~ ESTABLISHED 1910 {rsurance of every De- scription. _Real Eyre J.E. Mc@uaig: Ave. 58 Georgina : E. McCuaig 58 eae Ave. g * h a - ; yi 7 ak __, a ae : SS ee SS = -- --------- - . ee > y uy : HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY .28, 1923 ul Rerightn ah 50 BR Year ae VOL. 19, NO. 15. eh ae eee . * sat ------ ------ ---- es x. d ea ag is Collision on T.&N.O. Frame of Curling Rink Will Erect Additional High Echool Exams, Lit Cockrane Girl" _|Coftnacts Awarded ie NearHaileyhury Station) Collapsed in Storm). Temporary Schools; Reported This Week) Victim of Foul Murder Coi rtHonse,Pab School. What might easily have proved| A heavy thunder and wind The transfer of. fotr lots oe poe ae a ames a te oe oe, the ae erie Tie Dies eS Gener fy ..|storm which swept over parts of|.Latchford Street to the Public SH Mer Gece . oe students | crimes in the history of the north] pany, of t ogo tract ofthe new this district last Thursday even-|School Board for the ptttpose of Me ips te Hy Ae Bet credit by | Country was committed at Coch-|grarded piss eh 4 Baise whine 3 ing was responsible for the de- erecting temporary school build- ile: ie We o eas on rane last week, when kttle Mon-/Railey bre om ee) eons dion on the T. and N. O. Railw ay|struction of considerable proper- | ings ther€on was the most im- scllb6l ae ou ue cts oes lower ica Forster, ' ear-old daughter jis to be erectec Re ciaee eet all oo on Monday morning; when train| ty in Teiniskaming, including the portant.item of business' transact- cee. ine eee ' Bi of the of ue FB. Foes enecker in the | destroy éd in the bi No. 47 from Toronto, bumped in- market builc r and curling rink ed hy the town council at a spec- aiow on therec-|T. & N. abad train wreck occurred a short distance north of Haileybury sta- i f eras. assAulted, The arangements have recently, ** é grand} here, which was blown down with ial meeting on Monday. evening. iedessi Cagle tients of the staff, but aand foully murdered®iae Ht way beeriierapleted, but. Wh ee ae "sf i a gravel train just opposite the: ar estimated ldss of $2,500. The?AS the new Public School will not | fe gained as a result'of the | home fro. neighbor's house a |pric@iaas Tot Par oes srospect Nursery. Vhw pas- senger estimé ss : : train was pulling out frofir age F byn Street, and Leo Ertenhous,}the school board is up inst the | Def ae nt: 3 So far the - perpetrator the} "Phe contract for-thenew Pub=, Station wad the gravel train appa_| Take Shore Roped, weré struck by|problem of providing lditional | Second Yeir Ciz chomes of Messrs. T. Lemon, Pro-|be completed for probalily a year nation conducted bys Miles dustin by Tues@y everifig. | out. Se |ctime has not been apprehgaded, | lic School has also been let. "The.4 : : F : : outs civ ) ° . a rently put ling 'in, Fortunatek, lightnine, buat. neither of the}accomfnodation for the gomit Pe ere Ay jects g 'slog raphy | although both local and proyvineial | fireproof Hill-¢ I s Limit a g eg, 1 thee ; | : No. 47 had wot got up much sp Duildings were: burnt. Prompt! term.and four 'more temporat d UAE, claey eB ulture Il, »| Po lice have been on the seene/ed. of Neg will' erect i - att = 1 "Canares > and the gravel train, travelll action by Mr. Lemon's sons pre- buildings will be erected. Ti = eee a ae FL. ic ver¥since and every possible clte | this pu h , ahh varate slowly; was broxight to a s&- -| vented a fire after lightning had|aveidwaste of time and material - Little,*M. MeLean, | is bein: llowed. | Se} Tide ds for whickh® were y -- {Vv red a hire aiye Stns AX : ah ae 1 ¥ . a. r le 1 ' fore the colli Nh occurs T Pern a hole in tle tower on the | these will.be placed' on, stitable a fede : Phe little Sirl had, goffa-to? thé) caile d for at'tlte 'same titme-as thc ' engineer 'ha aught Sp cof | hous, buildiig lots andssyill Be so c@p- ee cuscts: (Sane "exami ouse of ane tehbor.