The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 23 Jul 1925, p. 1

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x i the establishment of a new high ill Sti a Jol. 21, No. 15 For A Bigger And Better:H HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23rd; 1925 BURIAN aifeybury Subscription $1.50 per year SEARCH PARTIES OUT WHEN CHILD STRAYS TO NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE | j : The disappearance of little Au- |drey, the daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. F. C. Bidgood, Brewster St., jon Thursday night last; was the School=amyties town of Cobalt|cause of considerable 'alarm and within the next year. A Commit-'there -were several search par- tee from the Gouneil of the Silver{ties organized before she was Town has been conferring with! finally located fast aSleep in the the Haileybury +High School! home of Mf. and Mrs. F. C. Read, Board in the matter of accom 0-}Florence Street. 'Phe child was dation for Cobalt students w Q; playing on the street in the even- will be taking up high school} ing and was told by some boys workin September and for whom|that she should go home. She there is said to be insufficient answered that she "had not been room at the institution: here. jnaughty" and continued her play. Cobalt: When-she was missed from home Plan to Build New | High School at Cobalt Fine Floral Displays ae esent indications all point to orities in town, there are to be seen at various points tous flowers and plants northern climate and in |can be seen gardens filled There wete eighty-five ate the most bez Students who passed the En-,as night approached, there was an} ©) 1d tiful blossoms trance examinations and it. is| alarm spread and about thirty ot Com 1¢ des ed. : | thought at feast seventy of these;the near neighbors engaged in| The favorite perennials are now} will take wp high school work. {the search which led them 6ver}coming into bloom, while the The present scheme is to pro=| the greater part of the north end vide for two classes. comprising | Of the town. the newly admitted students "to Mr. and Mrs. Read had 3 high school work, t6 be carried on: out for the ev ening and on their ee eee eae in Cobalt pending the ereétion of} return, Mr. Read, who joined Ba ae glory ang oy S "a ae anew High Séhool. It-was sug-/ the rch, went«to his home for} a ae a Bart 3 tc ie is. Ave gestéd he conference /last t, when 'ke discovered} worth while for this reason alon been| the blooms have completely van ished, the later ones are out at t 3 A SEER tel ieaee Week that the teachers for the child fast asleep on a . general Aas ie seems sto. b classes should be en a eas 5 shad evid y -o'one > Cante y bells. -7] hese ( the work carried on under the into tl Read home while the 1 their beauty in t direction-of the Haileybury High) owners were out and ped off| Place PE ONE. et Oe = ' Ae ¢ : 4 3 ) > ot LY Boned ts Poe \ a School, and' the go nent is ne Sy it 10.30} 4 eee Set ae 1 : eed be asked to-continue the. present is lt Ee akg ae op 2 t collec Be riage ON Bie cee ie cses gene F d broth-|] with many other tie Ce) arrange for tie payment ol u RS, the 4vhole ma 2 one 2 pi EF the "« Chis! ers_a lieved biooms, the W 10 making one ot . pi s rere | the fine displays to be seen I x ahite! 2s z janywhere iittown.- Mrs. .H. A. 4 after the! ment of th ew school. It is} Seymour, who is one of the avyell ff - te 1€ ci 5 4 Sof the Cobalt Coun likel hat a 1 ding, can] known flower growersiin HaAiley- 3 1e Cobe n- {= Aa ie 3 be « ted ai betore; bury, has a particularly beautiful : ; ic, f 1926.) garden this year In this the In eantine, Cobalt) ! Fae 7 antes oe : * 5 ; : BLOCEE With --_ ait time it isshoped that| Can iry bell is also predomi-|; vit E | J tine ; F "1 yw being ne-| nant at the present. for the forming of a nt nov & Bee While i p sf a at ope neal District A etic the Haileybury ute the majority of house- this- effect has | e j > 1 ide gatdei here < nivinbenc it alt until the| outside gardens, there are others argued at the Tf who tpend-more time on house! fhis motion Carries. ther lle! Me con-| plants® and some of these eds, a Board formed and body] ferréd riz wonderful success. : One of the will fake charge of aH matters in! ti 'greatest displays of inside bloom connection the éstablish- H. Si place of = {be te Qa Ses ASten a 7 : 3 5 AYE geranitimeati zest plant of its | kind that we e-€ver seen. It/ \ s - . 