Dryden Observer, 24 Jan 1930, p. 1

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DRYDEN, Omutario, January 24th, 1930 Fort Wm. Lodge Entertained at Dryden DRYDEN LODGE, No. 417, LO.O.F was host to a large party of Odd- fellows, who arrived from the Head of the Lakes in a special car on Monday forenoon. The party com- posed mostly of members of Algoma Lodge, Fort William, was enroute to Winnipeg, and comprised a de- gree team of eighteen, 'as well as a special 4-piece orchestra and about thirty other brethren from Fort William. . 'On arrival here, the party was welcomed by the Noble Grand, G. R. Hamilton and other members of the Dryden Lodge. The afternoon was spent in sight- seeing and other amusements, mos- tly indoors, billiards, bowling and curling, having the greater appeal owing to the severity of the weath- | er. The visitors were much impres- sed with the local Curlng Rink, several enjoying a game during the afternoon, and the hosts were no less proud to be able to provide their guests with an opportunity to enjoy this popular game locally. At six o'clock a sumptuous ban- que; was served in the Pulp Mill Hall, some one hundred and twenty visitors and members Lodge, sitting down, the members of Faster Lily Rebekah Lodge, attend- Bro. ¢. R Hamilton presided and made a most efficient master of cere- monies. Ag toastmaster the Noble Grand, , and others proposed toasts to the. srethren and the Ladies, all of | which were suitably responded to. Speeches from several of the vigi- tng brethren were much enjoved, as voll as those of members of Dry- dea Lodge. Following the banquet, Lodge was cpened "and the Degree Staffe-ofs Algoma Lodge, Fort William, ex- ewplified the Initiatory Degree, Past | Grand Bro. Hayes being the Degree Master. Lawrence Beaston of Dry-. den, was the candidate initiated in- to Dryden Lodge, No: 417. The Noble Grand of Algoma Lodge Bro: Lawrence Grant, spoke briefly , and presented the Dryden Lodge with a pair of gavels, suitably in- scribed, as a momento of their fraf- ernal visit. At the close of the Lodge a de- 1'ghtful dance was held, the wives and friends of the Oddfellows jon- ing the party. Splendid music was provided by the orchestra travell'ng wth the visitors, . and the dancing Jasted for several hours, after which the Rebekah's served refreshments, bringing to a close one of the most elaborate and enjoyable fraternal furictions ever held in Dryden. MISSIONARY SERMON Canon Sanderson, the Missionary to the Indians in the Keewatin Dio- cese, had charge of the service in at. Luke's on Sunday evening and delivered a most enlightening ad- dress on the Missionary Work that is being accomplished by the Angli- ¢an Church among the Indians in our own and the adjoining districts that comprise the Keswatin Diocese. Cancer Sanderson will preach a- gain at St. Luke's Sunday evening, swing to the illness of the Rector, Rev. W. R. Tindle, who is now re- covering from his illness. [] { wiswBas Wet = HH, Agent, Dryden' DRYDEN UNITED CHURCH-- congregational Congregational Meetings m---- On Friday evening the Annual meeting of Dryden: Lady Curlers Organize zene A meeting for the purpose of or- ganizing a Ladies' Curling Club was held in the Agricultural Office on' | Monday evening. United Church, was church basement. Mr G. R. Hamilton occupied th chair, and the reports of the various organizations were read, showing a very successful years' work. held in the lowing officers appointed: Sixteen ladies desired to Curl so a Club was organized, and the fol- President, Mrs D. E. McRae, Vice President, Miss E. McEachren, and larly interesting in as much ag showed that all obligations had been met in the year just passed. The financial report was particu- it The advisability of having service evening and some week, and the following rinks wers arranged,--Mrs J. R. Montieth skip Mrs E. Collison, Secretary. The ladies will play at least one afternoons eacn and D.Ray, Nesbrymen....Rew. 