T -- = SSNS SENSEI) St, Paul's Gk a i : =| News New Telephone Directory = = WILL GO TO PRESS ABOUT JAN. 15th. ult axes b--- this directory. All the year and a Subscribe For Telephone Now So that name will be listed in the new directory. ADVERTISERS will do well to arrange to advertise in Two thousand copies are being printed and sent to all subscribers. The telephone directory is before the public every day of advertisement in it would not fail to bring resuits. For particulars co:nmunicate with the secretary at New Liskeard or get in touch with any of our local offices. | Christmas Day Services at St. Paul's The day commenced with a Seen -Temiskamis § Telephone Co., Ltd., SEES SENSEI New Liskeard THE CHILD'S HEAL Diphtheria Should be Guarded Against Trroat Troubie --Waitcn For The chief thing to remember i i a @ealing with diptheria is that it highly Diphtheria caused by a specific germ which propagated in the human body or its The poison may be com- s contagious. S s excretious. municated directly or indirectly from ene person to another. There are various ways in which it may be transmitted. It may origin- Air, water, milk, food or clothing may be the medium. ate in filth. As a rule diphtheria attacks the throat only. It may spread to the mouth and nasal passages. The throat, feverishn earlier symptoms include sore dry tenderness of the skin, and headache, hot pain, swelling at the angle Sometimes, added to this, there excretions from the nose. Owing to the fact that it is difficult | to distir diphtherie or a severe to have an early diagnosis and rep ort | of the disease. it is very plains of any of the sy wm laryng pharyx onsilitis, is important For the same reason wise when yo ild com- ptoms men- | tioned to call in a phy Barly | treatment, as well as early recognition | of this disease, is all important. | The diphtheria should be | kept in a room where there is only | ary for his patient such furniture as is necess comfort. He should not b: alow .d to | fandle books or toys Those Deel| he handled prior to the time it was; determined that he had the disease | should be burned. Only the persons in direct charge. of the patient should be permitted in ' the room. Disinfectants ordered by | the physician should be rigidly used, | One final word of warning--the | poison of diphtheria may be carri dg long distances in articles which have ; been allowed to lay in a room where a patient has been.- STRENGTH OF INSECTS Prodigious Muscular Development of of Tiny Creatures The insects are provided with mus- cles of enormous power as compared with men. If a fly be held by the wings it can pick up and carry a match, and this is as if a man were able to pick up a beam 28 feet long by 15% inches square. An ordinary little ani can pull eight matches on rollers, which would equal a load of 330 beams the size of @ man when its weight is compared with that of a horse. The-flea jumps 200 times its own height, which is about the same as {f a pran were to jump over the nearly thousand-foot high Hiffel tower. An oyster opposes being opened by exerting a force of over 30 pounds, and for a man to show the same power he would liave to take up 80 large locomotives and bear them Atlas-like npon his shoulders. From a purely physical point o7 view man 's the weakest of animals. It is only by the use of his mind and the application of the laws of me- ehanics in the machinery he has in- vented that he has been able to dom: tnate the world. * between a mil¢ se of | between a mild case of | work is done at the Haileyburian Print- NEW LISKEARD Mr. F. Read, ot The United Salvage Co., left on Kriday night to spend Christmas with his moth- erin Toronto, Mr. Percy Basset spent Christ- mas with his parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Foster went to Mayenouth on \Friday eyening to spend their holidays. Mr. Sam Reynolds, of the Union Bank Staff at Englehart, spent Christmas with his parents. Miss Fitzgerald of Toronto is visiting Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. John Armsirong and Mrs. L. Hill are spending the holidays at Huntsville. Fire broke out in Mr, W. H- Lowes machine shop on Saturday about I.30 pm.. Considerable damage was done. The Methodist Church Sunday School held its Christmas enter- tainment on Tuesday evening, the form of a which took pro- gramme and a supper. The Anglican Church enter- tainment was held on Tuesday evening inthe Sons of England Hall. the Dard- reached the British casualties at a: elles to date have total of 112,25 ADVERTISING RATES Reading Notices--Reading notices of entertainments, etc., where a charge is to be made, will be inserted in the Hail- eyburian at the regular rate of 5c. per line for news type -or 7c. per line for black face type, except where the job ing Office, when notice will be inserted free of charge. Professional and Business Cards--5oc per morth or $6,00 per year. P, J Lodge Cards or Notices--$6.00 per year Condensed Advertisements--Lost and Found, Wanted, For Sale, To Rent, etc., oue inch or less, 25¢. for Ist insertion subsequent insertions at half price, Advertisements inserted without writ- ten instructions will appear until written orders for their discontinuance shall have been received. To insure insertion, copies of adyertise- ments should be in the hands of the DIRECTORY Council 2nd Friday of each month, Mayor--N, J. MacAulay Aldermen--Geo, T. Hamilton, J. E. McQuaig, D. John, Geo. H. Rochester, E. J. Norris, Chas. E. Fleming. Clerk and Treasurer--Theo. H. Connor Tax Collector--H. A. Day Board of Trade Pres,--M. P. Wright Vice Pres.--Geo. T. Smith Sec, y-Treas.--J. H. Shibley Ss Canadian Patriotic Fund _Haileybury Branch Pre: J. MacAulay Sec reas,--E. P. Hunter Sec Relief Committee--Rey. J. C. Popey. High School Board Principal--W. A. Wilson, B. A, Chairman--Geo. T. Smith Sec'y-Treas.