The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 23 Jul 1925, p. 4

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ppp, poh hh 4h AL Bas ARAL BS SD OAS i 6 ie a hd fe pi V me, ) ? ~ THE HAILEYBURIAN ann Hug rey fp) thes « ae » Published in the beh ve ¢Tewn of Haileybury and District, eubal é [hatsday oat "The| ileybirian Pfinting Office, 'Y i.Beoadway-: Street, »Haileybury. Subscription. Rates--Ia_ Canada, eo per year in advance, ' "United States, $2.00 per year ia advance>*~ , * Leishman and Sutherland Publishere THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1925 While-business depression is, to a-certain extent, apparent in town during the last few weeks, it is doubtful if there is another part of the country at the present time'which is enjoying a greater measure of prosperity than is this North Land. This may not be particularly impressed:-on the People here, but when one of our citizens goes forth into other parts of the Dominion and sees conditions as they are, he readily senses the difference which ex- ists. With the undisputed de-~ pression in the large cities and the general slackness of business throughout the smaller centres,, with the unemployment problems which are serious over a_ great portion of the country, we are happily' unfamiliar. Our un- Lions' Excursion a Provided: that the. weatti¢r- is fine, Haileyburians -will have a splendid opportunity. for:a real evening's enjoyment if they. take in, the Lions'. Moonlight trip on Eriday, . eae ee er . While it is true that familiarity breeds comtempt in most things, jas shown by the way in which people residing near points of in- terest frequently ignore the at- tractions' which others travel miles to see, It is no doubt true that residents of Niagara Falls do not bother to look at the falls, thousands of Toronto people nev- er visit the Exhibition, and prob- ably hundreds of thousands of Londoners have never seen. the Tower of London, still very few people in Haileybury are ignorant of the charm of our own Lake Temiskaming. : Still there are doubtless hund- reds who have never seen their own town from the decks of the Lake steamers, partly due to the fact that few excursions are pro- vided. To all such, the opportun- ity offered of a delightful sail on the Lake on Friday night should not be missed. There is no finer scenery in Ontario than that around our own bounded resources Which are be- ing gradually brought into use} have to a large extent made us| independent and kept us from| suffering the very general unsat-} which isfactory conditions are found in many other parts of the} world | Here in Haileybury we are} particularly fortunate in that we have a certain amsunt of building going on which helps to provide} work. There are very few men who have not employment of one} kind or another and, while some} may not be following their chos-| en occupation, they are at least catrying on and keeping up with| their living expenses. The busi- ness people are at least reason- ably busy and tlie town un- doubte lly agspering. Pethar§ a sreat deal of the local efjvity is due in\part to the --epirit of co-operation which is a feature of this locality. In Hail- eykury there' is a community spirit whieh has served the town well in times past and which will continue to prove of the greatest benefit. parent at times to the casual ob- server, to those who have spent some years here and who been in a position to closely ob- serve the ways of the residents there is evident that true spirit is in the end, lead her on to greater things. --_--_$_-- LETTER TO THE EDITOR Haileybury, July 20, 1925 The Editor, "Haileyburian" Dear Sir: When taking a trip into the bush one is often struck by' the fore interesting to note that there is One spot in this town which is||B frequented by many varieties of birds during the summer, and Whose presence is very welcome. [have kept a record of the dif- ferent birds I have seen in the garden of Mr. Norfolk ster Street. been merely transients but to my knowledge the' first eight, a least, of the following list have nested and brought up their fami- lies there, and no doubt many others have also: ; Robins, Yellow Warblers, Pur- ple Finch, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, at Wren, Waxwings; Wood Thrush, | Olive