was spent at the Theatre, where the girls witnessed a deligh'ftul play, ' November 26-- Attended the Con- vention in the Concert Hall, where an in'izresting programme was car- rid out, Mr Pu'iman, Superintend- ent of the Women's Institut>, greet ed the girls, Mrs Walker, Presid- en' of the Institute, in a short talk told of a contest in Belgium similav These five rep- | Mon- | The entire assembly, games | i D. C. S. REVIEW, We are distressed to learn that one of the inmates of D S C has stooved to writing Grade Z Fiction Stories, What is the world or at leas', the high school coming to, Which reminds us of the burning question: When will Jim Rigbey stop calling himself Raoul de Bour- lais, By a student of the new school of verse--"WHO" Who 4 Positively who I Are those girls Who Stride around the halls In middies trimmed with blue And Do they | Think That they are the cat's meow, | Wait, Yes wait Till the glorious and resplendent D. C. S. school sweaters are seen again, All subjects are proceeding very well, if only III Form could get a little interest in their literary class, Students of 'II Form have a great amount of literary taleut and have taken up advanced composit- ion such as writ'ng letters vo Santa Claus, Bubbles & Mac, Mr Scott has a great deal of pat- ience this year (we got this first hand) Attention--Wonderful new medic- ine discovered, Sure cure for lisp- 'ng Frenchmen, Quickly and Silent- 'y., Guaranteed results in ten years v your money refunded --Apply B errey. {ight SchOol-- On Tuesday evening, December 2 Night School Vocational Classes started with a splendid enrolment, Under the supervision of Dryden School Board, the classes rave heen planned 'fp assist those who wish to complete courses and are unable to attend day school, ..The chief clases are Drafting and Practical Mathema'ics, in eharge of Mr Peterson & commercial subjects 'under Mr Rigbey, as well as a class to this one, Other speeches and prac'ical demonstration of work" completed the programme, Visit to ths Acme Dairy Co, & the Musiuwn in ihe afternoon, Scientific modern handling of milk and cream with the least possible outlay heid the girl's attention, A banquet was held in the evening where 600 Convention ladies and 260 girls were present, Delightful programme followed, November 27--All good things come to on end, unfortunately, This day was spent in tours of the lead- ing department stores,--Eaton's and Simpson's, Visited the Art Callory in the afternoon. Carls Rite, superintendent spoke, Finished the week with a trip to the Horse Show, Thus ended a glorious week and | Luncheon in the} in English with Mr Scott, Classes are held Monday and Thursday ev- enings and will continue until the end of April, Tt is hoped this gen- erous offer of the Board to assist the young people of th, town wil] prove succesaful, Some More H wl rs-- Schoo] Boards were not introduc- ed till 1870, Previous to this small slates were used, A Skeleton is a man with his outside off and his inside cut. Magna Charta was good kind, and everybody liked her, Who's the fellow with the Jong hair? Oh, that's a man from Yale Oh yeah, I've often heard those yale locks, and i of a. pimp 1ST DRYDEN TROOP Do you believe in this kind of PROTECTION? The only Real Protection lor your property and home is- DISURANCE. J. E. GIBSON § Agent gaining ne second class badges, i Class Badge, "to go ahead with their Health Tests 'and a Guide must show good gener- "Guiding is themost thrilling and exciting part of life," says the 1st Dryden Troop of Girl Guides, .who are now working hard for their 2nd Patrols were anxious al carriage, walking and running to pass this, So they took advantage of the mild evening on Tuesday and half the company, under their Lieut- enant hurried off to run a mile in 12 seconds (Scouts pace), These girls sure did travel & made it in the record time of 6 minutes, Captain Willard was in charge of the remaining Guides, Each one had to skip to 100 without a break, The Canary Patrol were first to win i through cheers! Girl Guides want to tackl, difficult jobs in life to face ! difficulties and danger znd to go at them, having prepared themselves to be skilful and brave; also they 'like to help others to get over their difficulti~s, This is why the girls were feeling happy and triumphant after attaining success, because it is a big satisfaction to thom to have succeeded and passed the health fost, horas this is another complet-d towards the district, leaves five daughters: | ERIE Te 'Choruses, ete, Funeral of W. J. Robinson. The funeral of the late John W, Robinson, a former well-known re:i- dent who has resided in Winnipeg for the past seven years, was h ld from St Luke's Church, Dryden on Saturday, November 30th, Rev Mr Clarke