--J. H. Shibley Public School Board Principal--J. A, McFarlane Chairman - Cobbald Canadian Red Cross Society Haileybury Branch President--W. H. Lewis Sec'y-Treas.--Lorne Ferguson Women's Club President--Mrs. C. A. Foster Secretary-- Miss Eva Murro. Treaaurer--Mrs, M. B. Grover Women's Canadian Club President --Mrs, A. A. Cole, New gLis- keard Secretary--Mrs. Cherry, New Liskeard Tre: Mrs. A. A Amos Representatives-----Cobalt, Mrs. R. P. Rogers, Haileybury, Mrs. L. M. Camp- bell, New Liskeard, Mrs. Sharp. Canadian Club, Temiskaming (Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard) President--G. H. Rochester Secretary--W. A. Wilson National Council nf WV pmnen President--Mrs, J. Lorne MacDougall Seeretary--Mrs, J. E. McQuaig GENERAL NEWS German plotters are being arrested in United States eyery day, printer by Tuesday of each week. For further particulars concerning ad- vertising rates, address 7 7 P. O.Box 3 The Haileyburian *-°-59x310 The British troops have been withdrawn from two regions of the Gallipoli. peninsula and celebration of Holy Communion at 7. a.m., at which 48 were pres- ent, This was followed by another celebration at 8 a.m. at which 52 were present, and another at II a.m. when there was a good con- gregation and the Rector preach- ed trom the words 'Come 'unto Me," He said that the influence of Christmas was felt all over the world, in the palaces of Kings and the bomes of the humblest labourer that the most callous, the su-called unbeliever, was in- fluenced more or less by the com- 'ing of the "Little Babe of Beth- llehem," Who could help it? it was this coming, this manifes- tation of God that brought real love into the world, itis the in- fluence of the eyent we celebrate today that brings joy even among the existing sadness, that brings peace to the agonized mother or wife as she thought of those who had given their lives for Nation in the war still raging, it is the influence of the Christ that came to Bethlehem that palliates all the suffering on the gory battlefield, Red Cross Ambulance. Nursing Doctors and Ministers of God are there among the suffering ones as anoutcome of the Love that came at Christmas. "Peace on earth goodwill among men," was the Angels' song as they an- nounced the Birth of the Saviour and not withstanding all the dis- cord at this moment among the nations, "Peace is present and will come more fully as each one realised more fully what the com- ing of the Saviour means fo the world, "God is calling the world ; through the present sadness and 'disorder to a peace which will | oniv come when we as nations and individuals come in deep penitence and humiliation for our many sins to the feetof Hin Who became incarnate for our sake." In the afternoon Evensong was said and there was a good con- gregation and carols were sung. The Church was prettily dec orated and the Altar a mass of spring flowers. The offertories amounted to $170.00 which a- mount was handed tothe Rector us an evidence of affection and goodwill. Watch-Night Service At St. Paul's Church on Friday night at 11.15 there will be a service with short address follow- ed by a celebration of the Holy Communion on the Feast of the Circumcision. New Year's Diy and the Sun- day following have by the order England to be obseryed as days of penitence, fasting and prayer. Humiliation for the sins of the nation and individual and prayer for the peace of the world. On the Sunday after Christmas after the evening service Carols were sung by tne Choir. The sing- was exceptionally good and the Boys' voices showed evidence of some steady work in preparation, Solo parts were taken by Masters E. Lindey, T. Lindy, A. Lamb, E. Hunton. F. Wherry, R. Arm- strong, Dr. J. H. Lowe presided at the Organ. German prisoners Fort Henry, near Kingston, refused turkey for Christmas and demand at quietly transferred to Greece. ed 400 lbs. of goose, of the Bishops of the Church of|{ -- allt This Drug Store has a Good Reputation It's known for its pure drugs and the accuracy of its prescriptions. It's known, too, for the quality of all other things you expect to to buy at a Drug Store. Soaps, perfumes, hot water bottles, baby's feeding bottles, tooth brushes, dentifrices, and its Chocolates. We sell NEILSON'S--you can't buy better. Try their Chocolats des Aristocrates One Dollar e Pound Boz. Lae Feed e he.Strong Drug Co. fer-e.> Limited © On; the Main Corner NEE =V= MacLEAN STUDIO Votes Count! One party received 350,000 votes, and two others 20,000 each, through the purchasing Edison Phonographs =ilil Dealing at the MacLEAN STU -- t-- DIO is certainly aL a= worm Cdins HE Sul=i=| ee Get"'More Money" Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves, Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DiRECT to "SHUBERT" the largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable--responsible--safe Fur House with an unblemi. utation existing for "more than a third of a century," a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt, SATISFACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for "Whe Shubert Shipper," the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for iti-NOW-- it's FREE A.B. SHU 25-27 WEST AUSTIN AVE. BERT, Inc. Dept.C 410CHICAGO, U.S.A. NY, The Merchants Casualty Co., Toronto and Winnipeg, We Pay Your Salary in case of Sick- ness or Accident Premiums as low as $1.00 per month, sickness covered. INSURE TO-DAY In the Largest Company of its Age and Kind in Canada First week of T. Moseley Williams, Agent 171 Main Street Haileybury. EVAPORATED CONDENSED ASK FOR IT. O66. 66-6. 6.6' 46 6.6. 6.46.66: 4 Le (UNSWEETENED) (SWEETENED) Itisa true Canadian Product made by Canadians--for Canadians It is best by Government Test. Greatest Food Value. Best for Babies. PORATED SMDENSEO miLn CO siuireo 4