THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT THE DRYDEN ( JBSERVER in COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. VOL. X. vRyDEN. ONTARIO, AUGUST 26th, 1932, No. 35. THE COLUMNIST 4 Hurrah, hurray, I have found rr a place, where there is no de- v A 'tion that was pression, except the kind that God made when he put his fin- ger in the molten rock and left the lake of my desire and dream. Yes, my dear reader, we are going to have andther day in the woods. I have gone Indian; this time more thoroughly and permanent- ly. I speak the language now. I say, "Bungee,"' and "Wabung,"' and several thousand other words, that might as well be Ojibway, for all my friends un- " derstand me, when I want them to get up in the imorning. And I make mo bitter comment because is there anything just as nice as a day in the woods in bed? : Lulled by the drum of partridge, the chip, chip of woodpecker, the tweak of whisky-jack, the quack of duck, and the thought of the dish that I might wash, my friends sleep on. And I, haunt- ed by fear of that dish that [ might wash, flee to the end of the island, passing deer. moose, crow, beetle, chipmunk, and on a shore lapped by the countless waves of an eternal past, warm- ed by a glorious sun, and fann- the 'the the the ed by a something or other breeze, sink into a Buddhist beggar coma, dreaming on. while the gull perches on my foot, and the sandpiper nestles in my hair. But hunger comes, and shak- ing off the birds and all that remains, return to the cabin, to find there, that my friends have been up, cooked themselves something, pushed their dish to join the other merry throng on the far end of the table, and what is there for me, but do likewise, and as the Stygian darkness comes to. the cabin in the tall birches, sleep again. Not merely one day, but four lovely -ones -in this heaven of troublesomeless znd depression- less rest. And I do not fhink when I am here; I do not doze pensively; I do not worry about tomorrow; I just cast myself on the billow of oblivion. I do not care that I have sinned, my brain puzzles over no problem, 'no urge moves me. I am Nepenthe and Annihil- ation, I am a hundred times nothing. I am a log in a swamp. I function comatosely. Then, of coursé, reaction sets in, and I rise refreshed like Antaeus. I éxplore the lake shores, poking ih and out of bays, bayous and creeks; 1 swing with lissome step on long por- tage, and I thank my forbears for a gaunt frame that carries no burden of superfluous flesh, because the wild is no Mes for a fat man. I gaze at the sun Shen it sets, and I follow it in fancy down behind the horizon, leaving the bars of crimson -and yellow light that slowly turn to gray and darker gray. : And I welcome the chill that warns me, and taking leave of the rising full moon, eat comfort- ably and heartily, and again pushing the dishes aside, sleep 'as described before. And coming back to so called civilization, (had: I my way, I would have none of it), I remem- ber gratefully four things. That my host was a natural and edu- cated gentleman, matural in his} concern, thought and kindliness to me, and educated in conversa- delight. That there was an everlasting supply of clean dishes at the beginning. That his home was perfect in golitude and comfort. Amd that he put up with me for nearly four days. * 3 * And you naturally say, " Where is this place?" Well, all IT will tell tell you, is that it cost a few hours rail- _way journey, and nothing more. It is somewhére in our king- dom of a hundred thousand lakes. rf . Pretty. Young Thing: '"Are you sure these curtains won't shrink. I want them for my bedroom windows."' . Candid Clerk: 'Lady, with your figure, you should worry whether they do or not." |Dance in the Community Hall, SCHOOL OPENING -- 'Dryden schools will reopen Thursday, Sep- tember 1st. NARA AAIII IASI PPPS IIS ANNOUNCEMENTS A meeting of the Directors of Dryden and District Agricultural Society will be held in the Ag- ricultural office on Tuesday, September 6th at 8 p.m. * » * The Oxdrift Women's Institute will hold a Whist Drive and Oxdrift, Wednesday night, Aug- ust 31st. Music supplied by the Russell Ramblers. Admission Gents 50, Ladies 25e¢, Lunch served. Whist