"doubt among the sties and August 7th, 1031, TTT --. THE DRYDEN OBSERVER CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUA MARIONETTES A production of "Peter Rabbit" by the Marionettes will be a revelation to both old and young. They will have a miniature stage of their own, and the dramatic incidents will thrill with as much force as if thoy 'were played by flesh and blood performers. A DRYDEN CARAVANSERAI Dear Editor-- Like many another, I am on the hobo, and have perchancs drifted in the charming littie town of Dryden, and would say | that my sojourn here has indeed been delightful although viewed from the particular angle of the hobo. My abode has heen the local caravansary or more wide- ly and commonly known as the "Jungle"--a graceful compli ment to Darwin, indeed. Our life isn't what one would des- cribe as a bed of roses and the smelly quite the fragrance of sweat smelling myrtle, but we are in- deed an interesting little crowd and our idiosyncracies would intrigue the more placid dwell- ers of Main Street. Among our particular coterie. we have an individual aptly named, "Overland Pete," who has freighted the whole Ameri- can continent and made kniek- nacks for a liviihood, and on his way looks for all the world a delapidated Santa Claus with his sack gauntly swinging and unmusically rattling his hetero- geneous mass of incongruities. We eliminate him as the pro- fessional. Ed The intelligentsia of our nom- adic assemblage is an Irishman, somewhat a dreamer, who ab- bors this life and the choartic condition . of the world today, and whose patient soul awaits the coming of a saner universe. He declares this life is uncertain and unwholesome as one is nev- er sure of sustenance on the morrow, but when O'Reilly has had his fill good and sufficient we are inclined to disbelieve his assertions. We oft find him thus down hy the cattle pen close to the rail track, lone and meditative, his mind far away in some agricultural Sh no peat of his native Donegal. ES The remaining trio sitting here as I write in an idyllic bower, away over the track from Queen street, is an Aberdonian, whose, tales of raw sensuality would shock the most avid reader of Balzae, and who has for a part- ner an olive-skinned youth of, Semitic origin, both large heart- ed and inseparable as if having been brought together by some economic affinity. x Jock has earned the sobriquet of "Star Bum," not through any great knowledge of astron- omy or any likely migration to a cosmic universe but more due, I venture to think, to his unerr- ing ability to produce something from nowhere. J 0 , * The last of our company is a mild eyed city youth. He drift- ed in to our jungle on a swelter- ing Sunday naked and ashamed, straight from a cleansing frolie in a nearby stream. We all like this lad as he has such beauti- fullness of character, cheerfull- ness and content, that we think a drifters life is out of keeping with his thoughts. Evenings he'd sit alone simply gloating over sunsets and relating tales of folk "lore and pleasantness avowing - that he would never have a girl with thick ankles. . sk " § cant Thus we make the best of life aura of our midst not in the intense period of depress' CHAUTAUQUA DAILY PROGRAMME TONIGHT BEVENING-- 'Bought and Paid For"'--A Drama of Real Life presented by the Meredith play- ers. Admission $1.00 SATURDAY AFTERNOON--¢ Artists Trio "' A distinetively Artist's program, consisting of Adeline Clarke, Soprano; Joseph Marks, Canal: jan Violinist; Hugo Brandt, Pol- ish Pianist and Composer. Admission 50c EVENING -- Prelude -- Artists Trio -- Zellner -- distinguished Protean characterist. He will re-create with 2ll the vividness of reality, famous figures of history. Admission Tbe MONDAY ATTERNOON--Musical Prelude --The Mulvaney Artists. Lecture --""Misfits"" Professor Sanford, Vocational Guidance Expert. Admisison 50¢ . EVENING--A superb offering. Brilliant costumes, magnificent scenery, remarkable acting and singing. The Light Opera Festival Com- pany. Admission $1.00 TUESDAY AFTERNOON--Elias Tamburit- za Serenaders--An Instrumental program from Jugo Slavia by four Jugo Slavs in national cos- tume." ; Admission 50¢ EVENING -- Prelude -- Elias Tamburitza Serenaders. I -----"The Metal and the Moula"™ -- (Captain I. Dinsmore Upton, known as "The Bib PRET to 100,000 Kids." Admisison WEDNESDAY : AFTERNOON -- Kiddes Pro- gramme--Sue Hastings Marion- ettes--Presenting 'Peter Rabbit.' Admission 25¢ EVENING "Skidding" -- Modern Comedy of American Life--Presented by the Waver- ley Players. Admission $1.00 THURSDAY AFTERNOON -- Prelude --Vie- rra's Hawaiians. Lecture--Prin- cess Bluefeather--Aztee Indian, one of the most clever, enter- taining and informative lectures ever offered by an Indian. Admission 50c EVENING--Vierra's Hawaiians A Grand Closing Program, with colorful scenery and enchanting music. Vierra's Hawaiians will transport you to those magic islands of Hawaii. Admision Tbe T5¢ ion, Micawber like, waiting for things to turn up. They will soon, we know. The environ- ment has done much to make life easier and with the break- ing of dawn on the morrow we wish your little town of Dryden a sad but grateful adieu. The moon shines bright down by the rail tracks tonight, nestling, it seems, behind the trees making the foliage stand out like delic- ate lace-work woven by fairy fingers. The tie shed and the moon rays slant intriguingly through the chinks of our noe- turnal chamber--a box car in the Dryden freight yards. Allan A, musical = Lecture! Parfitt Classified FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOMED house with full sized basement, woodshed and pantry, fully modern. = Apply Mrs: C. W. Harris, Dryden, Ontario. : = WANTED--SLIPS OF OLEAN- der, salmon pink and scarlet geraniums, yellow = begonias, plant of London pride and large plant of English ivy and : in of ivy. Phone 107, ring sr ety < : ET. TO RENT -- HOUSE, NORTH of track, water in. . 3 bed rooms upstairs, kitchen, pant- ry, full size basement and furnace. Apply C. J. Wright. =3 FOR SALE OR TRADE---40 head cattle, 2 truck wagouns, 1 wagon (regular), 2 plows, 4 sets sleighs, 30 pigs, 35 chickens or hens, 6 head horses, bailed hay, 2 sets har- ness, 1 motor boat, 2 buggies, anybody wanting goed milk cows see O. H. Pronger. HOUSE FOR RENT--4 ROOM cottage, see O. H. Pronger. LOST -- BETWEEN DRYDEN and Richan one 21 jewel Ham- ilton Watch No. 2575004, find- er please notify M. Maslanka, Amesdale, Ontario. FOR SALE --7 ROOMED House, $1200 cash. In good condition. 14 acre of garden land, or terms arranged with a good down payment. Apply Mrs. Fleming, Harris House. LOL DRYDEN LODGE, No. oUelie 1694 Meets the First and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. PERCY MOORE. W.M. BADEN SMITH, Rec.-FPez'y. R -- GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF &. AM. No. 484, @G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall Dry. den, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors cordially invited. F. O. BAKER, WM. A. E. BERREY, Sec. mmm ------ 1.0.0.F,, DRYDEN LODGE. No. 417, meets in the Town Hall, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. F. RUSSELL, N.G. ?. WHITELEY, Rec. Sec O GRANITE & MARBLE © 0 MONUMENTS 0 O GEO. NOBLE O 0 Dryden, Ontarie [4] See L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --for-- Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH MEN'S SUITS & LADIES' DRESSES Cleaned & Pressed for 51.00 Also take orders for Dye Work. Whyte St. Laundry living room downstairs, |" KENORA BAN ON OUTSIDE SHOWS Information From Department of Attorney-General Is Received Kenora, Ont., July 27. meeting of the council held re- cently, which prohibited the op- eration and licensing in town of outside shows, circuses, ete., dur- ing the present economic crises. The information was from the { attorney-general's department at Toronto, and appears to confirm | § beyond all doubt the right of} the council to enact such muii- cipal legislation, should it be congidered necessary. Several communications were received, and the payment of the balance of the, 1931 grant of $500 to the Kenora General hos- pital was authorized. The report of the town solicitor outlining his actions in regard to the Tourist hotel and its subsequent taking .over by the town at the end of the legal six months, pro- vided taxes, ete, and monics paid on debentures were