Nani Fe applying to the Director, Geolog- -- ical Survey, Ottawa. . ----_----- aa " New Geological Map _ of Northern Ontario The Geological Survey of Can- ada has just published a geologic- al map-of Northern Ontario on a scale of eight miles to one inch. It embraces an area extending from Lake Superior east to the Ontario-Quebec boundary - and Salvation Army Capoin Veg Leaving Haileybury Next Week. place to live'in spite of forest fires and other drawhacks. 0) There should be no hesitation in reminding the new legislature ot the promises made during the campaign in regard to develop- ment of the North Country. We may surely expect that the neg- lect which the district has suffer- ed in the past will not be allowed means of carrying on the work of the Army in the district ina highly satisfactory way. His de- parture is generally regretted, and the community wishes him the very best of luck for the fut- ure. THE HAILEYBURIAN Published in the interests of the fown of Haileybury,. Names Omitted From : ; : ' High School Promotions -- On Sunday, next, Capt. A. J. Nevill of the Salvation Army will hold -his last services in Hailey- bury as the time has arrived when officers in various stations are transferred. Issued every Thursday at The} Haileyburian Printing Office, Main Street, Haileybury. In the promotion list from the Haileybury High School in our issue of last week there was om- itted a paragraph from the tech- nical department. The following: eB High Honors and Medal for Subscription Rates--In Canada, Haileybury Young Lady, $1.50 per year in advance. United States, $2.00 per year in/to continue under the new admin- : vay Poe = ae ee noe : - Keperpee from Lake Huron north to the|i, the missing paragraph and _ advance. istration. POM Sette S te. SMeHe LO eae Mise vette, Remand daushtes:| cre dian sNational Railway line) sows that two additional pupils ----~--2>__. of Mr. and Mrs. L. Renaud, Geor- gina Ave., has successfully passec her final examination in the Do- minion College of Music and has secured her diploma. Miss Ren aud passed with high honors and received a gold medal. After a well-earned holiday at her home here, she wil take up the profes- sion of teaching music. --_--_erano charge of the work. She will have another lady with her as as Lieutenant. Capt. Nevill does not know where he is being sent but he has his 'Marching Ordefs.' Capt. and Mrs. Dickenson, of Co- balt are being transferred to Sud- bury, and Capt. and Mrs. Row- land, who have spent the past year at New Liskeard, will go to} Parry Sound. passing through Cochrane and Hearst. The map serves to show the progress that has been made by the Geolégical Survey of Can- ada and the Provincial Depart- inent of Mines in field investiga- d tions. The distribution of ae Fifty members of the United geological formations so far as/States Congress are now in Des known and their correlations "Syl Ca studying the workings of the r weére. successful: | Form IJI--Junior Gt --H. Carson. Conditional; Jackson (Algebra). Oe eanom Leishman and Sutherland Publishers Hon. Mr. Drury is quoted in an interview as expressing surprise lat the result of the elections, in view of the fact that his party were getting the best of the ar- guments at public meetings dur- ing the campaign. Apparently the Conservatives are well satis- fied to have it that way, so long as they got the best results at the Graduation. B. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1923 =] == In another column appears a} letter from a citizen dealing with| the question of a fitting memorial to the memory of those who laid down their lives in the cause of indicated. Copies may be had by] Canadian sales tax. i when all our streets are denuded|due to the negligence of thoselof October 4th, 1922, destroyed) of Hochelaga, Haileybury. of the trees and everything else|using the crossings. All but four the major portion of the Town of!" (2) Each of the said debent- that helped to make them beauti-|of these cases were. due to the Haileybury, including the Pump-!yres shall be signed by the ful. It is entirely fitting that|carelessness of motor drivers ing Station, together with the! Mayor of the said Town or by Haileybury should erect a memo- Notwithstanding safety device. | motors, pumps and other eqilip-|some person authorized by By- rial of some kind for those who}|and cautionary signals, people} ment connected with the