Dryden Observer, 3 Jul 1931, p. 1

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EE i A ------ i = ie emp ------ No. 27. VOL. IX. Dryden Public S h | R Miss Dorothy Schurg, teacher C 00 eport of Waldhof Rural School wishes a a : to announce the results of the June Promotion Examinations, as follows, in order of standing with average marks: From Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Vale ~The Dryden Observes DRYDEN, ONTARIO, JULY 3rd, 1931. WALDHOF SCHOOL RICE LAKE RESLLES Drowns at Kenora KENORA, June 29th.--Wes- ley Wotton, 23, whose parents reside at Fox-Warren, Man, was drowned while bathing near Kenora Saturday. Picnics to the various lakes in The Opening of the Kenora the vieinity are the order of the Highway - - - Jim McArthur is writing on This is presumed to take place | ip br ng thks w ols a on September 7th, Labour Day, id en, and Frances Groves, and it is possible that nearly al) George Hazelwood and Lee the readers of the Observer | Smith are writing on the Ent- ' Douglas Hatch; Annie Rohatyn- ski; Mary Yaworski; Roy Evans; Lloyd Adair; Elgin Irven. Junior Third -- Teacher, Miss R. Reany -- Gertrude Murray; The following gives the ar- rangement of classes for Sep- tember: Senior Fourth-- Teacher, H. I. Froud, Prin. and Q. McKinney, "s 3 : i Kellberg 79 (Hon.) ; Hans Gruen | know about i ; at ; Asa't---- Mildred Ripley; Helen | Muriel Anderson; Merla Warren iL now about it because a great) rance. : . De Ruby oe Rubena Wice; Nancy Sherwood; 76 (Hon.); Peter Schoonenberg deal has been said about the . * - Cairabrogie School Report May Wright; Howard Nem, John Tarnowski; Francis Kosh- 71 (Pass). matter in both Kenora papers Mr. A. Paulette is now com- Bertha Wilton: Tom Crawley; | on; Billy Saskoley; Walter Dav-| From Sr. III to Jr. IV--Minnie | 22d some mention made in the | fortably established in his new | 8.8. NO. 1, WAINWRIGHT Trams Strutt: Annie Makueh; | is; George McMonagle; Gladys | Schoonenberg 82 (Hon.); Hilda Winnipeg papers. home, as are also Mr. and Mrs. : : Berthil Nallvic Grace Taylor: Olsen; Herbert Kellar; Arthur Kellberg 80 (Hon.) Great plans are being made L. Weaver. Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Olive Gour; Grant Buchanan; Edna Martin- McGuire; George Makuch; Tom From Jr III to Sr. IIT--Kurt for this event and it is anticipat- 5 5 % Bert Morton. < son: Harry Martinson; Bert Hawke; Joan Hooker; Nora Hielmann 87 (Hon.); Hilda Les- ed that three thousand cars with | Mrs. D. McArthur and daugh- Sr. III to Jr. IV--Leta Mor- Bormhower, Flovense Dogg Cook; Jack Norris; Mildred | chied 79 (Hon.); Billie Molser ten thousand people will he |ter Ruth, spent the week-end in| ton (Hon.) ; Carl Prouty; Ellis Christina Stovel; Agnes Blake; Faulkner; Daisy Dempster; Lily | 71 (Pass); Louis Kaufmann 63 there. : Dryden. MeGogy. Eileen Cooper; Leila Foulis; Dempster; Donald Ernewein;| (Pass); Ruby Hern 61 (Pass) ; Naturally, a good many of the 2 . Jr. 1II to Sr. III--Helen Hubert Bartlett; Robert Me- Russell Tuckey; Joe Sanderson:| Merril Smith 61 (Pass). citizens of Dryden and the Dis-| Work on the road has begun] Prouty; Odye Morton; Ada Callum; Frank Brisson; Bill Bop Dagg 3 Ante Pe From Sr. II to Jr. ITT--Leo, trict would be there if the road Spike the supervision of Mr. W. 1 (four. ; r ; Norris; Bert Robinson; Clarence [312 TW: ouglas Anderson; Beyer 81 (Hon.); Ida Smith 67 i were only constructed from Ver- | Harman. Sr. II to Jr. IIT--Arthur Mor- Ts Z or: iv ey g £; S- ili #* > p 2 z Neely: Fileen Wigle; Russell Morley Wright; Beth Wi (Pass). milion Bay to Kenora. * 2 ton (Hon.); Joe Morton; Teddy gill; Harry Tappage; Norgate; Phyllis French; Mae Dempster; Norma Bailey; Agnes Miss Maitland spend the week-- . Mike Semak; Margaret The Kenora people have wait- Morton; Leslie . 