'came to the { monetary offering towards Synod as- § and cakes and sandwiches were served, hour was spent in the mornng as and a ballot showed a majorly favor of the two services. Rlectior. of officers then followed following being elected for ithe ensuing year: --G. R. Hamilton, and J. Hardie of { Management, and Alfred Pitt, J. S. the new members added to the Board. and the Dr D. G Dingwall were re-elected to the Board Wilson and J. W Fowlie were Dr Morison was appointed auditor. After the business, the wives of the Elders and Stewards served re- pleasang social freshments, and hour was spent. a nm of the local ST. LUKE'S PARISH CHURCH--__3 Church held in ing to the catering in excellent style. the Rectory on Friday, January 17, The Dryden Parish their Annual Parachial meeting at Bight o'Clock p.m. The reports of the various organ 'z- ations were encouraging and reveal- activity worthy cd an interest and of 'high commendation. The follow King; the Grand Lodge; the vigiting ing Church Officials were appointe: and clected for the year: Dr Wood, Rector's Warden; Mr I Winterbottom, People's Warden D. Maunsell, R. J Pronger, F. Moore: Wr. Moorehouse, F. Willard, J E Gibson, P. Bicknell, A. J Cole, H Humphreys, A Robinson, G. Hohn Ww R, Tindle is the Rector. HOLY TRITINITY, Minnitaki-- The Annual meeting of the con- gregation of Ioly Trmnity, Minaita- on Friday, January 10th. Notwithstan- ki was held in the schoolhouse going. gave a very interesting account been instrumental in purposes, thanks warded to the donors. follows: --W. W. Howell, Incumbent' land, Launder and Crigger, selected as Vestrymen. ed, and Mrs Howell was given ing as organist during the year. Just before closng the rescue and made sessment, after which coffee and a quiet social before going homeward. well as evenig called forth some lively d'scussion, in had been hold since may, and seven children had been christened in the new Churuh. The Financial Seeret- ary gave his report and showed that the contributions and donations had; beer sufficient to keep the Church The Auditors reported every i thing satisfactory, hnd Mrs Rletes of § the activities of the Ladies, who had raising more than one hundred dollarg for Church ; A bale of goods and tovs had been" received from Toronto and the best of the recipients were for- The election of officers resulted as % s|® Warden; G. Weare, Peoples' Ward- q en; G. Ruete, Aud'tor; Messrs Shap-| J were | € Mr Rand made a generous offer : of tamarac wood for heating pur-j} poses which was gratefully accept-| ¢ a. special vote of thanks for offieiat- ladies a and Mrs D. Maunsell; Mrs J. Win- Miss McEachren and Mrs Watt ; Miss Lenore McRae skip, Mrs F. Me- gar; Mrs Wigle, skip, and Mrs Mec- Rae, Valerie Ray, and A. Cleaver. ted, so another rink will be arrang- so by handing in their names to the secretary, E. Collison. ree vr A ERP LTR SEL a KENORA CLOVER SEfD AT THE BIG SHOW-- __ It will be a pleasure to many to produced in the Kenora District has again sustained its reputation as be- ing the finest seed produced in Can- _ ada. ai Mr J. S Corner of Oxdrift was an exhibitor in the Alsike Clover Class at the Royal Show, at Toronto, at the Eastern Ontario Fat Stock Show at Ottawa, and at the Internat- "hicago. At the first two shows named, Mr Corner won first, the very keen and this makes Mr Corn- =r"s win all the more cred table. The International Show at Chicago 's' the Seed Classic of America, and Mr Corner's seed was placed third in the competition, and this also gives him the $25.00 prize given the Ontario Department. of Agricul ture, for the highest award in Seed won at the International Show. hy tribute to the quality of the Kenora IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear father, ARTHUR ZOLLNER who died, January 24th, 1938. "God saw that he was suffering And the hills were hard to cl'mb; So He closed his weary eyelids, And whispered 'Peace Be Thine. 