Dryden Observer, 1 May 1931, p. 3

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LOCAL ASSOCIATION | FOR BOY SCOUTS FORMED On Saturday, April 25th, 1931, a meeting was held in the Coun- cil Chambers at 8.30, for the purpose of organizing a Boy or pape fyi Scout Local Organization, for Dryden District. About thirty interested persons attended. Scout Commissioner Mills of Winnipeg: was appointed chair- man and H. F. Froud, secretary for the evening. Mr. Mills first outlined the purpose, duties, membership and oe officers and committies necess- ary for the Association. In re- gards to membership any person interested is eligible. The meeting was then thrown open for mominations for various officers and committees. The following were elected :-- President, Mr. J. S. Wilson; Vice Pr esident, Dr. H. Morison: pi SE ms RT Sa al] hie. ie me TE | Ch hairman, Dr. P. H. B. Wood; ( 2 9 5 Treasurer, Mr. F. Wil- . \ 5 i tard. \ Are ou Interested i in Saving d| Executive Committee: ) | Vi cee v Money? . ' 4 Classified \/ When considering the purchase of clothing or 0 i dry goods, we invite you to ask our price in your ' FOR RENT--ONE HOUSE, 4 Ny) own interests. V| rooms, good well and garden, \/ : : ii 8 dollars per month, Apply ' During the past four months $5,000.00 in new ' (ieo. Keatley Sr., Dryden. bll rchandise has been added to our stock and rad- | == y ME 2 ne 8 ST : | SUITE OF THREE ROOMS, i lcal changes made 1n prices. é above store, modern for rent. y Buying for spot cash in enormous quantities \/ Pronger and Armstrong. il : "Ol i ne o Tor n 3 A His 0 on the group buying system and selling only do 2 TOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS, 10 4 cash, we are in a position to give you lower prices YW per pair cash, Con Snider, Ox- than any competitors. \/ drift, Ont. : i FC a, i X Ter New stocks just to hand of canvas running shoes 4 : he pa 1d SOL, Taine ; Tv f 570 Tole Vi two year old, or will exchange for all the family from .......... 0a¢ pal ' i for fresh cow. Apply W. Pol- : -- é lard, Oxdrift, Ont, 58 RAIN COATS for all the family. Me 2 ; J TIMOTHY HAY, BALED AT i, $15 per ton, Loose at $10 per Men's 18-ounce, all wool botany serge dress ' on Ad quality, apply SBF pants, well tailored, pair .............. $1.40 A Pronger, Notary Public. : V. GREE [OUNTA] : Boy's whoopee pants, heavy blue denim, wide Ho GREEN r MOUNTAIN POTA- i har wed iin & 10 | toes, fit for Table or seed. elastic waist band, red trmm ............ Tor V | Price right, William Miller Sr. TE 4 Creek Hill Farm. Boy's shirts of strong khaki drill, sport collar IN - : : and 14 sleeve, one pocket, only ........... T5e¢ yj POTATOES FOR SALE--Place : i your order now with John . Ra Norris for potatoes, good keep- Boy's all-wool blue cheviot serge, golf le ) ers, good seed and good table bloomer, hand and buckle at knee ...... $1.98 i\| stock, green mountain and Sr y ~coblers. 10 bus. lots 40c per Boy's dark tweed short pants, a sporty summer i bus. cash; 45¢ single bus. Dry- style, wide elastic band and fancy buckle at 1 den P.O. : AIEEE ro re A ee iE wi $115 Vi : -- Se Wl FOR SALE -- COW, DUE TO 4 freshen middle of May. Half : V Jersey, apply Con Snider, Ox- Ralph J. Pronger | i 5 The Store of Better Values 5 FOR SALE -- FORD COUPE, A 1925 model. A bargain for We pay the delivery charges { cash, apply J. A. Payne, Dry- Sa a Sa ee ae a | den. 5/8 3 i i . and fifteen marker, district, ask any of the think of them, and look order. McCormick - Deering Eastern Drills are made in three different sizes, eleven, thirteen either single disk, hoe or shoe. Spaced seven inches apart. Complete with grass seed attachment. Several of these drills are now in use in this We have a complete line of machinery for your spring needs. Also Auto tires and batteries, (fasoline by the gallon or by the barrell. Motor oil, Coal oil, and Greases of all kinds. J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. several users what they over before placing your ATTENTION -- ON FRIDAY, May 8th, 1931, I will butcher a choice fat cow, to be sold here on my farm between the hours of 10 aun. and 4 p.m, at from be to 15c per 1b, small or large quantities. come one, come all. John Norris, South half lot 6, Con- cession H, Vanhorn. 51 LOL. DRYDEN LODGE, No. "5. 1694 Meets the First and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. PERCY MOORE, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Ree.-Rez'y pas rg 1.0.0.F,, DRYDEN LODGE, No. 417, meets in the Town Hall, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. 7. RUSSELL, N.G. FF. WHITELEY, Ree. See. (GOLDEN STAR LODGE "AS. & AM, No. 454 GR.