Dryden Observer, 15 Jan 1932, p. 3

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Cy January 16th, 1688. -- ~~ uHE DRYDEN oBMERVER A Page § Many New Gadgets at Grand Central Palace in New] WANTED -- ELECTRIC RE- CE= E 5 York, is to the effect that there frigerator franchise available : I. HADLEY -- PHONE 65 On The Auto has been no "depression'"" in| for Dryden. Old established I Anderson & Harris ; ; automobile ideas on this year's| Company. Popular prices. This Ver Tq - : { 1 | Hirect Word from the biggest auto-| models. Besides many accessories| is an exceptional opportunity. urera rectors : : mobile show on the continent, | of a mechanical way designed to| Responsible, capable man only 5 1 0 Day or Night Calls Trucking accomodation at } the annual display by all makers! make the road smoother for the| need apply. Box No. 5, Dry- v Profuptly Attended To moderate prices. motorist, there -are some new | den Observer. 1115. Nicht 62 R al When in need of a dray accessories of the luxury class PHONE he "62 R 3 call us. a urches For instance, one car is provided | FOR SALE--TAMARAC WOOD ( ay, 0 I! ] with a cigar lighter that oo at $6.00 per cord, also good : ee |S = = x ~~~ | only lights the weed for the, sound first growth Jack Pins im ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH smoker but takes the first few (not black) at 5.00 per cord. = = ==) Father Belanger, P.P. puffs as well to provide the Apply Fred Boomhower. 1 necessary "draw' Another | mmm . f i, pis Edye's Dairy COMPLETE STOCK OF 10 nm. Bole Maes. lighter combines a clock, memo | HAVE YOU OVERLOOK ED ire affacxs a HARNESS Sunday: 10 a. y : ; 1 ; ) 11 a.m. Catechism. pad, pencil, and holder for 20 consulting J. L. SKILLEN dwelling i in Canada The home of good milk. 7 p.m. Rosary and cigarettes. The new devices; about the renewal of your : Babies Milk a Specialty. HORSE COLLARS, Benediction. | which make the car run better, Fire Insurance Policy. He can Do you know what time The only accredited herd AND HORSE BLANKETS. -- - -- : SAL] ii Do ig save you He on every daglar yours will be visited ? in the district. ) the most attention. "Ride con-| you spend on insurance pre- : 12 iv wns a ihe BT. roan trol' is one of these. So also is| miums. Be Prepared ! : If Ronan the automatic choke device, = \& : 2 Best Quality Mitts and 10.00 o'clock--Sunday School which is soon to be seen in Can- FRATERNAL NOTICES Insure Now ; § = loves : es J "| ada on a car yet to be announ- oy : WITH ; : 11.00 o'clock--Mattins and) ..q mhis device eliminates the | SOLE Tan LODGE r. (. A USTIN = : El Sermon. ) choke button on the dash and a: = Te & A.M, No. oo G.R.C. AGE Vi ; : 7.00 o'clock--Evensong and| device does the work automatic. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dry- AGENT DRYDEN | " F. WILLARD CR ally, starting at full choke for oo Bute fin of i se . : ( 5 5 Sn oY Rev. W. M. Clarke Minister. cold motor and gradually closing month. Visitors cordially invited. : Xper ean arness : off choke as engine warms up to | o Litt : P rogressive Shoe Dry fire killed pine for sale Repairs, THE BAPTIST CHURCH | normal. iid Hospital : (Edgar Ferns, Past a an p Cut this winter, not old ~ go s, Pastor) Lol DRYDEN LODGE, No. Tore : i ; Cr assified «Use 1694 Meets the First pu pwood, not black, nor rm a 10 a.m.--Bible School. and Third Wednesday of each | FIRST CLASS MACHINERY dirty to handle. = : A 11 i Worship. FOR RENT__TOUR ROOMED | pomih, i sh ae WORKMANSHIP & MATERIAL PRICE PER CORD $5.00 7 p.m.--SEF : o, Town Hall. siting brethren z = ra Fr ; er En ARPT suite, $10.00 per month. Two cordticlly trvitord MODERATE PRICES For immediate delivery. Free Free y= pMErin Tu, room shack, $5.00 per month, WM. BOYLE. WM : PHONE 15 Thursday 8 p.m.