4c © 9 58 ° * end in Cairnbrogie, visiting Miss MecGogy. From Sr, Pr. to First--Eric Miller; Polly Smith Hazel Prouty, Annie Chaschowy; Isa- ed many years and so we shall Jorgate : advs Bving : : 1 1 house 2 Te i a Robinson; Natalie Gibbons; Del- From Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr--Trvin I ts at tate So Bis gp pp oh a a a oT 5) win Skene; Hazel McGuire; Mac Kellberg; Walter Miller; Willie Sg : (Hon.); Mabel Prouty (Hon); W.. Wee wnley Lock; Doris one Ie A i i J] i ¥ 7-9. unley Lock: Doris | wor 1 "p11 Cook; John Living- Munta. t the same time, celebrations QUIBELL Ottoline Cornelius. Fur rin: red Cole: Horace Wigle; Paul Cook; John Living i 4h : Feanch; Mary Avchibald;- Clair | Stone. "| From Blementary Primer to| of TE AHS 2h IE OT SR IE pa on 3 ii y = : i 2" ; 3 : or 2 ; hy : i Jr. Pr--Franz Mitzi: Mabel € ublicity help hasten our y TA IL rimer ass--Harry Morton; Ernewein; Pernice Bailey; Iva- Junior Third -- Teacher, Miss Smith. 5 own event, so that those of us Mr. Earl Huchison, M.P.P., for Marjie Morton; Bill Woitowicz; the District of Kenora was here for a couple of days last week looking over some of the roads. * * LJ 0. Reany -- Shirley Pronger; Margaret Beck; Evelyn Ripley ; Carl Whitehead; Violet Davis; Mildred Van Sickle; Leonard Moline; Alice Batchelor; Charlie delle Bowes; Mike Cocke; Aud-. rey Tew; Marjorie Boomhower: Tommy Cooper; Hjalmer Moline Albert Ferguson; Bella Hudson; who could, even with some sae- fice, should be at the Kenora rejoicing. The freight on a car from Ver- Mike Woitowiez; Mary McGogy; Marion Alberts; Tommy Alberts. Teacher--Elizabeth Woodhouse. OXDRIFT SCHOOL JUNE REPORT Annie Tarnowski; Marjorie Rob- ion B ! : Mr. L. Sovonen, the Bus driv- : ' a a to Kenora is rather ' i t son; Frank Cullen; Venice | Steiner. Second Class--Mar palion. fay : + has ma raneemen 4 i i tit ans] Rebmignticly. Daaald Wright,| Sr. IV (1) Hazel Richardson | excessive, that is at regular | Sp POD i gs | IN MEMORIAM Feming; Rhoda Davidson; Mari- | Merle Van Sickle; Audrey Win-y (Hon); (2) Norval Findlay ic] 3 We i Derm of her store for a Bus service] | 3 lyn Wilson; Addie Pilkey; Freda terbottom; Albert Batchelor; (Hon.) (3) Jimmie Pateman. . pf pasome,, Spodga' © GEERAOR Depot. In fond and loving memory of Jr. IV (1) Winnie Findlay ; would be given to us, if we got 0) Viera Pollard; (3): Grant Dy in the. : MecGonegal. SRE This is the purpose of this Sr. TIT (1) Irvin Skene (Homn.) article. T.ookout is here visiting friends (2) Tom Griffith (Hon): (3)| Will anyone who has the} ng relatives. Douglas Amos (Hon); (4) Jim iE of going to lim RECA Ry Spalding; (5) Amy Corner; (6) | at tha ate, get in touch right | rR , ha a La oh Willie i away with either the Mayor, Dr. So on ha i 35 Gionegal. P. H. B. Wood, or Alfred Pitt? | 580%, i) Bg Lob Visiting Jr. ITT (1) Gilbert Coutts. It there are a sufficient num- | ie Collett home last Sunday. Sr. TI (1) Willie Amos (Hon.) : ber, these gentlemen will see " oe (2) Rena Skene and Jack Coutts what can be done. » » our dear son and brother, Arthur 0. S. Walker, who departed this life Juy Tth, 1929, aged 24 years. Oh happy hours we once enjoyed How sweet their memory still; But death has left a loneliness, This world can never fill. Mike Tarnowski; Esther Faulk- ner; Gertrude Neely; Cora Kelly Vernon Moline; Billy Tew; An- drew Rohatynski; Bert French; Edward Johnson; Ursula Cook; Mona Rutter; Elsie Macdonald; Taduic Humenuic; May Goldrup Leonard Smith; John Rohatvn- ski; Helen Austin; Muriel Wan- nacott; Marven Brisson; Anna Auren; John Vost; Verna Orr; Mervin Brampton ;- Austin Hardy Box: Frank Olsen; Emma Flem- ing; Helen Nelson; John Robin- son; Marie Heard; Redvers Adair; Ruth Norgate; William Yaworski; Jim Brown; Jim Lou- ttit: Margaret Buchanan; Rose Doudiet. On trial: Ralph Smith; Tarl Tew: Sherwood Robinson. Junior Fourth---Teacher, Miss B. Robinson -- Thomas Leach; Ralph Pronger; Mildred Taylor: Myrtle Barber; Bob Foote; Jim- Henry Paradis, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Paradis from Sioux "Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace, he awaits us all." Miss Hewitt, the nurse of the Inserted by father, mother, mie Reid; Bert F r: Adele | Cli 3 : : --_-- : . 