Dryden Observer, 1 Jan 1932, p. 3

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January ist, 1932. 1 I THR DRYDEN OBSERVER Page 3 Classified FOR RENT--FOUR suite, $10.00 per month. ROOM#%D Tewny room shack, $5.00 per monti, apply R. H. Pronger, Notary Public. HAVE YOU OVERLOOKED consulting J. L. SKILLEN about the renewal of your Fire Insurance Policy. He can save you 20c¢ on every dqjlar you spend on insurance pre- miums. Now is the time to get the best on the market at the lowest cost. SALE PRICES Will be the orcler of the day for the next few weeks, no doubt, in most stores. sell, ete. prices will keep in tune with any and all competition. We may not do so much shouting because we are too busy, (to use a familiar phrase) "sawing wood."' CASH SPECIALS 27-inch white flannelette, 10 yards for 36-inch stripe flannelette, 10 yards for .......... Flannelette blankets, double bed size, pair ....... Ped Sheets, 81 x 90, pair Bed Sheets, hemstitched, 72 x 90, per a Terry Towels, heavy weight, 20 x 40, No matter who it is shouting from the house tops in such terms as sacrifice prices, cut to the bone, forced to An inquiry here will prove to you that our 3 pairg Ralph We pay the delivery charges The store that will net be undersoid J. Pronger TO OUR FRIENDS: -- to open. of security and peace; the time-honored way--- J. Before we close up shop and go home to-night we want to send you our best wishes for the New Year which is about We wish you good health and contentment, a sense the happy fulfilment of your heart's | desire; an abiding faith that the business of living in Canada will move steadily along towards finer and better things. We Yard, pledge to you for 1932 our earnest effort to give to you the best we have in the goods we make for you, and in the things we do for you, so that you may sense the feeling of our 'Friendly Service' in all our dealings together. of the Winterbottom Lumber By the way we serve you during 1932 we hope to merit | your good-will---the greatest thing in the world of men is | = their good-will toward one another---and therefore we say in | HAPPY NEW YEAR WINTERBOTTOM Builder & Contractor & ---- ---- 1.0.0.F,, DRYDEN LODGE, No. FOR SALE_TAMARAG WOOD | in small or large quantities at $6.00 per cord, apply Fred Boomhower. 12/31. LOST_ WIRE 1 MILK BOTTLE Basket, finder return to Edye's Dairy. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS-- Don't send out of town. Or- der them locally, Just as cheap. Samples and prices on re- quest, The "Observer.*? FRATERNAL NOTICES GOLDEN STAR LODGE | AF. & AM, No. 484 G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- den, the Second Tuesday of each month Visitors cordially invited. H. Morison, W.M. A. E. BERREY, Sec'y. LO | DRYDEN LODGE, No. sUele 1694 Meets the First and Third Wednesday of each month, at eight pm. in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. WM. BOYLE, W.M. B. R. SMITH, Rec.-Sec'y. 417, meets in the Town Hall, Dryden every Monday evening at 8 p.m. M. SPICER, N.G. . FF. WHITELEY, Rec. Sec. pre a re GRANITE & MARBLE | MONUMENTS | sass mms GEO. NOBLE Dryden, Ontario ~ Ontario | a Progressive Shoe Hospital FIRST CLASS MACHINERY, WORKMANSHIP & MATERIAL MODERATE PRICES Jobs a Specialty "Done While You Wait." Full Line of: SHOE POLISH & LACES Mail Orders Receive Prompt a (= Totter of Thanks Por Santa Claus: -- We wish to Honk vou Very. much for your very nice gift to bi us this Christmas. Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wintersgill. mon Machin Council Acclamation BF. O. Anderson--Reeve C. Hampe--Councillor P. Neidecken--Counecillor A. E. Rand--Councillor A. Walton--Councillor | Churches ST. 