7 THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT Ih COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. 74 VOL. X. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, APRIL 22 ne 1932. No. 17. @ANDOM JOTTINGS BY OUR WOULD BE COLUMNIST A When the SOTA Y town news- i aper, speaks of it's first citizen, no matter how podér a prune is this official, "Mayor" should se spelled with a capital "MM". If Mr. Gardiner of the Prog- ressives, cuts all the big one's incomes to $20,000.00, how muen will mine go up? When the farmer sells his fresh eggs to the store for 12¢ ozen, and the store delivers em for 16¢, how mueh good does this do the man in town who keeps hens? *® 3 %* To-day everybody criticises | everyone else. No Government, Federal, Pro- vineial or Municipal escapes. The peanut vendor could run the United States better than Hoov- er. Admitted this to be true. Is it the result of education, de- pression, general modernism, and is it new? If you want to prove to your- self that it has always been, ask your high school daughter to tell you about a certain Athen- ian, a couple of thousand years ago, and an oyster shell. A very good friend of mine, told me with stinging rebuke, the wickedness and rat: of men in high places. 1 was surprised at the number he named, and was so shocked and sti ined that I had nothing to say. 'When : came to, after he had left me, I recalled that he had only SEA Conservatives. | thought it strange, until I re. membered his politics. IT also remember he gaid he had no bias. Standing at one of our street corners, with a man from Win- nipeg, he remarked at the school children passing hy. Driving with me on the streets his thoughts came to a head. Said he: "Why you haven't a rageed child in Town, surely there are no hard times here!" I said, "Yes, we have hard times. hut two causes contribute to the apparent prosperity of the children. The sacrifice of the Mathers and Mothers, and the low prices at Gates', Scott's, Pitt's, P roudt oot's, Daiter's and Pronger's' I may be with the angels, and 80 may you hefore the next gen- eral Provincial Flection, but it s already concerning me which way to vote. IT am teeter-iotter- ing all wm time. When I think of all the mon- ey spent since last Fall, keeping body together for many who had no possible word, 1 tell my- self I would be an inerate to vote against the Government. But when T sce the north road . from here to Oxdrift, as it is now, and apparently ever will be, I say, "Why, Hephurn could do better than that'. Then again I hear the Govern- ment has raised the price of gin, and I am once more with any legislation that curbs the use of that pernicious spirit. Meantime, all of us ave depen- ding on the south road to Ox- drift, or the north detour. If y stand up, the Government gs it, but if that road goes down, well there vou are and so am I. Fp or Meantime, If you like this col- umn, tell the publisher, a Joh. T may get -- Lipstick. raf) To neglect your INSURANCE sea J. E. GIBSON, Kort discontent, | Friday, April 29th, Announcements St. Luke's Guild will hold a Sale of Homecooking on Satur aon April 30th, at O. H, Pron- ger's Store. %* *% The ladies' Auxiliary to the! Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., will hold Saturday, May 21st, in the Pulp Mill Tall. *® Eg A parade of the Ist and 2nd' Scouts and Guides will be held on Sunday at 3 p.m. to the Pulp Mill Hall for a church service. All are invited. ee o DANCE AT WABIGOON A dance will be Deld in the Wabigoon Community Hall on 193% rood will be served. * * | Music. Lunch 5 Ar 7 a 32¢ Admission--=Gents 47¢, ladies 32¢ he hoped for. tax extra. An Old Timer's * % Dance will be held in the Oxdvift Community April 29th. Orches- couple, a good Hall, Friday evening, Turnbull and Whiteley tra. Admission $1.00 per Everyone come and have time. The annual meeting of the Dryden Golf Club will be held in" the Council Chambers at the Town Hall on Wednesday, April 27th, at 8 pm. All members requested to be present and vective members are also ally invite The Health Scckers and the Happy Health Juniors are hold ing th nual open meeting on Saturd April 30th at 2 2 Olt Pulp Mill Hall. Children programe {A in =, 1 Admission--Adults 10¢, A good variety has been arran % Reserve the 8 o'clock, Pulp Play Coming date, May 12th, Mill Hall. The Oxdrift Playes in the comedy son's Yob' of the Junior 15e. "Yimmy Yohn- , under the auspices Dryden United Church Aid. Tickets 35¢ and * %* The Public School will hold concert in the Pulp Mill Hall on Monday, May 2nd at 8.15. This entertainment has been arr ranged to raise funds to assist in son ing school pupils to the Music Festival at Kenora the week. The programme will ¢ = Con- 'sist mostly of Festival numbers and the Women's Institute choir; will also take part. Admission 35¢, 2be and 15c. THE LEAGUE INFLUENCE FELT IN EMERGENCIES After all, the cautious policy of the league of Nations has borne fruit. Critics who spoke of the Impotency of the league and jeered at its inaction, must admit that, had it not been for the existence of that body, very serious international complica- tions might have arisen, No one can say what would have been the result of a vigior- ous assertion of the powers con- ferred hy the covenant or the adoption of the coercive exped- ients proposed by some impatient