--Prayer and apply R. H. Pronger, Notary] : Jb, WM, ; Jobs a Specialty Bible Study. IPD aa, Tengen Yi B. R. SMITH, Rec.-Sec'y. od NCL SD ; Tra 5 Pablie Eo T------------------ Done While You Wait. Swan Swaprson From now until February You are cordially invited. X VDE T ; : THE UNITED CHURCH OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ar ihe "Town. Hal, Full Live off » - o a i CANADA Don't send out of town. Opr- Dryden every Monday evening] SHOE POLISH & Daly Of pou hin ow Dryden Ontaric| der them locally, just as cheap. * Tu NG LACES == N [Jif every made to measure OR t 1.90 Sundvy Hekool Samples pi on rel} WHITELEY. Rec. Sec. | Mail Orders Receive Prompt ||| WHY NOT CUT YOUR SUM BRADY SUIT 2.30 Divine Worship. gues The Server. ' ee --_ 5 Attention. OVERHEAD EXPENCE 20% off all Overcoats 3 --11.00 Church hool. OQ TA y GRANITE & MARBLE Dryden--11.00 (neh. Sebool. | 7089 CANADIAN LEGION | MONUMENTS | BY INSURING WITH THE This is your chance to 7.00 Divine Worship. Toons Auniiony J 0 A 2 | i HPO Box 240 : Clvie Sunday Will he ohserved | oes' URE 5.) eBo. NOBLE | "pg "ont. lL. GREENHILL|}} wawanese mutual sound Hh CIA md o in Dred Whe Novato Please return to "Observer. Dryden, Ontario yden. = ya : in ] a ; 2 yon Ln ALi J Phonic 2 INS. CO. Low Priced Suit. and School Trustees will atten ~ : : LOST -- MOTTLED GREEN Ev Service. oF -- we en an Munroe Fountain Pen. Reward - See L. BAUER (= 5 2 The minister will speak on--| 2 : i St., Dryde i i hy Vin OF The Proton if returned to Observer Office. Princess St., Dryden | Promt attention given to a J. L. SKILLEN > lat Teo. To Be." i : ora orders for wood sawing. s dd = iL HE nein | FOR SALE--SET OF BOOKS ae | PILKE Apsnt ov oll Vines of T. PROUDFOOT Pho. a hy foe oho of Knowledge (20 books) WwW od Sawin : A. J. Y | Insurance. "The Dryden Tailor' You are welcome. Cheap. Apply Dryden Obser- 0 g | Phone 141 -- Ring 2 | John W. Howes, Minister. ver. Prompt Service -- CASH easy to launder. with colored stripes of rose, blue and gold, no ironing, Come Early eme =) Come Often Buy Plenty Y | PRONGER'S REPUTATION FOR BIG VALUES AND SQUARE DEALING GOES INTO EVERY SALE. Don't miss this big opportunity bo save money and benefit your whole amily. Something New learing SAI a of all broken lots, sizcs and colors. Everything marked at prices that == TYR > stzs 0. ii will make them particularly opportune buying, and big money savers. || |, SENANTS : : 72 x 90 yards or less measured and White krinkle spreads = priced at about one third off regular price, silks, cot- tons. ete. : prints, wool goods, ) Something Special Every Day er the Dates---January 16th to 23rd FLEECY LINED OVERSHOES $1.15 BLEACHED SHEETING 35¢ & 39¢ MEN'S JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS $2.75 Navy and a few red, large roll collar, heavy, warm and well made. AARP AINA os 15¢ Yard. The household cloth for every season. Checks and plaids in every choice color, 32 inch wide. Large double bed size. White with blue or pink borders, whipped ends. The price is the lowest in years, the quality is standard. plaid design, collar at- tached, just the garment for out door work, sizes 15 to 17. 