~ the list of entries will be ex- ceedingly heavy. Some additions have been made to the prize list. A particularly good prize is offered by Hon. Peter Heenan, M.P., Earle Hutchinson, M.P.P,, and Mr. J. P. Earngey of Ken- ora. It is a prize of thirty dol- lars divided as follows: first .$12.00, second $8.00, third $6.00, fourth $4.00, for the best mare or Gelding, any age or breed on halter. Entries eligible for this prize must have been entered for classes one, two, three, and four of the horse show exhibit. In the special prize for the vegetable collection published recently, exhibitors will note that this will include vegetables listed in class 19 of the Exhibi- tion prize list only. Get your entries for the Fair in early Every citizen should make it a point to attend the Fair. HIGHWAY WORK ALREADY STARTED Vermilion Bay Scene Of First Camps Some actual photographs of men engaged in cutting the right of way of the Trans-Can- ada Highway and of the tempor- ary camps where these men are quartered came into our possess- jon this week. The pictures were taken a half mile west of Vermilion Bay and we believe "are the very first \~enes of act- ual 'work on the big highway building unemployment scheme which has had so much publicity lately and it is good to see that there is more than newspaper talk and that action is taking place already. We recognized some of the workmen in the pic- resident in Northern Ontario | will be provided, as far as possi- ble, on the secondary roads in the communitics in which they live, Premier George 8. Henry stated yesterday. Single men and transients, he said, would be taken from the frontier to work on the Trans vanada highway. The Labor Department will send the men up North as soon as the call comes from the De- partment of Lands and Forests. the Premier said. ii No ruling has been given re- garding pay for men held up by snow or other climatic condi- tions. The Premier presumed the work would go on the same ag any other job. The men would he paid only when they are working. He did not think snow would hold up the work. Find Dead Body Near Ignace, Ont. According to information re- ceived locally late this afternoon the body of an unidentified man was discovered on the Canadian Pacific railway tracks near Ig- nace today. It is not known what caused the man's death, and all efforts to establish his identity so far have failed. Remember the Exhibition on Wednesday and Thursday next week. jjreann fetal lototeletetoiotatatelopeletels] +] 13 ; & : Church Nefus E £030 OEE LIE 0 0 KS CHI EEN AT HR RHE AER "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after right. eousness: for they shall be fill- ed." (Matt. 5:6) We firmly believe that the ture and we are told that many men and teams and implements belonging to farmers in the dis- trict are already on the spot and working and the camps are be- ing supplied locally as much as possible. The group of pictures included a scene two miles west of Vermilion Bay, a beautiful lake that the highway will pass by, as lovely a sight as you could wish to see. All the photcs were taken and developed over the weekend, and were the work of Mr. Paul A. Hutter, the well- known Waldhof photographer. We hope to be able to publish them all at a later date. NISS A. M. BOITEAU LAB--ATCM. Teacher of Piano % % Eo Studio at Mrs. Ernewein's only way to lighten our burdens and strengthen ourselves for each week is by faithful attend- ance to God's House, where (lod's people meet, whee God's message is believed and preach- od, where God's power and pre- gence is manifest. There must be a hunger, for when ther: is, (lod docs not dissapoint, but fills us with Himself. Perhaps dear reader your life might be biight- er, stroneer, and 'more useful if you will resolve right now to attend some place of worship next Sunday. Try it and sec. If you care to come youll get a hearty welcome at the Baptist Church. - We rejoice to see the seals all filled with eager listen- ers and we feel sure that not a few went home last Sunday Night strengthened for the week with the joy bells ringing in their hearts. The subject last Sunday Night was 'Conversion' the 2nd of the series, 'Making The Great Hours: 10 am. -- 12 noon. 2 -- 4 pm. For further information call 136 or P.O. Box 45. --9 Whos at fault? for Are you rea such an emer Complete automobile jnsurance saféguards your dri INSURE @ LJ | 'J. E. GIBSON, Agent. C8 Bible Truths Plain." By read- ing the 9th Chapter of The Acts of the Apostles you'll learn Dryden for a few days to visit Mrs. J. B. Gates. Mrs. Cora Corbett and Mrs. +eo. Ponton were visitors from Wabhigoon Wednesday. J. 0. Gough was up from Dy- ment Wednesday to visit his son George who is in the Red Cross Hospital where he underwent an operation 'for appendicitrs this week. Norman Parker, Ignace, was a visitor to Dryden Wedzesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Crosier have returned after spending the summer in Bastern Ontario. They will move from Oxdrift this fall and make their home in Dryden. Miss Mabel King of the Me- Kellar Hospital staff, Fort Will- jam is visiting her parents at Oxdrift. . E. G. Rennels, Travelling Pass- enger Agent, C.P.R., was a busi- ness visitor from Winnipeg Thursday. Mr. @&. Gruet of, Winnipeg is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wright. J. C. Holden, District Engin- eer, J. D. Fraine, District Supt. and Mr. Chisholm of the C.P.R. were visitors here Thursday, hav- ing come from Kenora to visit the scene of the wreck at Wabi- goon where two freight cars jumped the track. One ear slid over the embankment into the water while the other remained J. on the track. Trains were held up for a few hours but the wreckage was cleared with great speed and although the accident occurred in the morning, No. 1 was able to arrive on time at Nnoomn. Mrs. Count Sfreddo has re- turned after a visit to friends in the West. Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor moved into the Gough house on King street east this week. Mrs. J. L. Skillen has return- ed from a visit with her mother, Mrs. McDougall at Lorette, Man. Vietor Oliver is spending a holiday at the Head of the Lakes. Fred Bonner returned from Winnipeg Wednesday. Mrs. Tapsey was a visitor from Ignace Wednesday. Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. An- derson of Winnipeg are visiting friends in Dryden. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Daiter spent the weekend in Kenora. Wally McMaster has returned after spending a holiday in Winnipeg. Misses Grace Gough, Nona Reany and Mildred Dean left Saturday to attend Normal School at North Bay. ; Ronald Whiteley has also left to attend Normal School at North Bay. day evening to attend the Ont- ario Agricultural College at Guelph. what real Bible conversion is. Conversion comes as the result of real conviction and forsaking | of sin, and turning to God who HEAR YE, HEAR YE, HEAR YE The Dryden Continuation | ig willing to pardon, to save Us,! School will hold their Annual | and keep us, that we might serve Him. The subject for Sunday Night September 20th, is ¢¢ Justifica- tion"? or 'How Marin Luther liberated thousands from the Roman Catholic Church." Come and learn how a man may De made righteous before God. This is one of the most glorious truths as found in relation to sinful man towards a Righteous and Holy God. At 8.30 pan. there will be an- other message given on ¢"What the Roman Catholic Chureh Teaches in South America." Cottage Meetings. When the opportunity was given at last | Sunday Night's service fifteen friends handed in their names requesting a meeting in their home. We propose to conduet the meetings in such manner as will give anyone opportunity to (Continued on Fage 4) Field day on October Ist, should the day prove suitable. ° If any citizens of the town are sufficiently interested in promoting school athletics to present eups or shields, the Athletic Association of Dryden Continuation School would be very pleased to hear from them at an early date so that their donations may be awarded on Field Day: Signed = Pres. J. Righy See. Ab Berrey. C.Y.P.C. ELECTS OFFICERS This week the Catholic Young Peoples' Club of St. Joseph's church held their annual elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year which resulted as follows: President, J. L. Skillen; viee- pres. James Righy, secretary, Agatha Binda, Librarian, Miss 1M. Boiteau, icy, his firm would buy as much Miss Lenore McRae left Tues § velopment of the Ontario Gov- ernment will provide an excep- tionally good market for home grown food supplies in the dis tricts through which the High- way will run. The quantities of food which 10,000 men will consume on work in our brisk North Country cli- mate are amazing to the unitiat- ed. The Caterers who have the contract for boarding the High- way workers state that 10,000 men will congume in six months the following quantities: 39,600 lbs. Cheese; 138,600 lbs. Carrots; 232,800 1bs. Cabbage; 139,200 doz. Eggs; 196,200 lbs. Beans; 151,200 1bs. Onions; 2,400,000 1bs. Potatoes; 165,000 lbs. Turnips; 132,000 lbs. Sauer-Kraut. These lines of food are pro- duced in Northern Ontario and new new tors. of have Limited, in an interview stated that, as a matter of general pol- advertising and telephone sub- scribers made possible by the business subseribers to say nothing of the trouble it will save the opera- wish to secure advertising space in the book at very reasonable rates. Organization of Board The appointed by the general meet- infi met again on Wednesday to consider reports. Over fifty resi- dents of Dryden and District tion for a charter and should be ready to submit their final re-: port within two or three weeks. ' 7 8 THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE | COVERING THE TERRITORY OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT | BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM : AND KENORA J \ J or J ~. VOL. IX. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1931. TE a ¥o 35. EXHIBITION NEWS |Single and Transient SOCIAL Trans-Canada Highway NEW PHONE ¥ emir esgeseel) Vi i dructi aiding Hr IEE SR IN MEMORIAM | SRITW TAT RODITIONS Will Work on Highway! ... 5... --~ 7 wis Joon Sosy ss DIRECTORY | + et i" ; 8 Holmes have returned to their HarKe Hor QCal x : In loving memory of our dear Foal areancerenty for ihe Uncmployed Residents to Get home in Winnipeg after visiting Produc: Tha Observer plang to issue father and husband, Frank » big Fair next Wednesday and Jabs > Sa Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. re ject $ rr ER SET ol; Dae gi Poe away on " a ; 0ads T+ ot 1 RHE eriising space same 1s now September 20th, 1828. Thursday, September 23rd and a _ a The construction of the Trans-] available. Merchants and busin Wo wh ; 5 } 24th, are now being made and! FORONTO, Ont., Sept. 17th-- a a a > Canada Highway this winter by, ess people ave reminded that{ "°C 0 oved you sadly miss there is every indication that: Work for the unemployed men ~ o pp tH all the Department of Northern De-| this is a very good medium of en, As it dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. Inserted by Mother and Daugh- should know that ihe telephone directory is only people whose advertisements ap- ter. pear in the hook. The present I: KCAT i book is practically useless so the | IN MEMORIAM i + book will be welcomed by In memory of our dear sister and daughter, Dorothy Madder, who passed away September 20th, 1930. The one we loved is now at rest, Her true fond heart is still. The hands that used to help us best, : Now lie in death's cold chill. Call the Observer if you Trade Proceeding ! 