Boge? is it qiafeaind fponirny Fr i THE DRYDEN OBSERVER attraction for tourists, but there! as a whole for the most peoplé open season in the Spring of the |Z =c> But per-' | would not be as many bear and for the country? year or not. ! Vi February 12th, 1982. hunters come in the Fall, be-! haps if my cabins could be ap-| ; oe IR : i i i tan wri iy J ; P-| Let us hear f g 1h A A Published every Friday at. | cause tourists in Summer, seeing. proached by. tourists in he a a IN s y 5 \/ Dryden, Ontario. bear plentiful, would only be an! mobiles all Summer long, I axact egmiing V NCE N NOV ELTY bil advertisement fT aT of" would 1 1a el ; ! ng ky : vdvertisement for a rush 'would be satisfied with the the destruction of moose by \ Subscription rate $1.50 yearly. Elsie B. Collison, Publisher LETTER TO THE "EDITOR Dear Mr. Editor: Some few weeks ago Jack Miner said that "if bear killed moose as fast as Mr. M. U. Dates, log cabin owner of Mata- gami, claimed they did, why have moose increased in midst of bear?' Mr. Bates comes back with an impudent, sarcas- tic reply and as father (Jack Miner) is in Nebraska on a lec- ture tour, I come to his defence with the following statement with the hope you will find for same. Yours truly. MANLY MINER What will bring the most tourists into Ontario, live or dead attractions? At the present time, people in the United States go to Yellowstone National Park and other State and Federal Parks. What for? Chiefly to see the live bear along the roadside. 'Why not make Ontario equally as attractive and instead of the 125 million people in the count- ry south of us going to their own parks, have live attractions here in Ontario for them to come and see. Now that high- ways are being opened up in several places north and west of Sudbury, clear across the Prov- ince, what greater advertise- ment eould our country have than tourists coming in from the United States seeing an old mother bear and two cubs along the roadside, and taking several feet of motion pictures of thera back to the United States, to run on the screen in every theatre. What does it mean? It gives the ninety per cent. of people who don't shoot first chance of seeing bear alive; and then in Fall, the 10 per cent. tourists that are hunters, would be glad to come back and pay $50.00 or $100.00 license to shoot a bear in Fall of the year, | had a chain of log cabins to rent |? and railroad the only means of {i 1 ; -- . , | BRYCE'S BAKERY : and leave equally that amount' of money with a Northern fam-| bringing hunters in the Fall for Ontario to cash in on their licenses. In the United States, nearly ' every State that has bear con siders them as game, and they are protected and only hunted | at a certain season of the year. In 1904 Pennsylvania liberated several pair of bear, and last Tall something like 680 were shot. Tf bear were so destructive, why would these States liberate | them and protect them, and then cash in on the hunters' license who hunt them? The bear were here in Ontario long before the moose, and ithe moose came in and multiplied in the midst of the bear, so that today Ontario has more moose than all United States, and per- haps the rest of Canada; thus, if the bear were so destructive to | the moose, the moose would not, have increased as rapidly as | they have in this Province dur- | ing the last thirty-five years. As far as bear decreasing the moose, personally, I think if the] truth were known and exact] facts and figures could be ob-| tained, my own opinion is that Indians shoot at least ten moose to feed their dogs to every onc| killed by bear; if such be the case, why so much yelling about | the few moose the bear kill and no yelling about those killed for | flies and Indian's dogs to eat to] eat up? | There is just one thing IT would like to ask Mr. Bates, who owns | and has a chain of log cabins to at Matagami. The question is: Mr. Bates claims bear are so | destructive, and a bounty on them has even been suggested; at the same time he says "he is opposed to trapping bear."' Tf bear are so '"destructive" as he, says they are, what difference would it make to him whether bear were trapped or shot? The only difference T can see is that! there would not he as many trappers rent his cabins as there would be hunters, if there were an open season declared on bear in the Spring of the year. 1 am only a young man, but am old enough to try to see both. sides of this controversy, if you would call it such, that is if tourists to them, rl 1 1 ily, whose father would act as would perhaps be wanting an guide; whereas, if bear were open season in the Spring of the | allowed to be shot in the Spring, | year, and open season lengthen- ed in the Fall, but what is best Ll 7 length of time they were were occupied and the amount money I took in for rentals, and care little whether there was an ol, bear, and log cabins to rent. = | > | Si Yours truly, MANLY F. MINER J 7 PATERSON'S MEAT MARKET | Shoulder Veal Steak, per ib Shoulder Pork Steak per 1b Tea Meal Cottage Roll, per ib 20 | § Re 15e A © as 0 0 ae es eas sees ea Calf Hearts, per Ib Veal Stew, 3 ib for Spare Ribs, 3 1b for For Saturday Only | | Sirloin Steak--Sirloin Roast--Porterhouse Steak | | or Roast---per h--20c | Chall Tenis, par 30 Chin eae | | ea | | IE TCC SE Sr BC CRUSE CRE BRS ) Blood Sausage. 