'JOSEPH' Ss CHURCH Father Belanger, P.P. : nds 10° a.m. Holy Mass. +11 a.m: Catechism. "7pm. Rosary and : 'Benediction. (EET --_-- A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Dryden Lumber Co., Ltd. ST. LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10.00 0 eloeliSmddy < School. 11.00 o 'clock--Matt | ins and Sermon. 7.00 6 'clock--Evensong and Sermon. Rev. W. M. Clarke Minister. a = Th ®lnsurance ent a Jour Best Eoiord in time of trouble Fire, Sickness, Acci- dent, Death, Hail, Windstorm, Bur- glary, Holdup, etc. You can get protection against loss from each or all of these from K. G. AUSTIN AGENT DRYDEN Wishing all our friends and cus- tomers a very happy New Year. AN NY Promt attention given to all { orders for wood sawing. A. J. PILKEY | Phone 141 -- id 2 ji ~~ == | Attention. P.O Box 240 Dryden. Ont. L. GREENHILL Phone 4 er a-- = Anderson & Harris Funeral Divectors Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Night, 62.R 4 PHONE Day, 62 R 3 Vee arr ar EE New Year Greetings A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. TO ALL. Se J. L. SKILLEN Agent for all Lines of Insurance. (i --~-- | = | =) Sheriff' s Sale of Lands for Arrears of Se chool Taxes Quibell Consolidated School Section in the Townships of Wabigoon and Redvers, in the District of Kenora, Province of Ontario. By virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary-Treas. of the Quibell Consolidated School Section of the Townships of Wabigoon and Redvers in the District of Kenora, dated the Sth day of Se upon the lands hereinafter described for arrears of taxes respective ly due thereon, toget ice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Friday, the 8th day of Janvary, 9 noon at the Sheriff's Office, in the Town of Kenora, in the said District of Kenora, said Lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and chareces ih been sooner paid. ptember, 1931, 832, at tle hour proceed to sell by creon, unless such Wor of 'Otyriors and Address Bell Estate, Care of T. Hume, Milton, Ont. Blair Estate Emil Hubner (Estate) Frank Hakala, Sioux Lookout, Ont. John Majoinen, Kas, The Pas, Man. : John Walker, Verdun, P.Q. Mrs. Jos. Wills, 258 East Sth St., Erie, Pa. Mrs. M. B. Paradis F. V. Crowley, Quibell, Ont. Heikki Paakkari, Quibell, Ont. Warner (Estate) Jack Liskas, Quibell, Ont. John C. Brooks, Quibell, Ont. Anderson (Estate) J. A. Thompson, Quibell, Ont. Whitmore Lalonde, Quibell, Ont. 'Wm. Hendrickson, Quibell, Ont. The adjourned Sale, if an ard, 10th, 17th and 24th, 1931. No. No No. Amount No. Total Patented of of of of of Interest Costs Amount or Acres Lot Con. Arrears Years Owing Unpatented 150 N14-10 4 $143.29 4 $8.40 $13.38 $165.07 Patented 78 SW14-9 6 $179.12 4 $8.40 $15.17 $202.69 Patented 78 NE14-10 6 $5-£.21 4 $2.63 $8.64 $65.48 Patented 150 S14-10 5 $132. 40 3 $8.40 $12.84 . $153.64 Patented 160 N1b4 2 $149. 18 4 $6.30 $13.57 $169.05 Patented 30 SE14-11 4 $94. 45 3 $5.51 $10.80 $110.76 Patented 160 Sisll 3 $55. 70 3 $3.15 $8.74 $67.59 Patented 75 Nw1,11 5 $34. 97 3 $5.78 $10.33 $101.08 Patented 160 S148 4 $80.52 3 $4.73 $10.06 $95.31 Patented 75 SE149 5 $120.64 3 $7.88 $12.22 $140.74 Patented 140 Sha 4 $122.61 4 $4.99 $12.18 $139.78 Unpatented 146 S148 5 $93.73 3 $6.83 $10.82 $111.38 Unpatented 74 NE148 5 $71.98 3 $4.46 $9.62 $86.06 Unpatented 158 S141 4 $96.23 3 $5.51 $10.88 $112.62 Patented 57 Whpt S14-7 6 $93.69 4 $1.84 $10.57 $106.10 Patented 168 S142 2 $30.30 3 $5.25 $10.07 $95.62 Unpatented 160 S14-12 4 $121.62 4 $4.20 $12.09 $137.91 Unpatented 145 Slh-4 6 $97.07 a $5.78 $10.94 $113.79 Unpatented 75 NEY4-11 5 $28.83 3 $1.84 $7.33 $38.00 Unpatented 150 N14-3 6 $73.02 3 $7.30 $9.81 $90.13 Patented 158 Nig 4 872.15 3 $4.99 $9.65 $86.79 Unpatented Lated at the Sheriff's Office, her with the costs incurred, hereby give not- commanding the Sheriff to levy of Eleven 0'Clock in the fore- Public Auction so much of the Dryden . THE UNITED CHURCH OF -CANADA Oxdrift--1, 30 Sunday School. 