councellors. Moderation and the "force of world opinion have had effect. Instead of being reclited, the league is vin- dicated ag an agency of inter- national cooperation against a common inenace, when emergeu- cies arise. ~h as imous chess player says 1s not played for five years. , it may he his move any ute now, he 1 i |) min The woman who drives from = the back seat is no worse than the man who cooks from the dining room table. He who contemplates without resentment the prospect of high- er taxes is entitled to a place ng the pe losophers. Sonny--Dad, was that bottle of red ink you hought very dear? Dad--No, not very. Sonny--Then I wonder mother rem Te why was so furious when [I i ECE CN TS . EN 5 MUSIC FESTIVAL an Empire Day Tea on| SL den came: Company of a delegation from Second Dryden Company. At the dots of mums, the annie on | Jack Adams looked very much the birthday cake was lit by the 4 case in the vole of the Irish newly enrolled Guide, and re- farm hand "Mickey", also Ger freshments were served by the tie Amos in the Lol of Sra Rangers. The 2nd Company the detective. We shouldn't be hopes this is only the first of; YOY much surprised if he doesn't many such birthday parties. | have a hand in the rescue of : Ea Chas. Augustus, jr., should Seot- 1 land Yard eet wind of him. Notice To © Anglicans { Then there remains the part of ; the "Crook". This was without The Fraternity of Oddfe Hows a doubt the only character tha. will attend this church nex! gigy't act natural. But much Sunday Evening. We trust that' credit is coming to Thornton a fair amount will turn out as Browning for taking the part, the Service is in their interest. and putting it over as well as The ehoir will render an anthem phe gig. ; for the occasion. We shall do, pe Young People are coine our hest to accomodate every. i Dryden with the play on May one. People's W. arden. 12th, be sure and sce it. Tickets I | on sale by members of Dryden How strange that ears leave' Junior Ladies' Aid. " "the road only where there's ii --Oxdrift Correspondent steep embankment. But then. ! errr only a few people quit the NEW F ISH COOK ! permission of the Fire Chief. AT KENORA a The second annual Music Fes: tival, sponsored by the Kenora | Women's Institute will be held there on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 4th, bth and 6th. According to a report in the t Kenora Miner and News, there is a record number and the enthusiasm dis even greater than last ve: Local entries will show a Ton increase, for there will he from, the Public School besic the Women's Institute choir, which is a new venture, and other single entries. 2 The splendid showing made by Dryden entrants last year and the honours they returned with should be all that is neces. sary to ensure every possible means bf local support than can; The sending of, these children to Kenora entails large expense and the support | of everyone is vequésted so thai those responsible for the local contestants will not have the additional worry of financing, GUIDE & RANGERS BIRTI 1D AY PARTY An and happy inter wali event in the lite of the 2nd Dury- Guide and Ranger Com- nies took place on Tuesday svening last, when t first birth of the Companies was of entries! is layed i into horseshoe en i her ig was broken and a new guide enrolled. Th en | followed presentation of servie: stars to 26 members, who nave made over 70% of attendances since April 20th, 193 : Class Badges and Badges were then. RE to 11 Guides and Rangers. and the Poppy Patrol complimented | on winning the highest points in eotpetition from January lst to March 31st. This patrol was closely followed hy the Swall- ows, who were only one point behind. The remainder of the evening was devoted to games-- real birthday party games--and contests, in which the parents and friends of the Guides also took part. 3 A very pleasant surprise of the evening was a visit to the the First Dryden Company Chuides bearing birthday greet- ing to the sister Guides of the straight and narrow path when they're on the level, Notice Dr, BE. H. Alexander. Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat Specialist will be in Dryden Frida: vy 6th. Appointments should be made heforchand at office of Drs. Dingwall and Morison, TOWN OF DRYDEN The burning of all refuse is forbidden within the limits of | the Town of Dry 15th to August den from April Slst, except by He also warns parents against allowing their children to ary matches on account of lighting dry grass, ete. ™ i Mayor f present and the Medical Officer consider ation Journed, 'sons who wish the bool SPECIA 0% COUNCIL MEETING The Town Council met Tues- | day evening at a spec cial session with Mayor Pitt in the chair; and a full quota of present, The purpose of the meeting was to appoint a Water Works Foreman, applications having heen advertised for during the past two weeks, hay were only two applicants for the POSi- tion and of these on Te motion of Councillors Frank Willard, seconded by Councillor J. 8. Wilson, Mr. F. Cooper was ap- pointed to the This position. was earried unanimously. | * Pollowing the adjournment of the council meeting, the Board of Health met, the chairman Pitt, the sceretary Mr. Gibson, Dr. Dingwall and Councillor Frank of the Board being Ji M.O TI. Willard of Health was authorized to in- oculate