Dryden Observer, 13 Feb 1931, p. 1

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he Dryden Observer DRYDEN, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 13th, 1081. no. ¢ QUEENC CONT EST. All hail! The lien of tHe Ice Car- nival! All ye humble citizens do homage to her merited Worship at her shrine, for one eve- ning she shall hold sway as Queen of the Ice. With her slender sceptre her slightest wish shall become law and all shall humbly kne&l before. her! "Everyone relishes a contest, and one wherein beauty and expert effi- ciency on the ice are involved is no exception. tions tend to enhance the interest. . One representation from the High School, the Mill and the Canadian Pacific Railway respectively shall compete for the honor of title of "Queen of the Carnival." These three candidates 'have officially been c¢hos- en. Miss Jeanette Reid is the High School's choice and Miss Lily Lewis will represent the C.P.R., while Miss Winkie Edgar is the choice of the Mill, The responsibility of choosing the girl best suited to be Queen now rests with the citizens and all and sundry interested. Bach organization is out to boost their representative, to the utmost, but you must give them your support. Each ticket sold: by either of the organizatiols credits their. candidate with a certain num-, ber: of votes. J Valuable prizes are offered for the best costumes and a list of prizes will be published next week. In the meantime, support choice for queen, enlist others' sup-" port and appear at the carnival in fuil regalia to do honour : to the Queen of the evening. ; | your LOG¢L | 1 Mrs. W. D. Dickson was | a visitor to Winnipeg last week. Mrs. J. Blake returned to her home in Fort William last week af- ter visiting her parents, : and! Mrs. H. Barker. Rev. J. W, Howes was a visitor to? Winnipeg Hast 'week.. i J. N. Daiter has returned from al, business trip to Winnipeg. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. BE. Fostér have ar- rived from Winnipeg to reside in Dryden. Two teams of local lady curlers' journeyed to Kenora to play on! Thursday night. ' VESTRY, MEETING-- A 'general meeting of St. Lukes vestry was held Tuesday ' evening with Dr. Wood presiding. .General business, was dealt with and officers elected for the ensuing year as fol- lows: Vestry clerk, F. Willard; Treasurer, J. E. Gibson, and Enve- lope Secretary, R. J. Pronsir, 3 Ed BIRTHS HERCUN--AL Drogen Ont., on Jan. 30th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hercun, a son. COLLINS--At Dryden Ny Cross' 'Hospital, on Jan. 30th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs, K. Collins, 4 daugh- ter. ; Be HOHN--At Dryden Red Cross Hos- pital, on Feb. 4th, 1931, to Mr. "and Mrs. Geo. Hohn, a daughter. station! : | senior and junior girls' In fact these qualifica-" Mother and 'Daughter Banquet The €. G. 1. T. Mother and te ter Banquet held in the basement of the United Church on Tuesday eve- pected resident of this town for the ©f Dryden, and Mrs. Smith, Kircaldy, ning last proved an cess. immense suc- The banquet was attended by the branches with their 'mothers. The hall and tables were very prettily decorated with the C.G.I.T. colors, daffodils being used for the floral decorations. About seven o'clock everyone sat down to. a sumptuous repast ably served by members of the local Tuxis group. . At the end of the banquet the toastmistress, Mrs. S. Bartlett called for a toast to the King to which everyone responded by rising and singing "God Save the King". Then a toast to "Our Mothers" was pro-: posed by Alice Wilkinson, and res-- ponded to by Mrs. F. Wilkinson. Nona Reany proposed a toast to the Sunday School which was regpond- ° Vera Bailey proposed a toast to the Tuxis and «Trail Rangers which was responded; ed to by Mrs. Wigle. to by Claude Stanfield. Jeanette Reid proposed a toast to the Then the two