Dryden Observer, 27 Mar 1931, p. 2

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Page Two yy : <r THE DRYDEN OBSERVER tT fae ade sy Seid oni 5 oT -- A, Bey ld THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Heenan (Liberal, Kenora- is en acted. the measure, but now Mr. Hee- ran is reintroducing it. Provin EXPERT SHOE AND 1D (GEE (EE (RED) EE (SE - )-SD (GD) GEEB> () CED) C3ED GS HARNESS REPAIRS ee l Published every Friday at >ryden, Ontario. These people were deni.d t'e ballot last July because Pa ricia District was not included in any Federal constituency. At present Federal ridings in this area rua cially this new area has been brought into electoral Cistrizts along the lines suggested in the Heenan bill. Wright's Special & Subseriptior ; 1.5 7. ibscription rate $1.50 yearly FRESH SUPPLY OF TEA AND COFFER Elsie B. Collison, Publisher | froin Rainy. River, the interna- |, ORYDEN LODGE, No, 1% T d of Tea at 5s ) ; ; E , Ko, ; ock of Ty a pound of Tea at .................... 332 : 3 Co Migs Tria -- Dee 1.0 L #oets tue Wiset and Thin Our St Fresh Blended Coffee at ................ 302 nd we 'nglis er. e are WO wednesday of esch mosth ag eigh : Cll Patricia Citizens [seats between the Manitobi- | ym mn the Town Hall Vistas QUALITY SHOES Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for ................. 250 Likely to get Vote Ileenan's Bill Would Extend Franchise to 690 Northerners IY HO PRESENT RIDING OTTAWA, March 22 -- Six hundred people resident in the Patricia District, rorthea-t of Kenora, will be enabled to vo'e Ontario boundary and Fort Wil- liam. In the.last session of the lat Parliament the Liberal. Govern ment brought. down a bill to ru, the north and south line straight north from the 'Engi h EKiver, thereby bringing these new min- ing areas within existing ele:tor- al districts: camp would have gone ino Kenora, which is Mr. Hcenan's Patricia mining. nrethren cordially imvited. PERCY MOORE, WM. BADEN SMITH, Rec.-Rec'y, {(:0:0:F:;, DRYDEN LODGE No. 417, meets in the Tewn Hall Dryden every Mcaday evening a 8 p.m. A.. McCALLUM, N.G, F, WHITELEY, Rec. Sec. ---- for men is worth Inspection. F. WILLARD Progressive Shoe POTATOES While they last for this wee' only 60C CALL AND SEE OUR EASTER NOVELTIES FROM 5e to 75e. NEW LAID EGGS--Guaranteed to be Fresh, all * a Io CED () CED () CUED ) CRED OCR () GED () ED ()<TrE- () CHD () SEE (<TR OE D Ons (of seat. The Conservatives. opposed | GOLDEN STAR LODGE 1 Local, Dozen ...... 20c at the next Federal ele tion if | the bill, believing it Was a Plan | \.p a A. M. No Se iim Hospital a bill placed on the Commons | to footlitate Mr. Heenan's elec- Tost A EL ~ ar trated orcer paper by Hon. Deter | tion. The Government d opped he eto of cach Se Machinerv z FIR PR vee | Visitors Cordially Invited. FIRST Workm anshi} ic tl Ja mes Wrigh t, Ih one 40 : BOSE ISINIIS EEE F. 0 BAKER. W.M, CLASS "Material ' A. E, BERREY, See. : CED (EE (GEE (CED GEE () GED () CES (ED (ED OED 055 0G 0am. 9 1B MODERATE PRICES AAT M { M k f 0 : iy : EE Sh = I Paterson S ed ar C O GRANITE & MARBLE 0 'Done While You Wait' ei : iF wi PR a Plan Leda pom Ws Tus ot rh hd 10c 0 GEO. NOBLE O ncaa =H ME $ Coll FIORE in meme bor mhms imo ton tga 2% br 9e 0 Dryden, Ontario 0 Full Line of: 5 i Pork Tenderloing ......oovvvvevreeeionnnsns 45¢ i ; igi : > A = RCL == SHOE POLISH & 8 | SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY | ANDERSON & HAREIS LACES ND Y SHOP H | Tomato Sausages, per 1b. .............. 