2.30 Divine Worship: Dryden--1 1.00 Church School. 7,00 Divine Worship. We start 1932 with the intro- | duction of the New United Church of Canada Hymnary, and a new order of service. The minister will speak on-- "The Hymnary,"' its origin, aim and ultimate desire. There will be a formal presen- tation of "The Hymnary" to the minister and leader of church praise, by the president of the Ladies' Aid. A song serviee will follow the evenings worship. : This is a very special service and marks another milestone in our chureh's history. John W. Howes, Minister. ------ THE BAPTIST CHURCH (Edgar Ferns, Pastor) Rev. Bob Munro, well-known Scottish Evangelist will preach from January 3 to January 14. Here is his tentative programme: Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 11 am.-- "When We may Expect a Reviv- al." 7 p.m.--' "Making The Iron To Swim."' Monday, Jan. 4th, 8 p.m.-- "How To Meet The Need Of The Hour." Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 8 p.m.--** Miracle That Failed." Wednesday, Jan. 6th, 8 p.m.-- "The Power Of Prayer. » Thursday, Jan. 7th, 8 p.m.-- "Making Your Life Count."' Friday, Jan. 8th, 8 pm.--- "Why I Am Not An Infidel." Sunday, Jan. 10th 11 a.m.--- "The 'Second Coming Of Christ A And The Modern Apostasy." 3 p.m.-- "After Death What!" 7 pm--""'Not Far From The Kingdom."' Monday, Jan. 11th, 8 pI "Hell --What Saith The serip- tures!' Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 8 pm.--' "Heaven ~ And How To Geo There."' 'Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 8 pm. --"Hxciting Scenes In a Prison House."' Thursday, Jan. 14th--The Only Sin That God Will Not Forgive--The Unpardonable Sin. You are cordially invited. arrears and charges shall have Y, will be held at the same hour and place two weeks later. Kenora Ont., September 26th, 1831. Published in the Ontario Gazette, October ---- | See L. BAUER Princess St., Dryden Fae 1 al Wood Sawing Prompt Service -- CASH Ontario | ¢ Edye' 1 dye's Dairy The home of good milk. Babies Milk a Specialty. The only accredited herd in the district. If in want, drop us a card BOX 261, DRYDEN Pe (= -- N L. HADLEY -- PHONE 65 DRAY Trucking accomodation at moderate prices. © When in need of a dray call us. ne -- Sa DRY PINE Dry fire killed pine for sale Cut this winter, not old pulpwood, not black, nor dirty to handle. PRICE PER CORD $5.00 For immediate delivery. PHONE 15 Swan Swapson 5 gd & i re ~ To Our Friends and Customers The Very Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR PHIL MOORE STAR BARBER SHO VOTE FOR P-R-0-U-D-F-G-0-T for Council for 1932 A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL % T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor' IL. D. MacCALLUM, ai ~ the best looking, Prices, erm and OXDRIFT - Sherif of Kencra. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT with a : McCORMICK - DEERING Ball Bearing CREAM SEPARATOR Six Sizes, Hand Operated, Electric Power Driven For one cow or a hundred. - Try one out in your own house, if you do not think it is easiest turning, longest lasting mach- ine sold, we will take it out, and ask no questions. Sold on easy payments to reliable parties. literature on request. Je Sn CORNERI McCormick-Deering Dealer i | ONTARIO J The

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