The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 11 Oct 1923, p. 4

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1 | Federsl-Rathway Ker 4 : Sos Amendment-is-Sought taming if they could not be ren-! deredgs safer b: ie yak" of 4 ----$--_$________ ff inode ifr Saat ions to Pappatedainghg ir Fags migthe 5 Feiferal 1eEBation Filfnov ibe view; and hay received the fol- Towsi : ale y P34 | Fsought by the'Ontario Motor lea Hopes' tenlytiro tei 3) ae z ; Issited every; Thugsday. at. "The gue 4n comhection witlifts 4m ne' ve Geena | Subscription Rates--In~ Canada, : 4 . : '4 d y 2 ' 7 > wal ' 4 q » Haileyburian Printing _ Office, H yaign toi neud level Herossitigs Main Street,"Hailéybury, 2 = ' Heqer OW ERE ER aa safer for motorists. 44 Following the application made by the League to the Dominion Railway Board. Commissioner ito chave-an ordér made directing that crossing danger signs be placed far enough away from the tracks |to enable a driver to bring his 'car to a stop before the crossing \is reached, a communication has been received from the Secreary $1.50 per year in advance. United States, $2.00 per year in advance, ; OF? Firth At Leishman and Sutherland ..- Publishers © THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1923 ing attention tothe question of improving, the, -vidwinowherever ey, the -semoyaliof trees and. other obstructions,' This phase, of, the.matter dscone which is constantly. kept jngnind by the Board's inspecting officials." The O. M. L. feel that even though the Railway Board has not as yet consented to the order- ing of the sugegsted survey, something along this line may re- The Haileyburian extends its! thanks to Mr. Harry B. Childs, of Matheson, for two copies of . the paper dated July 7th, 1921, and) Boa May 11th, 1922. Through thel,, kindness of readers who have sent! .. , in old copies, we are! accumulat- ing something in the nature of a file, but it is on a very small! scale yet and any reader who can find an old copy is urgently re- quested to send or bring it in. the copy you have saved contains any special item which you wish as t | Boa | the Boa is ie : i upon the Railway Board's of- to keep, we would be thankful ig Motor League take the matter) 7 1 bee oy retfe, Wl even for a part of the issue. rh hehe Dene teneOk qe ficials the accident would in a DY enc r ebe. : probability been averted. o tice at Ottawa with a view to a- Although this present week mending legislation, as a change P 5 has been set aside by proclama-|in the law would, in the opinion} Town Council Nearing tion of the Federal - government} of the Board, be necessary to End of a Busy Year as "Wire Prevention Week," no|confer such jurisdiction. previous official announcement, T! Avas made so far as we are aware. A copy of the proclamation with other literature dealing with the question came to handa day or two ago, but for publicity purpos- es, so far as the weekly newspap-! ; are concerned, this is too late; the to be of much value. If any mat-| cure erial benefit is to-he derived from. tawz a fire prevention week, the dates} TI favo idea el of the Railway Board which in part says: "T have been directed by the | cing of railway crossing signs be- yond the limits right-of-way, to which limits the pinion that its jurisdiction under | "Iam further directed. by the Ontario Motor League has taken the view that this communication indicates the Railway further back from the tracks and sult in the not distant future and these Crossings will be increased in thoroughness. It was recalled at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the O.M.L. held this week that the League wrote to the Railway Board pointing out the lack of protection afforded at the Oak- ville level crossing two days be- fore the serious accident which recently took place there. Had this warning been at once acted rd of Railway Commissioners tate that it has grave doubts o its jurisdiction to order pla- of the railway rd has always been of the o- Railway Act is confined. rd to suggest that the Ontar- he Board of Directors of the (Continued from page 1) too big an undertaking for this fall, as it would cost more than the town could afford to pay and the time would be too short for the issue of debentures to pro- vide the funds. The matter will be looked into to see if any tem- porary measures can be taken. The new auxiliary engine and Board is rably disposed toward the of moving the crossing signs League will take steps to se- the needed leigslation at Ot- A. ne O. M. L. further pointed ghould be announced some time out to the Railway Board the ad-| pump for the waterworks are ex- Previous and any literature of an' visability of a survey being-niade, pected in about ten days and will educative character should be of tl sent out early. 