The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 11 Oct 1923, p. 1

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oe Insurance: ' That Insures* Seek An 73 J.E. McCuaig | ~~ 58 Georgina Ave. ESTABEISHED rig] t Insurance of every De- scription. Real Estate J.E. McCuaig 58 Georgina Ave.--~|---~ Ty, he For'A Bigger And Better:Haileybury | Subscription $1.50 Per Year Ask R.C. Headquarters 'Extension November 1| BeRe-Established Here Geo. W. Lee, chairman of the} With the object of using all pos- T. & N. O. Railway' Commission,! sible influence to induce the Ro- announced last week that ar-!man Catholic Church to again es- tangements are being made for|tablish the headquarters of the the railway to take over the first| diocese in Haileybury, two peti- 45 miles of the extension northof| tions are being circulated _ this Cochrane and operate its /first| week, one addressed to His Lord- passenger service on the first of|ship, Bishop Rheaume and the VOL. 19, N. 26. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1923 Biggest Masonic Event 'Town Council Nearing |Passenger Service on Ever Held in North| gabnd of a Busy Year | The largest Masonic gathering; The approach of the end of the ever held in the North Country| year is plainly in evidence in re- assembled last Thursday evening}gard to the town _ business. in the new Masonic Temple here,| Whereas earlier in the year long which has been constructed on/a:d busy sessions of the Council the site of the former Haileybury| vere the rule, the regular meet- Methodist Church. The occasion' ing on Monday evening last was was the first regular meeting of|zbout the shortest that has been Four Horses Killed by Nipissing Central Car Three horses were killed and a fourth so badly injured that it had to be shot, on the Nipissing Cen- tral Railway late on Sunday even- ing last, when the last car from Cobalt crashed into the animals at a point between Argentite and North Cobalt. The accident oc- Barn and Dwelling Lost in Cobalt Fire The premises known as Wil- son's Livery, on Argentite Stret, Cobalt, were totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, along with a dwel- jing which stood at the rear of the . barn. The buildings were occu- pied by W. Scharf as a livery barn 5 - P levburvy. vf 85, held, held during the year; with the ex-| November. A freight and pass-| other to the Rev. Mother General nd dwelling. The Cobalt brigade| curred at a point about eight pole Haileybury Lodge, No. 485, ; § om 4 2 aS acest A a i had peer ons hehe Be leetthe lengths sotth of the south sanich in the new building, and the date'g tion of some special meetings] enger schedule for the first in-)of the Sisters of arora Wanies tron spreading, although Rena helaar sin oneal HomtaTEeS as| Was the anniversary of the greati¥--Med to deal with some single|stalment of the "James Bay Ex-|Montreal. The petition addrese< ' Bice: g ar tl .55 as I i . . ys . " we = ae Sate > _ many wooden buildings stand|the car, in charge of Motorman|disaster which visited the town duestions. A bare quorum was| tension" is now being prepared. |to His Lordship is en oot ufo ; close by Coulter and Conductor Beer was|last year and destroyed not only; attendance and the business] In addition to serving the work-| testant population of Hailey ae tee Peer ine its blast sin & Cobalt} the lodge room with all its con-|was all cleaned up and the meet-! men employed in the construction| and is to correct an impression With the exception of one|ma ing its last run from Cobalt g - F 2 the n hat Eee Sait oa dete eHEetrece horse, which perished in the|to the barns. Two of the animals| tents, but the homes and other, ing ac journed at 9.30. The May- camps of Grant, Smith & McDon-| that Des SO i ae RH ocaat Rares thie greater part of the|were killed outright, a third was|Proprety of the majority of the or and Councillors have had aj/nell Limited, the new line will|that Protestants are ng erent livery equipment was removed|hurled onto the T. and N. O.|members. The Temple was for-/strenuous summer with their own provide transportation for over|as to whether the, heac oe from the building, but the Joss is| tracks, where, it is said, it was|Mally dedicated in tne afternoon' problems to look after as well as twelve miles of thickly settledjate re-established\ here. ee byR. W. Bro. Jas. Patterson, D.| devoting a lot of time to town D.G.M., of Englehart, with the) affairs and that they are looking assistance of past district officers} fcrward to a rest from-their lab. and Past Masters. JOrs was evidenced on Monday In the evening the hall was fill-| might by a remark of Councillor ed to overflowing, members of all) Hamilton's. Someone remarked a heavy one. The greater -part 4 of the contents of the dwelling was destroyed. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained. While assisting to remove the struck by a freight and-cut in two and the fourth was found early next morning with a broken leg and was destroyed. The horses had apparently farming country, besides the con-| other petition, which™is beinte struction headquarters at mileage| Signed by Roman Catholics and 43. Word was received by the! Protestants alike, sets forth the Commission that the advance|benefit which the hospital has guard of. the thirty-five families} been in the past and Se relaat contents of the barn, Chas. John- Ston suffered a broken arm. The reflection of the blaze strayed along the tracks from a crossing and the first "sight. of them that the motorman had was lodges in the district and many® visiting brethren from other paff_, 1 how fast the time had passed, = haw the end of the year was from Bruce County who are pro- posing to settle at mileage 18 on the extension under a community hope that it will be rebuilt. petitions are being favorably re- ceived and are being signed by of the province being present. "inj ¢pptoaching and Mr. Hamilton, large numbers. They will be pre- a splendid address, the Worship-|in a thankful tone of voice, said sented immediately after the con- could be plainly seen from Hail-| when they loomed up in the dark- settlement plan arranged by Pre- eybury and caused some alarm. | ness right in the path of his car, mier Ferguson, are now on their | coy : ig I F ace : ci thich too late for him to even check| ful Master, H. A. Day, welcomed! "Yes, it wont be long till we are way. Each family have 'taken|Secration of the cate WwW oe ---~- >.> ____. a aa - a oc 2 ' 53 ae ers ) ae " at Y és . his speed. The car had rounded|the visitors and spoke of the|all gone from here. up 160 acres of excellent farm] takes place at Ottawa on October Wind Up Racing Season a curve onto a comparatively|Struggle that had followed the! Only routine matters came up| land, most of which is timbered.| 18th. At New Liskeard Yesterday great disaster and the faithful for discussion. labors of those who had the build-| permission to move his small) ed a village will be formed with ing of the new Temple in hand.| store on Main street from the| the likelihood of the government In this, R. W. Bro. Haentschel| back of the lot to a point nearer providing a community hall and had taken a leading part and to, the street as it was the intention possibly other community insti- if : him was due a greater part of the/of his uncle, L. Aboud, to rebuild tutions. The village is to be|the Bishop and reports state thee success which had attended the) the block in the spring. No offi-| named Moffat, in honor of Major! Other property has been acquired, erection of the building. Bro. Jos.| cial permission was given him,| Moffat of Bruce County, who is} but whether for church purposes the head of the party and has|/Or not is not announced. N. Aboud Up to the present no definite news as to the probable location of the headquarters has been giy- en out. A residence has been purchased in New Liskeard for straight piece of road, so it is thought the animals, becoming frightened had suddenly ran out on the track as animals will when startled. A. Legault owned two of the horses, J. Vinkle one and F. Dun- gey the fourth. +a asked| When the whole colony has arriy- son was held at Liskeard Beach yesterday afternoon, when two events, a 2.22 Pace anda _ Free- for-all were run off. A matched race which had been arranged he- Re tween "Spear Olcott," owned by The last race meet of the sea- -- c ahs T oa eet and D.C.B., Gibson, New Lig, ee S e -ae inces aS wea . -ii#the Free-for-al ere were bi Jas. McTavish, Haileybury, and "Georgina Regina," owned by A. The Province of Ontario has Allard, of Ville Marie, did not|atranged for a syndicate to hand-|what result was evident to. aiili terfered with. ee sure to be the subject of Domin-jority know me ae poe ees come off. le a $40,000,000 loan, following! who had the opportunity of at-| Two requests for lighting ser-|ion-wide interest and it is believ- ment of the church Bee repo The 2.22 Class event was won| the successful marketing of the tending. _ : rae Ie roel Pook fed if poge wi Lento ee SF EE ES ee by Sidnyco, Brown & Harris, New| DO™Minion loan. The loan will be} Following the meeting a ban-|from residents on Bruce, Little] onization policy for Northern| the : : > in the shape of 5 per cent. bonds, due at thy end of 25 years. The bonds wilkgw offered not only in Liskeard, with Rose Weaver, Montgomery, New Liskeard, sec- only two entries, Silk Line and Spear Olcott, both owned by J.jto Silk Line's bike put him out of McTavish. Each horse won evolthe running. A number of racing heats and in the fifth an accident! enthusiasts 'witnessed the events. To the Ladies of Haileybury In order to make room for new Winter Goods, T am offermmg on FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY of this week, all Dresses in stock at a straight dis- comnt of 25 PER CENT.- These consist of the latest models in Brocaded Poiret Twills, Canton Crepes and Flannels. This is an opportunity YOU should not miss. MAIN STREET HAILEYBURY (Continued on Page 5) the town had been returned and Vica 62 Ibs. a : no explanation made. It was furfaccd Peerless Rolls Per Square WHERE UALITY COUNTS" ; stated that the gage had been : 2 Something New ! ued oo Ohne eer pois Use Asphalt SATUR ATED FELT asc For Your the fire and light committee was Weatherproof Building Paper MURRAY & SON UNPACKED THIS WEEK-- Christie's, Paterson's, Telfer's, Weston's and Peek Frean Biscuits--fancy and soda. In all SS large assortment. SATURDAY AFTERNOON-- we have a fresh shipment of England Bros. (New Liskeard) Pastrys, Buns and Fancy _ Cakes,--like Mother makes. mt Ded where a'large culvert had beeh Ad | gl encod : j 2 oe e ak Sipe t Haileyburys by, i Buk