1 in £3 an As Tatama Vokes 2 fo) (Equal) ; (3) Laurence James: Quibell out-post, is back from a | sister and brother. SE ll . ra Ys : (4) Burton Pollard; (5) Robert six week's visit to Toronto. Hardy: Gordon Robinson; Ade- Sweeney. Findlay u st . P 4 NOTICE laide Cole; George Morettin; Second Class -- Teacher, Miss Jr. II (1) Carmen Jackson; y Mr. Jerry Holmes, of Tagart, ay Arthur Bdwards; Fddie Wanna- cott: Bill Vankoughnett; Ronald Trench: Joe Cook; Evelyn Mill- ev: (ladys Buchanan; George Trnewein: Gordon Nymark ; Nellie Sfreddo; Nora Bauer; Robert Cunningham; Ann Smith Carl Heard; Kenneth Kerney; @. Robinson -- Patricia Barber; Mary Jo Humphries; Olive Liv- I 1) ingstone; Hazel Gibbon; Lawr- > ence Wilton; Irene Davies; Fred (2) Marion Coutts. Harold Pateman (Hon); (2) Grace Findlay (Hon) Knatuk; Morris Howe; Norman Olsen: Gerald Dagg; John Van- koughnett; Max Pietsch; Mar- Sr. Pr. (1) Ivor Amos; (2) Orville Pollard. July 1st--Sports Day! Child- ren's Day! Dominion Day! and a grand old holiday for all the people of the Dominion! With the weather delightfully was here last week on business. * * LJ T.ouis and Albert Remillard; Walter and Criss Bon; Aln Me- Fawan, all of Clay Lake made a business trip to Dryden last "week returning with the Bus. The trustees of Britton and Wainwright S. S. No. 1, hereby give notice that they will buy in any lots not sold at the Tax Yale now heing advertised in this paper for that Distrirt. Tom O. V. Henderson, Sec'y. garet Chaschowy; Harry Hatch; cool and breezy, (after the sut- _---- Jr. Pr. (1) Nellie Twasuk; (2) Dorothy Stratton. Dorothy Dorland. Senior Third -- Harl Smith; A Ci Beml, ot focating hot spell) everyone in|, i i Beatrice Dagg; Helen Chas-| = " ! E a pleasant frame of holiday rr Tih Beg Vion |, To Claw John Elomies: REPORT OF THE mind, and at the ideal Fair BURNS HORMEL George Pronger; Dorothy Watt; Tommy Norgate; James Boom- DRYDEN Pronger; Minerva McMonagle; i Lads ; 1 for Sports and Ball, the Hugh Reid; Charie Moore; John Grounds for Sports a : folks of Dryden and District en- Klose; Willie Allan; Marybelle Wood; Miriam Livingstone; Mary leise; Jean Noble; Nina Proudfoot; Fred Clinker; Mar- garet Ray. ' Qenior Third -- Teacher, Miss 3. Melonegal--Charlie Reany: Margaret Ripley; John Brown: Betty Brown; Christina Makueh ; Pryan Crawley; Mervin Irven; Barbara Humphries; Trene Stov- ol: Henry Johnson; George Bar- ber: Jean Morettin; Elsie Yaw- hower; Ivan Makuch; Joe Yaro- shuk; Jack Dempster; Reuben Rutter; Edward Lappage; Car- men McGuire; Jack Ferguson; Billy Goldrup; Mervin Sanders; John Saskoley; Phoebe Cook; Harold McGuire; Walter Yaro- shuk; Lily Doudiet; James Ar- chibald; Maurice Davies; Doris Vankoughnett; Josef Humenuic; ILLUSTRATION STATION Under the Supervision of the Dominion Department of Agri- Operator, R. J. Johnston i | an outstanding success. Ruby Reid; Charles Smith. First Class--Teacher, Mrs. M. William Malyk; 'Work began on this new stat- jon in April, 1930. The field occupied for demonstration pur- joyed to the full their Annual holiday. Sponsored by the Legion, and the Baseball Club, the 1st was The sports under the super- vision of the Canadian Legion were splendidly organized and the large turnout of children for the various events well re- Flavor Sealed Products Why worry about cooking in this hot weather? HORMEL SPICED HAM, HORMEI CHICKEN A LA KING and HORMEL WHOLE OR HALF CHICKEN is the only solution. May be served Hot or Cold. Sold in Dryden by ALFRED PITT LTD. - A. PATERSON - D. W. SCOTT poses is a fairly heavy clay loam paid the committee for their ef- j quite 'representative of farm | fort. Valuable prizes were don- C. J. WRIGHT - 0. H. PRONGER : land in this district, and is 21 | ted by merchants and the 4 a sot acres in extent. Its fopography people of the town. After the - Heard--=trancis McKenzie; Vie- toria Strutt; Rose