énly a @short sina Ss mentione mnot been x the passeng n rounding the In NeW? i-keard chimneys and | structed that*they mz 1 distance aw ips, thygarebgiect : I eS (eee oe readily be| Lae M. Carswell, I. MiieAr- ', to pay. with ther let, but Mars Py curve. trees were blOw- over, windows |converted into houses when they S Maltby B. Ress. chil lren@hd so-"far as Cam. be | in,charge of the. bait ing tor 'the 7 Just what was the direct cz ause | w and gar - | age oslo ynger needed. _The town ng passed -in subst judged, gfe was on heréavay, home | Department / of Public, Work of the mix-up has not been given| den Fered hit the worst-sen.-, | ie se yeral 00 Me building lots } J! Paik peg are Pritlwhen the crime Wage com stages that } his will be' ay ardéd iz out. It wa ated that the trains}in-years. In theyMilberta, Hud-j~-- Stree, ne "Cotinell Arith, | at.). TL} Brom all repor the oe ie this @eek.{ @enstruction of _ the & wai to meet here, but apparent-|son.and White Riyer areas many} will tre er four of f thes e t& the Art, Aga); V. must. h Deel OR api: eds no | geree b uildi @s will Be « mnt@fic- ly no one knx ist why the] bt gs were wrecked and the/S¢hool board at a price' of Boa 2S u-), My Campbell, person jnsanything Tee sane| ed in thé dear future. passenger did not wait until the}er ffered. Cobalt was out-Jj@@eh, said price to be D a): David (Phy oe mpoetate @emind could oe © mamit |} aie aa other got onto the siding. side e path of-the*storm. | when. the > properties are disposed =<Dixon, nie h Arith.); suclezhenious « -- Hs . i, ae ersine 4 freight wa 2 in the gLhe "1 icane left terror a to individual pur 1 hy -at.); Hl Tis efated t ise Ouge--Plans for, the £ at the t been lestruct its wake .across|the buildings Pi Aten, fas Hes ithe norther n town is dé largerment by c eee etne - led-for school { { ri Sao atty - redSad | 34 Need andeyéry effort i ( possible t v of 47 mis-] With a ater than July, il. Hughes, iS Oe ade to captre the criminal. a took her foi vel train, as/|laid low oall esti lat . Johnson, (Ph , - > / dhere were €ars on the irains. The colli _siight dai on 47, her p The enginee1 Ss will, with those creged*last br Agr.) ; D. Johns iz}, 7 out of commission. fall. provide the required at ign - Arith., | at.) ; Ne Jones, ; lowing isa list of buil d- | modationgun til the new scheol 'is bat dS, kK Keddi nowh to have been' demol- | complet ae Agr); -Gr Latfra > to the locomotive | ished: T.Briscoe, house and Barn The * Co il empowered the | emon;: (Phys. , J at, ) being dislodged. |Chas. Thomas, barn, house part- town treasurer to have insurance* at.); G& Lowe fect as the resy on by Parliamenj an of $10,000,000, 1 Harber. Con Sissy Ifthe. famtite rmel|t a case failed to fe wecdjct and| los .|a mew tfial wil! be Rell ae t sion resulted in some|ings as, the only one|ially wrec ; Dr. Farley, barn;|,to the #mount of $1,000 placed , thur, @Rhy injured. He j mped and s struck aj Geo: Fereuson, barn tin Ber® jon the equipment and material al- U2 Mék innon, ( tail lying he ad >the tracl ik-}nard i aw Thill - W. Wha-| ready on thégroud forthe new]* ills" (P hys., / mg a small bonean his 47 was held up-about thr ters of an hour until the sa cheridey, barns ].| pumping*station, and atthorized Moorey,,( Rhys.; , barn; ~T. Brown, barn:]| the paymente mf $1,000 totrards phy, (Phys., ase : - Jarvis, bagn; A: Plaunt, bara. | the construction of the nea gti} Murray, (Arty Agr, cits x. p waseeleared. (Continued_on Page 4). ~|ing.rinkandamarket which, so far] Pip ee hys.,.Art, fe ra " a stonmygcareer. Luce Art, 4 \ = * Be ee a lente of | lon, @lvat.) 2 He ene a le j Mote borke Lat,)4 M. Sullivan, (/ Arith,, (Phys., Bot.) * , AVES Wh Vitus: v water, end ysewer| +! 