water- Law to sign the same, and by fought and fell in the greatest|take chances and disregard safe-| works plant of the said Town of|the Treasurer of the Town-of struggle the world has ever ty. Motor accidents are becom-| Hajleybury. _|Haileybury and the clerk of the p) known. ing more frequent. Every sane AND WHEREAS, it is neces-! said Town shall attach the corp- ---0---- |motorist deplores this. If acci- sary to replace the required| orate Seal of the said Municipal- humanity during the great war his is a matter which might well engage the attention of the citi zens at the present time. Though in the forefront of those who re- sponded to the calls for men dur-|sued by the Board of Railway By-Law No. 588 Fhe waterworks of the said Town P ing that critical period 6f the}|Commissioners for Canada, dated and for the purpose of raising the WEEK-END SPECIALS world's history, Haileybury has| June 15th, 1923, is printed a list of OF THE said sum, debentures of the said so far neglected to do anything|accidents caused by carelessness TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Town of the amount of $20,000.00 Fresh Canadian Strawberries.........0.0:0-++seeeee: 25c officially to keep green the mem-| of motorists at railway crossings. 'As aforesaid (which sum is the Nestle's Evaporated Milk, hotel size..........-+++++5 28c ory of those who made the su- In many cases, accidents to mo St. Charles Evaporated Milk, hotel size .. . 30 preme sacrifice. Our correspondent mention the scheme put into practice in Saskatoon, that of planting a tree for each of the fallen heroes and| protected and unprotected cross-| Pumping Station and equip- finally passed and may bear thus creating a memorial avenue,|ings. - The Grand Trunk lines| ment destroyed by fire, in the Shay. (Oates erithinetom care atid Che suggestion is a good one, and| from October, 1922, to May 9th} Town of Haileybury. shall be payable within twenty Je H. Charbonneau & Co should be popular in Haileybury,| 1923, show 54 cases where there years mext after the time when| Phone 49R particularly at the present The élection is over, the smoke is beginning to clear, and the : | time, polls. a2 Motor Accidents Caused By Carelessness of Motorists In the fortnightly bulletin. is- tors at highway crossings over railways are due to the negli- gence of those driving cars. This negligence is to be found at both was danger at protected crossing | dents are to be lessened, the sane | 3 |motorist must educate the culp- wiseacres are busy telling how it | ably negligent motorists, some of all happened. Many and varied are the reasons. advanced for the | whose accidents are recorded | the list from the Grand Trunk re- in in the vill has made many friends Haileybury, and has been During the past year Capt. Ne-|. _A small man may make a_ big job shrink, but it takes a big man to make a small job grow. Being a By-Law to authorize the issue of Debentures to the amount of $20,000.00, for the purpose of replacing the WHEREAS, the conflagration pumping machinery, motors, ete. together with a building to ac commodate the same. AND WHEREAS, it is impos- sible to levy: sufficient taxes to j-.2ips, motors and equipment for lamount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law) in sums of not less than $100.00 each shall 'be issued within two years after the date on which this By-law is the same are issued, at the Bank J.H. Charbonneau & Company |. Honey, in 5 tb pails, per pail .........+-.+- Fresh Creamery Butter, per Ib New Laid Eggs, per dozen Granuleted Sugar, 100 tb bag Corner of Russell and Rorke Ave. ity. (3) The said debentures shall hear interest at 'the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, pay- able once yearly at the said Bank pe ndslide ena as swept the | turns. defray the cost of the abovemen-- of Hochelaga on the date of the ouservatives back into power ioned work rin ent} : 5 nee Bas after the short period ah four |Committee Thinks New ie ? co: -- fe ed h ae oe oe ee heats 2 ce 2 years in opposition. Some claim Fire Engine Needed|) AND WHEREAS, the Munici- Bes. Duric hae eae f New National that itisa sure sign of a less sy pal Council of the Corporation off pe ¢ "dl det a . Hee IS Electric Burner stringent temperance law; others} | (Continued from Page 1) the Town of Haileybury deems it! «+. oe at ee Gal: aos That Concentrates Heat : lay it all to the extravagance of) triple