to commence at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. * * %* The annual fowl supper will be held in the Oxdrift Church basement on September 8th, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 35c and 25¢. Programme in the Oxdrift Community Hall, by Dryden talent at 8 o'clock. Ad- mission 26¢ and 15c. Children attending supper will be admit- ted to the programme free. Come and have a good time. SOCIAL & LOCAL Mrs. E. Jowitt and son Bobbie of Port Arthur are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ww. Oliver. * * * Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Dingwall spent ahe weekend at the Lake of the Woods. : * # % Dr. Strachan, enroute to Vir- den, Man., after attending the Dental Convention in Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Meclntyre over the weekend. * * * and Mrs. J. S. Wilson visitors to Winnipeg this ® UR Mr. were Dr. and Mrs. Wood and amily have returned from Toronto, where Dr. Wood attended the Dental Association Convention. * * Miss Carrie Weeks is spending a holiday in Kanon. » Wm. Tew i Wednesday for Hn Ont., where he will act: as judge at the Emo Fair. Another evidence of the suc- cess of fruit growing in this dis- triet can be seen at Vancough- nett's farm, two miles north, where there are several blue plum trees just loaded with fruit. Mrs. Vancoughnett has already canned 35 quarts of plums 'and can easily double this quantity from the trees they now have. The fruit has as fine a flavour as any ever grown and if we don't miss our guess, it will not be long before docal orchards will supply enough plums that none need be Imported BIRTHS At Dryden Red Cross Hospital, vo EXPRESS DELIVERY | STARTS As a sont of work done by the Board of Trade, thé Cana- dian- Express Co. have inaungur- ated a delivery and pick-up service in Dryden. The sérvice ig in charge of Mr. Arthur Roh- inson and there will be two de- liveries daily and oné pick-up, all free of charge. This puts Dryden in line with the larger centres, and shows the advan- tage of having an efficient Board of Trade. OXDRIFT W. I. & BASEBALL y Keewatin vis- ited Dryden last © Saturday with their base ball team and beat Dryden 5 4. The game started sharp at six and the fans again tup- ned out in plenty to give their support. Barber went to the mound for Dryden and Anderson did the receiving. Waddell went to the The Oxdritt wv I. held their monthly meeting August 18th, at the home of Mrs. W. Devoe. Tho! meeting opened with the singing of the Institute Ode. The min. | utes of the last meeting were: read and adopted and business! was discussed, papers were read by Mrs. Amos and Mrs. W. Me- Tavish and roll call took the form of a question box, which! was very interesting. The meet- ing closed with the singing of "Happy Hours", after which the hostess served lunch. The next! meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Amos September 15th. | MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS 1932 Fred Aaron--Comp. C, Lit. C, Ane. History C, Alg. 3rd, Geom. F, Chem. C. Vera Bailey--Comp. 3rd, Lit. C, Can. History 1st, Anc. History 2nd, Geom. 3rd, Chem. 3rd, Auth. F. : mound for Keewatin and Christ- enson did the receiving. Barber pitched nice ball, but got very poor support. Waddell, for a south paw; sure pitehed great ball and got perfect support 'from his team mates, which ag- ain proves a pitcher can't win all round and ove the errors out, it wasn't 'a bad game and the fans went home satisfied. * es @ Comments on the game Well boys, here I am again, and before I start, I must say i like all the boys on the team but as Lou Marsh, of the Toronto Mail & Empire, says, "like or no like I must pick them as I see them. * ® % dd Legi B : a ball game himself, but take iti en Legion Branch, DECORATION DAY In memory of those from the town and district of Dryden who gave their lives in the Great War, Decoration Day Service was observed on Sunday after- noon. Veterans - from Hagle River, Oxdrift, Wabigoon, Bed- worth and other points through- out the district," as" well as a splendid representation of local men, in charge of Sergt. Major Doyle, paraded to the Dryden cemetery, where the service was conducted by the Rev. T. Cann, of Eagle