groups ably demon- "strated a regular C.G.I.T. meeting by rising and saluting the christian flag, and the C.G.I.T. purpose was repeated and the Lord's Prayer led : by Jeanette Reid, a scripture read-: ing by Bella Blake and a story "The Two Secréts" by Effie Taylor. The hymn "I Would be True" was sung : followed by community singing. The Junior Group gave a demon- stration of home nursing under the tgble direction of Miss V. Hopkins. A duet by J. Reid and E. Adair,' and a solo by M. Anderson, which "were excellently rendered were en- against him, despite the fact that he C.G.1.T. ; : which was responded to by Mrs. Pitt. ! joyed by all. The senior group sang a very interesting display with! dumb bells. The two groups sang' the closing hymn and Taps. The whole affair was under the. able direction of Mrs. S. Bartlett to 5 whom special thanks is due for very successful and happy evening, also to Desdames Wigle and Hamil- 'ton and the Tuxis boys. Whist and Dance A Whist Drive and dance will be held in the town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 17th, at 8.30 p.m., under the auspices of the L.0.B.A. Boys' or- chestra will play. Admission 30c. CANADIAN N - LEGION Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., Pryden Branch, meet at Central Hotel on Sunday, Feb. 15th, at 8.15 p.m, NOTICE A Valentine Tea will be held at 'the home of Mrs. Gus Hohn, King S-. on Saturday, February 14, under ithe aus- pices of fthe Sr. Girls' Auxiliary of St. Luke's Church. Silver Collection. "LOOK" A whist drive and dance to be held by the Rebekahs on Easter Monday, April ASHES cant bei insured Rotect you your properly NOW while it has a definite value INSURE WIT 0) E. GIBSON, Agent Mil Hall, The Russel Ram blers will play, Proceeds ave donated to the Red Cross Hospit- al, Watch for particulars next week, ol NOTICE . Due to the over crowded condition ..of Dryden Schools and the pos- . .siblity of having to provide ad- . ditional accomodotion, Wil} all {,.parents having children which ¢,. wil} be starting schoo] next term "please n-tify th, secretary of-the .School Board, Mr A J LOCK at .once g'ving name; age and date 'of birth, A card in the Post . . Office or phone 20 Ming 3, TWO ROOMS with Pantry to rent.' ing, Dryden. "Hymns, 'My Mother Used to Sing," and gave: prances Groves 82, George 6% in th, Pulp EE () GED () ED () GD (EE () EE ()-E.-O SD ( Reasonable rent. Apply Mrs. Flem-' o_o Mrs. Mo rton, Known A very well known and high res- past twenty-three years passed away on Feb. 8th, in the person of Mrs. Margaret Morton. Although Mrs. Morton had been in very poor health for the past four years, the illness which caused her death was only of a week's duration the end coming quietly on Sunday evening. The late Mrs. Morton was a native of Scotland and was born in the year '1851, coming to Canada when she was just six years old. With her fam- ily - she came to Dryden in 1908 shortly after the death of her hus- band in Eastern Ontario, where they »had always resided. Seven sons and three daughters are left to mourn the loss of a lov- ing and devoted mother. These are Well Citizen Passes Mrs. Nichol and Mrs. A. G. Ripley Scotland} James, Charles, Harry and Fred Morton, Dryden, and Edward of Vermilion, Alta.; Peter, (Calgary, | Alta., and Will, Bath, Ont. She is also survived by four brothers, Harry Reid, Senreiber; Peter and John Reid, Dryden, and James, North Brook, 'Ont.; also two sisters, Mrs. Philts, Kingston, Ont., and Mrs. Cad- 'man, Spokane, Wash. Fifty-three grandchildren and sixteen great grandehifldren also mourn her loss. The deepest sympathy of every- one in the community is felt for the bereaved relatives. The funeral service was held from the residence of Mr. A. G. Ripley, Wednesday afternoon and was con- ducted by Mr. Wilson of Fort Will- jam. Iterment took place at the Dryden ¢emetery. & RICE LAKE Coughs and colds are very preva-! slent in this district. At a meeting held on Thursday, Feb. 5, a sports' committee was or- ganized consisting of the following members: Messrs. Dune. McArthur, George Groves, Alvin Mallory, Wes- ley Schaffer and Wm. Peggott. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McArthur and infant son have taken up their residence here for the winter. Miss Dorothy Crawford of Sols- girth, Man., is spending the winter: with her father, Mr. Wm. Crawford. jond Nortkern Development, RICE LAKE SCHOOL REPORT FEBRUARY Class V.--Algebra, Jim McArthur, Kenora, a motion made by O. Per-* wa ucuoubted fact al many of the \/ {duss, seconded by I. Kurz, was car-' i :, ried, to the effect that the secretary 65 per cent. Class IV.--Arithmetic (100) Hazel- 'wood 64, Edna Storey 63, Lee Smith ~b38, Robert 'Smith 38; Stanley kind-; 'guist (absent for exam.) gus Allen 82, Cecil McArthur 67. Je. III.--Arithmetic (100) Frank Storey 87, Bernard Smith 86, Marie Norton 80, Tony Homer (absent for . exam). { Class 2, Arithmetic (80)-- Ruth McArthur 66, Joe Lindquist 63, Ray Smith 55, Bddie Harman 41. (Roy Harman and Billy Homer, absent for exam.) Class I.-- Helen Homer. Primer A.--Edward Wallin, Char- lie. Rankin, Jack Smith. Primer B.--La Vinia Nandy Homer. ? Smith, Janey Harman, Waldhof {partment particularly, that we have | set work done December last. Senior III.--Arithmetic (100) An-; Appreciates Waldhof, Ont., Feb. 2,-1931. "The Observer", Dear fditor:: We have read so much lately about the misdoings of the Ontario 'Government generally ,and the 'Northern Development De- no doubt that your readers will have mich pleasure to read, for a change, ; Something of the nature as follows: bine Hon. William Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, ROTARY RADI? BROADCAST WILL Station C.K.Y. Winnipeg wil carry! Program. Tune in at Five ill Sunday, Fet. 15th. BE HEARD SUNDAY! The Canadian Je Comniittee ct Roinry International has arranged for :eneral broadcast fro: Halifax|' to Vaucouver on Sunday, February 15th, at 6.00 o'clock eastern standard has no police record. ) "The raikest Bolshevist can be and under io ent system, often is ad- mitted to the pri ze. snip," 1 years has haidied al! naturalizatic rlicadons in this district. tf 2 greaer national! interest in ib ileges of British cid Ceciares one judge who for Tim Ch is i carcriant problem results from this ational family party under the aus pices of Canadian Rctary then an cx- anc Gadi WOOL cellent dienal constructive piece of 4 fuwer of the wrong sort. wil have been performed. i incre of the right sort of citi. time, which will make it 5.00 o'clock in his district. The broadcast car be received from C.K.Y. Winnipeg, and in aditition to a brief program, a short address by the Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon, a very prominent and eloquent clergy-- man of Montreal, {ormerly of Winni- ; peg, who is alse International Presi : aert of Rotary, will be given, his cub-! ject being "Privileges and Duties of C.izenship. - This is part of Rotary's program to induce desirable aliens to assume their preper responsibilities and become real British citizens. Rotary and Naturalization The family gathering of the Cana- dian nation, which has been by the Rotary Club of Canada for Sun-} day, February 15th, is a significant an? iieresting idea. By means of an all-: Cauada hook-up on that date, starting' at 6 p.m Eastern Standard Time, every distr ct in Canada will be able to listen® fesigney to foster Canadian art and a Canada fellow-feeling. than this first complete all-Canada! hook-up, with every broadcasting sta-! tion of coat UaTe in the circuit, is Toron o. Sir,-- In the annual - meeting of jthe farmers and settlers of the' 'Township of Mutrie, District of! was instructed to express the grati- tude of. said farmers and