'Tis sweet to think that we will i meet, Where sorrows are no more, Has just gone on before." and Mrs E. Collison, Evelyn Spicer terbottom skip, and Mrs J. A. Pitt, Donald, Mrs Morris, and Wink'e Ed- Since the -above rinks were arran- ged other names have been-submit- ed. Anyone wishing to join can do ompetition at these two shows was | And that the one we loved so well -- Ever rembered by his family Pioneers Mark 50 Years of 'deferred until yesterday, 3 STL onsen EH now that the Alsike" Clover Seed : berland, acting as master of cere-' 4 § | | i nal Fat Stock and Seed Show at: m,gland: on December 25, 1854, and i These awards are certainly a high' {ding the severe weather ,a large District Clover Seed, and Mr Corn- number was present. Rev. C. C.fer deserves every credit for the, Watkins presided, and made somef prizes won. inweresting remarks concerning the past yeui. Twenty-nine serveiesg __ __ IN MEMORIAM Fi Married Bliss Mrs James Winterbottom return- Re ---- Canadian Legion | Meets The Annual Meeting of the local branch of the Canadian Legion was largely attended on January 19th at the Mill Hall. A most enthusiastic gathering in which the old war-; time spirt of comradship prevailed, ® and much lively discussion was | enjoyed, and welcomed Comrade H.: Davidson upon his return from the ed this-week after spending a month at the Pacific Coast, visit.:ng relat- ives at Vancouver, Victoria, Nanai- mo and other points. : Mrs Winterboitom's trip was plan- ned that she might be present to ERR 0 Sep) Carnival News The Queen Contest is in full swing now, and there is much gpec- ulation as to which young lady wiil win the honor of being Quesn of the greatest Ice Carnival ever held in Dryden. Voting is going good, but the ballot boxes arn't full yet, don't delay, cast your votes epzly, and be generous for your choice of the Candidate. Don't fortget voling closes at 9:00 p.m. Janudry 29th. go attend the golden wedding celebra- tion of her parents held at Nanaimo, ! just after Christmas, and of whch! the Victoria Times says in part: {his - injured hand. A Winniyez Generel Hospstal, whore Ballot boxes are at the Dryden Phar- he hes been receiving treatment for macy, the Star Poolroom, Bryee's | Bakery, and Gough's Confectionery. A report was given on the financ-! Results of each day's voting will ial standing, whch was very satis-.be made known daily, beginning this "Congratulations and good wishes from all parts of the province were! ** over one hundred dollars, and also showered upon Mr and Mrs Joseph 0 the amounts donated for the re-! Randle, twe well-known pioneers 2 ir of distress. emervics. men 1.0 2 3 Ya bi i] i 2 ied iy Shi eit who otlebvated thely gold { since the branch was first organized. en wedding last evening at a family § Bloction: of offices for he eir reunion and reception to a large; Colonel. ne ire. helo: Te Te A RE he Pres'dent--Comrade J. Winterbot- ember was the anniversary of} $58 Vien ProgidotiteaCrmrads Li toy 5 Mr Randle's birthday as well as his rw Ydves "ond: Vies-Prosident-- Was | comrade H. Wilde; Entertainment wedding day, the 'celebration December Committee-- Comrade F. Clinker; | 27th, in order mot to conflict w ay Comrade H. Davidson other Christmas Day festivities. Tieaturer--" Compsde W.. Bro wohill. The festivities were held in the 41.. Nominal Roll showed a list Masonic Hall, about 150 guests er-. fourty-loay Seber . T joying songs, music and dancing, pg yas decided to hold a Cabarct with Rev. Eric Dobotham of Cum- p.... Friduy, February ih o which details will be arranged lzter Tea was served (the cld Sergeant- Ms style) and the next meeting was tized for February 16ih, at 4:00 o'cleck pm. factory, showing a credit balance of : monies. Mr and Mrs Randle wera the recipients of many beautiful gifts, including a purse of gold from the family. a I t 4 A ' | Baptist Minister to Preach on Mr Randle, who was only three cygyrcH PAINTINGS-- years old when he was first brought i . . [i to Narmaimo, was born in Coveniry, Here 71 Years-- Famous Religious Pictures to be Rev McAllister's Topics: Rev. McAllister, of the 'Baptist Church has announced a series of sermons on religious paintings which he wll deliver on Sunday evenings. A copy of the paintings discussed, size 8x11" suitable for framing will be given to the first one hundred! people entering the church. ! The Pastor has selected some of} he has res'ded here for seventy-onao years. He was a member of the Nanaimo Mitary Corps under Capt. Bryden and Capt. Harvey; was one of the founders of the Nanaimo cor-' net band, and served as manager of No. 1_shaft. at Canadian Coll eries and their successors for twenyt-one iS week. Bulletins announcing the count can be seen at the Oberver Office also Bryces and the Pharmaey. The candidates are: High School--Miss Jeanette Reid, Dryden Paper Co.