2 ib for Liver Sausage. 2 1b for Liver, 3 1b for Phone 6. A. PATERSON THE HIGH-BUILT PULLOVER To go with THE HIGH-BUILT SKIRT These sport skirts are made of the new velvet suede which will not spot, as a matter of fact it can be washed. The high-built pullovers are in Pepper- mint Mesh, one of the most popular materials used this season. The skirts come in red, green and brown color at $2.95. 3 tins 2 tins Peas 5 tins Corn (2) 3 tins 3 pkts. Creamettes for Shredded Cocoanut, 1b Small Oranges, 2 dozen for SATURDAY SPECIALS ET SN ENE El EE Es EL re Libby's Pork and Beans Bushel Hamper Baldwin Apples SATURDAY ONLY C. James Wright, Builder (8 Contractor. Lumber, Coal and Builders' Supplies EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDER Quality -- and -- Service Dryden JAS. WINTERBOTTOM Ontario interbottom Lumber Yard 'Phone 49. \ Offer you the following groceries from Iebruary 12th to the 22nd. { 10¢ Canned Cormand Peas, per tin o.oo vin nr cannes 10¢ PEASE AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFIER My -- As it will appear when installed in your pan by hand. Pease, the name that signifies long life heating equipment. CONSULT --- Olaf A. Isaksson General Sheet Metal Worker and Heating Contractor DRYDEN ONTARIO furnace. No more fill- ing the ordinary water IAN that would not only cut-off Your | | Canned Tomatoes, 215-10 ting, per tin ......c.0n i Bm on So EE > > = es a | Sweet Mixed Piaklen, 2000 Jom iio it anv aren is ade . ; ; Pure Tomato Jolee, large size .... ov ovene vin... 160 an orne G rocervy Baking Powder, Re Ee ORS 18¢ Bropifield Butler, mer 5... La vs ve Ld nn 200 Van Horne & Albert Sts. Phone 155 oy a rn 5 Ji RL Te dv 10¢ oo ure Raspberry and Strawberry Jam ............ Hse tS 5 J. M. HARDIE, PROP. Bee Bive Corn Byrap, Bb pails on. vse, 38¢ BAKED GooDS Prompt attention given to all phone orders. : Rinso, large eC SR 23¢ y ; : ; , inte Son Salton, por tI. oo een es eas 15¢ rent, i Bell Tio, Cakes ond Pasiry i : Bryce's Special Tea and Coffee ......o.cviiinnnn 37¢ Froth. diiy from our own ovens. ih o ; 7 EA Braid's Blue Label Tea with cup and saucer ..... 44e i ---- 'broken Orange Pekoe in bulk. This tea will appeal Nabob Coffee, I'eb. 19th Only . 38¢ i TH to the public in its high quality and rich, pleasing Flour, 98-1b Gl a Es 3 hE POSTE S200 le Hower, Atte sia re SEE ST S50, Ee pels Always on hand, several varieties of wholesome fresh Coffee, C. & 8., fresh gromnd, 1B... evennrnnns. We have a supply of sugar in 10 and 20 Ib bags made candy to choose from. Quick Quaker chinaware packages, containing lovely coming in--we will sell at a veal price. | Tre ite "dishes that will grace many tables. The kind that 2 | : pea Z women are always wanting to collect and a con- From Fruits and Vegetables, venient method of securing fine china. Per pkt. 35¢ 9 BOR. ! RE ICE CREAM--BULK AND IN BRICKS. rn i deta re El ab 65¢ D ryce S Ia ery il Ten A ENE ER ER | E. W. STANSFIELD & SON [Hi ; nl -- = = J - Pa f= aN ; Dryden, february 11th, 1932. Dear Folks -- FOR Well, here's the editrix for our weekly letter and oy Ee I'm sure L don't know what to advertize thi k. i { 7 7 ; : : srk Sides Imow whut 4s uhvaniiun this wos McCORMICK - DEERING PB ; : Good Will is the Disposition of the Customer wl 1 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. PHONE 26 to Return to the Place where He has been well ol She Paes : Saived." FARM EQUIPMENT SRE hy 2 Your radio is nearly paid for; now you're in the BEATTY BROS. LIMITED iV d ] A { . aT i a 1 oe v, 2 =~ v Hd 4 MONDAY --Side Poon Me Ca or . Shortening market for a washer, cither electric or gas, or is it a Barn Equipment; Pumps; Sadie Machines, Electric 3 TA : Hing Te a 4 yok ' fo > : 3 ! y ru L new sewing machine? Engine Driven or Hand Power; Churns; Ladders; oy RA if you don't give us a chance Brooder Stoves; Clothes Racks; Butter Workers, Ete. B ig i ; He 3 Ys --Pusiness has heen good this month so far. a LR TUESDAY a DL Ea, 19¢ 1b; Yours faithfully, Joe. METALLIC ROOFING CO. 1 a yp , PS ntl led hin on RTT LARITY Metal Siding, Roofing, Eavetroughing Goon ghey Bm dnd ned INE Bad - g: fi wa A Scotsman had been told by his doctor that he had nk 3 : WEDNESDAY---Cheese 15¢ h--Timit 2 Ib; Peanuts a floatin g kidney. «He was much disturbed by the dag- FLEURY I LOWS 9¢ tb; Todised Salt 10c pkt. ' nosis and went to the minister of his church with a re- YIN T OP > A N 2 eps quest for the prayers of the congregation. 'I don't DUNLOP OR ATLAS TIRES = os know' said the minister dubiously 'I'm afraid that at TREDIID ( DEON TV THURSDAY --5 tt Honey. Waldhof, 47c¢ pail--Limit 2 the mention of a floating kidney the congregation. . UII. IMPERIAL OIL 1 RODUCTS © pails: Cream Batter. N ' 1 Lp Iie # would laugh." "I dinna sce why they maun,"' replied SE dhe - Ee fe pilsy Creamery Bunion, NO. 1, 2e- 10, IW the sufferer, '"it was but last Sabbath ye prayed for See or Write ; : Ts Ce loose livers." 0 4 ; FRIDAY--Apples per box $1.98--Wrapped and Re- Td J A J 4 CORNER packed. P BE ronger & Armstron HE g = MecCormick-Deering Dealer 2 ; Lon "Phraneh Servie LT SATURDAY--Honeysuckle Tea 35¢ Ib; Sodas in bulk Through Service We Grow" : 10¢ Ib--Limit 2 ib. "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do." OXDRLeY ONTARIO ir JRA J