Dryden Observer, 9 Jan 1931, p. 1

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he Dryden Observer VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, January gth, 1931 Whist and Dance The local branch in the Pulp Mill Hall on the even- ing of Friday January 23rd, The affair ig being planned to raise funds for a very worthy cause, namely that of supplyng hot lunches for the School Children, which hag been of the WT. ! wil] hold a Whist Drive and Dance To Celebrate Road Opening The Edtor, Dryden Observer, Dear Editor-- With the idea of stegig a monster celebrat'on at tte Western Ontario Border in the fal] of the ACCLAMATION 1931 Counci] Municipal Election Results 'MAYOR WOOD GETS No Election Necessary to Re'nstate y which will ke a very, weleome de- Local Member? MACHIN ELECTION F. O Anderson was elected to the Machin Couns] as Reeve, carrying the largest number of voteg ever before polled in the Machin Mun ci- NA RAST SG velopment. Grave] in a clay dist--- . rict is absolutely essentis] if we Views Un. are to develope as a dairy distgiet, employment "EARL HUTCHINSON, MPP. visi- ted Dryden on Tu:-day & Wenbes- day on business. He reports that due to continued pressure, the De- partment of Northern Development THESE DARK MORNINGS resent year, on the occasion of tie palit ; the easlomiof the W. 1, for several Official] Lreking up of Kenora and For the third term Mayor Wood vik tin has filled t-e office yoprs, RT : the Lake of the Woods District. Was returned by acclamation and as Reeve for several years nm sue- Pine wire zs hay, Ses with Eastern Mantoba and Winni- of. the th'rteen Councillors nomin- cession, therefore we presume that nah Se Ee Borid peg, ithe Eastern Manitoba Develop. ated ot the nomination meeting just he has performed his dut'es favour- for thy vear-more children than ment Bureau, with headquarters at the necessary Six qual fied, thu; mak- ably to the residents, ERR Beausejour, Manitoba, sponsored a ii an Santi Peri, The e Mr Pe Nizdecken, hioonyizd the Le a a large rally of the Reperesentatijves include three of last year's mernb- h'ghest vote for Councillors. 6% We Nurhes 2 of all the Manitoba, St Boniface, ers Councillors Wright, Proudfoct Mr Niedeocken is a new-comer on along and spend a pleasant evening the Selkirk and Eastern Manitoba Szrv- s Aid eave .ice Clubs n order to get the views Ay -and cooperation of the many rep- Valcable prizes wl] b> given for SREB Yes Of th TAY oraemlEn 4780 1 3 S a %4) - the Whist, and Russe |'s ite Sint who Bove werked #0 heed Goo will play for the dance, and lunch the completion of the Manitoba Wil. be ; served. ; The....atnision section within the past fifteen years. charge will .b, divided co that one A wel] represexted meeting was and help contribute to splen- "last and Bailey and the thres new mem- ers are: Messrs R, J. Pronger, T A Miles and A. Paterson. Messrs P tt J. Wilsen and Klose, members of year's Council were agan nominated but declined to accept the honour. Othepy nominated for Council] who did not qualify were 3 the Council, and we hope that he wll meet with success. Mr C, Hampe came next, Mr Hampe is an old member, having served as Councillor for long years 'nn succession. Mr E. Murdick followed, Murdick has be:n Councillor before 1uow of Ontario. the past few years, tion to be reported with smony, to look into matters some of which really prompted the presen: visit. { Thue cu-vey party west but will recognizeg that the d strict is in greater nced of assis- tance than probably any other part This is due 'n a large , measure to lack of development fcr It is th take care of all those rea] d stress and such eases supporting teeti- My Hutchinson wil] be glad t of Vermil- Mr ion Bay is finding many difficult es have four miles of fina] Soniye A Person Needs an ALARM CLOCK intr Trstead of buying a ii should new one let us re- promptly; pair the One You have. Every Repair a 5 id - Sn held, and out of keen discussion,' 5 2 for Joc, or al] thes for 7c. came an unexpected dec'sjon, app and r Morison s0¢., 1 thige It was feit that an organiza! tion | Dr Wood's was the only names should be formed with the idea of On the nominzt'on board for Mayor 'Dr D., G. Dinywail; H Wilde; { location completed this week. with Mr A. Walton came next, This, "the completion of the road to Mani- is Walton's second year, 'toba thig year, more vigorous act. Minn taki polled the