conducted the service, which 'was very largely attended by citiz- ens of the town and from all over The late Mr Robingon was sixty- one years of age and came to this f district over thirty years azo, where he farmed at Oxdrift for almost 20 years, He was a member of the :Orange Lodge as we]l as the Sons of .Englani when they organized at Oxdrift, For the past seven years, Mr Robinson has conducted a hucin- i ¢83 in Winnipeg at 126g Selkirk Ave Less than a month befor: his death [ll on he rented his store health, and moved. Selkirk Ave, : Besides his widow, Mr Robinson Mss Pal-n, of Winnipeg, Mrs Durf:y of Ozzgan Mrs J Hutchison and Mrs Love .of Winnipeg and Mrs J French of Dry- den; also two sons, Ben of Toledo Ohio; and Lorne of Dryden, to whom the decpest sympathy is ex- tended, With the exception of one son, Ben; all members of the family were present for the funeral Thrre were many beautiful floral tributes, owing to to reside at 1021 STARTS TRA MINSTREL SHOW Dryden United Cl Church Tuxis and C. G, I. T, acquitted themselves ad- mirably last Friday evening in their first Annua] Minstrel Show, The programme was divided into three parts. The fir-t being an old fashioned Show with skits, Jokes; The second part was a Darki, Court Scene, with local characters, appearing before the. tribunal, The third part was a Dark- ie Camp Meeting, mings, Altogether the event was a splen- did success and r flected great cred- it on all who took part and espec- ia]ly on those who had spent hours in preparation and training XMAS TREE PARTY A Xmas Tree Party for children of members of the Canad'an Legion and the Auxiliarv and all Veterans' children will be held in the Paper Mill Hal] on Monday, Dec, 22nd, from 7 to 9:80, Leave names of children who will attend with Mrs Gordon, HAIR DRESSING I intend to do Hair Dressing in Dryden, and for the time b=ing, will call at your home by ap- pointment. For appointments, write: Miss J, MASCETTI, Bedworth, Ont, with a]l the trim- 'lighting { Hymns, Re Christmas Decora tions DRYDEN, Ontario December 10, 1930 Dear Editor:-- Following our this scason of draw your attention to the danger to life and property from Christmas decorations: such as drape ies, scen- ery, cotton to represent snow; cte, Displays of th's nature and the arrangements in c nnection therewith add very considerably to thy ordinary risks of fire, I would also point out that should an accident of the kind occur in a crowded store or meeting, the rapid spread of fire in such inflammable material is almost certain to occas- a psnie with attendant risks to usual custom at the year, I beg to "The Phantom Squadron" By ROUL DE BOURLAIS areas Pr "Please cease thy silly foolishnesy and allow me 'p meditate on the wonders of nature," "That's no wonder of nature" you ass, Those are man-made naval guns, and if you don't stop medita- "ing, you won't be able 'ib later look see, O-dersg are to prepare for flight immediately, "Allright, com= on ,you lop-eared powder monkey," grinned Dick and followed his friend to the hangers, Fiftcen minut's later with 'the Zin of battle growing louder in their cays, 'ke Phantom Squadron winged its way in the direction of these sounds, In he East a red glow marksgd ife and limb, A few simple precau= the g of dawn and served te tions may reduce the danger to a how Te pilots =1l the details of ninimum and these should be Ther: were three British considered rssontial whers large isk rs and four of the enemy. numbers of people and particularly They were ev.nly matched, one a- children are io be gathered gainst another, bu/l the extra en- Se, that inflammable Mater al is clear of, and not hung over heating snd: lighting davies, strampipes, stovevnipes, electric light bubs, ele, See that your electric circuits are © properly fused and not overload-d by ths addition of temporary lights, Fxamine your fire extinguisi ing appliances end see that they are sufficient. in good order and readily accessible, thot all exits are marked and not obstructed, Have moved and safely disposed goon as they have served purpose, " Remember that nothing can rond- ar these displa-s absolutely safe, %& that if accidents are not to mar the festive season, and care must be exercised. Yours truly, DD ANDERSON, fire chef OXDRIFT NOTES See plainly of as their The Tuxis and C: 21 T, Groups of Dryden United Church, will put on their Minstrel Sh-w in. Oxdrift Community Hall Monday rvining, December 15th at E'ght o"Clo:k p.m minder the auspices of Oxdrift [nior Ladies Aid, Com: and hava 4:good laugh, ~Adm'ssion : = Adults 38¢; Children '15¢ The Senior Ladies Aid held their monthly in te United Church, The secretary, Crosier, gave a very cn oura~ing re- port of the year's work, The Offic- ers elected were: Pres, Mrs Wm