Dryden Observer, 28 Aug 1931, p. 3

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' ' THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ° TTT Page Fhree August 28th, 1031, ~~" ray lassified WANTED--SLIPS OF OLEAN- der, salmon pink and scarlet geraniums, yellow begonias, plant of London pride and large plant of English ivy and slips of ivy. Phone Mrs. Ger- ald Humphreys, 107, ring 3. FOR SALE--JERSEY COW, 6 year old, coming in 11th of October, apply R. Ostman, Rugby, Oxdrift. a] FOR RENT--9 ROOMED House, suitable for Boarding House, also small shack suit- able for Bachelor, apply R. H. Pronger, Notary Public. AA aiid es i, , oe » FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW four roomed cottage on North Road. Apply J. Winterbottom, Dryden. HOLLAND'S FAMOUS RICHLY- Flowering Darwin Tulips. Our Darwin tulips with extra long stems are remarkable for their long flowering period. Enor- mously large flowers on strong stems of about three feet in length. Magnificent for beds, edges and for cultivation in pots. Buy Tulips Now Direct "From The Dutch Grower. 500 excellent Darwin tulips in 5 colours: pink - red - violet - ~ heliotrope - yellow, 100 of each colour, and each colour pack- ed separately Post and Duty Free, delivered at your homes, for only $10.00. Please remit amount per money order: W. A. DeWinter, Inc., Dutch Bulb Growers, Heemstede, Holland, Europe. : SAVE 20c on EVERY DOLLAR Fire--Automobile--Insurance at Cost. You Need Them AlL Before renewing your Insurance come in and talk over the Wawanesa plan with J. L Skillen, the local agent. S "L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden --for-- Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH LO.L - DRYDEN LODGE, No. oUelde 1694 Meets the Iirst and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. PERCY MOORE, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Rec.-Rec'y. GOLDEN STAR LODGE AF. & AM, No. 484 QR.C Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of eaeh month, Visitors cordially invited. H. Morison, W.M. A. E. BERREY, Sec'y. BAILA J a ---- -- 1.0.0.F., DRYDEN LODGE. No. 417, meets in the Town Hall, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. F. RUSSELL, N.G. JF. WHITELKEY, Rec. Sec. CHURCH NEWS "Are You Insured?" was the subject for last Sunday night at the Baptist Church. We are living in an age when one can insure almost anything they pos- sess. There are scores of com- panies eager to do business and have their representatives in every country of the world. Millions of people are insuring their buildings, their autos, their lives, in fact most every- thing they possess and are neg- lecting to insure against judg- ment to come, they have made no provision for the soul that God gave them and without doubt there are scores in Dry- den and District among the num- ber. On the Work we are able to offer a "Paid up Policy' entitling the. holder to Eternal Life and an "inheritance that is inecorrupti- ble. undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved for every one who are kept bythe power of God unto salvation." To in- sure in any company here we must pay for our policies and if we by reason of neglect or fin- ancial difficulties cease to keep them paid we forfeit the policy. | Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord we offer a "Paid up Policy." Who paid for | it you may ask? From the book of (Genesis to the book of the Revelation we learn that salva- tion was brought by blpod (a life given.) There is a searlet line that runs through the Bible O GRANITE & MARBLE O 0 MONUMENTS 0 0 GEO. NOBLE 0 0 Dryden, Ontarie 0 E] MEN'S SUITS & LADIES' DRESSES Cleaned & Pressed for $1.00 Also take orders for Dye Work. Whyte St. Laundry The : : Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE 'We can compete with any rate. G. C. MEGGISON DRYDEN, ONT. Hadley and Robinson For prompt and efficient service : in Livery and Dray Work PHONE ¢5 Loads carried up to 214 ton. Distance no object. Reasonable Rates. DRYDEN ONTARIO authority of God's from the beginning to the end. The policy cost Jesus Christ the Lord His life and it is ours the moment we repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour. '"'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever be- lieveth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. = For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:16, 17 The subject for next Sunday night is '"God's Plan of Salva- tion. What is it?' It should be of vital interest to everyone. Fathers and Mothers come to church with your families next Sunday Night and lets have a full house. Dryden