Dryden Observer, 23 Jan 1931, p. 1

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b. rw The Dryden Observer VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, January 23rd, 1931 . ANNUAL MEETING ~ CAN. LEGION The annua] meeting of the Dryd- en Branch of the Canadian Legion, BE.S.L, wag held at the Central Hote] on the 18th, with a large at- tendanc, of members, President J. Winterbottom was in the chair After the minutes wer, read and the usual bus'ness transacted, the President made his report, th: fin- anc'a] statement wag presented and adopted. In a short address the Pres dent gave a comphrensive re- port of the activities of the past year, revealing that the financ'al positon of .the ~ Branch had been material y ymproved, An electicn of Officers for the present year re- Salted as fo lows. Pres ~J. Winterbo tom (re-elected) "Ist Vice- Pres--H. Wilds; 2nd Vice-Pres--G, Forgton: Treas--Syd Bartlett; ~Sec--H. M, Davidson (re-slected) Executive Commijttee--Syd Bart- lett (Chairman), F. Clinker, J Benson ; Cole, ai As Auditors, the Homarary Mem. bers, H. H, Humphreys and J, W. Fowlie were appointed. On a motion, ths resigna*jon cf W. H, Brownhil] as Treasurer was regretted, and a vote of thank, was accorded him in apprec'ation of his fa'thfu] stewardship while in office. Mr: Brownhil] suitab'y rep'i>d, On again accepting th, honor of President of the Branch Mr Winter- bottom made a shor; address in which h, demanded comrad hip, tol- eration of the opinion of others ard who'e-hearted service and that the members. would strive to b-¢ome one hundred per cent efficient in render- ing the service which membership in the Legion entails, Hs p-aise of the Sister Organization th, Ladi s Auxiliary, was praise indeed and the applause' that followed was a clear indication that h's words had fal'en upon recept ve ears, Amony important announcements by the Pres'dent was that highly p'easing one--the acceptance of Hon- orary Membership 'n the Dryden Branch by R, H Pronger, A. Pitt, Dr. D'ngwal], H, Humphreys, and J. W. Fowlie, ~ Concluding, the meeting was the Natoina] Anthem, Light refreshments weve then served, ; IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE late COLIN McLAUCHLAN, born - Sandbank, Scotland, ded January 24th 1029. Served in France with the 16th Battn. Ever remembered as an esteem- ed friend and gallant soldier, --Inserted by Mr and Mr "lar and family, IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear father, ARTHUR ZOLLNER who passed away, Jan. 24, 1928. At early dawn when all was still God gave h's great command, You passed away in silent peacy Into a better land, We m'sg you at a thousand turns, Along life's weary way ! oo And life has not been the same to us S'nce you were called away. --Ever remembered by his family E. Dearden and A. J St LUKE'S CONGREG- ATIONAL MEETING The Annual] Congregational Meet- 'ng of St. Luke's was he'd on Fri- day evening, Dr P. H B. Wood act- ing ag chairman. Reports from the various organizetons of the church were read and showed a most splen- did year and the finand s of the Church to be in a better condit on "han for some time. A short address vas given by the Rector Rev. Wm, Clarke, Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Rector's Warden, Dr P. H. B, Vood; Peopleg Warden, Jas, Wnter- sto Vestry, Messrs J. E. Gibs'n . J Pronger, F Willard, W, J. Wl inson, G, Hohn, H. Hump reys, W, ews, W. Moorehouse, K, Ray, A. "ole, T, Alexznder and F. Moore, i ONION WEEK We read with, grief that January sth to 31st is Onion Week and wught it only fair to pass arnng on to our readers, It 'ill have to be one of two th'ngs, ither to eat a large counteract ng uantity yourself, or lve in close oclusion for the seven days. As ne preventative measure, those with losed cary are advised to have the -ndows wide open and we hear hat manager Bailey has arranged 'or a new scented ventilat'ng system vr the Strand for Omion Wieck. If you woud be strong, eat n'ons; Th, doctors t<]l u, they ve very healthy and 'there is no 'oubt about the strength, so be "rave and do your part to help he Onion - Un'on of the Ontario Farmers, > SURPRISE PARTY Mrs J, P. Gordon, pre ident of "he Lad'es Ouxiliary to the Conad- ian Legion BE.SL was pleasantly urprised when the memberg of that body gathered at her hom, to hon- our her on the occasion of her birthday Monday even'ng. It was a genuine surprise to Mrs Gordon, who expressed her d=l'ght w'th much feeling. An impromptu musica] program and other interest- ing entertanment filled a most peas i refreshments brought to a close 'most enjoyable even'ng. McKel- | {GUILD ANNUAL fof St. Luke's ( the i Pres--Mrg P, H Do you believe in this