unpaid, was received. Many committee reports algo received, dealing with petitions for water, and sewer extensions, removing of obstructions on Lourcnson's creek, dust nuisance on local streets, and indigents. An am- endment to the town officials' bylaw. dealing with the termina- tion of agreements was passed. Free Press wers local lighs The Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE We can compete with any rate. G. C. MEGGISON DRYDEN, ONT. Progressive Shoe FIRST Hospital ~ Machinery CLASS Workmanship ~~ Material MODERATE PRICES 'Done While You Wait' Jobs a Specialty Full Line of: SHOE POLISH & - LACES Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention PO Fox 240 | GREENHILL 777 Phone 4 SHOE SALE Starting Friday, July 17th, we are going to clear cut a few lines of shoes at the following prices, for cash only. MEN'S DRESS SHOES Size 8 and 914 only. Black Calf Oxfords, reg. $6.50 sale pale i. $4.95 Black Calf Oxfords, reg. $4.75, sale pair .............. $3. Black English Chess Boots, reg. $5.75, sale pair .... $4.75 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's Plain Toed Workboots, reg. $3.45 and $3.75, sale pair ..... lon ate) $2.90 Panco er leather soles Men' s Heavy Workboot, reg. $4.45, sale pair ........ Panco or leather wiles 1 pair Light Summer Shoes, F. WILLARD Shoe and Harness Repairer IS CONFIRMED er information was received this | evening by the town council on | the bylaw passed at a special Black Square toed, reg. $390, gol8 pale un ae $2.20 Back Gunmetal Oxfords, reg. |E $4.25, sale pair .... 's2 90 Black English Oxfords, reg. $7.50, sale pair ........ $5 25 or Ee size 9, = $3.00, sale |E = > EE EAST i Re) $1.95 > im -~ ZH Coe Sale of TR Moses Girl's Dresses of Fast Colored Prints, sizes 16 to 20 $1.50. Crepes, silks and Rayons, smart summer styles, suitable for all occasions, reg. $10.00 to $15.00. To clear at $495 House Dresses, regular $1.95, on sale GIRL'S BEACH PYJAMAS Colorful Beach Pyjamas in 2 piece style of fine quality Broadcloth, sizes 16 and 18, regular $3.50 to $4.00, to clear $2.50. RED and WHITE 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. "PHONE 26 oe om Special on oyster shell while present stock lasts 100-1bs. $1.65 50-Ibs 90c- Local Oats, 100-lbs. $1.00 Wheat $1.35 per sack, exira good quality. Just received straight car of salt, sugar and shorts. Do not buy until you see our prices: Special on 50 1b bags fine salt for this week 59¢ Starting Monday, Tomatoes 3 lbs for 25a. Lemons 49¢ dozen. Sugar 10 lbs for 59. Tea--Yellow label, Ib pkt. 29¢ Ib only in 5 1b. lots. Otherwise 40c Ib, Icing sugar, 3 lbs. for 29¢; One 1b. of coffee 29¢ 1b. 24 1b. Flour 85¢, ALL FOR $1.38 Be sure and sample our new cecal oil 25¢ gal, 5 gals, $1.48 i THE BUSY STORE 1 98-1b bag Montcalm Flour; 1 20-1» bag Rolled Oats; 2 tins Tomatoes, 214-16 each; 1 tin Corn; 1 tin Pork and Beans; 1 Girls Silk Vest and 1 Girls Silk Bloomers, sizes 28 to 32. ALL FOR $4.95 Now that school will soon be starting, all girls will be in need of new underwear. & D. W. SCOTT SPOT CASH SPECIALS "LADIES DRESSES Last week we advertised a 14 price sale of silk dresses. For this week we are adding about 100 summer shades in prints, voils, fuigis, ete. 14 Price means from 50c to about $3.00. All on a special rack just inside the door. LADIES' WALKINS SHOES A special gunmetal brogue oxford for ladies, sturdy sewn leather sole and military heel, only $2.75 LADIES' HOSE Just received a durable art silk hose, reinforced lisle heel and toe, good 0c value, all shades, our price 39¢ BOY'S GOLFERS These bloomers come in the very newest herringbone tweeds, belt and buckle at knee, very special .... 95¢ MEN'S PANTS A Quebec factory needing the work gave our Com- pany a very close price on 5,000 pairs. 200 pairs have been delivered to this branch, we offer: Durable Cottonade Work Pants .......... Shiny Khaki Work Pants ................ EA eh ry Moleskin Work Pants .............. eran rah $1 75 Extra Heavy Cottonade Work Pants ........ w.. $195 Grey Flannel Dress Pants ........... ny ... $175 nb 'We reserve the right to limit gmantities. Ralph J. Pronger * We pay the delivery charges The store that will net be wndersold