4 4 dedi lr PAGE TWO E oi ART © THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Por gas) PN Tn wis i 0H x © ABRIE dé 1088 yy A The Dryden Observer "Elsie B. Collison, Publisher "Published every Friday at + «Dryden; Ontario. Subscription rate $1.50 yearly. WHATS DOING IN TORONTO? (Continued from Page 1) Price in replying, evaded the question. Evidently he was not prepared to reply on the spur of the moment. Mr. Elliott also drew attention to the large ex- penditure for immigration and colonization when the report showed that no immigants had been brought in and that 'the only colonization, scheme under way at present was the 'Back to the land' movement which is charged to direct relief. He also condemned the charging up to posterity foum-fifths of the amount spent for direct: relief last year and the inclusion. of the total bill for this year in Capital Account. His speech was very well received not only in the House but in press com- ments througheut the Privinee. He concluded by moving an amendment to the motion read- ing "This house condemns the Government for its failure to balance the Budget." Dr. Davis, Conservative, HE. Elgin, at first auindertook to interpret the re- marks made by Mr. Oliver, U.F.0., South Grey, in the pre- vious debate but was corrected by that member and did not pursue the subject further. After a number of laudatory remarks with respect to Government Ad- ministration, he condemned the high cost of Education and ex- pressed the hope that some change would be made in that respect in the very near future. He also thought that every assistance should be given to the Dairy Investigation. Mr. Tweed following, a vonato luxury taxes in 'order to assist in bat- ancing the Budget and again took occasion te refer to his scheme for reducing the Public debt and the amount paid in interest each year by refunding loans at a lower rate similar to what has been done in England and Australia. He also question- ed certain items in the Estim- ates but was not engaged in do- bate from Government benches) on the matter. H. A. Acres, Conservative, Carlton, spoke for a few minutes just before acl- journing and strongly stated that while he was a Conserva- tive and always would be no matter what happened, he hoped that the Government would not consider his remarks which he had to make about certain mat- térs as being an evidence of lack of faith in the Administra- tion. He adjourned the debate at six o'clock. Six Bills were given first reading on Wednesday. Bill 120, introduced by the Attorney General, amends the Workman's Compensation Act, to order the Board to reduce the general rate applied to certain industries to a member of that group who has a very favorable accident report. In other words, where the Board before had authority to increase the mate to employers whose accident report was bad it now is permitted to do the opposite where the record is good. Mr. Nixon's Bill also to amend the same Act seeks to set the salaries of the Members of the Board by statute. Since 1928 the salaries have been fixed by Order-In- Council and are at the present time: $14,000 for Chairman, $9,000 for Vice-Chairman, $8,000 for the other Commissioner. Mr. Nixon suggests that these be set at $7,000, $6,000 and $5,500 res- pectively. Mr. Henry introduced the Representation Act and in speaking on it stated that it was the purpose to reduce the num- bers of members in the House by 20% and suggested that the constituencies might be placed in groups of 10 and boundaries readjusted so as to leave only eight ridings is that area when the matter is discussed in com- mittee. He also intimated that two Cabinet Members would be done away with, but when Mr. Nixon questioned "When?,"' the Premier replied "In due time."' He named a committee of 17 which included the members from Kenora and Port Arthur from | Northern Ontario. 20 Bills were; given third reading and passed. | Three Bills were given second | reading and. Mr. Nixon's Bill to limit the life of this Parliament to the present session- was lost on division----18 to 80, which was on straight party lines. Two, Bills were considered in commit- tee of the whole House, follow- ing which Mr. Acres resumed the debate. bis remarks was that Hydro, should be centralized and that the Province should be divided | into section for the purpose of | Administration of Hydro and he was not in favour of Govern-: ment ownership at all. He also stated that the Hon. Peter Hee- nan should be "closed up,'"' but failed to explain haw, The House adjourned at 6.05. Thursday, Mr. Price reported two Bills from Private Bills Committee. Two Bills were giv- en first reading, both of which were of a legal nature. The Representation Act was given a second reading. Mr. Blakelocix resumed the debate on the Bud- get which lengthened into a night session, a large of speakers carrying on until 1.30 a.m. Two or three speakers, owing to the lateness of the hour, decided to take no part in the debate and it was adjourned by Mr. Sinclair. The debate will be concluded by his speech, followed by Mr. Nixon and Mr. Finlayson speaking for the Gov- ernment on Tuesday. number Town of Bryden NOTICE To all owners and harbourers of Dogs: TAKE NOTICE that any dog or bitch running at large within the Town of Dryden after the 1st day of May, 1933, without the necessary tag attached 1s liable to immediate destruction. If you value your dog, pur- chase a tag at once. Dated at Dryden this 5th day of April, 1933. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. WHY NOT TRY AN AD IN our - Classified Column. The charge is very little and it may bring results. Do'it now. Prices to suit everyone's Prices Reasonable Box 272 ) EES {) EEE () GH ) EE CIEE (6H =) (CER (GERD GED (ED () ED () SEE (CEES () <8 E28 7 2 WATCHES Every one tested for correct time keeping by an expert. purse. From $1.25 to $15.00. L. M. BEATH & COMPANY THE JEWELLERS C. P. R. Watch Inspector Ham (am (SE OD (SEE (ED SSE (<EE E (G O-ES- ()-C OER (1 = ST SCARF'S Just in time for Easter Wear Real Silk And Note the Price! 5° A NEW VAN RAALTE CHIFFON STOCKING A stocking in Gossamer texture--perfection from its picot top to its slim, "Flextoe" foot. $1.00 Pair. 3. GATES DRYDEN J. FHONE 71 EE EITHER HEIR REAR TH HTH HHS HTH HE EHH HI EHH Repairs Guaranteed Dryden, Ont. £7 Ep OO -CER- EIR () CEE () CEE ()-F- (5 Queen St. Dryden Dry Cleaners DYERS & TAILORS Dryden, Ont. Bring Your Soiled Clothes Here & Save. EXEner DRY CLEANING AND DYEING AT CITY PRICES Furs Remodelled and Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Come in and inguire--There is no obligation. ° B. LEVINSON, Mgr. --/ 3 | | H Dryden Lumber Company, Ltd. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS D. ANDERSON, Manager. Distributors for Canadian Oil Products. WE ARE BOOKING ORDERS FOR LAND PLASTER Order early to avoid disappointment. Price $12.00 off car, cash. » Opp. Station The main point in, | | GOOD GOING APRIL 13 tol6 | EAJSTER HOLIDAY Between all Ponts in Canada ONE WAY FARE ano ONE QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP : Full information from Ticket Agent | Canadian Pacific Ss RETURN LIMIT APRIL 18 ERR ARR ¢ Le Sh 1 Day Bed 1 Davenette Suite, 3 pieces S. FREEDMAN, Manager Lh URERERERE Sh bE EE] HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK TT I NEAR 1 Baby Crib, complete, special Baby Sulkies, special ...... Congoleum by yard, new, special per yard Coil Springs, 4 x 4 ft. 6, special NOTHING RESERVED, Everything goes at reasonable prices. Dryden Furniture Mart New and Secondhand Furn iture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. FE EEE SE TS $3.75 LEVINSON BLDG. BR pee EERE ERE) 5 cents to $1.50 each. expect them. DRYDEN CALENDARS Did you know that you can get lovely Calendars at less than ten cents each. We have a wide selection all the way from 8 No business house can . afford to neglect the established custom of the giving of calendars. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DEALER The Dryden Observer Your customers ONTARIO == RRR RRR RRRRR] Announcing SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock. Phone 30 RRR RRR RRR =n the Opening of The Nu-Way Grocery Store A BRAND NEW STOCK OF ALL LINES, ALSO FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES. The first twenty-five customers entering our store on the opening morning will receive a gift. Located in the McFadyen Block, Next door to the Harris Drug Stores. PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. "THE NU-WAY CROCERY STORE ALAN DURANCE--Proprietor. EU APRIL 15th. Door open EE EC EC CC CC CE ECC ER CE SCE Dryden, Ont. ar CERES 1c 1 | et EE Lt aE FARM AT BARCLAY TO RENT 30 acres cleared--H House and Barn ete. HEAR SWIFT'S SECOND RADIO PROGRAM 3 [irmiy|emigitniyioip) apie] im ipl mp Umip =i] =I ISIR =I R= =) i i Swift's Premium Cooked Ham, per th ............ 50¢ i Swift's Premium Back Bacon, per Ib ............ 30¢ i Swift's Premium Side Bacon, per ib ............. 26¢ I 2 C. J RIGHT og ® ® A [1 PHONE 49 PHONE 49 = RR A ER TH Te ET Te IS ee sa Ei CLs We saw a placard the other day which, while not a cure all, is at least stimulating. It read somethmg like this: Get _buy something, buy anything, any where, paint your kitchen, send a telegram, give a party, get a car, pay a bill, rent a flat, fix your roof. get married, get tight, get a hair cut, see a show, build a house, take a trip, sing a song. It does not matter what you do, but get going and keep going, this old active, world is starting to move, move with it. We would like to suggest that you get going by getting your Easter Confections, ete., along with your Bread, Rolls and Pastries at the HOME BAKERY and CANDY SHOP E. W. STANSFIELD & SON . H. PRONGER," Prop. PHONE 26 Good From Ronis to Tharaday. DON'T MISS THESE CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS JAM, 4-1b tins, mixed SYRUP, 5-1b tins: BEGGS, Fresh Firsts, 2 dozen POTATOES, per bushel MIXED FEED GRAINS, 100-1» CHEESE, per 1b BACK BACON, in piece, per Ib NON PREMIUM OATS NABOB TEA, per Ib NABOB COFFEE, per Ib MILK, per tin LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, 3 for FRY'S COCOA, 14-1b ting JIG SAW PUZZLES : 50- 1b 16-Guage SALT for Stock Two cars of Hay to arrive--one car being shipped to \S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ATTENTION PLEASE! REAL VALUES. Used C Melody Pan American Saxophone, reg. $75.00,.. A Le RRO NR SEA a $40.00 Banjo in DeLuxe case $98.00, now ............ $50.00 New Spanish-Onibars Loa aida wags $7.50 ho ars Bn ee eis w ad $3.95 to $11.00 Violin Outfits $6.00, $10.00, $12.50 and $18.50 Banjos from 1 only Accordian, Hohner 21 Bases ............ $19.50 Victor Portable Battery Sct, complete, reg. $126.50, Sd a $79.00 Any instrument shipped to country customers on on approval. Pronger & Armstrong "THROUGH SERVICE WE KEEP GOING" "No One Appreciates Your Business More Than We Do."'