and Oxdrift - United Churches Next Sunday we resume ser- vices as usual. The Rev'd. J. W. Howes has returned from attending the summer school of the United Colleges, Winnipeg, and his messages will be reports of things seen and heard. Let us all rally for the best Fall and Winter's work in our Churche's History. INCREASED PRIZE MONEY Prize money for the special class of registered and certified seed at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto, this year has been increased to $1,666, ac- cording to a statement issued by Geo. H. Clark, Dominion Seed Commissioner. Prizes for this class last year totalled $765 for eleven sections. The number of sections for 1931 has been ex- tended to 21 to include field peas, field beans, mangels, swed- es, corn, garden beans, beets, onions and garden peas. The 'feature of this class in the seed exhibits is that it elim- inates the so-called hand-picked sample. The seed entered mpist be extracted by an official in- spector of the Dominion Seed Branch from a quantity of at least fifty bushels of seed elig- ible for registration and -certi- fication which has been cleaned, graded and selected by the in- spector, and which must be for- warded under seal and proper identification to the Exhibition. This means that the sample is directly representative of seed commercially available, and that it is not a small hand-picked sample of superior quality. Seed growers throughout the Dominion, particularly in the Ottawa Valley, are taking a very keen interest in this class and it will undoubtedly prove one of the most attractive fea- tures at the forthcoming Royal Winter Fair. BORN--At Dryden, August 14th, to Mr. and Mr. John Molloy of Wainwright, a son, John Lloyd. MANITOU LAKE DISTRICT (Continued from Page One) but he also takes out rod fisher- men to the outlying lakes for their sport. Surrounding Mani- tou Lake proper are innumer- able smaller lakes and in these are to be taken black bass, mus- kies, wall-eyed pike or pickercl "Mr. Merrill knows the entire district thoroughly and takes a distinct pride and pleasure in guiding his guests to the best waters. He is a canoeman par excellent and takes as much fun and pride out of the capture of the finny tribe as does the man who makes the catch. It did not take long for the writer to catch the limit of black hass in these lakes. The fish ran large in size and possessed all ihe gameness of which so much has been written and said. lake trout by rod and line poss- ess no great thrill or sport. Ore must go down eighty or ninety feet, and this requires a heavy sinker, and gives the fish no chance once they take the bait Bringing the fish from the cold water at the bottom to the the vitality out of these fish and they have but little kick left in them. Later in the year when the fish come to the shallows to good sport. It is composed of hill and dale, and the whole country is cover- ed with bush. In this district much prospecting for gold has snmnm------ | Churches ST. JOSEPH"S CHURCH Sunday: 10 a.m. Holy Mass. 11 am. Catechism. 7 p.m. Rosary and Benediction. Father Belanger, P.T. THE BAPTIST CHURCH (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 am. --""Wonders of the Book." : J (bth in Series) 7.30 p.m--"'CGod's Plan Salvation. What is it?" ; Thursday 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Friday 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH of Sunday morning 10 o'clock-- Sunday School. 11 o'clock--Mattins and Ser- mon. 7.30--FEvensong and Sermon. Rev. W. M. Clarke, Minister "THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA DRYDEN Oxdrift--1.30 Sunday School. 2.30 Divine Worship. Dryden--11 o'c. Church School. 7 o'c. Divine Worship The Minister will Preach on-- "WESTERN IMPRESSIONS." You are cordially invited to all services. J. W. Howes, Minister. By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chajrman and See.-Treas. of S. S. 1 of Township of Mutrie and Road Commis- sioners, District of Kenora, dated the 6th July, 1931, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs incurred, I hereby give notice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Monday the 16th Day of November, 1931, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's Office, Town of Kenora to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said District of Kenora, proceed arrears and charges thereon, unless such arrears and Sheriff's Sale 4 School Section No. 1, Township of Mutrie, District of Kenora charges shall Name of Owner No. No. No. Rate 'No. Statute' Total Amt. Total Pat. and of of of each of Labour of Rate Owing of Amount or