four more rooms of chil dren in the local Public School against diphtheria. the the for 3 ac- This being only item meeting OXDRIFT PL, AY GOES OVER BIG The Oxdrift Community Hall was the scene of even- ing riday, April Yong People'; ed the play, * Yai The people serve © much ered for their ability and the people are look- mg forward to them making such a production a yearly event, It would hardly be seeing the play, a mers 15th, wi 7 present Yohnson's youug fair, after to give any ong character more credit than an- other, they all did so well, New ton Brienall taking the Seni role of "Yimmy" and Miss Anna Matheson taking the part of the Irish house maid kept the full hall wondering just what was to come next. C. L. Drum- mond again was the father this year, although a very different one from. that of last year. Mabel King made a very good invalid mother. Mabel Skene and Bdua Jackson were foster daughter and neice vespectively. These parts were very well tak. en. Then Kitty (the mischief maker) was again well taken by Evelyn Reid. BOOK FOR CAN- ADIAN WOMEN Outlining various modes of preparing fish foods for the table, and giving a mn er of, vecipes, a new fish cook hook is being issued by the Dominion i Departinent of Fisheries. : booklet, which is entitled "1 and How to Cook it.' has been pr epared under the direction of. Evelene Spence a women a continent-w ide reputati ag a specialist in fish cookery, who ig now on the deparfment's staff. Doth Fnglish and French editions of the hook have heen" made and copies are available' at a price of ten cents each. Per- should of 1% ish- name an 1 with write the Dep: eries, Ottawa, address plainly. specify whether the I'rench or edition is desired, and forward- ing ten cents for each copy or-| bi £5: ] any haa iy THE BACK YARD GARDEN he time is fast & awing near when the suburban householder will find himself musing, members peace of the evening, | back yard garden. The habit of in the about his keeping a small garden sometimes rises to the level of an art and sometimes sinks to the lev el of a vice; and every resident is touched with it some time in hi All of rm, ables back this n and these quite kind of garden, orow pid re a vase ate living yi a Is wonders, thoug! the annual has never learned student that dd edible--or, an actually be plucked, and used to decor- gardening drawn the attention of is life. ever does anyone occasionally the are raised in gardens are it's another flowers thay if the 5 oom table. One h, why it is that epidemic sent, SOCIAL Miss Winnie Robinson of Ig- nace was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Kerney for a couple of days this week. * ® J. L. Skillen left for Winni- reg Wednesday morning to at- tend the annual meeting of the Manitoba Curling Association. =» * *» Mrs. Jack Reid of was the weekend guest and Mrs, Alan Durance. L * £3 * Kenora of Mr. Thos. Cunningham has return- ed from Winnipeg, where he: spent the past week. H. C. McWilliams, of the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Kee- was a business visitor to Dryden this week. Ho uk Hugh Johnson of Winnipeg, representing NogeRulpniion * 5. ; es hii In the first place, keeping a! paid a visit Pronger and lo od Hh on 300 = 0 Armstrong, the i Norge deal- Dac iE 1 27 LIE ali- A en is the ha ers this week. mark of 1 : peetability, of placid and trustworthy domesticity. No man who putte hy-cleven plot evenings with and an would other's wife, modest ever al cash, o To keep seale whom the hitte tation do not not. in a wor d, aching is. to neighhonrs that vou are rs about a nine- of dirt in the stained trowel pair of knees, weond with an rv with another's a garden on this assure your a man rv winds of temp- ruffle. You 11 4, must be solid stuff in 'you. But that is not the whole of Keeping vegelables a attempt to get fresh or flowers. garden is not It is a' sort of mystic ritual; a method by which the vietims of a hard mechanical tortch with once more, A POWER IN THE LODGE Boss--Rufe, your lodge meeting last night? Rufus--Nah, have to pos'pone it. Boss--How was that? Grand All-Power- Rufus--De ful Invineible Unconguerable got beat up by age he pungent es nto rth can get did you go to' suh. We dun Most Supreme Potentate dun his wife. | i a novelist, Visitors from Ignace to Duiy- den on Saturday included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and danghter, Mus. Etherinzton, Jas. Duncan and cl Ben Nash, and M ary. "The modern girl is nothing but declares He must admit how- ever, that she doesn't call "Mam" when she is squeezed. an animated doll." Congratulations [EN NT TN We take this opportunity of offering our congratula- tions to Paterson's Butcher Shop on the installation of KELVINATOR REFRIGERATION | Dryden Pharmacy Ltd. Local Kelvinator Dealers ---- em I= ¢ 2 a ns {» ASHER 5 CRD) 7) GRE ) CER () SRE ) GEE (EID () RED ER |) SE NOTICE TO FARMERS THE DRYDEN CREAMERY WILL BE OPEN TO RECEIVE CREAM AFTER APRIL 21st. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, FAIR GRADING AND PROMPT SERVICE. Dryden Creamery Co. D0) RSE: SH) ET) SDS) SS SH ) 50 SD (ST () Sl () G- () SI () SHE () SHS () S- () S ()-E-( ~-- See th GOLF IDEAL GOLF WEATHER -- ~- SHINE UP YOUR CLUBS -- e display of clubs Clubs to suit you -- your vi th, friends -- at a price withi = -- GET OUTDOORS indow, in the Drug Store w