Back Thrush, Myrtle War- Dlers, Magnolia Warblers, Junco, Vesper Sparrow, White 'Sparrow, White Throat Sparrow, Nuthatch, Green Tinnet," Red Poll, Goldfinch, Bat, Redstart, Chickadee, Tawny Woodpecker, Flicker, Grakle, Blackbird. Of course*the delightful sur- roundings of this-@arden have at- tracted these little visitors should always be encouraged to stay here; their economic value} in destroying grubs and pests is of the greatest value to the bitiotts gardener. one has seen other birds which| are not on this list. ; Yours, | S. J. MASON. am- Canadian National : Railway Earnings The gross earnings of the Ca- nadian National Railways for the » week ending July 14th, 1925 were' '$4,426,722.00 being a decrease of $166,763.00 over the correspond-; While it may not be ap-}]| have of loyalty to the town which will] ab- iz sence of bird life, and it is there-|| on Brew-| 7 ; | Some of these have}| Crown |}| who} } Perhaps some-} front doors. To properly see Haileybury the best way to view it is from the Lake, and the rest- ful influence of a couple of hours' | ride on the Lake is worth all that is charged for the trip. To the-younger folk, the pres- ence of music for dancing will give an added attraction, when to all these are added itisfaction of assisting a work such as the Camp, there should be a full crowd on the boat. Che number of tickets are lim- ited to 200, so that in order to be ure of participating in the trip tickets should be secured early. and the Boys' ing week of 1924, The gross earnings of the Ca- nadian National Railways from Jan, 1 to July 14, 1925, have been $114,260,339.00 being a decrease of $9,603,332,00 as compared with the corresponding period of 1924. 'Chance for Fine Trip! Notes of The North The third annua] Farmers' Day beld in Iroquois Falls was remar- kable fer one. thing--that. five men who Bave made a - careful! study for ten years or over of -ag- rieulture in Northern Ontario were very emphatic that, there was no part of Canada which of- fered greater possibilities to. the farmers than the clay belt; that 'in spite of the present difficulties the settlers had to face, the _fu- ture was very bright, -especially along the lines of dairy and stock farming.--Jroqaois Falls Broke Hustler. , Work is now in good progress on of the road between South Porcupine- and Timmins. The contractors say the road will be completed. by September. Pfevious to. July 1, the road was closed ad- vance the transportation ef ma- chinery, materials, etc., to the River Road section, which is now practically completed and work is now centred on the completion of the section from South Pore cupine to the subway at Timmins. --Porcupine Advance. Charlton Troop of Boy Scouts, under the Stoutmaster, J. A. | Hough, will go to camp this year jon July 27th. The camp will be | held as usual at the head of Long |Lake at the home of Mr. True- |man Gibbons, who has once,more consented to allow the Troop to juse his premises. All Scouts who intend going and have not yet notified the Scoutmaster, are asked to please do so at once.-- Englehart Times. Councillors Brewer and Lend- }rum, of the Fire and Light Com- |mittee, and Fire Chief Mathieson |met M. F. Fairlie, manager of the Mining Corporation, with regard |to a proposal to instal two six- {inch lines; with six hydrants, on two sides of the company's mill. The mains would be supplied from Cobalt Lake and the instal- \lation was recommended to the Town Council by the chief. The jeompany was willing to pay for "the cost of putting in, ong line, if the town would unde rele, NORTH BAY, OLD HOME WEEK Aug. 2nd to Aug. 8th, 1925 Citizens' Joy Week in Ontario's Youngest City (avi the-gb-| SOTTO BIGGEST BRIGHTEST BEST (/0N'i BASEBALL every day North Bay ys. Copper Cliff, New Liskeard, Etc. WEDNESDAY $1900 in Purses --MON | By HON. CHAS. Imposing Pageants, ~ FOOTBALL--North Bay REGATTA -- A DELUG 1 MAGNIFICE Miastrel Shows Rides, Whips, Merr 'MASSED CHOIR 700 --School Children-- 700 HORSE. RACING sme Presentation of City Charter Gorgeous Costumes Beautiful Floats « THE WORLD'S FAMOUS AERIAL ARTIST JAMES: E. Daily Performance, Spectacular and Unequalled TRACK EVENTS -- DAILY FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tennis and Horse-Shoe. Tournaments See Official Prize List,for Sports and place your Entry with THE SECRETARY by JULY 3ist BANDS. EVERY :DAY - FIREWORKS Amusements of-all kinds. Moonlight Excursions, LACROSSE -- Old Timers North Bay vs. Sudbury, Mattawa The National Game Again, POTAT TAT, FRIDAY in Purses stallation of the other.