River, The parade was headed by the Union Jack, with escort, then came the ex-service men, follow- ed by representatives of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, and children of the veterans. At the cemetery the parade was formed facing the flag and staff, placed there by the Dry- lacking a {suitable memorial, as a modest tribute to the memory of their fallen comrades. This was dedi- cated by the minister, an ex- navy man, and one who fought in the battle of Jutland. Preceeding the singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers' a short prayer was given. Taking for his text St. John, verses 17 and 18: "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life that I may take Anderson and Barber played nice ball but this is the fourth game I've seen Buss get beat on. nothing else but errors from his team mates. Tough luck Buss old boy. * %* Ab Berrey--Comp. C, French Auth. 3rd. Dick Cole--Comp. C, Phys. 2nd, French Auth. 2nd, French Comp. 2nd. Alwyn Faulkner--Lit. C, Can. History 2nd, Ane. History 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Chem. 1st. Jessie Fleming--Can. History 2nd, Alg. 1st, Geom. 2nd, Phys. 2nd. Greta Hoffstrom -- Comp. GC, Can. History 2nd, Alg. C, Geom. 1st, Phys. 3rd, Auth. C, Comp. 2nd. Phyllis Hawke--Can. History| 2nd, Anc. History 3rd, Phys. 1st, Chem. 1st, Latin Auth. 1st, Latin Comp. 2nd, French Auth. 2nd. Herbert Leach--Lit. C, Anec. History 2nd, Chem. C. Kitchener Leach -- Lit. 2nd, Can. History 2nd, Ane. History C, Alg. 1st, Geom. F, Latin Auth. C, Latin Comp. 3rd. Beth Mercer--Lit. 2nd, Ane. History 2nd, Geom. F, Latin Auth. C, French Auth. C, French Comp. C. .- Kathleen Milroy -- Comp. C. Lit. 2nd, Ane. History 1st, Alg. 1st, Phys. 2nd, Latin 'Auth. 1st, Latin Comp. 1st, French Auth. 1st, French Comp. 1st. Mamie Reany--Comp. 2nd, Lit. 1st, Anc. History 1st, Alg. 1st, Geom. lst, Latin Auth. 2nd; Latin Comp. 1st, French Auth. 1st, French Comp. 1st. Anc. History 2nd, Chem. 1st. Roma Spears--Alg. C, Geom. on August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Lyle of Minin h a daughter. At Dryden Red Cross Horpltel on August 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wall, Oxdrift, a daughter. At Amesdale, on August 16th, to Mr. an}! Mrs. Chas. Vellieus of Amesdale, a son. At Oxdrift, Ont., on August 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Dor- land of Oxdrift, a daughter. At Dryden Red Cross Hospital, on August 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Cancade of Dryden, a son. t IN MEMORIAM | t | t NEELY--I memory of my dear wife, Edna Lomilo Neely, who passed away August 28, 1931. She never failed to do her best, Her heart was true and tender, She did her best, for those she : left Dear one those kindnesses we will always remember. Remembered by loving hus- band and children, W. D. Neely and family. 3 t |Comp. 2nd, French Auth. F, C, Phys. 3rd, Chem. 2nd. = Evelyn Strutt--Comp. C, Lit. 9nd, Ane. History 3rd, Geom. ond, Chem. C, Latin Auth. F, Latin Comp. C. Effie Taylor -- Phys. 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Latin Auth. 2nd, Latin Comp, 2nd. Patricia White -- Comp. French Comp. F. Aylmer Wilson--Comp. C, Lit, 3rd, Alg. 1st, Geom. 2nd, Chem. ond, Latin Auth. F, Latin Comp. C, French Auth. C, French Comp C. Phil Wright--Comp. C, Phys. C, Latin Comp. C, French Auth. F. C, History 1st, Geom. 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Latin Auth. 2nd, Latin French Comp. C. Rose Yaworski--Lit. C, Ane. History F, Alg. 2nd Geom. Ist, Latin Auth. 2nd, Latin Comp. C, French Auth. C. 55-66. - © C=250-5p. . F--ifailure. No. of successful papers Jas. Righey--Can. History 2nd, Fred Yaworski--Lit. 2nd, Can.} 1st--T5- 100. 2nd--66-75. 