largest withe Elon can be expected on the outlet n 1929, . Guaranteed and so | working exclusively w'th our Ontar- LADIES AUXILIARY in sp'ts of the proves 3 ne'ghbours for the rea'y comple- Unrest and unsettled times the ion of the last remainng I'nk yet clectors of Dryden were wise encugh ~ ber of votes ever before pclied, Tes; than a dozen of the veters not voting, Perhaps the nice day had L.M BEATH & Co illE JEWELERS for the Dryden section, Owing to the very sorious un- employment at Sioux Lookout, and ANNUAL MEETING be be built through the Ontayo [0 leave the Chief Magistracy as 't{much to do w'th al] the ladies go- the flocking into that point of | hinterlands. { Was, ing out to vote, or was it Petz those men laid off jn the mining. OW The Sie 3 Monthly Mecting _ It was decided that the name of Vermjl'on Bay also poled its, fields, it has been found absolut- a - of the Lades Auxiliary to the the new organiza'on should be cal-° largest. sely necessary to put mor, men toi Canadian Lesion, BESL wil 'led the Msan'toha-Ontario Trans- ¥/ AN HORNE Anyhow we congratulate (he el- Work on the road to Drydem, This DRY WO 0 D be held in the Centra] Hotel ;Csnada Highway Associalion, to neted members and wish them every road should also be fin'shedin 1931, Tamarac, per cord, Monday, January 12th at 8.00 Led by ge stent Dn and ACCLAMATION fig a Tagl HR a ii ok Cash, delivered ....----. &7 (if) i + Fleet; effort for ideals set forth, and alzg : Hogi REE RE 3.2 ertay 7 Ei a pe to arrange 5 the staging of oe = James Hat-h was returned as FONE EBERT 1 i who would rather sacrifice the de- yw Mixed, Fuel Wo2d, quested large celebration in the fal of this , °° of Yon Home by Acclomate: BP Niedpolon ...uiveinarare 73 Jdopment "of the district. thon eo-; Cash, deli d : youn, when Kenora and Winnipeg 1% 8s Well as all members of last C Hampo ......... 5... TE Cash, delivered ------.. $6.00 welt he cote Bante: of an LOA Council, thus making the, E Mudek ................ zg Continual solicitat'on has finally. Second Class Mixed, Fuel Wood, Con or e gational Meet' {all-weather highway The A Sin Sri for! A Walton ......... ini 54 resulted = Some of the Paper Co's per cord : £. Service Clubs and Business men's or- o 31 a= s--Reeve, Jas Hateh;] J. Cross .,................. 53 buying some of their wood supplies; Cash, delivered -----ee-_.. ®E (00) ! ganientions in Ontaglo are beng uncillors, Messrs Norgate, A, T.{ J. Schultz ......... ala 44 from the settlers. ~The Ra'lroads Sli Poet xd : The Oxdrift United Church Con- |writtentoon ths matter & a strong, [007% J. Ready and J. H_ Gibson. | E. Wright ................. 3 have agreed to purchase ties from "PLE Fopiar,' per co gregational ~ Meet'ng will be held in the Church on Tuesday January 13th, 1931 at 8 p.m. Everyone Invited. R. BARKER, Sec. Treas 'operation betwton the two Provire-, invitation being extended to them to get in line with Ontario branch Committee jn order to have full co-! I N MEM 0 RIAM IN LOVING MEMORY OF WALT- es jn pushy forward the early and ppp syig who died at Toront: , 0 NOTICE EE Cash, delivered --.____.. 85.00 Phene 1% SWAN SWANSON __ i to help out, but Tie Timb- | pr fs scarce, The market for - > of the Dryden Paper Co., | hay not improved, which 'mn turm' spoils the market for, Jackpne TO LET--- Swi e of thre, rooms, rea. tltimate conclusion of the much ] ~~ ~ av Pulp. Tt would therefore appear onable rent for winter morths.--Ap needed National Highway. 2 January 10th, 1927. Lat, Regi- CANADIAN LEGION that the cply means of reijef is 'm »]y--Mr; JOHN BROWN, Arthur £t, THANK S The genera] Officers e'ected at' oval Sergeart Major 'n the| Ap Importan' Busnes: Mestig .gravellng and other road work or Mrs FLEMING, Harris House, : _ (this meeting for Manitoba are: PT a te War. will be held In the Poper MIL | vere: sums A ; pany : : I Robt, Hayes, Beasejou Gen.! TR ee, oe » the Dis-| Hall on Sunday evening, the Th, Red Cro.s Hosp'ta] arknowl- ' Ty " tinfiuished Conduct Med * Tat 1 ' i edges with thanks do-ation of CPeiTmen; A, C Emmett, Winn'peg: 0 18th ins: at 8.30 p.m. His $10.00 from S'lver Star Chapt- er, No 177, O0.E.S. Reg. L. A. Meeting The regula, meeting of the Uni- ted Lad'es Aid was held at the home of the President, Mrs R, Ham- ilton. A goodly number of memb- . Mrs Wm Parr and son Donald, Hich Shi 1 alt nid wiz +0 1 ; gh S-hosl Orchestra Dance At 55, while still well an vig