1e level crossings tliroughout|be installed without delay. A pone with the object of ascer-! fresh supply of sand for the filters ---o Elsewhere in this issue we're-| 4 produce several views of the town of Haileybury, some taken hortly after the big fire and others taken during the past month. These are only a sample of the reconstruction and the pro- s has been so rapid, particu- larly during the latter part of the summer, that pictures taken a month ago but poorly represent the appearance of the town today. This is especially true of the} downtown section, which is being gre built up very rapidly. Turing tt $32.00. _~ = pense Bc | the pastessonth 2 new build 7 wane i Siggett Company, the new Bank of Nova Scotia building and P. H. Jory's new block have all assumed large proportions and another good business block which is being erected by A. G. and J. D. Macdonald is well under way, while construction has com- menced on G. Seguin's. block Ferguson Avenue, south of Main Street. It is now safe to say that one more year's progress will put Haileybury back a better town than | on bigger and efore the fire. ----o0---- | Notwithstanding the great | strides which Haileybury has made towards reconstruction dur- ing the past year, there is one particular in which the town is sadly lacking. This is the matter |* THORPE & BRANCHAUD House Furnishers Directors of Funeral Services SPECIALS FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Simmons Square Steel Bed, Walnut finish, with coil spring. | and Good felt mattress, three pieces, xegular $37.25 for te "Red Star" Wiaseing Machines A first-class Washing Machine, reguiarly selling at $22.00. it is hoped that the inspection of| .£ One Or, ato work of, preparing a 'ill be Brod ht in fro --acres good condition. -In_one , or. .v0 | \ % zs ne lake asdltbe system cr, ew A lages, previ 5u ots had Shown | in epg Eg FG Pat In this "conmheectian: * reports Apteeeee ® contamination but the/ered. q i d tests of the townywater yby thé| trouble had been rectified anc Peoeincil Tee ae North now alf town water passed; , the Bay were presented by the chief tests.) = ts i of police and-~showed that the] ) The" waterworks baat water is 'being *kepf'in © pérfectly ent was directed to speed, up, ,his| 'necessary epairs made, mae D ot seurisiosst i i list of users erent. the_ con- gisapl of abt Fate sala oo sible now, since the water in the lake has, receded, .. to, have »the a- in af will ke issued very soon Anybody desiring to have Telephone put in should leave word at Local Office at once, so that name and number may be entered in New Directory. New Switchboard is almost ready to be installed. This will mean separate line service again for the Haileybury Subscribers. Those wanting a Special Number should let us know. at once Advertise in the Telephone Directory It is consulted thousands of times every day. It is the greatest Advertising Medium known teday RATES :--Half Page - $10.00. Whole Page - $15.09 The Temiskaming Telephone Co. Limited While They Last at $28.00 These two special lines.are chosen from a large stock of New Furniture and House Furnishings. We invite you to" call, view our stock and compare prices and qualities with those of any Mail Order House. you have the satisfaction of seeing what you buy. CALL AND BE CONVINCED THORPE & BRANCHAUD FERGUSON AVE. HAILEYBURY of hotel accommodation. Several efforts have been made by prom-| inent business men, the Board of Trade and the Town Council to induce some individual or com- pany to build an up-to-date hotel, but so far, nothing of a definite nature is assured. Soir iew weeks ago a tentative arrange- ment was made 1 Mr, Morin, of Sudbury, whereby it was pro- posed to form a company for the purpose of building a hotel, an option was taken on a near the lake from A, J This proposal is still being con- sidered and those who have the matter in hand have hopes that a sfactory agreement will be hed. Any reasonable conces- sions to a company or individual who is willing to provide a hotel J. and site Murphy. SPECIALS ..~ | EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUD'S STORE Sweater Wool, all shades, 1 oz., full weight, 2 balls for 23¢ Scotch Fingering Yarn, per ib Ledies' Winter Hat Shapes should, and will be granted by the | municipal authorities, and it is to| be hoped that in the near future a| definite anouncement of prog ess| towards the desired end will be made, : | SS "Take of life where it has hurt} you and prevent it from hurting| vou again or "anyone else.'-- Maude Royden. Immigration ta Canada during | the months of April, May and| June, 1923, reached a tofal of 40,- 952, according to the August is- sue of the Labor Gazette. If you have a house "to sell or rent) alot for Sale, or if you want to yyy or rent, a small Ad. will let ae reat majority of people in ion know of it. > i SS IS eS a oar Oyo agate ee OL SRT NR A RT ET P.O. ANDERSON GENERAL MERCHANT CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND RORKE AVENUE OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE We have nice lines in Dress Goods, Cretonnes, Flannel- ettes, Sheeting, Cottons, Lawns, etc. Ladies' Underwear, Stockings, ctc, Knitting Yarns, Silk and Cotten Thread, in all colors : Men's Fali and Wiater Caps, Winter Underwear, Mackin- aws, Sweaters, and Heavy Footwear of all Kinds Boots and Shces, Rubbers and Overshoes for Men, Women and Children We save you money and its "a So eae) siricts OU surely do solve the problem of a plentiful supply of fresh milk when you keep Borden's St. Charles Milk on your pantry shelf, It is pure country milk with the cream left in, sealed fresh in sanitary tins (four convenicnt sizes) and, placed within your imme- diate reach--at your grocers, : Always ask for and insist upon getting Borden's St. Charles Milk. : Use it for every Milk need. With the _ Cream leftin Pasatre WiAN fed VEE ¢ pottrots | nana ogngya T ola

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