kind of PROTE ECTION? The only Red ; Protection for your property ond home is- BSURANCE. ant evening, during the coursz of {which the guest of the even'ng was presented with a boudoir lamp in appreciat'on of splendid servic, ren- dered as President of thy Aux'liary, the office which Mrs Gorden wll a- gain fill th's year. The serving of a MEETING Th, annua] meeting of the Guld Church was keld at home of Mrgy Wm, Kerney on Monday Evening. i A review of the past year's ac- "t'vities showed splendid results and "Officers 'nsta'lad for the year were: Hon, Pres--Mrgy Wm Kerney; B. Wiood; Vice-pres--Mrs D, E McRae; Sec--Mrs E. Collison; Treas--Mrs R. J. Pronger, Early Flants for Springs Mr Geo. L. Kaufman, another en- interprising cit zen of Wald of, in the market Garden business us that he now has 300 feet of seed under glas. have for early sale Tomatoes, Cuerm square bers, Mclon, Pumpk'n and many oth- er plants. He suggests that people ordsr when ready for plantinz, the box to town by car, and thus not d'ctnrbe the vlants ti] ready to set them out, He will a'~o have for sale early l-ttuce, beans peas "carrots, ete, Further Mr Tnufwen, at Waldhof. ~~ NOTICE ww -- EARL C POPHAM, Bary'ster Solici- i: tor, ete, will be in Dryden on Thiesday, Jan 27th and may be consulted ot Self's Hote] any 3. E. GIBSON, Agent hom that das mii 4 pm. 2 KENORA CURLERS VISIT DRYDEN Last Wednesday even'ng the fol- lowers of the roarin' game were treated to a splendid exh'biticn of that past-tme when two teams of Kenora Curlers played two picked trams of locals, The result of the Jour games left Dryden enough margin to have the Hutchinson cup remain here tl another battle takes place, The fcllow'ng is the score of the four games: FUNERAL OF FORM." ER WELL- KNOWN RESIDENT The Funeral of the late Joseph Faulkner which was held from the Dryden Unjted Church cn Saturday afternoon, wag largely attended. Rev. J. W, Fiwos conducted t-e service.' The late Mr Fau kner was well known as an old-timer of Dryden,' hav'ng resided here years ago. oe Mrs Faulkner died in 1916, at over twenty ;piled at the Town Hall. Town of Dryden. | SE DO YOU REALIZE .. TENDYRS For WOOD v-- : TENDERS will be received by the that the bal ange wheel ;Undersigned until February 2nd,' of your Watch makes "1931 for rorty (40) cords sound, dry 172,800 revolutions in tamarac wood, in units of ten cords, every 24 hours and in Delivery * i Dryden and foll»wing h's wife's d~a'h Mr Faulkner left her, for Marshal, Sask, where he reisded unt'l the Kenora -- Kimberly, Langford Onarhe'm and Galloway--j3. a Skillen ii of his death. He was borp in and McRae--ig, Ronote--Swit, Tul 4, livitin Ireland in Cootehil] County 'n the jvear 1863 and came to th' country in his youth, Pror to Bi to jDryden he res'ded at Midland, Ont, and McDonald--i0, Dryden--Phj 1'ps, Nicholson, Meg- : be completed by approximately the ist day of March next. agsarily accepted. J. E GIBSON, Clerk to commence whey tender let and to0N€ year Tha lowest or any tender mot mee." 'Oil which could only no stick to be over tem inches in 63,072 revolu- diameter. Wood to be delivered and : 'tions, & on one drop of cover a pin-head. advises - and wijl a collection in a box now, & transport information .- "can be gamed by dropping a note to | g'son and Watt--s, Kenora -- Kimberly, Onathe'm, | Galloway and Earl--é6. ee Dryden-- Gibson, D, Anderson Morison and Warren--io, | Kenora -- Smith, Frejd, Burgess and MecDonald--14. Dryden-- Pitt, and Davidson--s, Total--Dryd:n 353 Ham'lton, Wood" Kenora 33, ¢ St. Luke's A.Y.P. A, An enjoyable .and successfu; Box . Soca] was held Wednesday evening under the auspiceg of the AYP A, The Boxes, a] sizes and shapes and gaily decorated were auctioned off by Mr Frank Willard and brought good prices and much mearriment, The business of the Sceiety was put through in the former part of the evening, after which contests & games were enjoyed and a good t me reported by all, DEMONSTRATION |~ On Tuesday February 3rd the Senior and Junior C.G.I.T. are hav- | ing a Mother and Daughter Banquet to be held in the basement of Dry- don Unjt»d Church. A; the weck commence' ng February 3rd is Dem n- + stration Week for the C.GIT groups throughout Canada, there will bs a Demonstrat'on of -- Home-nursing, Dum-bel g Drilly and Sing'ng. Thru- out = the week Inv'tations will be sent. to mothers of the girly belong- ing to the CGIT. t _-- a ------ | Appointed Issuer Mr A. G. Ripley has be:n appoin- ted Issuer of Operator'. and Veh. icl> Licenses under the Motor Vehi. : ¢ cle Branch of the Department of Public H'ghways, Mr Ripley advis- es that ho already has on hand a supply of the new licenses and nmar- kerg for 