Dryden Observer, 6 Jan 1933, p. 1

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Dotan i at Mik ri at eng. IAT ir COVERING THE TERRITORY BETWEEN FORT WILLIAM AND KENORA. Ee Ea THE NEWSPAPER SERVICE OF THE DRYDEN DISTRICT -- P------ VOL. XI. DRYDEN, ONTARIO, JANUARY 6th, 1933. No. 1. THE COLUMNIST Mine is a fitting theme for the first week in January. Every high school adolescent knows Net the god for whom January is enlled, was Janus the two faced, looking back and peering forward. And as I mused a night or so ago, upon what I should write, I thought I would! talk of friendship. Not of course, that all friendship is two faced. By no means, but what a proportion of it is. There are so few Davids and Jonothans, Jesus and Johns, Damon, Pythiases, that they be- come classics. Rare are rare friendships. I speak with an experience of some years and I have had few friendships. Friendships stand- ing the test of time, adversity, and habits. A friendship that would endure me, when I snif- felled, or did not bathe, or had continuous bad breath, is a friendship to extoll. Better still of course is a friendship that would tell me of these things, and still not have perfect accord marred by resentment. I believe that friendship is never made at once. Of course there is love at first sight, buv that is between man and woman. That is love not friendship. The friendship I mean is between man and man, woman and woman. : A friendship between man and woman is a dangerous thing. 1 have never tried it, or at least I have to say so. We read of the Shaw-Terry letters, and others that I could cite, but in them I can recall no absolute permanence, so I dismiss mixed sex relationships. If you think I am boshing, ask yourself how many friends you. have. Not the ones you golf, card, curl, tea and dine with, but the real, give up half what they own for you, kind. I could count mine on one hand, without the thumb. Thank goodness, I can mind one or two over the years, that I shall miss if they are not in Heaven with me. I shall search the planes and if they are now- where there, I shall ask God to find them for me, even if in the veriest and utmost Hell, and to send me with them, then were no Hell. The supreme, ineffable delight of wandering from ethereal place to place; comparing notes, sizing up Moses and the saints. With such a one, is to envy and acclaim- the future. I have transports of joy, and ecstasy when I think of these, one, two, three or four friends. And so Janus like, I look. back- ward and forward, two faced, but not in the bad sense, at friendships made in the years, that could not be marred in the future. J And T ask, but cannot an- swer, why is it that these friend- ships are so few? Not in the sense of universal fewness, but few to each of us. Fach of us must have at least one friend as I have described, but it seems providential, that none of us have many. : 'What about the other side' 'What about the so called friends that we play with, do business with? I suppose they have their a place with us, as we with them. $ It were well that we make no When they profession. mistake about them. profess, test their ANNOUNCEMENTS There will be a Hockey Game between the Married Ladies" and the Town Girls on Monday even- ing, January 9th, at 7 p.m. Admission be and 10e. * H* * The annual general meeting of the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Dryden Branch, will be held in the Pulp Mill Hall on Sunday, 15th inst., at 8.30 pm. Election of officers for 1933 : The regular monthly meeting of the Jr. Ladies' Aid of the United church will be held Monday, January 9th, at the home of Mrs. McPherson. All members are requested to he present. Co% ¥ The annual meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion, B.E.SIL., will he held in the Pulp Mill Hall on Monday, January 9th, at 8 p.m. Business--Election of officers. A full attendance is requested. * * # The annual meeting of the Dryden and District Agricultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, Dryden, on Friday, Jan- uary 20th, at 3 p.m. Direcors meet at 2 p.m. All members are requested to attend. Keep this date in mind. No other Wm. Tew, Austin, Secy. notice will he given. President; K. G. HOCKEY DANCE