in, wasiin' Seip of me: e un ar i RCE AE NL iol i rsqoig, Ghee amags roperty betyyeen th a s P j See 3 Mi LT AUSTIN street ah Boke Arend Hives PHONE 51-A "°° MAIN STREET | qe CERIES. AND' MEATS draity that Iétation' Wotild pro c eS ee ed #9 dA LES. | the work was carried on, had) labored faithfully and well, with} Isherwood, under whose direction| bat he was told that if the build- 1 im > was to be replaced by a per- g been prominent in making ar- anent structure he would not be rangement$. The experiment is sthér Prove quet was heid in the spacious haig™nd- Albert Streets, below the lodge room and_ tli cel i " tked with a: dye Mas.t, Wit A lasted till the early hours and'hy was thoroughly enjoyed by calf present. The toast list opened with "The King and the Craft," proposed by the Worshipful"Master, Bro. H. A. Day... R. Wy Bro. Ri LeHeup proposed the! toast to the: Grand Lodge and Temiskaming District. In his address he emphasized the fact that Temiskaming is the only Masonic district in the Province in which every lodge owns - its own property and now meets regularly in its own lodge room, This was responded to by the D. D.G.M., R.W. Bro. Patterson, and asked the ®ecrded tp that part of town, a ob Deither street hgiva hts in their houses. Coun- ior Hamilton, chairman of the 'ire and Light Committee, stated that the Power Company were now working on the tine along the Lake Shore Road and as secon as the circuit was completed the service would be given them. The other request came from An-_ drew Cullen and was for a street light.on the corner of Rorke Ave. and Foster Street. The commit- tee was left to deal with both cases. A petition for a cement walk was received from residents on the north side of Browning pote cil to try to have the Gen. settlement plan. } The-other chief centre.north 6f sivas evar will MR cued bs the proposed freight at ger-schedule is') Three Carrying built to the site of the itibi river. ment that the now approved-of plans for struction work on this plant, has removed the last possible obstac- posed development. Commision has been assured the contractors on the Swastika- Ontario based on the community passen- Places,,.where a spur has heen proposed Hollinger power plant on the Ab- The recent announce- government had con- le to rapid progress on the pro- that the by It is also announced Wendigo branch of the Nipissing Citizens of Haileybury are tak- ing measures to let those in auth- with anxiety. This decision, it is said, may be postponed for some we months, or even a year or two. F y it Giants Win the First Game" In the first World's Series ball ~ game played between the two New York teams yesterday after- noon, the Giants, of the Nationai League defeated the Yankees, of the American League by 7-4. Central Railway, that steel will be laid from Swastika to the Ar- gonaut Road by December 15th. This will complete the first twen- ty miles of the branch and will be of great advantage to several new mines in that vicinity. R.W. Bro. W. J. Attig, assistant Grand Secretary. Bro, Patterson referred to the remarkable prog- ress which had been made, not only by the Masonic lodge, but by the town, in the past year. He had visited Haileybury immediat- west of the T. & N.O Railway. As there have been more petitions approved now than can be attend- ed to before the winter commen- ces, this is to be returned with the request that it be presented early next year, when it will re- that no finer Masonic hall exists in the Province, outside the City of Toronto. Bro. Attig, who is an old Hail- eyburian himself, conveyed to the brethren the Grand Master's re- being the town's assessment for the protection of employees, was approved and ordered paid. A letter from the Canadian Brass Company asked why a specially made pressure gage ordered by left to deal with the matter. G, Seguin submitted a plan for a one-storey cement block build- ing, 34x36, to be erected on Fer- guson Avenue, where he now has temporary premises. This met with the approval of Council and permit was granted. In connection with the water- works department, there was a prospect of letting the contract for the extensions of sewer and water services on Main Street and Marcella Street west of Rorke Avenue, and Councillor Poppleton was given authority to purchase the necessary pipes and other material. The question of an auditor for the town books was discussed and left over until nearer the end of the year. j Complaints had been made ae drainage from Latchford Street, Easy to Prepare SAVES TIME! CooKs IN 20 MINUTES TOTAOD fal toil 6 i Sold. only in, Oriental Strip ely following the fire and at in-| ceive due consideration. Deep cclors of ratural state, surfeced Green, Red and Black ' ; tervals since, and each visit' had} An account of $337.00 from the 6s o 99 been a revelation. He declared} Workmen's Compensation Board, 4.-in- 1 SHINGLES Mrs. Arthur Woods ROOFING SLATE in 36" and 18" Rolls ROOFING CEMENT Repairs Leaks in any rool Makes New Roofs of Old Dennison than solid Brick. are thé last word for solid construction of any thickness, giving 21 Per Cent. Better Insulation Colors, White and Terra Cotta "H" Tile Ten Test Solid Fibre Board All grades of BRICK For Sale n(Gchtinued on Page 4) 7 | f Ferguson Ave;) Phone 48a 4 }

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