purpose type and: carry all expedient, desirable and neces- aie are f (oe nee a i é the late administration, while |€duipment for the handling of! sary for the above purposes een pt te are am ae ea 'se A still others advance the theory | fires. ; |raise? the sum of s.TWE ce, a uk ni pe" ' fear _ that the Province.ig only. settling |. Prom the dlisciissiowcotar,-it! SHOUSAWD DOT oe (e7 Fe ae tes : Seah aaa . x added erect 54 hack into the even tenor of its|/\would appear that there is 'a 000.00) to be applied to the aidre-| of tt ng = acl for ae fen All these ad way from which it was disturbed | Strong possibility of one of thesel said purposes and to no other. | Seeeeeees Papect Eee eae = by the natural unrest following | Machines being purchased in the! AND WHEREAS, it is desir-| » (5) This Bet 7 ait a advantages om { the war. Possibly ALL these|near future: The Fire and Light|able to issue the said debentures effect on the me sh hi i : = : -- ' factors had something to do with | Committee are opposed to thelat one time and to make the prin-' yeading thereof . See For years the National Electric © igs Eaniy as nu leetie / ( the result. spending of any money on re- cipal of the said debt repayable (6) ar he peer £ the Sele Range has been the favorite with wo- ~ B. 'mo itsSocket 7 f In any event, the landslide pairs to the old engine and an en-| py yearly sums during the Beriod!ge th a aa af or i ees Sr Ono nen acecal SEeaCas, Seed "4 * came as something of a surprise |&ine of some sort is a- necessity] of twenty years during the cur-! shall 2 ee thi woae. eis --piet ats. rondcriul cooking a1 vantagce 3 "4 to all parties. The most optimis- {if the Insurance rates are to be rency of the said debedttires the following times Mee =e at ear Sense pecan aie *.§ tic of Hon. Howard Ferguson's|kept . within any reasonable} said yearly sums being of such) that i y ie a eer Sure Se i eee i i- supporters estimated that he | bounds. respective amounts that the ag-| Tey 3 ¥ Pada Aatas o Sakasi ae ne, ar ppeoere { would have sixty-five seats in the - rae gregate amount payable in each|f ae ae By Clee pee Se preeeonerc ae i new parliament. With some 78 Letter to the Editor. year in respect of the said debt! Ame % Ae ae ae : til ire een ieeeoeny, Ze as ibult of rest-reslet ; Conservatives elected, the party | Dear Sir: Sliallibe, as neatly as possible lo ' tm Phe Tae Meee ae eee eer enducine daria itediae. 4 will have a large majority over} a... ee 1 to +h ft ant ~?| OpeSmmethc-atternoon <of the your kitchen. 3 # all other groups, the total num- Ss we are now re-building oe aan ot the Site ee os hel pee BY ies eine Da 9 And hi: ionizi. zi fio ae tee Ul, Td Ee ee fo Re FRE ee perio ci am | MMe Aid Og Coa, reventtie i oe ; gests would be an opportune time to AND WHBRIAS | Day, Town Clerk, at the Muni- fashioned type of fl pa ae Oneinee ' Wee cal Bn ie take some steps to perpetuate the PEER RIE A the total am-| @ipal Building in the said Town porcelain bowl burner, with conical ele- t Tn ae ler column will be found | memory of the Haileybury men ount required by the Consolidated | of Haileybury. ment, can be changed in a few seconds, 3 . particulars of some documents | who made the supreme sacrifice | Municipal Act, 1914, and amend- (7) On Thursday, the 5th day and you get faster and still more econo- ' recovered from the cornerstone | during the great war. All over | ments thereto, to be raised an-! of July, 1923, the Mayor of the paceurtecteic/eapkang. f Sas Paul s Church, the debris of | Canada we read of memorials be- nually by special rate for Paying) said Town of Haileybury shall at- Free enerin Ceplererate rae e aie oars Hae oe nc jing erected and.unveiled to com- etd ee pee antenest, as| tendaat the Municipal Building, wention Do Sor fail to see tt ae f heat ot tie ae ie eo iS | memorate the deeds done by the] ©Tematter provided is $1,743.69.