IS BIG SUCCESS A very successful Whist Drive and Dance was held on Monday night in the Mill Hall under the auspices of the Dryden Hockey Club. Those winning prizes at whist were: Ladies' I1st--Mrs. MecCreedy; Ladies' Consolation --Miss Carrie Weeks; Gent's 1st --Mr. E. J. Warren; Gent's Consolation--Mr. Frank White- ley, jr.; Door Prize--Mr. Hans Kurtz, who donated the prize (98-Ib bag F. R. Flour) to the local Red Cross Hospital. The Club wishes to express their thankfulness to all those who helped in any way, shape or form. There is a vast difference; be- tween profession and conduct. When you find that difference, do not go up in the air, it is not worth it. Do not say, pish, tush, hell, damn. Just smile, perhaps wisely, not turning your back. You might be daggered. Perhaps you say these are strange thoughts, for the be. ginning of 1953. I do not think £0. My wish for you, two fine friendships. Owning these, then no adversity, mis- fortune, poverty, nor ailments can take the joy from your life. My further wish for you, is a transcendent sense of humour. is one or a humour that will carry you over the hummocks of false or fair weather friendships, because with an appreciation of the ludierous, you will never admit a knowledge of the sham esteem to the person so counterfeit. And therein will lie your good fortune. I cannot wish you lots of work, oodles of money, fat pigs or anchovies, because these are not coming in 1935. I can wish you true friends. £5) - ) SE- () SHED) FED) GEIR () MAD (ED) F- SED- ) > ()- SD ()-S- () S Announcing Toilet Preparations, The Harris ? D-DD () GED () SHED- () SEED ()-SRED- ( S- () TH- -E- ( -a § * iy " ¥ CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT Having purchased the stock and fixtures of Erick- sen's Drug Store, I will continue to operate same at the same stand in the McFadyen Building. We will carry the same line of Drugs, Medioine, Magazines, ettes and Tobacco, Ete., and will feature THE REXALL PRODUCTS We shall be delighted to serve you. Call and visit us and inspect our stock with no obliga- tion to buy. Reg. Ea Phm. B., Prop. Confectionery, Cigar- Drug Store = EMPTY STOCKING FUND WINDS UP BUSINESS The labours of the Dryden Empty Stocking Fund Commit- tee are practically completed for this year. It is possible now to give a full report of the work done. Through the generosity of the citizens of Dryden $509.20 was given to the fund. One hundred und ninety-nine parcels, contain- ing candy, nuts, clothing and groceries were distributed and practically four hundred echild- ren received toys. As this was the first year the fund was in operation the Com- mittee had nothing to guide them. For the information of the contributors a list is sub- mitted herewith of the different quantities of groceries and cloth- ing purchased. Total expendi tures amounted to $405.96, leav- ing a balance of $103.24, which the Committee, at a meeting held on the 4th inst. decided to hold for emergency cases dur ng the balance of the winter, The Committee were unani- mously of the opinion that the centralization of the Christmas work done was an undoubte! success and we feel that the different organizations and in- dividuals contributing will agree that the money has "been wisely expended. The Committee also passed a very hearty vote of thanks to those who gave the use of their trucks and to Mr. MecRae fro the use of his office. The Committee is doubly in- debted to the organizations who contributed toys. . Their work was greatly appreciated. The Organization formed before Christmas will carry on until the end of the year, when no doubt arrangements will be made to carry on the fund for a further period. The President personally wish- ed to express his thanks to the Buying, Packing and Distribut- ing Committees for the manner in which they made the under- taking a decided success. Goods purchased & distributed: + Vegetables 127 tins; Cocoa 70 ting 15 1b; Tea 109 1bs.; Jam 84 jars; Cheese 43 pkgs. lp 1h; Rice 8 1bs.; Soup 24 tins; Bis- cuits 20 pkgs.; Sugar 2 lbs.; Butter 127 1Ibs.; - Oranges 30 boxes and 214 dozen; Meat 752 1bs.; Nuts 14114 1bs.; Apples '1 hamper; Candy 131 lbs. and $2 bars; Toys 542; Hose 235 pairs; Wear apparel 20 pieces. SOCIAL & LOCAL Jack White and Stan Gallo- way of Kenora were the guests of Hugo Binda over the weekend. i * 0% ok Jim Brown spent the weekend in Kenora. * LJ a Charlie Holland returned Wed- nesday night from a business trip to Kenora. #* * L] Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TLiewis announce the marriage of their second daughter, Olive M., to Mr. Bertram E. Berrey of Dry- den, the wedding to take place in St. Luke's church, Dryden, on Wednesday, January 18th, at 10 a.m. o'clock. Following the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the bride's parents, to which all friends are invited. * fy ® Here's a hen that is at least hot stingy. One of Joe Ernew- ein's Plymouth Rocks laid an egg this week that weighed nearly four ounces and measured over eight inches one way and five he other in circumference. Demonds - McTavish A quiet wedding was solem- nized at Trinity church, Kitchen- er, Ont., on December 3rd, 1932, when Joseph John, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald De- monds, of Guelph, Ont., and Ruby Lilian, daughter of Mrs. M. MeTavish, of Oxdrift, Ont. were joined in the honds of holy matrimony. The bride and groom 'were attended by Miss Jean Billing and Mz. Geo. Har- rington. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demonds reside in Cuelph on 45 Eramosa Road, me el 4 mes y THE VAN HORNE ELECTION RESULTS The heaviest vote in years was polled in Van Horne Town- ship on Monday, election day, and the following are the results of the voting: For Reeve--dJas. Hatch 55 votes, re-elected ; Jno. Gibson 31. For Couneil--Chas. N orgate 62; Jos. Ready 61; A. 4. Me- Donald 54; Jno. Makuch 53; W. J. Wilkinson 49. Only four councillors are elec- ted for the Township Council. NEW COUNCIL MEETS Coninittees Appointed and Other Routine Business. Having 'been sworn into office prior to -assembling, the new Council met in the Council Chambers Tuesday evening for its initial meeting, Mayor Bi S. tb) Wilson presiding. Councillors Bridgewater, Ernewein, Morison, Strutt, Wright and Willard were present. Committees for the year were pag as oli: ors bl and 0 van Property--~Councillors Ernew- ein and Strutt. Electric Light -- Councillors Bridgewater and Willard. Police and Health---Councillors Willard and Bridgewater, Waterworks and Fire--Coun- cillors Wright and Morison. Finance--Couneillors Morison and Wright. : Councillors Dr. Morison and C. J. Wright were appointed to represent the council on the local Relief Committee. : Other appointments made at this meeting were: i Wright- Morison--That Messrs Righey and Gammon be appoint- cd auditors for 1933 at a salary cf $150. Wright-Willard--That A. Me- Intyre be appointed a member ol the Library Board. Stott Een ein--That Const. I". Russell be appointed Weed Inspector for the Town for the year 1933. Accounts to the amount of $4,308.39 were passed for pay- ment on the motion of Couneill- ors Morison and Wright. The necessary by-law was pas- sed authorizing Mayor Wilson and J. E. Gibson, 'clerk and treasurer, to sign cheques, ete, for the Town, and the appointing a Board of Health| was also passed, the following comprising the Wilson, Dr. D. G. Dingwall M. OH, and Councillor F. Will- ard. On the motion of Councillors | Bridgewater and Morison, esiim- ates for the Workmen's Compen- sation Board were set as follows: Sewer: $600; Waterworks Main-|§ tainance $1,000; W. W. Const. $600; Telephone $2,000; Electric Light $2,000; Roads $1,500; Police $1,300; Firemen $400. Other motions passed were: by-law |} Board: Mayor ; JUBILEE LODGE, L.0.B.A., No. 771, ELECT OFFICERS The installation of officers for Jubilee Lodge, 1.0.B.A., No. 771. Dryden, took place Tuesday, December 20th. 1932 Pasi Worthy Mistress Sister McMon agle presided and the following were installed for the year 1933 Worthy Mistress -- Sister F Dempster; Deputy Mistress-- Sister A. Clinker; Chaplain-- Nister J. Austin; Ree.-See--Sis ter R. Davis, jr.; Fin.-Sec.