5, Ss. P Ee é ey | A I 1 5 fills a large window and with its] A great clusters of deep red Sowers ; makes a wonderful display: With the- undoubted promise which the various gardens and platits are showing at the present Mime, there. should be an excep- All Leading Shades of SWEATER WOOL l-0z Balls, each .... 1c. tionally fin play at the annual show of the Horticultural So-| << ciety which will be~ held next) All rema x Ladies' and Children's Hats to clear at $1.90 month. There should be a bigger | and better_display of flowers this : year than has been the case for a sone years past and from present MRS A r < [ t i t IR \Y ] OODS indications there will-also be a oy aa a n good crop of vegetables. The MAIN STREET e 3 HAILEYBURY rains have not done a great deal of harm, so far as can be judged at present. They have, been, a great help to the lawns and there g I are a great many new plots of ss where there has been. no- » grounds or ruins 1922. With the y planted trees making good ss and the continued im- provement in property in all sec- tions, the town of Haileybury is well.on the way to her old place | | Phon P. 0. Box 434 3 | A. N. GAGNON | Seen in Local Gardens Although this has not been an| ideal summer for gardening, ac- tording to the most of the auth- some|of erection for some months, very beautiful displays of flowers| now almost completed and h at| be ready for occupancy the present time.. The excess of| tear future. "Tt has been built by rain has apparently not interfer-, ed with the blooming of the var-} which) have been found suitable for this) many | places in all sections of the town With} that] j earlier spring flowers have pass-| ed their prime anf in many cases} n € made to take care|holders-take a' great pride in their I | been done by a local man, Herb. ~| position by: local men and it is ex- New District Jail is 'Now Almost Finished The new district jail at the cor- |ner of Main Street and Georgina ; Avenue, which has been in course is will in the the Stewart Sinclair Company, of Hamilton, under the supervision of Mr. J. M. Philip, architect for the Ontario Department of Pub- lic Works, who has become a cit- izen of Haileybury. The building, which is of brick, | a substantial structure, built| n the latest plans for institutions] of the kind. The*gloominess - of |the interior, which is natural to ils and other places of confine- 1ent, is somewhat rekeve; ean white walls and highly pol-| hed woodwork. There are - a- ut three dozeft cells, provision! 'roller. jand will be a 1 by} ; MUCH NEEDED REPAIRS | BEING MADE ON RORKE | AVENUE THIS WEEK The. main road through town a- long Rorke Avenue is receiving some much needed repairs this} week. Although the surface was! good, the roadway_ had become} worn i nplaces, making it very rough for driving cars and the condition had caused considerable comment and some criticism. Work being done now includes the breaking up of the surface by the.means of a grader fitted with spikes, the levelling of the road-| Sage : | way.and rolling it with the town! This will put it into good} shape and will probably last for some years as the original sur-} facing was well done. | Che portion being repaired ex-! tends from Albert Stréet on the | south to Main-Street on the north{ ereat improvement, | «> _ | ) MADE OVER $100 AT | TEA AND SALE FOR | Instal New Pipe teat in Local United Church A new pipe organ has been in< ; Stalled in the Haileybury United Church and will be used for the first time at the services on Sun- day next, July 26th. For this occasion, the organist of St. An- drew's Church, North Bay, Mr. Fellman, will be in town and will play the new instrument. At the close of the evening service, an organ recital will be given by Mr. Fellman. The new organ is aff electri¢ pneumatic, tmo mahual imstru- ment made by the \ Woodstock Pipe Otgan Builders, and is one of the most up-to-date in the North Country. It is fitted with all the latest feaures including tablet control, and is a fine ap-= pearing organ, adding greatly to the general effect of the church as it stands at the back of the ing madé for both male and fe-| CHILDREN'S SHELTER building with _the front towards e inmates as well as twol aes the congregation. "Lhe.complete ially constructed cells for-in-| The tea and sale of produ electrical_apparatus- makes it és- persons. [wo exercise} held for the benefit of the Child pecially easy to handle and some ds, one at the east side of the! ren's Shelter on Tuesday at the|new-features in the construction Iding and the ot at the| home