15¢ | Sl 4 | San for. FEET Te: Ss. Ln FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mail Orders Recieve 2 | eWI1ng ee SIOT ....oeiiiil J . " oy 4 5 n REI IRE, DOF TB nore and onssiis el DAY OR NIGHT CALLS Prompt Attention. USUAL RUN OF COLD MEATS FOR OVER THZ 1 : PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO , id ih Back Bacon (Shamrock ............cccvv... 3le i WEEK END. IN = Side Bacon, 15 1b. packet ..........500unnns 17¢ FHONE~ P.O. Box 240 = y (olden Loaf Cheese, 1 1b. KE. «veer rnnrn.. 3c Day, 62 R3 Night, 62 BR 4| Dryden. Ont. Le GREENILL i ROAST PORK HEAD CHEESE JELLY VEAL . atm . -- oy A = ; ees mm" ROAST CHICKEN" BOILED HAM Fhene 8, A. PATERSON, Dryder | {}| = : = A i ; - § i , 2 N Winterbottom Lumber Yard - ! 7 Builder & Contractor. : : A : : Be OE NO OS LOOK OVER OUR ASSORTMENT OF V OMBINAT | ON. Lumber, Coal and TOSINE NOyELTITS i Ny SL aw NE . SOMETHING DIFFERENT \/ A CTHAT ASSURES BAKING SUCCESS [8 Builders' Supplies | FIVE ROSES RECIPES| HN Evervthing For A Building uglity -- ied = vi 3) FIVE ROSES FLOUR Quality - a wt Ge 4 : NE Er SSE SERS Se Sie TRY THIS RECIPE for PLAIN BISCUITS | from Page 37, Five Roses Cook Book 4 cups Five Roses flour 2 (sifted) 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cup, sweet milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sweet cream Sift the cream of tartar and soda with the flour. HB Mix all with spoon, roll out and bake well in hot FESS" oven. A handful of currants is [EEE sometimes added. If no cream is at hand, substitute 1 table- spoon lard or butter. GET THIS BOOK Ask your grocer for it, or send in the coupon below with thirty cents (80¢s) CSE LZ DHE SSS ZZ CHES dessert-spoons sugar Bs 1 (small). teaspoon salt fi white 8 8 Merchants everywhere EEE EAE NRE ANE NR EEE Seen gon buy 5 whole £5 £2 Im 0 0 0 UO COOK BOOK DEPT. i Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd., Winnipeg Man. Ea Please find Postal Note for thirty ants (80c) enclosed. Send the Five " Roses Cook Bock to oH HN Your Name un Address 3 Prapluds : Ham g 5 aly A. PITT LTD. DRYDEN, ONT. Se fe - b Also All -- Dealers in Surrounding Towns. ) ane ar € Ir eady {0 take car ec - 2 hg of your Easter Premium 585 | Ham or Bacon Order. ton ren LLLP They have increased Cr phy Seed stocks in anticipa- -- fy mo Hoge a P iy sl ess, trims need of excess fat, thoroughly cooked ready to serve, tion of your needs. Premium Sliced Bacon Buy Premium Sliced Bacon in the conven. ient 1 Ib. Carton, or in" _ the handy % lb. cello- phane wrapped package. Arrange for your Easter Ham or Bacon, at once, | so you may be sure of getting Premium. Premium Hams retain their full flavor when served, because they require no parboiling before broiling or frying. Insist on Premium when ordering. The splendid flavor and general high qualities will make it worth your while. the jewels of a fine watch From:the engine to the road, the entire drive of the new Ford on all forward speeds is wholly on anti-friction ball and roller bearings, Come in and let us explain the many other structural and mechanical features that make the new Ford a value far above the price you pay. Dingwall Motors Ltd. Dryden & Kenora .Evipence of the quality built into the new Ford is the use of more than twenty bail ard roller bearings. In addition to smoother operation, they save gasoline, give more speed and power in first and second speeds, decrease noise and increase the . durability and efficiency of the _ | transmission gears, Premium Bacon. Premium Bacon is also easily identified by the brand "Swift" which appears in dots on the side. Make Sure of "Premium" for Easter Sales & Service

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