--PMiss Ela Ane derson, C.P.R--Miss Eifie Taylor, : Skating Rink--DMiss Evelyn Adeir The Deg Face in connection w.i: the Carnival has the kids all goinn and corvet tion will be keen. Fn ries must be handed in to Fran: Willard cn or before Jamuary 2:ih. Tach entry must drive his own dom «d hove a tie rope six feet lomz, ~tta hed to the dog's collar, so 2s picverd the dogs from fighting. #ull instructions will be given when you enter. The Hockey nigh: wll b Game on the lust interesting, as the iout Lookout team is expected to vlay, and from the reports brougiit home this week, our boys wil have to move some to get the big end of the score. A And don't forget the dance in the Prlp Mill Hall, Saturday evening, February 1st, and be there toc. This will be the wind-up of the Carnival, and a good crowd is ex- pected. ri From the moment of the crowa- ing of the Queen, she will reign supreme, and all the various rmces, games, etc., will be officially atarted Her Majesty Biss 2 2 7 7 e years. Mrs Randle has been a resi- ; ! dent of Nanaimo for fifty-nine the world's most famous paintings, | years. "which he wll use as a basis for his; 5 ~ discourses. j Wed at Nanaimo-- --. ce The first of the series will be de-! BE ins Mia. BALA Sere Treat ; livered Sunday evening, February 2 La BL MTR, Sale 3 2C" The picture selected is "Christ Walk} in St. Paul's Church, Nana mo, in ie 1879, by Rev. W. L. Newton. When __~ they were married Miss Mary Ran- dle, now Mrs David Stephenson of Nanaimo, was bridesmaid, while the late William Randle acted as best] man, Their five children are: Mrs C. V.! Coldwell and Mrs J. W Carns of | ETN On the Water" by. Plockhurst. * MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris- ters, Solicitors, ete, Office on Main Floor, Donnelly Bleck, Corner Matheson & First Si. South, Kenora Ont. ERED Curling Draw - Ending Feb. 1st Monday, January 27th a Invaluable to Smokers, TOWN OF DRYDEN Tenders for Wood Undersigned, until February no stick to be over ten inches diameter. piled at the Town Fal 1st of March next. essarily accepted. #7 TENDERS will ba rece"ved by the 4th, 1980, for forty (40) cords sound, dr tamarac wood, in units of ten cords, in Wood to 'ba delivered and § Delivery 4 to commence when tender ley and to § be completed by approximately the { The lowest or any tender not noe- Singers, | Speakers y ¢ Large Sox 25¢ Vancouver; Mrs J. Winterbottom of 7:00 P.M. Dryden, Ont.; Mrs F. E. Anderson, { mavlor __ a va Wars of Nunnitng, They hove ten grand- a. Wolwle © on Ogata Tas iy children. Randle and Gordon Cold- ITT well, and James Dykes of Vancouv- . 2.08 PM. Sif ar; James, Doreen and Daryl Ander- 2 Ifoidioth memo VS ee Blamnitton son of Victoria; Joyce, Audrey and 1 {iil Vs , Philiiphs Francis = Winterbottor of Dryd'n, Ont., and Charles Randle of Na- ; - Tuesday, January 28th naimso." hia 708 PM. Taylor vs #eRae - Aitken vs a Megpison 9:00 PM. am ole's LADIES DRAW ea Pp oh os © __ Wednesday... January 27th . 7:60 P.M. Formalid : tr re oh THROAT EASE ny 5 fru P00 9:00 P.M. / : Hamilton A a ee Faillipe = 9 EK] . go ii a -_ a -------- Relieves Throat Tickling and Smith = AREER al : : a ------Thulsday, ""nuary 30th Irritation yp 7.8 TL Fhillipes ls Tbe tv a OE TEER Watt Warren . Ta Fit For 0:8. ITeggison -- vs Winterbottom Favior v 3 Sore Throat, Bern ins BOTH ~- -- Friday, January Slst _ J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. i ible dda IR | Cou gh 8, Wait - : a Teylor 4 McRae vs J Tuck Loss of Voice, 9:68PM. : Pitt 4 fpr) deem Winterbottom Huskine cs Smith PE einem. Er Ph a A -- --Saterdag,. February let, 7:60 P.M, Fowlie vs -- Winterlotiom Watt vs Meggison Fh'llipes oy bu Si'llen ' Se La

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