Dryden Observer, 7 Aug 1931, p. 2

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Boy Bg ry THE DRYDEN OBSERVER i mT fant Th, 100 THE DRYDEN OBSERVER fathers lived in the forests of| a hell to shun? Is there a pur- | SPECIALS FOR Sy WEEK | /~---- Lz = 3 a Africa or South America. They | gatory? Is there another chance | 1 Cream Separator, American, xT * : z Y d , ne are verse 1, which gives the ori-| after death? ~ EF.| Large Size, new ...... $40.00 Winterbottom Lumbe ie ar EL BE gin of life '"in the beginning 1 Electric Washer ...... $35.00 : Builder @®. Contractor | Dryden, Ontario. || God created the heavens and the BARLEY FOR EGGS |1 Motor Driven Washer, snap : | A -- i te $1.50 1 earth." Verse 24, gives us the Sate ER 520.00 i | SROTOTIDICN Tate S400 yeurts: J aw governing the continuity of : oh : | Scythe Stone... . : ou i pullinee | le And God said, Let the a in A $1.50 Lumber, Coal and nD pe HE fa i ied feed for laying hens becomes in-| no... N23 Fork Boge Builders Supplies we =| {ure after his kind, cattle, creep-: ] ying Bicycle Tires ............ $110 CHURCH NEWS ing thing, and beast of the earth creasingly apparent. At the Auto Tires ..- .... $500 and up EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDER : i after his kind: and it was so"! Dominion Experimental Station Tubes i, $1.10 and up|, Note the phrase "After his) a; Morden, Man, the results of| Paints and Oil going on sale, || Quality -- and -- Service Is a man a descendant of the| NOt r . er ( g - . eet | kind."" Verse 26 gives the ¢X-| 4 geries of studies conducted eer ! = , . a q ' ; ; Plavatton of man' presence oR] over 5 period of five wens show : DRYDEN JAS. WINTERBOTTOM = ONTARIO the earth, '""And God said, Let | that barley will not only replace q . us make man in our own image, | corn in the ration but that bar- . L 49 \ = _---- after our likeness."" Following ley fed bird produce larger eggs : 5% ct the pastor of the Dry Paptist church last Sunday night i 4 2 August 2nd. Here are soi >» hip nts hig mess " - ra ; : 20) oe he a at iE Evo. that verse 27 states, "So God| at a lower cost. This is partien- General Hardware 7 > pn inhi + »| created man in His own image, | larly true at a time like the pre- Dryden -- Ontario 3 any wl a of | in the image of God created a sent when the bulk of the corn = y Lia Eo ir he Sa him: male and female created supply for poultry feed has to -- ¥ 4 5 i PATERSON S MEAT A tive I RAE He them." be ed, x Tr barley (TTD (5 - CED ERED () GED () THD GR 0 We regllie NOW IMMER ue-| poolution takes the foundation! is available at t e lowest price : ; : pends upen it y The Bibl 15) out fron ner. the building. | in many years. I have secured the Apap Bo Side Bacon, Cello-Wrapped per Th ............ 9c fod or Ward of Man, 1f it | Evolution puts you on a well | Barley used for poultry should a ae SN yr nen it is| iced toboggan slide but hides| be plump, heavy and of good Picnic Hams, per I .................. ta 228 notihe Wad bf Bod tao Thay from you the fact that there is| quality; and when barley is fed : ay p i x | the Ti aera a cement wall at the bottom. it ay RE, by a ; ) | FOR SATURDAY ONLY | the first verse in Genesis to toe doctrine those | good gra f tested cod liver ; i 10e : a What a doctrine for those| good grade o CLO HES Spare Bibs ger I. oa 10c | 481 vers Revelation it claims 5 3 3 : : : | ® : ad NS od. Notc| who go down to the zoo and a oy he i | Shoulder Pot Roast, per 6 ................. ile | the solemn warning in Revsla- | note what oe . Ps poo Sy i for Boys. | Shoulder Pork Steak, Ib 20¢; 2.1 for ....... 