3rd--. Total No. of papers written 129] 118 The cost of staging the Cana- dian National Exhibition at Tor- Clempson on first got some bad balls thrown to him, which weren't his fault, but I was sitt- ing behind the screen at home plate, when he was at bat and he would miss the ball by a foot. What's the trouble Red, love? 2 ee Miller on second couldn' de anything right and made no less than five errors. Tough breaks Joe. #*® # * Sfreddo on short was i off his game and has been al summer. He made no less than three errors. If I was you Count I would try for some other position, you've heard that song "Get out and get under the moon,'"' hang up your hat and awhile. # % * Upton played nice . ball didn't amount 'to much. 8 # * good: ball. to see this boy in more games. ROR 0» Yaworski covered centre field just like an old timer. off his game. right in his mitt. you both should do the same or snap out of it. I was reading in The Observer a couple of weeks ago where The Columnist said we had a team. Well T found out who the Columnist is, and he, myself and the Mayor are going into a huddle to talk things over, and don't think I don't stick up for the ball team, I am just waiting to give you a dandy write up. --Your. Very Best Supporter. == / SNX/ oy ou cant bro to neglect our INSURANCE onto annually is $1,225.000. see J. E. GIBSON, Agent your bat and take a rest for 5 on | BS third but made one error which | §8 Turner at right field played = The fans would like | Ed Sfreddo in left field is away |p He missed one | 8 As you and |F your brother are twins, I think |B poor Mayor and an unlucky ball} it again, no man taketh it away from, but I lay it down of my- 'self. I have power to lay it 'down, and I have power to take it again,'"' the reverend gentle- man made an appropriate and strikingly impressive address. The Legion president, Mr. J. Winterbottom, read the names of those comrades buried in France, and of those interred in the cemetery. The flag held at top-mast was lowered by Com- rade J. Stevenson, for the sound- ing of the "Last Post,"" two minutes silence, then 'Reveillie'. Edward Shultz, Eagle River was the bugler. ; The national ated the proceedings at cemetery, marched back to the Pulp Mill Hall, where they were dismissed Floral tributes were beautiful and numerous. anthem termin- the after which the men}: SCOUT NEWS The 1st Dryden Troop Scouts completed a very successful camp on August 8th. Fifteen scouts were able to attend this year, including one scout from Winnipeg. The camp site was nearly perfect, with heaps of accomodation. The lads made two trips toc the tower and all made the grade to the top, al- though one or two were looking a little white when reaching Terna Firma, including the S.M. The report and maps handed in by the boys after an indepen- dent hike were very good. and the second class scouts should have no difficulty of passing for their 24-hour hike which takes place shortly. The boys wish to heartily thank all the ladies and gentle- men who supplied transport and 'to the donors of cake, etc. 'When the cars arrived to take the scouts home, the camp was suddenly swarmed with a howi- ing pack of Wolf Cubs and the cubmaster stood wondering how he wag going to stand such a racket for a week. However. after the scouts had left an at- tempt was made to get a little order. The cubs wer assigned to their huts and by supper time were settling down pretty good. The C.M. got quite a shock next morning when aroused at 3.30 a.m., instead of 7 a.m. By 4 a.m. the majority were in the lake swimming. But after that, the scamps settled down to the usual camp. routine and the week pass- ed by, all too quick for them. Loud complaints were made as to the shortness of the time and requests for at least one month in camp mext year. Maybe they will get a month, maybe not. Thanks to the folks who con- tributed to the cost of camp for those boys who could not make the grade. The success of the camp depended largely on trans- portation, so thank you once again to all those who helped with cars, cakes, fruit, ete. It is to be hoped that there will be a large increase in the number of boys attending camp jnext year. Comedy-- | STRAND L NOW SHOWING "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" 'Bless 'The Ladies" HEATRE ET -- Added Musical Cartoon CONRAD Added-- 'The Play Next Week--Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "THE MAN CALLED BACK" Comedy-- 'The Girl Rush" : NAGEL in Ground of Mammals' : WARNER Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE CISCO KID" Torchy Comedy and Cartoon BAXTER in 'With each ~ A TIN OF Vemo Deodorant Powder MODESS Total Value 65c. Both for 39¢ J} package of { vg EE Dryden Pharmacy Ltd. ud va rr Li