Steiner; Vin- cent Moline; Verna Reid; Mar- garet Loutitt; Kathleen Sander- orski: Evan Jones: (ladys Auren Albert Klose; Joyce Winter: bottom : Harold Reany; Mildred Robertson: Bobby Taylor; Mary Watt; Mildred Wright; Frank | son; Jim Beath; Gwendolyn |is well suited to the work for . " { | = a Reid: Opal Pinkerton; Phyllis | Mercer; Gwendolyn Bailey; Mar- | which it is intended. All of {his | aces a gencrous quantity ol | yF === Davie: Jack Heard; Gordon] jory Harris; Douglas McMon- | area with the exception of six candies, peanuts and gum were The srampton; Lillian Kellar; Isobel | agle; Russell Christianson; Ed- | acres was in sod in 1930. There- | distributed by the committee ward Adair; Myrtle Stovel ; | fore, only two plots of 'three | among the smaller children. The Electric Refrigerator Donald McDonald; Francis rig fii could bie Beaded while program was in charge of the . Wright; Marion Brisson; Ina the so part of the area "Wa | pillowing members of the Leg- | Brown; Kenneth Ray; Marguer- used for hay then ploughed in|. Mon s Wilds, ols, D ; a Bs pms | 1 ite Shepherd; Mildred Hamilton; preparation for crop in 1931. A lon: Wess Wile, oi, we' James Whiting; Evelyn Winters. | six-year- rotation of crops with den, Clinker and Livingston. . oill; Gladys Boyle; Henry Tew; the following sequence, will be e V nator A high quality Electric Refrigerator at a Price within the reach of everyone. Archibald: Elmer Robinson. On tpial -- Marjory Sherwood; Or- ville Ankney; Myrtle Ankney; Hazel Brisson; Aaron Robinson; You Have Be:n Waiting For. A -- Many thanks are due the mer- chants and others who contrib- | uted towards the prizes. i Betty Coward; Helen Hadley; demonstrated; first year, hoed Jessie Howarth; Victor Moline; ; corps; second year, oats seeded Leonard MacViear; Russell Mae- | to alsike clover and timothy; ; The main event of the after- Intyre; Florence Hewitson; third year, hay; fourth year, Ry > Tommy Collison. hay and break; fifth year, bar. | noon was the "Big League' Primary--dJack Gamman; Mer- | ley seeded to red clover; sixth | game of Keewatin versus Dey Compare the Value ion Herrion; June Oliphant; Ro- | year, red clover for seed. In|den. Dryden emerged victor 5 cubic feet of food storage space. ious from the fray with a score 4-3, and much enthusiastic ap- pause from the fans. The Wabi- goon and Dryden Juniors stag- A a ed a fine game when they play- Who shall claim the 'Bonny ed early in the day. After a Bride" in the window of Pron: hard fought game the score tall- ger and Armstrong's. Many ied 10-9 with Wabigoon in the claims have came in, but not lead, until July 9th, in the Pulp Mill| The eventful day wound up! hall shall the Bride be surrend-; with a big dance in the Pulp | ered to her fortunate claimant. | Mill Hall. A large and happy If you have not yet purchased | crowd of young people attended, your 10 cent draw-on the Bride, | and for many hours tripped, Dr : d gaily to the tune of the Russell en addition to the crop rotation u small field will be seeded to alfalfa as a special demeonstra- tion plot. . bert Hewitson: Helen Baker; Chester Moore; Mabel Swanson; Murney Robinson; Irven Kellar; Enoch Moline; Shirley Austin. NOTE The pupils will all go back to the rooms in which they were during the last term. Changes will be made on the first scheol day of September. NOTICE The bus from Quibell will not] make Sunday trips unless ar- ranged for. 1. Saari, Driver. 9 square feet of shelf spaecz. 42 Ice cubes at one freezing. Chrome Plated Hardware Round corners for easy cleaning. Price Installed $245.00 Terms can be arranged if desired. SEE IT TODAY AT THE Whs at fault? Are you ready for such an emergency? Complete automobile insurance saféguards your drivi ® INSURE NOW © 1. E. GIBSON, Agent Pharmacy Litd. | hurry and do so, as there are only a few days left. Think of | Ramblers peppy orchestra. So ! ended the Ist. the Prize! ; ; 378 !

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