36c | tion 22: 15, 19; regarding add- ho a . i s Anllen the TOWN OF DRYDEN The best and cheapest boys Se : Ee ing or taking from that winch is | monkey stage. cunme ovine 5 Stewinga Veal, 3 for ...... 4. viii lo 25¢ a : fright n to think that clothing in Canada. . written therein self-righteous man T Collect Lomb Chops, per dh ..............0. 5 Pe 2bz S GR ay 1a nie | he isn't so bad after all ax Collector | In the store we have 12 model 13 Lar 15 I declare to you that the Bible Hii : a Hone: Rendered Lard, per Ih .......... Ale Sire ea | 3C Tg down wire Snr. thn wenei Great ery to oe today Sls i] toad suits and 72 samples to choose : Ee tn ks that men) is, "Adjust yourself." '"Accomo- pplications will be received 3 pleat tine tears $900 5 - nd tn ny CLR eh date yourself to the prevailing by the undersigned until Aug- a i Ci $ Phone 6. A. ATERSON Dryden ever wrote, oe 7 V ee ark | thought." "Conform your mess-| ust 17th next, for a Tax Collect. | WP : ' Take your Biles a a oo age the spirit of the age." or for the Town of Dryden at a| You may 'select any pattern \ J) 0 A ris Ae, Bible enables us to overcome | Salary of $200.00. made in any style you desire. od es XS not yn oy all these. Hallelujah! : J. E. Gibson, Clerk, Workmanship and quality the | -- AN D . ; Bible states clearly that man at re this 5th day very best. « 5 is on the downgrade. Evolution of August, 1931. 7 ™ F 7 (f il i a : The best opportunity ever of- % B i d nr Pu v 3 arr Ch fered in Dryden. We will be La | an y h hal Meru 5 a Painting and pleased to have you call and he- JOSEPH'S CHURCH I say without apology, any x come acquainted with this new XT ST. i, Ha _ eri oo P a per hanging system. i : the Bible is not to be depended : : Ae Sundey: 20am. Holy ia upon and that it contains error Price Reasonable LEE : ; 11 am. Sug 3 is the greatest enemy to the Tappisserie Sunworthy T. PROUDFOOT ROAST BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND BOILED HAMS 7 p.m. oe aia rising generation. Wall-paper For Sale "The Dry den T ailor" : FOR WEEKEND, Father Balanger, P.P,| Are We going to take a neu- BEASTON & RODTKA : 0 . in mee | tral stand and say nothing to Dryden, Ont. Phone 129 | =O ESO. uO a= a « : : BAPTIST CHURCH those who are taking the found- : ham o-amn-o-a 0a a=-0 em. : CHOICE LINE OF FRESH FRUITS Edgar Ferns, Paster ation out from under us? Never! 7 -- ES Bho Bible or ods fol word ; : SN) Baked Goods Our Specialty--Bread--Buns--Pies-- Cakes x 10 a.m--Bible School. to mankind. We must propogate Plain or Fancy 11 am.-- "Wonder of thetit. We must live it. Our fore- Dear Follks-- 5 : Book." fathers died for it. ; i : ti : ; 2 0 Ate. (2nd in Series) The greatest need of the hour I'm just leaving for Redditt this morning and I'm Est your Bodin bv al by de? Se JE > : ol p.m.