orous, ers were present, Reports show-, NEW YEAR DANCE spent their Xmas Vacation wit th to be held in the near future HEALTH come into a privaté income {over and ed a very pleasant and profitabe JE 7. her parents Mr and Mrs Ed, Daw- : : $100 A above other revenues), guaranteed for year had been spent under the Presi- | A cpiendid gothering of the youth kins. i oe. soi Vise McKay and TR | the rest of your life, of $100 a2 month. dency of Mrs Hamilton. The Offic- o¢ Dyvden and district took place Vi : ; oH r. an rs Norman ay an MONTH. You simply make yearly or hali-yearly ; Y 00K plac ictor Oliver and §'d Lappage d-nght-r of Dyment were' in town ers for 1931 are as follows: jin the New Year's Eve dance opon- spent the week-end 'n Winnipeg. | Wednesd ¥ : | deposits cf an agreed amount for 2a Pres.--Mrs A, Pitt; . | cored by the Dryden Baseball Clah. : TS ny En A hi fife. \ a Wie; The old year wag ushered out and a pe SERS Sp: PE | il BE ih E N E i L begin to TECEIVER rmonthly income for life. \ ecy.--Mrs orison ; new year in with all join'ng hands wu - : : E FEE ELEC EER me egy | only part of the st \ Feliasn= isi M, Bajloy. and. sirg'ng the customary Avld 2 5 Tero SRS i Li = [i oh through | L -----95-H ---- ' Elmer Wice returned on ote. YL d i Sols Zane =i es tu CF --$100 A dent you should become totally dis- d Wi D Ri ret ar Yn p Remsen Gh jo iy a TT abled, you cease paying premiums and a , Gr Job fife ann] inf Wool thon 3 YE : 26 : MONTH. receive $100 a month during such stay in the city Elmer attnded 50k place. (Durng the draw for fo e Gd kL ¥ Aa 59 disability, At age 55, the regular in- the Boys' Par iamen® as & represen- the wood it was noticed Swanson a a tat've from the Local Taxis Group, Do you eiione in Tie kind of PROTECTION? : = of i portunity to thank all those who uj Without obligation on my part please send full particulars The only Red donated towards the Dance, & to - $1.90 yous $100- a-ignth-fun life plan as outlined in yous advertisement T= : Protection for your property and home lis- INSURANCE. 57, E. GIBSON, Agent 'man } Winnipeg; ® 'England. tached South African Heavy Art- illery frem 1915 to 1910. Ever and On'y Remembered by his wife ESTHER and his two Children PHYLLIS and WALT- ER and Friends, vice- Chairman; Ww. J Groves, Chair in charge Public Relations W. Childe, Secretary & Public'ty Manager, Beausejour, W. CHILDE, Gen, Sec'y., Man, Trans- Canada Highway Ass'n 'His 'Rest is Peace DRYDEN SENIOR BASEBALL CLUB at Uxbridge, Are particularly requested that ali members attend, _An T-vitation to Prospective members is heartily extended. NOTICE Watch for th, snnouncemont of looked very uneasy, there was some ls 5 Leh Spot dance, A Private Income of $100 a month for Life ...jrom age 8S! Just picture it. IF IN GOOD | come of $100 a month, unimpaired, Canada has for every age, condition, and amount. Fillin and for- comes into effect. ,Wabigoon people there) Bert i ; * : {Berrey won the cord of wood, and #4 1e5 nro if 4 > Look how your family is os i Mss Mamie Crerar ths $5.00 gold £0 Should you die at any time ore [ees Pat Wright and Bob Berrey B --3$10,000 reaching 55, your family receives the prize given on the Honeymoon 5 CASH. + $10,000. . dance; Grace Gough and Bruno. as € zal | ! peters, the. ples. Given + olf" he i This is but one example of a variety.of plans which the Sun Life of Lv En ear thie i= 3 The b'ggest thriller of th= even- : ing' was the catching of the batted E ball. After about six ha'r-rising Li attempts to catch the bal it was finally caught by Art Clempson (no 3 , wonder), a Eh i Russells Ramblers we-e by no "means lacking in poppy music. They \were alive and snappy from start {to finish, The Club wishes to take this op- THE YEAR {pi them 3 a Hanoy New Year, ECAR ROUND TONIC Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver "Tasteless Bi For COUGHS, GOLDS and CRIPPE _owena Drvd GUILD MEETING i The Guild of St. Luke's wll "meet at the home of Mrs Wm, Kerncy, Tuesday even'ng, Jan, 13th at 8 pm. len Pharmacy Lid SRR RRR Eni) = Side SEE = 1 ward this form (which involves you in no obligation) and exact figures suited to your individual need will be sent you. : { SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, Montreal, Canada. . "(Name of vaper) Name (Mr., "Mrs, or Miss)......... Address (Street) (City) 1 SE i J. L SKILLEN, Agent

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