| at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to i larr, the founder of Haileybury, published in the North Bay Times, a copy of which was en- cased in the stone, will be found particularly interesting, as it does with the early history of the settlement and the difficui- ties under which the work of the dealing | |men of the different localities and keondanbt the rising generation and generations yet unborn will |look with pride at these monu- |ments and receive inspiration from them. I would like, there- fore, at this time, to ask you to Insert this letter in your paper in the hope that it may stimulate AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ratable property of the Town of Haileybury, accord- ing to the last revised assess- ment roll therefor is$1,523,111.00 AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Municipality is $226,397.46, of which no part of the principal or dppoint persons to attend at the Polling Place aforesaid, and the final summing up-of the votes shall be by made by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this -By-law _respec- tively. (8) That the clerk of the said The National Electric Heating Co., Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver Makers of National Electric Ranges. Electric Heaters, Irons, 'etire ie pea : x é . ; fot Plates, etc. dure was carried on in those|the good folks of our town to|iMterest is in arrear. Town of-Haileybury shall attend SS Sa? yee take some action in this matte THEREFORE THE MUNICI-|at his office in Haileybury, at ten ; ee The pave: enclosed in the Wilat for : S atter. |. hci a E ee Y, @ e F tee ee Sang : at form this memorial would| PAL COUNCIL of the Corpora-| o'clock in the forenoon, of Satur- = ; tone, 'while perfectly legible,| take. of course, would have to he| tion of the Town of Haileybury,|day, the 7th day of July to 'sum Reilly Allard Hardware Co. howed plainly the marks of time decided upon. enacts as follows:- up the number of yotes for and Cor. Broadway and Ferguson aa pee nat ye much hand-] ] have thought that possibly} (1) The Municipal Council of|against the By-law. - Rhone ae 2 me une aaetr ene of the you might publish any sugges- the Corporation of the Town of! DATED at Hailevbury, this ----__ E pes if t. x im ¢ paren in ene _| tions that may be made, in your|Haileybury shall expend the sum, 13th day of June, 1923. sury was laid in September, 1894, Paper. So, with the hope 'that | Of $20,000.00 in the erection of a|\ | ...........-......... Mayor 4 : é : - you will be sympathetic towards | Pumping Station, and providing > SaSBNG ogee ing ater 8 Clerk & . I i : : i ; P 'As another evidence of how|this, I would's st tl = ' : q q pay ; coming uagk, my be planted fot erate reas aEe SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. 588 z e ® j e cited the fgures in Mondays |wwas killed or died while on - ctive | Year 'Princi i r C. THE MAIN f voting on the Provincial election. | service and that a caine a pit 1924 5 ened Hae 25 ae Ane BET = eo em pc SA0E E Ge i MERCH AS a r A total of 651 votes were cast in} around each tree, with a plate at- | 1925 576.31 1,167.38 1,743.69 | x the four polling places provided, | tached, bearing the name, etc. 1926 610.89 1,132.80 E 1743.69 | is er New se ae oe total Trees to be planted on each| 1927 647.54 -- 1,096.15 1,743.69 wis 7h or only © more than in| side of the road and same to be| 1928 686.40 1,057.2 ' 743.60 ||} - r ' x rangeaneen res vee eae called "the Memorial Avenue." | 1929 Pr 'O1611 1743.69 BOR LEE PERT SIN GROGERTES) FRUITS AND 3 were No omcial ists here and on-| Not only would this keep green | 1930 23) 7 743.64 =GE oS b : aR Re for meer toe were i memory of our Hevots Feed, 1931 eae i Sate oa a pe ee wo ee 4 alowed, 1t can readily be seen|but it would also hel 1 ify | 1932 743 "1 / PEED, CHICK REE PERE that the population of Haileybury | the a pee ee aed 19335 = aie ~ Se 's rapidly approaching the point] This is how Saskatoon has per- | 1934 1,743.69 é at which it stood previous to the | petuated the memory of the men| 1935 : ; 1,743.69 : disaster of last Fall. who went from there and seems | 1936 oe Ol K 1,743.69 : ( = to me to be a splendid and beauti-|1937. >" ead 1,159.65 584.04 1,743.69 ee ee 7 ae ae spheres a severe aa idea, well worth considering es "+> 1,229.23... 2514.46 1,743.69 eS : i poe electrical and wind storms|if we are going to do anything at | 1939 .* , 1,302.99 , 440.70 ; WE SELL » VE rs throughout the southern part of {all. rig Pt a 1940 : <-¥ i oa : phe ato aes ae cS a the Province, in which there have Trusting that this may be the|1941. 0° > = 1,743.69 : Secs ae fe : Teen loss of Aint ake great dam-|means of bringing out other sug-| 1942 oe SF Se A7anieo : Es ave to property, lead us to be-| gestions. ' ike) S See ce : cee j - -. Veve that the North Country may : 3 : ney . ASG ty e ave ke le looked upon asa pretty fair at Yours respectfully, ; A. Keddie.