-- "Where do we go > Irv o re he ae I a think of anything (It isn't nine o'clock yet) ~ You can learn the simple a of the contest by asking from here?" "tion ! usiness kee ; in oy : 1 the lore. Thursday 8 p.m--Prayer and| and His Truth, for the "Faith 0A Sos ca Sa Yo machines keep noviey : at the store Bible Study. once for all delivered to the : : pec : 2 sell three more this week. ; We'e got L Friday 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Saints" counting with the Apos- a great preposition on washers and the public sure ap- E. W. STANSFIFLD & SON tle Paul '"All things loss for the preciates it. July was a good month for ug and we are : | ST. on angie - | excellency, for the knowledge of out to make a record in August. EE \ : a : Jesus Christ." ! : ; ; ar "I am not ashamed of the We're not preaching depression--we're optimistic om =\ Sunday morning 10 o'clock-- Gospel of Christ for I know that and enthusiastic--any business you can give us or swing a : Sunday School. ; it is the power of God unto sal- our way will surely be appreciated. : : 11 o'clock--Mattins and Ser-{ vation to every one that believ- : >. mon. 'eth."" Romans 1:16. + Yours very truly, : | 7.30--Evensong and Sermon. Next Sunday night the sub- : gy Joe : Rev. W. M. Clarke, Minister | ject is "Where do we go from Sa . : : cs 7 : i wy Ta AER I RR P.8.--Announcement re-school opening policy next Old Potatoes absolutely THE UNITED CHURCH OF | the church full, for we believe week. Do hold onto your coppers boys and girls. RA > CANADA that everyone desires to know 5 Free for car: ving away EE where they will spend eternity. : EL ; z : 4 DRYDEN Almost every seat was taken last i ke ; : EE oT f Bes =x : Sunday in spite of the rainy ; ; he d 7 o'clock p.m.--Divine Wor-| night. Come enjoy the congre- Pron Order your Eastern fruit as if we do not get the orders ship. Mr. Punter will preach eational singing and hear what / [ms ron i 3 1 37 ymite on 'The HNlusion of Arithmetic.'| God's Word says about the place 55 : you may be disappointed. Suprnlies will be limited. A hearty invitation is extend-| where we are going. Is there a AS Through Service We Grow'? : * 5 ig 1 be gained? Is th : : : ed to if 1 heaven to be gained? Is t i "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do.' | THIS WEEK n . Se re eo Ep Ep SESE Se Ne tia ; J Western Peaches, box ................. SII 1 = s Ls : i USED. CA RS 1 Apricots, box ....... de on... 8250 : Rn pend Eastern Tomatoes, basket ............. kn +. $1.25 1 -- a Se - C. James Wright, 'Phone 49 GOOD CONDITION KEPT UNDER COVER LOOK THESE OVER 1926 Fordor . . $425 1928 Tudor . . $375 1929 Lt. Delivery $375 1927 Ford Touring $150 1927 Ford Coupe . $150 1928 Ford Sedan $150 1923 Ford Touring $ 55 ! Ee CE = > N : SE Sie a ND FOR GENUINE SATISFACTION IN HAVING TIME INSIST ON THE 1 » mmm $| McCormick Deering 2 Lectures 3 ' LINE OF ECE Crm Ls fe ml 2 Plays MOWERS . J : ide LR = eT i 0 donut Gg = ¥ . pm RAKES : CO li BARGAIN 1 Light Opera Festival eH El 1930 Ford 114 Ton Truck, almost new, 1 Artists Trio Ph 3 comfortable cab and platform body. Zollner Proiean A H t ; : & i. % i= EXTRA : SH $5900 arts EE LOADERS * SRST EN | ! Marionettes MAKE CHAUTAUQUA YOUR HOLIDAY WEEK. GO THE SEASON TICKET WAY. THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME Dingwall Motors Ltd, Made to satisfy, and noted for + Rheir easy draft and long life, along with the best spai r service in Canada. . Ei oh Lh : Ei : ! Lh i : Ly i oy hi] =i Gt ] Fl RE nig UH Sob Reduced Prices ) Sales and Service ; ADGLY ; ll . J. S. CORNER Gia "90%, Ont. DRYDEN, Ont, KENORA, Ont, S $2.75 STUDENTS $1.50 CHILDREN $1.00 § s Uxgh | : : Bre McCOormick-Deering Deails | ; | FIR | AAAARAAAAAAAAAAAA, _ eoute 10.

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