5 Inserted by Mother and Daugh- Satisfactorily ter. ! 2 organization committee] DIES FROM EE AT One prostration from the ex- cessive heat of last week has been reported. After more than signified their intention of! fifteen years of faithful service handled in the local stores. Mr. a Thi ii ye Ly-lon the delivery foree of the MeceCracken, President of Craw- ik er me i ad Busy Store, Jim, the well known ley & McCracken Company, mittee are now making applica-| delivery horse for Scotts, dropp- ed dead in his pasture and the cause was believed to be the ter- rific hot weather of last week. of the food required locally as possible. Biggest Boarding Contract Tt is estimated that ths con- tract is the largest of its kind ever let in Canada. Mr. Me- Cracken stated that the price arranged is the lowest at which a contract of this nature had been taken since pre-war days. The margin, naturally, will be Tenders for Cleaning Tenders will be received up to September 25th, 1931, by the United Church Society for the cleaning of the Church and basement. lars may he obtained from the Jims speedometer, if he had one, would show several thousand miles, while his garage bill for repairs was nil, and instead of gas he travelled on grass with a few other luxuries like oats thrown in. Jim served long and well and his former owners feel that he deserves an extra good Ladies' Aid Particu- undersiened. Mrs. H. Morison, | SPot in the "Happy Hunting Secretary | Grounds' and we hope he gets it. TRL very small, but it is felt by the executives of Crawley & Me- Cracken C. Limited that they will be doing a good turn dur- ing these critical times by thus TOR salves, Sleighs, Waggons, Har- ness and Hay. Pronger. SALE -- COWS, PIGS, Remember the Exhibition on Wednesday and Thursday next Apply O. H. assisting in this work. At the| same time the contract will pro-|; vide employment for several hundred of the catering firm's own trained men, who have suf- |} fered enforced enactivity during the past summer because of the Yi qackness in construction and IN railway maintenance. Government officials are satis- fied that by turning this depart- ment of the work over to a firm equipped with the necessary fae- ilities -and experience to handle it. their engineers will be reliev- ed of a very great amount of work and will be enabled to ao !§ the road construction work with far greater efficiency. /\ Preparations are now under way to assemble the equipment Ji and supplies required before, § launching the work. Actual | construction, it is believed, will 6 commence on October 1ct. v ANNOUNCEMENTS Get ready for the Big Whist}/ Drive and Dance by the Boy's|® A Vi \ / week. == == me Heating kacts Do you know that an unbalanced hot air system is the, ruination of a home. That any place can be heated for a moment by forcing IN the fire but this is not economical for you. \/ Ni That by forcing the fire you cause the oxygen in the iN air to be consumed and this causes headaches. 9 That a pipeless furnace is not suitable for a home where - i you are getting lower than 40 degrees. That dry air exerts a vicious influence on.the lungs by drying out the tissues and causing colds and flu. sa ZS Do you know what a humidifier is? Do you really think it is economical for you not to eon- sult an expert on heating problems when you build He a home. 4 ; / Anyone who does not know all the above and wants \ service call -- Olaf A. ISAKSON DRYDEN ONT. Orchestra. Posters announcing the date will be out early parti; of next week. A real good timej; and a snappy evening of fun for all. , Try practicing Old Time] Waltz. A real prize for winning couple. A meeting of the Canadian: Legion, BES.L., will be held in the Town Hall, Sunday Septem- ber 29th, at 8.30 p.m. * * i Qilver Star Chapter, No 177, 0.E.S., will hold a Hallowe'en, Masquerade in the Masanie Hall,' on Friday, October 30th. Rus-| sell's Ramblers will play. Watch for posters with full details. ® 0% 5% Coming Comedy Drama "That's One On Bill" by the C.Y.P.C. * * sk = A Quest Tea will be held by the Ladies' Aid of the United Church September 30th, 1931. | ' & * * St. Luke's W. A. will hold, their Annual Chicken Supper in, the Parish Hall on Wednesday, October Tth, 5.30 to 7 p.m. *® ® %* Remember the Exhibition ony Wednesday and Thursday next, week. : { . Dryden Pharmacy Ltd. $ oP att Era Pt Eri a rea are SES EL So important are your teeth...in appearance, in health, . 1 ') that, surely, they merit the very best care you can give {U them. Unattractive teeth simply can't be concealed; b everyone you talk to sees them. BRUSH YOUR TEETH REGULARLY : USE DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE k 'SEE YOUR DENTIST REGULARLY You'll find it pays Tremendous Dividends. Dr. West's Tooth paste, large tube 25c. TE nme a Pf ST CT PO TT fe Tr Ee rd Serta A