8-4 and 9-4 sizes Heavy cotton sheets with wide hemmed ends, the 8-4 size are hem- stitched. Lay in a supply at this low price. AARNE AAAS . or couch cover, $1.98 To be used as a throw bound edges and rich colorings, big value. AAPAAA ON WASHABLE MATS 98c Hit and miss weave with checks and stripes worked in colors, bound edges, sizes about 27 x 54. Now is the time to save. Black, Di yard = N All PLAN Han oh oy choice ena row i) Gr iad slid 25% DISCOUNT ON The time to stock up is now with Drcseee at (jive of shades, 32 inch wide, heavy thread asteners, mostly cuban heel. . : ] . Childr's Tl 66157158 1015-11-11V4 Winter Coats & i} this heavy quality of bleached sheet- Away Prices that insures lasting wear. Ladies' sizes 2146-3-3146-4-414-5 Dresses ing in even thread weave, note the ILE DRESSES void PRINTS 16¢ Yd. Ww Sra width = 8.4 ; vd 10 SLLE SOK Card wide prints in a wide choice PLEATED SKIRTS $1.95 all le a WOOL DRESSES of meat patterns for house dresses, or 2 a, yoy : ol I ya JERRY DRESES linings, children's wear, etc. 2d, sand and blue, flannel on yoke ; . Se ) " : pleated oll around, regular 43.25. A remarkable offering. UNBLEACHED SHEETING 35¢ yd. ; 1 DEBRSSRES MEN'S GREY S0X--5 Pairs $1.00 FUGI BLOUSES $1.49 Every garment worth the Some housewives like the grey Sent Ip Ins Ws oh Men) yom omni siting 3 pins k Sori iid it AL. Bel ee do sheeting, it Is so soft-and soon Herel: Good Materials-- this bargain in grey wool sox, good ~% sleev res, all sizes and color, regular ; 3 es white. Well here it is at a new Good Workmanship-- weight and well made. 22.75 ~ale, want fo carry over any low price, 8-4 width for 35c yard Styles that can be easily DUCHESSE SATINS $1.00 Yd. PULLOVER SWEATERS 32.50 stock from ome season to ' i altered. { Black Duchesse in a splendid A ol wn rt another, you get the benefit PILLOW COTTON 29¢ & 35c¢ Yd. WHILE THEY LAST Tape Wes id Hien of pure ] ight ; ; ; : ilk i le sweaters in a big choice of colors, of a sharp reduction on up- Circular pillow chiton, nV I $i 95 Eac h : Ta : ; sizes 36, 38, 40. Regular value $3.50. : : even weaves of medium and heavy . : PILLOW CASES 65¢ Pair 2 28 5 $ to-minute in style garments yie 8 Sy weight either 40 inch or 42 inch No Exchanges Hemstitched pillow cases, heavy MEN S CARDIGAN JACKETS $1.65 all sizes in the lot. width, you can't go wrong buying No Lay Aways 'Wabasso cottons in either 40 inch or Fine wool coat sweaters in fawn or { either of these for wear and satisfac- No Charges 42 inch width, hand drawn threads, grey only sizes 36 to 42, regular $3.00. & SA tion. { = = extra good quality. == \ WOMEN'S BLOUSES WOOL BLANKETS. (FF DN WHITE FLANNELETTE TOWELS 59¢ Par ic : : \ Sona oe = : 79¢ $0.95 Pair MILLINERY $1.00 27 inch wide--10 yds. 98¢ White terry towels, FLANNEL SKIRTS ona Wait, al Siren. 38 and 40 6 Ib, sizes 72 x 84 Lh Ts Canadian made, soft with hemmed ends in a 3 Oe ll oA geet Colored muslin and- white wool lovely soft {ll cleared i tat $1.00 saxony finish, for every pig size and a good dry- Son i lia styles. We want the broadcloth, some sleeve- finish with whipped ends i Matt household use and a ing quality. A household RE SE Set Fou bs HH sleeves, and colored borders. value when your Hi s wear, reliable qual- | 0" 1 3 Tow price. ton waist, regular while they last ror washable colors money will go so Tes $2.25 value, clearing $1.00 ee eens LE LSU al COLORED TERRY TOWELLING price 98c. " = GOWNS 89¢ : ot \ 8) FLANNELETTE 5 Yards $1.00 {t A ; ] s 'oy Real economy the key 34 inch wide : MEN'S SUITS $5.00 Good quality white Sa / For roller or hand 5 only at this ridien- flannelette gowns, slip- BOR Soon grey Dinky MEN'S FLANNEL 10 yds. $1.98. towels, heavy warp and YARN $1.00 1b. hk Sone or oy over style with neat trin- home. ; SHIRTS $1.98 ¢ A Ts heavy weight iil, i ih Jo Scotch fingering, 4-ply 3 as ming on sleeve and neck. oy ng gowns, ens pe ang "in a nice soft woolic tweed, well made, good i : ; ete. "the wear is there. wide. Seyler sien. Bt - 25 Tons wr eR ne UE Binet AR colons 1 3 or pure wool flannel of 2 INDIAN BLANKETS DRESS GINGHAMS : POPP PPOR WOW wv ¥ A

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