Vice-TPres Mrs J KK Findlay; Secy. Mrs L J. Pateman; Treas, Mrs T J Lati- | mer. LL hess will br an Evening Servien Xmag Sunday, December 210t at 8 00 o'clock in the United Church, There will be a Xmas mest'ney dongs; HEAD OFFICE Making your profits Permanent SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ff bak of men have By "cashed in" on their-hold- ings after years of unzemining toil and have re-invested cnly to lose their profits in unwise specu- lation, Life annuities provide an invincible protection against such calamities. In May, 1928, a group of North Dakota business men sold their extensive holdings. While the deal was pending they decided to re-invest the proceeds im life annuity contracts. After investiga- tion they paid the Sun Life Ass- urance Company of Canada over three million dollars in premiums for annuity contracts. They were attracted by the safety and con- venience of these annuities and the large return. Gap details from your nearest Sew Life Representative. MONTREAL ~ 3. bu SKILLLIN, Agent all temporary decorations re- i constant vigilance , hove hy 4 bop Che Mrs M J Tie vey emy vessel was British ship was with one funnel, two 10-inch guns telling, for one: badly battered, the bridge and gone, Her deck li'fered with debris and torn up in several places, The others were in fairly good shape, and the enemy ships seemed good for many hours some glaughter" yelled Tom a- ho roar of the gums, You bet, bub rather an 'battl: new, [13 uneven T hope the hogs lots off "s evened up the numb- of shins, nd leaves 'he rest to British Navy, ist then a shell burst near Dicks nlane and the consussion knocked it sideways Shell splinters flew aj °vound and suddenl- one lodged in bo engine stoppi ine ite gentls purr "Not so dnshed even after all» 21d Pielke ns hn mede a forced lan- one of the cnemy, wos a good wien ho h Ad Tiny hewid Tora who n=l Loekhs rt, Pik however, zooa made a Rey 1 ought before the Captain, * an important = captive" dict, "Perhaps he "ean was . "IT is < a bout that infernal squadron, if "ver get on'| of hare alive, Here, Ive zot it! Send him in our sub, with the smallest crew po=s'bl> Send Rawlirg to tae care of him to the home government, we Yous get ous swimmer, mmped ond wos BE up by Jol-! cand was was ba' 4 a 3 J made to divulge some informati Linn as we ' 850 CTS... 3 Last A Limited Numbor of Delightfully Intriguing Pieces of Silverwars, Whatceuldbesicer ior a Gift One that gives for and Lasts Foreve Drop in and Look Them Over: TEA SERVICE BREAD & SANDWICH TRAYS, CANDLE HOLDERS, Ete, Ete All the Latest Designs and Prices to Suit Everyone .... DM. BEATH & Co THE JEWELERS 4 nt] spss ra "DRY WOOD Tamarac, por cord, Cash, Cel'vered ... First Class Mixed, Fuel Wood, per cord Cash, delivered 6 00 Second Class Mixed, Fuel Wood, per cord - 85.00 = Cash, delivered ____.__. of fighting, Suddenly a well-dir~e- Split Poplar, per cord ted shell ponetrated the magazine Cash, delivered mo... e5 00 it tht delapidated British ship, she ie Phone 15 Ls blew up with a mnsrve-shattering iid AW SWANSGH 3 road por "About time we lent a hani' IT EXPERT 4 Ww Sip Tom in "Dicks ear t RADIO SERVICE end Then a signal from 'he leader T REPAIRS t tthe ig Squadron entsr:d the T Anil Looted, Bie 3 attle, with 'he loud cra~kling of | if LEN EOLLARD, ¥ the radio guns, as they cleared es yleh Motors t the renemy's decks, i Y . re FOR CHRISTMAS Your Fricnds Can Buy Anything You can Give Them Except Your Photograph. And they will ap- preciate your thoughtfulness In making such a gift. Make an Appointment at once. «We also have a fine Assortment of Cil Paintings. Get yours wkiis our Stock lasts. DRYDEN PHOTO STUDIO ene + na Sa "of here by the Took of it" Acco dinelv Dick was taken into ie bowls of the ship and into e cwater-tight room in which was a "m-looking submarine, = Dick, with ten others went 'nside and the _loor closed behind "hem, Th n gr d- lly a door in the hull of the ship lid open letting the water in unt! he submarine floated free and eld ut into the open sca, They never came to the top, but dived deeper that no ripples were seen om the top by the watchful planss, Dick was treated mere lke n gucst than a prisener and sat with Mr Rawlins at breakfast {to ve _continued) ceesey Story and Xmas Pocket Cap Included wit Desk Pen Ka let us show y= give you two $6.78 and up. i ap ERE Tone PR Co [a0 'deni Tiara LS and Clip are Every Parker Tatva Chay Come t¢ 17 ren coun' : 4 how Pa "Double Duty" Duofold ¢ instantly be chenged fiom & Desk Pea to a Pocket Pen-- how Parker Desk Sets now no increase in price. Complete sets, including Free Pocket Cap and Clip, Phar H h A lorge Assortment Of Parker's PENS and PENCILS At a Full Range of Priess pr % ig 0: iH pens in one at Crt fon Er 5 ET