Address Lot Con acres Year Yrs. Yrs. Costs Owing Unpat. Wm. Moeser Esta. N46 4 160 $25.08 3 = i $75.24 $75.24 $11.58 $86.82 Unpat. Wm, Moeser Esta. El, of S146 4 80 $12.55 3 ee --_ $37.65 $37.65 $ 9.32 $46.97 Unpat. Wm, Moeser Esta. Ni,11 5 167 $26.98 3 -- -- $80.94 $80.94 $12.51 $93.45 Unpat. P. H. Hambly, : Belleville, Ont, Sl,7 2 160 $25.08 | 3, -- -- $75.24 $75.24 $11.58 $86.82 Patn'd Geo. H. Wheatly, Bivtle Man. S146 1 160 $25.08 3 $7.50 3. $97.74 $97.74 $12.94 $110.68 Patn'd. I, C. Thos. Barnett, 66 Cosme ume oe 5 Fastwood Ave., Water- bt Rai ELEC bury, Conn., U.S.A. N52 2 160 £7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd Thos. Barnett, International DINE : Silver Co., Waterbury, ro Conn, US.A. N142 2 160 $7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd. E. T. Bartlett, Poronte, Ont, S147 6 160 $7.50 8 $60.00 $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patn'd. F. ¥. Bartlett, 345 Bloor : St., W., Toronto Ont. S1412 6 160 $7.50 8 $60.00 ~~ $60.00 $10.66 $70.66 Patu't. The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held at the same hour and issues of July 18, 25, August 1 and 8, ai Dated at the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ont., July 30th, 1931. F- have been sooner paid. of Lands for arrears of Taxes and Statute Labour No. Amt. ERPREN At 2 0. PARTINGTON, Acti place two weeks later. Published in the Ontario Gazette in its ng Sheriff of District of Kenora. 4 activity is shown by the large At the present time, catching |p warmer water at the top takes|€§ spawn they give the rod handler ) The distriet surrounding Mani- |° tou Lake is intensely interesting. | been done and three mines that have been closed down are with- in a short distance of Mr. Mezr- rill's house. The period of once number of deserted miners' homes. The whole distriet abounds with game. Moose, deer, bear, wolves and small fur-bearing animals are plentiful. One could hardly turn in the open places without stirring up a bevy of partridge. As for fishing there | is ample game fish to = assure anyone of a good catch at al- most any time. In concluding this short sketch it would not be complete with- out reference to an amusing in- cident that happened as we went into the district. On the launch was a newly wedded couple. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Olson, an em- plovee of Mr. Merrill. Just a. very short distance from the | end of our inward journey shots were fired and an old tin can beaten, creating a tremendous din. It was a welcome to the newlyweds and Mrs. Merrill had prepared a wadding dinner to show the young couple the es- teem in which they were held. --Reston Recorder. Actuated, animated, inspired and enthused by the article ab- ove, a party of five left for the Manitou on Tuesday. This party consisted of Dr. Morison. H. Humphreys, Alfred Pitt and W. Richardson of Dryden, and Dr. Gibson of Winnipey. At the time of going to press, no details of the trip are to hand, except that an Indian, Chigargamish (Bad Onion) re- ported at Dinorwic Thursday noon, that Mr. Richardson had most of the luck. An interesting description of the doin-gs is pro- mised Tor next week's issue. a school Opening 'We have assembled a large stock of boys and girls clothing at prices that compare favorably with the new mail order czta- logues. Women's Voile Dress Boy's Canvas Boots ....... ~Men's Canvas Boots Child's Canvas Boots (Girl's Silk Hose 50c¢ going for half Men's silk pelo shirts, an extra quality of non-run silk, regular value $1.90, sale price Wemen's Summer Dress, going for half price. 650 and 75¢ 52c and 55¢ PATTERNS Full assortment of dress patterns only ]5¢ Our finest 36-inch fast color print 29c, sale yard 22¢ Ralph J. Pronger We pay the delivery charges The store that will not be undersold 0. I. PRONGER, Prop. and WHITE SPECIALS GOOD I'ROM MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY Lard, 3 lbs. for 25¢, limit 3 1bs.; 10 lbs. Sugar 59c. ot PHONE 26 GOOD FOR THURSDAY Shorts in 14 ton lots $7.25. Ripe Tomatoes, 3 lbs 25¢; Todine Salt per pkt.. 9c. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY--Side Bacon 22¢ lb. in the piece; Chocolate Bars 6 for 25¢; 6 1b. bag Rolled Oats 19c. iw 3 Cakes for 3 Cakes for Royal Household Flour Iontcalm Flour Rolled Oats, 20 1bs. EE ese sea oh TOTAL 6 Cakes for .. Do not miss this. We still have some old potatoes at 40¢ bushel. Nice and Firm, eee. I ,e Chee FE EE ER 2 cans Tomatoes, 2v% lbs, each, 2 for Ripe Tomatoes by the basket ..... te phe $1.00 cash Charge $1.28. | ¥ D. W. SCOTT SPOT. CASH SPECIALS

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