1 aung, was recéived: and acLEAN'S . = ; york wall be proceeded w ith. AG m | ) 7 ¥e Be ae NOS, ° EDISON PHONOGRAP HS jcement wally will be built ou, ny Gedéraphy, f i 67x i i i 2. | north side ] Beovening, Street | caltti Tees.) ; Bambrick, =O.| | A FE Aly Or , DEVELOPING AND) PRIN TING P pdere Ae e eOnth side of . Main| Benwett, L. Blair, D. Cooke, G. 'Eh tne ¥ Fie fs aaa reeh from 'Rorke Ave "nue west, es 'Tole J. ee Cy 4 lin respons 5s of -resi-| "10 olditch, .\ oward,| | We will sell you a Piano = $105 less ae you ca: bu iat it® 1 den ts ae a : ay nerape.so . Jordan, V. Lees V. E elsewhere - lon the gespective? thoge iS. | McKintey, A. Moore, S. Peacock, | aire . 3 S ey Information from the Det art- \G. g eterson, i, Pipe, H. Sibley, | ig fost Popular x ment of Public Works at ee toss. pencer, G. Spencer, E. Watts. | | ever written. a thie by-laws providing n ) subjects (Histot Geog- as WPLAY--A Broadway Hit. to|taphy.)--E. Ansara, K. Bennett, hall | bs Bousu, G. Clarke, &. Clarke, 1 Dixon, R eb 9p: ul Isom F.. Elliott ASA soNG <1 a VISIT OUR i: B Bargain Losnter of debphtu Jaek- cost 0 it ee on, D. ae _ Jory, H: Kerpi, | : mis se of the new. fire PES ve ane, "WT. ee . ) approwed and the A Rasa J. Richardsote 1cliime has been|£- jae S. Velli | g eoethe truck is} The folldwi ing pass in sub- ye Sntabout five |Jects after their n ae Ele Ha [ a | Geog.) ; ¢ emiion, (He Wy. ( Ginbont A. Graham, : , q R. 'ouimeile decided to hgld -a Agr.) 5 Hutt, (Geog) as sual this * year Ae ET J. Little; COMING----___ MONDAY, = igus@ 6th, was fix-| Se ah Mean (Gram., ae ae YOU'LL FIND IT WORTH WHILE 5 DE necowary | Hist, Agr.) ; M. M , (Age. A Thee Geutenie Pane ses ss nation to this @ffect will be | Gram., Ge og.) ; 7 R ee: (Gec im., Geo eR W ebb, ;. Williz eG 7e0g.). in the near fupure. "fo 5) ips s concluded ¢he business' ef ied h Oks -eting. Me cmLA TE 1 TE #2 G. B MacDONALD. Bye-election§ ig be Provit 1 é : - wer s ait . abinet 'Minis tersiwill be held « oH ey Tonday August 27th. Nort fina- at tions will take | plac Thurs | Va August 16th, = it RRAY & SON |= MILT AUSTIN Insiders, Pressed Shale, delivered ... .$38.50 Artistic Me Flashed for Fire Places. ' * eo any ugidecessary time in the kitchen these hot Ne. 1, Dark and Light Red, Pressed Shale : , No. I and No. 2, Pink Buff " ~ Choose foods which require little cooking but yet GROCERIES 'x Ikea well-balanced, appetiy ng and satisfying meal, Ferguson Ave, Phone 48a | | . "| Interlocking Hollow Tile - ane a J "| , \ -- ; = =i mS The Department of the Provincial Secre- tically when laid in the ¢ balls have a greater & i amefl>makes aden Ee ficken Haddie, creanef makes a SIE Sy ng geen L O Oo RO, i : tary and Professors of Queen's and Tottmto ~ ee i oe paid pid wae ry of a 4 Gey: ode isc' Kittin See, - "7 Ware . --eet : s he following data result- nterlocking Tile walls ye a cas a as rimps, good for luncheon served creamed on Sits Jelly Sole, eee was Gnesi aa. es "ate rmine Dege al lower heat ae is ra "ae oh teas walls and 25 per nt lower an vertteal | st or as a salad, per can = Ree gota es 35c Sweet, prade ttt es 25, %40, 50 the loss gftheat.through masonry walls. - cell tiles. oer --_ mned Salmon, Pink, per can 28¢., Red Spring, } per can 30c 3 Cans Gycer Corn'. "3 LOTR 35c ? (1) Hollow Tilesswhose air cells lie hori- -- (4) An eight aoe ei of cS eee Sockeye . .68c. Also in half-can sizes Clark's Soups Lg ' zontally when laid in the Wall have a lower Tile has a lower heat loss per sq. foot than Ihicken, choice, no waste, per can...,... 65c pita heat loss per.sq: foot than Solid brick walls. an equivalent area of twelve inch wall bui ; ; Agee ' Lae Ss 3 Libby's Soups 2) Hollow Tiles whose cells stand ver- * of tiles whose cells stand -- nwa hs e many suggestions for Hot Weather Menus, 3 Kippered Snacks ; Tunches, etc. . Phone 41-8. All kinds Jam in glass, 4 Ib serial e Ten Test. Solid. Fi bre | Boa ANOTHER INSULATOR' AND" FUEL. aod ™ = ns -- Vegetables of All Kinds