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of each = + d. E. Gibson; Mr. W. T , : Mr. K. Ray; Mr. R. Wigle; Mr. H. F. Froud; Mr G. Wice It was decided to hold semi- annual meetings for the Asso- ciation and monthly meetings for the Executive Committee, the Association to meet on the second Monday in October and April, . while the Executive should plan their own meetings. The Annual Membership fee was placed at 5H0c. The meeting then adjourned, a very hearty vote of thanks being accorded Mr. Mills. Any person who wishes to show an active interest in the Scout Troops and Guide Com- panies of Dryden, can do so hy becoming a member of the Loeal Association. Fees should be paid as soon as possible to the Painting and Paperhanging Price Reasonable Tappisserie Sunworthy Wall-paper For Sale BEASTON & RODTKA Dryden, Ont. Phone 129 MEN'S SUITS & LADIES DRESSES Cleaned & Pressed for 31.00 Also take orders for Dye Work. Whyte St. Laundry SO» SPECIAL em Sigua Men's Black leather work hoots, Panco sole, pair, cash only $2.65 Men's brown work boot, pr. $3.45 Men's black oxford gewn sole, Lr A eRe a $3.00 Men's black oxford sewn sole, PAT hi ees $3.90 English Exteny black Dal a $5.75 & $5.2 Men's black dress boot, pr. $4.35 F. WILLARD Shoe and Harness Repairer Progressive Shoe Hospital FIRST Machinery CLASS Workmanship Material MODERATE PRICES 'Done While You Wait' Jobs a Specialty Full Line of: SHOE POLISH & LACES Mail Orders Receive Prompt . Attention |= month. Visitors cordially invited. | P.O Box 0 : McCormick-Deering Dealer [*. 0. BAKER, W.M. Dryden, Ont. 1. GREENHILL A. E. BERREY, Sec. Phone 4 - Bone | sme --_ 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. Hay $16. Red and Seed Oats, Barley, Hulless Barley, Seed Wheat, Clover Seed, Allsike and Timothy. PHONE 28 00 per ton. Good for W Cheese 19¢ 1b. No. 1 creamery butter 29¢ 1b, ednesday only. limit 3 lbs. 5 doz. oranges for $1.00 Seribblers 9 for 25¢ Thursday Only Caribou Ten, Lead pencils 9 for 29¢ pkts. 3be Friday Only , Simmers 10c Seeds be pkt, Eoin Tiour at a Low Price FLOUR High quality and consistent ly good results make [this flour a bargain at the price. MADE BY THE MILLERS OF THE FAMOUS "The World's Best' FOR SALE BY : A. PITT LTD, DRYDEN, ONT. Lake of the Woids Stes Co, Yd, Secretary Treasurer, as the Exe- cutive Committee is holding its first meeting on Wednesday, May 6th, at 8 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chambers. A meeting is being held Sat- urday evening, May 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers to | form a Loeal Guide Association. | NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF ST. LUKE'S CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Next Sunday, May 3rd, the Rev. Canon Sanderson will ad- minister Holy Communion at 11 o'clock service. Our Evening Service will com mence as usual at 7 o'clock, where the Rector will preach on the subject of "Immortality as interpreted by Modern Minds," as it is the great controversial subject among honest and think. ing people. Sifior the Divine Service, the congregation is requested to att- I end the Church Hall to ms several important affairs. Mem- bers are requested to voice their opinion unreservedly, but 'Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."" Signed Rev. W. M. Clarke. 0 GRANITE & MARBLE © | O MONUMENTS 4] Is GEO. -NOBLE Oo 0 Dryden, Ontarie oO See ; L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --for-- Wood Sawing Pr ompt Service -- CASH ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE- Day, 62 R 3 Wight, 2 R 4 nine i fmm ree, = oe me a So inexpensive, Blousettes of Washable Silky Celanese it will pay you to buy two or three in various shades, White and Biege at $1.95. Girl's White Jean Middies, jean cloth with navy flannel, detachable collar, sizes 8 to 14, at $1.00. ee Green, Pink, Eggshell, 'Fe 7 Books Dear Folks -- Af A big hearted us a cheque for $9.95, in remain an anonymous for us--eh? This is your Monday. vour old, worn out without delay. or The next time you and look over our new Machines. with Pronger \ Music far mel Singer Sewing Machine account. cheque unsigned as well ag the letter, last chance. draw the 10¢ trade-in-allowance an old records on The new May records are we've some splendid numbers. cleaning the gramophone cabinet? & Armstrong Pronger and Armstrong "Through Service We Grow" "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do." Stationery the Store, April 30, 1931. > from up West mailed payment of an old ladies' As he wished to contributor, he left the just too bad Victor will with- just in and How about spring Bring in all cracked Vietor records are down town, come in line of Connor Washing Yours very truly, Joe EC EEE EE ELL Season: Here's a chance to Durance DRYDEN, ONT. ; felf mattress, only LL AR LRA am O-EE (OSE (EE (ET (EES 0 EE5 () §50- EES ( 659% (65S O-anD OS (3 Refrigerators Steele Briggs Seeds Sporting Goods, Golf and Baseball Supplies get a real bargain. Simmon's Walnut finish Bed with coil spring and white - $21.50 EOE cE OEE Bros. Phone 41 J

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