The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 11 Oct 1923, p. 5

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0 vernor id ae ! Lieut Governor is'a 'il ght to womeoup 5 Bouse 'of, Nor alk itt arti "Te 4s the jduty ry person in Ontario to do hits! titmost to de- velop the gréat~ "untapped | wee of Northern, Ontarios: jet 'the richest heritages ~ world and will, when ( git in the developed, 'make this province one of the most prosperous in the Domin- jon," declared his honor, the Lieu- tenant-Governor, in an address to the members of the Canadian 'Club. The address. was com- pounded of personal observations during the recnt trip to Moose Factory, and backing his conclu- 'sions with many statistics, he ex- pressed unbounded faith in the North Country. ; In relating his trip down the 'Abitibi, the Lieutenant-Governor said that one of the most im- pressive sights he had ever wit- messed was when he was taken to a high.rock on the banks of. the 'Abitibi at Oil Can Portage. At this point the rocky banks tower up to a height of 150 feet on 'either side and the great river can ibe viewed for a great distance. He said that within a radius of 25 miles of this point of observation there is water power to the ex- tent of 500,000 hp, running to waste. There were 200 rivers in the northland and ten of them were greater than the St, Law- rence. "When it is recalled that Moose Factory was first settled in 1668 and that it has been one of the most successful trading centres in the Dominion of Canada it wilh readily be realized that there are untold possibilities in the North," said Col. Cockshutt. "Last year the little town of 400 Indians and 30 white people pdid more than $30,000 in customs to the govern- ment. The town has no post of- fice, no doctors, no dentist and no bank and yet the people are pro- gressing. The day we arrived at the town our doctor pulled fifty teeth and so there is a wonderful opportunity for a dentist. The Indians have more than $10,000 to deposit and therefore there is an opportunity for a bank." "Along the Abitibi the one thing that struck:me was the re- sourcefulness of the man of the woods. The Indians never ex- perienced any difficulty what- ever ang seemed tobe ready. in fergency | to. giv "Yreditest efficient 'Sérvice- Pooekible. ~ "Surely qve can make -the nor thern country- a great | enterprise. We will have a railway running ipere before long, but at present is impossible to give any date. There are great timber limits and when the timber has been cut and turned into capital there is more than 2,000,000 square miles of land that will give some of the finest crops ever grown. It is for us as Canadians and people of On- tario in particular. to maintain this great heritage for the benefit of the Province. The prosperity of Ontario depends on new lands and the new trade centres. The old lands and the trade centres have already heen established and now it is an opportune time to develop the new lands." OO eo Much of the nervous disorder of the present day is due to the disappearance in the home of sane religious Mepohine: -Canon Street- er. NAVIGABLE WATERS PRO- TECTION ACT The Quinze Power Company, Limited, hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said|-l Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and in the office of the District Reg- istrar of the Land Registry Dis- trict of the County of Temiscam- ing, a description of the site and' the plans of the dams and other works proposed to be built at or in the vicinity of Ka-Ka-Ke Falls on the Quinze River and in front of or in the vicinity of Lots 64, 65 and 66, Range 2, Township -of Baby, County "Of Temiscaming, Proyince of Quebec. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Company, Limited, will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works-at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site. and plans and for leave to construct the said dams and other works. DATED at Toronto, _ this, 3rd ee of October, 1923: * Quinze Power Company, Limited, 36 Torento Street, Toronto Terets that he ebtild not be. prese The ~Quinze Power/| ma -- Biggéit ees £ WW ines ie Ever He 'ele : the tnd rer UBER $02 febiititined from Page! for the dedication ceremonies. He' "Swatinly * epngratulated , the lodge oi tS siiccess in "er cting sucha splendid-Temple, and -ex- 'pressed his. and aduir- ation for the North Country. The next toast was to "the can- didate", Mr. Henry Pudden, who had that night been initiated. This was proposed by_W. Bro. H. Lockington, who