settlers to iyou and "yodr department for the re- They also wish to point out that the situation was dealt with most! aificiently and justly by Mr. R. Lyons, District Engineer of Kenora District. Yours respectfully +0, PERDUSS, : Secretary Waldhot P. O., Ont. Jan. 30th, 1931. WANTED- Old established Canadiam Manufacturer of Electric Washer, & Ironers requires a local Represents~ ; tive' on particularly attractive prop- . osition, Give referemce in first ap-i "pileation to Box No G-ODEERVER, +) CHD () ERD () TED) (GD) (EE (ED (GD () GD GD (a (SS Specials foi GES: ATS () GD) () Russian Gil 16 oz. bottle. Regular 85¢ Special .....dommen 2 for 93c Seedlitz Powders : Regular 23c Special ici 2 for 37c Emeton Tooth Paste Regular 50c. Special.......... 34¢ 3 for $1.00 Nya! Frui¢ Saline Regular 50c. Special 24c Tooth Brushes Regular 50c Special 19¢ Face Powder Regular 75¢ and $1.00. Special 38c % ig am gid r this Week Brilliantine Regular 50c. 37c Special. jifebuoy Shaving Cream Regular 33c¢ Special 24c¢ - Peppermint Humbugs Special Pound 22¢ Mayflower Vanishing Cream Regular 5c. Special 37¢c Dressing Combs Regular 35¢ : 16¢ Special Silver Polish Regular 35c. 19¢ Special a Davin Pharmacy Ltd | nt te oh iho iia i L/ 'plicant has a police court record or has mmm mm rm mm a the act that the Rotary Clubs are, isi ii;e occasion for a b SE0% ad subject of nw oo alization, C88 It is wrong sort of people are obtaining the iriviieges of Canadian citizenship-- people who use these privileges for the purpose of working for the overthrow of the kind of civilization for which thc Dominion stands. On the other hand, nos. desirable foreign-born residents $ are neglecting naturalization when a. a matic citizenry would be 2 source to the nation. Clubs are working to remedy. It has been said, with regard lo the naturalization of undesirable foreigners that this cannot take place, because the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arc asked to investigate the applicant in 2 Nevertheless, it is a fact ihe vast majority of cases the jj a plication is & s no other information placed "im than the applicant cares to § each case. 'hat in dye before whom the Hs {use no report of the RCMP. 5 recent od unless the report 1 undavor- While for such reasons as *hat the ap-i cpractically. no knowledge of English "The lack of a report does not necessa- | 1 . « of naturilization, for the applicant's seneral character, * society afiilations may be arranged Tamarac, per cord, : Cash, delivered ....ee__. $7. on Municipality of Van Horne Resid nts of the Township wif pleas, take note that Mec Wm Tew hae: been appointed Weed Inspector for the curreat TA The Council asks for your - operation with h'm n trylug contro] weds of the Township. i DRY SL First Class Mixed, Fuel Woed, per cord Cash, delivered _______.. Pe Second Class Mixed, Fuel won: in on an d&4-Canada musical programme' per cord Cash, delivered _ eee... But perhaps even more interesting: Split Poplar, per cord Cash, delivered _....__. SWAN SWANEBON - of fact their addition to the & : of strength 8 Both. these defects in our system of naturalization the Rotary 3% mean that the applicana is des en { his associates and I al", as A Mest Acceptadle-- ta any Boy or Girl isa SIGNET RING Wilh their initials engraved oni i: ; theze from-- $2.50 up L. vi. : and Co. The Jewellers rr STEERS We have a beautiful range of |g #5.00 - $6. 00 Kinda] BEATH | assured. Will be in Dryden-- Make your appointment Eyesight Specialist s at the Dryden House 9, G. SNIDER, R. 0. EXAMINATION OF THE EYES PAYS Our examination is very scientific and accuracy is ALL THE MOST MODERN METHODS APPLIED. Our charges for glasses, frame, case and examination is as low as $5.00 and upwards. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd Fort William GPP Pager vy

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