of Mrs. A. J..Murphy, Lake! of the pipes assures' the finest thwest corner, provide means! Shore Road. one of tone. f allowing the prisoners fresh} successful e1 It was hoped that the instadht- ir and a certain amount of sun-| season. Che tion of the new o vould be There are eral offices}over $100, and completed last week-end, in time 1 floor and acocm-| have the for the rvicesS last Sunday, but laundry, kitchens,} the Shelter are partict this was found to be i ossible- ei, the basement. |ful to Mrs. Mur o} However, thé 'final ticws The building is with} assisted in the e were made e: j k and am, a line havit on «6orun|)@ number of Co the instru , so that ym the court house and connec-| Liskeard people 1 it is in perfect readiness for. the ys made with the large boilers| dition to local pec services next, Sunda in that building. The latest im-| ed. : = === --=--= proved system~<of ventilation by| During the atfernoon a bridge! ners were: 'ans of fans has beef installed.| tournament was held which First--Mrs. 'Lloyd Barkell, Co- hese are run by electricity, the | there were seventeen tables at; balt. --- air e drawn in from openings| Play. Three p . besic *S-the Second--Mrs. Jos. Near-the ground surface and dis-| Consolation, were offered and the! Third--Mrs. Fred. eid. cl d through the roof" | competition was ps Che wan- ; ~ynsolation-- Wie AT From the out jot-at all ail pPiihy AL i AStalcine fhe haturé of the place," when thé 2-outside.--sur- roundings 'are cleaned up the town will reap the benefit of hav- ing another "prominent corner}| occupied with an up-to-date buil- cing which will be in keeping with the court "house grounds, The painting and decorating has >, the new fail d looking bus othe windess af no Wr amin Poppleton. There* has. been no announce- announcement yet of the officers who will be in charge when the jail is opened. There have been some applications made for the fae pected that one of them will be given the job. The date on which the institution will be first put into use has not been announced either, but it is likely that it will be some time before the present yearends. Five tons of hay, which had £ res iveel-bars, dnd there! § Ann non on Frida STEAMER TEMISKAMING WILE.LEAVE THE DOCK AT 3 Piece Jazz WILL SUPPLY MUSIC FOR DANCING c O Z, Q Toa Enon GEREN y N Pana raps TU Poecepde Tear eaaggeng ovaT TNE 8 PLM. Tian ToT pale et ee ail. + SS ee eS Orchéstra heen brought,across the lake ona scow last week, were lost when the scow filled and settled on the hottom of the lake near the-mar- FROM COBALT as the beauty spot of the North ket building. Will re-open in the old stand of L. E. BOYER, on 50c Bottle M. S. C. Coconut with each $1.0 MISS RHODA McCAGHERTY will be in the store cy MERIDAN AVE., with a New, Fresh Steck of i tee ye = 3 é mn a eae Ro e t amphor Chocolate HIGH CLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS t Flakes _ BRY A WS Bars _ Atso FLGUR end FEED and FARM PRODUCE at Re tegen beck 6 for 25 es Sasa eit ined Ak } . ca bg Lewest Market Prices. A visit is solicited pe the Week-End Specials OPENING IN A FEW DAYS ; =o = Oil Shampoo Given Away 0 Purchase! } ee OOO tO 00 tote 606 0t 75 es 0650s eos 6555 oe ~_THE -N HAILEYBURY BAKERY _-- NOW GPEN FOR BUSINESs---- FRESH BREAD AND BUNS DELIVERE DAY TO YOUR DOOR é You are invited to call and insp and cleanliness is_our motto. ° Ew--_ D EVERY ect the premisés. Setvice J. B. E. PROULK, Prop. Lake Shore Rd. South. Phone 36 'geete IPCCOP CCV SLC CSCC CC OS CCS : to attend customers> 'Wait on the opening for your _GILLETTE-| TALCUM | ITALIAN DURHAM- & er ern BLADES | POWDER | BALM DUPLEX oO t. ~ = = 40c and 75c Reg. 25, 15¢ | Reg, 40, 25¢ Razors 15c Thomas' | SOAP | Fruitatives Pond's - : Eclectric Oil | Reg. 100. | "Reg. 25 & 50, CREMES Be : Reg. 35 29c. 3 for 19¢ 19¢ -- 39c Reg. 50, 39c ARCHIE SHROFF - ONE THIRD OFF ' LADIES' and GENTS' TAILOR Spring and Simmer Goods now on hand in all the Latest / Fabrics. The Best of Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed. 7 _ CLEANING and PRESSING 4 : ~ Phone 166 Pern nes cA eres eS Maint S tects a beets ~ ---- FERGUSON AVE. ; oe BRYAN'S PHARMACY DEVELOPING end PRINTING : 24 HOUR SERVICE Prescriptions Carefully C 1D LAURA SECORD 'AGENCY ON ALL CHINA = pe | 5 -PHONE 58 CONFECTIONERY, ETC., _or Your ICE CREAM, REFRESHMENTS, "LAKE VIEW" H. TAYLOR, Prop. Corner Browning Street and Ferguson Avenue (Next Door to JAP. GIBBONS') Visit the

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