welcomed - Bro. Pudden to the brotherhood. The latter replied briefly, stating that he was proud to be a member of the craft. The toast to was proposed by the and coupled with this names of R.W. Bro. Haentschel and Bro. Jos. Isherwood. The latter was called on first to res- pond, and ina short address he disclaimed any great credit for his work on the building. He de- clared that no one man should be singled out, but to all who had a hand in the work belonged the credit for the success of the un- dertaking. Asa builder, he had done his work to the best of his ability and that was only the pro- per couse of all Masons and all good men. Notwithstanding his modesty, Bro. Isherwood is given great praise by all for his part in the splendid new Temple. R: W. Bro. Haentschel, in his address said that one of his great- est ambitions was now fulfilled by the' fact that Haileybury Lodge was now settled in a permanent and substantial Temple. - He had himself instituted the lodge in 1907 and had labored ever since with that end in view. He wish- ed to acknowledge the faithful assistance which the committee in charge of the building had re- ceived from. members of the lodge and he read a list of those who had made donations to the. fur- nishing of the building. Among these was a unique gift from Bro. J. E. McCuaig. _ This consisted of a set of ballot boxes made from a portion of an oak tree planted some centuries ago in Windsor Forest by William the Conquer- or. Bro. Haentschel told in an amusing manner just how Bro. McCuaig had managed to secure the portion of the tree from which the boxes were made. The splendid generosity of the broth- ers, ee Haileybury lodge and. T istrict has erppked a large part of the fur- nishings "free. of 'expense, and thanks' 'were particularly tefider- "The Builders" D.D.G.M., were the Srey Railay Beery . town of Cobalt to have a branch}" Lorrain mining "area, the' "follow- ing article from the Mail and Empire shows that the govern- ment has the matter under con- sideration at least? ~ ~~ The Ontario government has instructed that a-survey be made of the cost of extending the Tem- iskaming and Northern Ontario Railway so as to serve the Lor- rain mineral-producing area. Commissioner George Lee of the T. and N. O. has been ordered to make a thorough investigation of the engineering features of such a project and of its cost, and to report the results to Premier Fer- guson. The instructions to Commis- sioner Lee constitute the first consideration which has been giv- en by the Ontario government t for some years to the» transportation and shipping needs of a part of Northern Ontario which has al- ready substantially proven the wealth which it contains. The Keeley and Frontier mines, which are two of the notable ore-pro- ducers of the north, are situated in this district and have been urg- ing for some time past that ade- quate shipping facilities be pro- vided to develop the territory. The extension which Premier Ferguson is having surveyed in-+ volves a line 25 miles in length. ------_> er? ____ Effective September 30th, the Timmins - Montreal Standard Sleeper, and the North Bay-Ot- tawa Standard Sleeper will be carried on Canadian Pacific trains 17 and 18 to and from North Bay. "We must get out into the free thinking world and show that re- ligion is the most mind stirring thing to which men can turn."-- Dr. C. H. Laws. rose "You're good for something in this world--for service of some kind to your fellowman--or you're good for nothing."--Dr, Reisnf?. by ed to Silver Lodge, Cobalt,' ic Ltheic skare in the dinatic © Tato South Til ¢ he Siew 0k he: thezeflarts -of- the 'of the T. & N. O. built into the}: cars epborsh i and 6 y1N stjon Dinos yorr Viticed BE 199 ort liuolis. ent Testimonials parE; pestle bw Convinced :Sergéant' Elvin, of |» the Salvation Army, that Dreco 'was 'well' Gore! ae 'trying. 