1931. Mrs S. V Righey has retuw ned from a two monthg holiday in Brit. The lat, Mr Faulkner is survived] - by four sons, William of Dryden; Jack and Robert of Marsha'], Sask; and Charles of Sioux Lookout: and five daughters, Sioux Lookout; Mr Arthur Baxter of Flint, Mich; Mis Don Crawford of Majt]and, Ont; Mrs Geo, Ludlon of Toronto and Mrs McElroy, Lake- worth, Fla. The sympathy of every one is extended to the § ereaved fam- ily. °F ne, The Burning Question, It pays to advertise. Our 3.0.8. for wood landed a few cords in the back yard and we hope there 's still more coming. On, good f-liow was so optim"stic about our future that] be paid three years in advanc, with <700d, For oth>rs with s'milar faith th's is a great opportunity As wo sad bufore, we wil keep on , hoping. TO THE EDITOR KENORA, Ont gal Jan, 20, 1931 To the Editor, When over at Revatins, 1 noticed the unload ng of a car of Kraft and was told th's was from Dryden. I; a almost smelled Dryden and felt at home again, The Lake of the Wood, Millng Company uses thig paper for lining carg and I am further told uses quite a large quantity, It struck m, at the time that this 's good reciprocal business for the district. We con- sume a large quantity of Five Ros- es Products, Reowathy takes our ..Card of Thanks The fam'ly of the lata Josevh Faulkner wish to express their sincere thanks for tha kindness and sympathy extended to ish Columb'a; eavement, also for flora] trb- utes. i Mrs Austin Meclver | Be fair to your Watch, & have the oil cleaned out and fresh oil put in. Municipality 'of Machin APPLICATIONS for the position of ASSESSOR for the Munic pality of Machin and = the : Outlying Port- ions of the Schcol S:ckion for the year 1931, at a salary of $125.00 Will 'be received by me, up to Thursday, January 20th, 1931.| GEO, RUETE, Clerk LL.M. BEATH & Co THE JEWELBRS 'Municipality of Van DRY WOOD Horne Tamarac, per cord, RESTDENTS of the Township will} (ash, delivered ....oe---. &7.() »lcase notice that the monthlyd ; sel meetings of the Council of Van} irst Class Mixed, Fuel Woed, Horn, will be held the first Mon-}' day of each Month at 8 p.m, in the Township Hall, Next Mecting on February 2nd. 1 F GRO WICE, Clerk Cash, del vere Split Poplar, per cord Cash, delivered _______.. TO LET---S.i'e of iio, rooms, reg. ~onable rent for winter months.--Ap ply--Mrs JOEN BROWN, Arthur St, or Mrs FLEMING, Harris House, £5.00 SWAN SWANSON . -- se rmn---------- paseo ETI 'or $200... | For £299 invested year! ), a young man can capitaiize his youtiijuls igour and effectively 'prepare for life's contii:gencies through the Sui Life Assurance Company of Canada. : : 7 3 He can secure for his dependants 2 Gre AT immediate protection of $10,000, in- creased yearly thereafter by accumu- lating dividends. This $10,000 estate ie & % | & Tamarac i 5 for obstinate Co ghs and Colds of fu ) all kinds-Throat trouble, Hoarseness I. =. Asthma, ete. This combination has a remarkebie 5 action on th: Throat and Lun~s, giv- : ing irmecia'er lief in mos' troukble- § ch some cases. " % fo Can be Admin'ster d as Realy to ©. Wild Cher Fy i Ale tl Rl FMP = Children as Acults. 2? LARGE BOTTLE Drvden Pharmacy Li HL 1. Now---$10,000 i || Immediate Pro- 50c. Le is created instantly by the first pay- ment. The assured thereby obtains "maximum protection for his family at minimum cost at a time when protec- z tection : tion is the greatest need. and 2 In a few years he may stop paying, 2.IN A FEW take a paid-up policy for $10,000, and YEARS-- thereafter receive regular dividends until his death when the full capital sum of $10,000 is still payable to his dependants. | $10,009 in Paid- up Assurance, earning Divi- deivds By middle life (if he has not selected Fe the last-mentioned plan) his policy Lo . will mature as an endowment for or $10,000, Rpg 2 him a sum gr in excess of the total premiums paid. 3. AT MIDDLE This investment settlement comes at LIFE-- a time when personal and family maintenance have become more im- $10,000 in Cash. * portant than protection. The above policy, like all Sun Life policies, can on maturity be paid in monthly instalments over a period of years,instead of in alump sum. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL For further particulars, fill in rnd mail the attached coupons-- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, Montreal, Canada. Iam interested in your $200 yearly assurance plan. Without obligation on my part, please send me particulars as outlined in your advertisement i in Name (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) Address (Street) (City) = C0 A OT RRR J. L SKILLEN, Agent ~~ *

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