--Sis ter D. Pronivs Treasturer--Siste: R. Davis, sr.; 1st Lecturer-- Worthy Sister i, J. McMonagle Director of Ceremonies--Siste N. Wintle; I. Guard--Sister I Browne; Sr. Committee--Siste M. Pilkey; Committee--Sister Hadley, Saunders, O'Doud, Flen: ing; Guardian--Sister M. Stra ton; Pianist--Sister D. Thorp Immediate Past W. DMistress-- Sister A. Lappage. LETTER OF THANK To the Citizens of Dryden an Committee of The Empty Stocking Fund. We wish to thank you ver much for the wonderful parce we received on Christmas Eve We sincerely hope this Nev Year will bring to one and al of you the pleasure and happin ess your "Christmas Remem- brance" brought to us. - Sincerely yours, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Winterseill, "You are charged," said the judge, "with beating up this government inspector. What have you to say?' °° "Nothing," replied the groc- er. {1 am guilty. 17 lost my head. All morning T held my temper while government agents inspected my scales, tasted my butter, smelled my meat, graded my Kerosene. In addition, your honor, I had just answered three federal questionnaires, Then this bird came along and wanted to take moving pictures of my cheese and I pasted him in the eye." TO THE PEOPLE Of DRYDEN & DISTRICT I wish to take this opportuni y of thanking you one and all for your wonderful support during my short stay in Dryden, I cer- tainly did appreciate your busin- ess and I did just about twice as well as I had hoped I would do. At this time I wish to make it clear that I am leaving your town, not because I do not like the people of Dryden and Dis- trict, or because I did not get my share of your support, Lut, because the Ontario College of Pharmacy refused to grant me 'my Ontario Diploma and it is against all regulations to prac- tice without it. Ontario's ap- parent reason for mot granting said diploma, is because of some new resolution passed by them in the fall of 1930. I was ignor- ant of this resolution and so I believe was everyone else, but 'he members who passed it. Be- sides IT attended the University of Manitoba two years before this resolution was passed. My business is heing taken over by Mr. Reginald Harris of Kenora. He is a full-fledged rraduate druggist of the Ont- ario College of Pharmacy and will appreciate any business you may give him. Any prescriptions you have will get his personal attention and will be filled to the letter. Trusting you give him a fair share of your support and in return, 1 believe he will give vou prompt and courteous ser- vice. Again I wish to thank you very sincerely and extend to you my heartiest wishes for a better, happier and more pros- perous new year. Sincerely Norman Ericksen. Thanks I wish to thank all those who supported me on Election Day for Van Horne Township coun- cillor. We, as councillors, shall endeavour to do our best during the coming year. John Makuch. ar (Advt) Friday and Saturday This Week NOW! THEY'RE IN THE AIR WITH "SKY BRIDE" Richard Arlen, Jack Oakie, ~~ June Bruce. Plunging to earth in another Hell's Angels and Sky Devils. stunt film of all time. ADDED--* 'Mysterious Mystery' Skimming the skies MATINEE 2 pm. Saturday 15¢ - 25¢ Family Night Sat. 15¢ and 25¢ Robert Coogan and The greatest COMING NEXT WEEK--LEW AYRES in "HEAVEN ON EARTH" COMING WEEK AFTER NEXT_ | | "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM" NOTICE--The show will be open only on Friday and Saturday next week. gramme for Monday and Tuesday and. will make a run for two weeks starting about January 15th. - We are arranging a new pro- 8 test Morison-Willard--That the sum of $96.83 be paid to the School Board re Public Health Examin- ation of school children. Wright - Morison -- That no charge be made for water taken from stand pipes north of track and on Duke street. The meeting then adjourned on the motion of Councillors Wright and Willard. vy 2e9 |J. E. GIBSON, AGENT cant afford neglect our INSURANCE i PARR (3-0 ERD ESD ) - SEE SRBEIED- (SSE) REND <D- ) <RI- () EH ( ) ENR) COW f Eee at andes aie | i Z bh [ ) EE (SEED () ERS () EEE) @ND (EI () GND (EEE () GED (E565) €55D () S55! Ward 0if That Cold Cascara Bromide Quinine for Colds, Headaches, Neuralgia Ordinarily relieves a cold in a few hours. IN THE LITTLE RED BOX 09] TATE, EE Sr Sr Sr SR EI SS SEY TELEPHONE 3 Dryden Pharmacy itd. Prescription Specialists 1) SS) J ) GD OS) SS GD () ETE) RES ) SER SHR (CER) GH DRYDEN, ONT. LR el I SON ETD OER (FED SE (SE O) EERE OSD () GS |

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