'Results 'have' 'delighted Tyr T2950} ye J. Ry Elvin, of 177 Mulock Street, Toronto, who for twenty years has been & Sergeant in the Salvation Army, is outspoken in his praise of Dreco, the new her- bal. remedy. Suffering himself, he read of Dreco's "wonderful Work, heard it spoken of in tones of the deepest gratitude by peo- ple-he knew well. What more natural than that he should decide to try it himself? "Although IT have only taken a bottle and. a half of Dreco, it has done me a world of good already,' states Mr. Elvin. HibeAS: winter I had an attack of lumbago which left my system in a very hadly run-down condition. - Pains shot across my back over the kidneys. My stomach would not digest my food properly, causing gas to rise after each meal, and I often had bilious attacks." "After reading of the help peo- ple I knew were receiving from Dreco, I thought it might also benefit me and Ihave not disappointed in any way. The pains in my back have greatly improved, my stomach is much better and I have had no gastric or bilious spells since I started taking this medicine. "My bowels are regular; I get up feeling fine and refreshed in the mornings and my day's work is done mtich easier. I have rec- ommended Dreco to many al- ready and never hesitate to praise he Dreco's claims can be readily substantiated. Reliable people who have tried it are loud in their praises of this fine herbal remedy. They have found that it actually does tone and regulate the sys- tem and improve the general health. Dreco is made from herbs, roots, barks and leaves and con- The toast to "The Visitors" Qs proposed by R. W. Bro. N. J. Me- Aulay, and responded to by -- vag- fous brothers from the different INSURE NOW FIRE -- AUTOMOBILE LI WITH J.D. Macdonald Office Ferguson Ave. ACCIDENT FE PLATE GLASS WE HAVE NOW A NUMBER OF HEAVY HORSES AND CAN WCRK AT ANY TIME-- MORE ARE EXP. James McTavish Amweil St. SUPPLY SUITABLE HORSES FOR YOUR ECTED SHORTLY. WE Haileybury, Ont. IT am now faudlin two of Cook Bros. and Allen. MEN'S WEAR Made-To-Measure Ciothing -. ,Measure Clothing on the market, W. R. Johnston & Co's., Tailored 'Clothes, and "Art Clothes" made by A splendid assortment of Fall a choose from, and we guarantee fit and workmanship. A piaae and Pattern to Suit Every Taste _ SEOL A. BREMNER: the best lines of Made- to- and Winter patterns to 2 sys e i Gare His tt "Saturday Speciale" FOR CASH ONLY Eggs, fresh, extras, per doz, only ........eeeeeeeeeee 48c Butter, pest Creamery ni Rae bats Meas ook s wee eee 43c Honey, Fresh Clover, 10 tb pail ..........0.cceeeees $1.75 DRDO Pall mungiad ss, »/acieks Gee oss 90c SYA DAM Pana osn rine nine «canal 50c Sockeye Salmon, per tb tin .......... cedinlc aid sh. < bk ee _ 45c CALL OR PHONE 51-R Orders will be delivered promptly to any part of the Town. HAY, OATS, FLOUR and all kinds of CHICKEN FEED at lowest market prices been|. 5 It is good business to read the Advertisements in The Haileyburian H. A. CARLSON LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S TAILOR WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW PREMISES ON FERGUSON AVE., OPPOSITE LIGGETT DRUG STORE WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF SUMMER GOODS IN STOCK NEWEST SHADES LATEST PATERNS i as Sa BE | tains no mercury, potash or hab- 1 it forming drugs. .. Dreco is being specially intro- duced in Haileybury by The Noice Drug Co. Limited and is sold by a A od Sees rms James Elkins « \ : ' ave, lodges in the district. R.W. Bro. Gampbell, of_ Cobalt, proposed the Purveyor toast to Haileybury "Lodee! *Phis ee Sth game to by the W. My Noted for Quality »An orchestra from New Lisk- eard enlivened the proceedings : while the banquet was being ser- Haileybury, Ont. ved, and songs, monologues and : musical selections interspersed the speeches. This program was under the direction of Bro. Geo. White. Those who contributed were Bros. J. Morrison, Frank Widite,, Ds Hennisony Geo; \Vbite,| ------$--_$---------------- = J.. Anderson, T, Adshead and/fj others. The celebration was brought to ARCHIE SHROFF aclose about 2 a.m: and all pres- LADIES' and GENTS' TAILOR ent were fervent in their declara- tion that it was the biggest and best event ever held in Masonic ml a : ' 4 ¢ircles in the North Country. Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now complete for The number who attended the your inspection. We have some special lines of Ladies' evening meeting was 278. and Gents' Overcoatings which we will be glad to show you. The brethren of MHaileybury : we Lodge are justly proud of their GIVE US A TRIAL -- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED splendid new Temple and the suc- cess of the opening ceremonies. = = ( =) MANUFACTURERS OF eo Crystal Dry Ginger Ale e a Crystal Mineral Water and ALL FLAVORS Temiskaming District Agents for Famous Silver Foam, Lager, Ale, & Porter Silver Foam Malt Extract for Home Brew : CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO ele ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION P.O, Dawe 100... .HAILEYBURY, ONT. Phone 53x f BA Dswe "y i le '4 SL A TSE IG PERE LIL STILT I CTE, | y)

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