--Northern News. Reports from Bourkés tell of the discovery on the Ontario Gold Veius Limited property, one and one-half miles northeast ef that station, of a quartz: vein carryi quite Coarse native gald-and tell- urides, the latter supposed to be gold carrying. The-vein-is in a contact of basalt and. diabase, somewhat similar to the .main vein at Bourkes Mines to the east and officials state that cross trenches have picked up the vein at various points.over a length of 700. feet. No information is a- vailable on widths. --Northern Miner. It has been decided to hold the annual Plowing Match og Octo- ber 8th this year, and should not interfere with farm work. The place chosen is the farm of Mr. T.eE. Cragg, Thornloe. This should be a central point-and a large entry is looked for. The plowing match is under the aus- pices of the Temiskaming Plow- men's Association and-should be strongly supported by the farm- ers of the district--New Liskeard Speaker. Se Plenty of Tenders for Work on the New Trunk Road No contracts had been let. on the trunk road up to the time of going to press, according to the engineers in charge of the work on the section between Temaga- mi and Latchford. There are a large number of tenders and there are plenty of men to do the work, so that it is likely to be rushed to completion as soon as the contracts are let. Tenders for the more southern section, from Mileage 60 to Mile- age 80, were to be closed on Fri- day last. These two sections, which are to be I€t in stretches of approximately five miles each, will comprise the proportion of the road which it is the intention to-complete-this year. It is the intention of the government to haye the road completed ove; the whole distance from North Bay to Cobalt before' the end of 1926. labia - About Pest of Woods ~In this season of? vacattow's; when maty 'people are betaking themselves to the woods ° and streams, the following informa- tion' oni' dne' of 'the pests" of _ the forest frow-the Botanical Divi- sion of the Central Experimental Farm should prove of help in a- voiding--the disastrous results which many have experienced: "Year after year as folks fare (forth to camp or summer coteage interest in poison ivy revives. applied before growth becomes too dense, or after mowing it with a scythe. . Caustic-soda and other poisonous chemicals are al- so recominehded. "Asa rule, how- ever, direct-remova} of the' root- istocks from, the-soil,,by means of abbing hoe, potatokook, dig- ae or ploughing, when, possible, is-preferable. -- Sometimes- when growing-in-leaf-mold or-rich soil, astonishingly. 'long: strands of rootstalks can be dragged. out in- tact. This is most. safely and easily done before spring growth commences. Small patches have thus been cleared up at one oper- ation, which would have required repeated spraying. hmany have yet to learn to recog- nize these low, bustiy, slightly woody - stemmed plants, rising from long rootstocks at or just below ground level, and bearing the characteristic leaves of triple, smoothish pointed leaflets, and frequently the old clusters of round, whitish fruits. beneath them. { 5 Failing to recognize and avoid the plants, many people, suscept- ible to poisoning, find themselves presently interested in remedies. Few seem to be aware that on contact with the weed, or even with shoes, tools, etc., that havé been in contact, they should promptly remove all traces ef its virulent oil by freely lathering the skin with strong soap, and rinsing under hot running, or constantly changed water. In- flamation' resulting from unsus- pected exposure, or neglect of the above precautions, may be relieved by applying solutiens of baking soda-or-Epsom salts, one or two teaspoonfuls to a cup of water, and bandaging. Various elaborate treatments are offered which are seldom any more help- ful, or so réadily available. It is surprising how few efforts are made to clean up ivy from constantly frequented public and private grounds. Though eradi- cation is bound to be laborous, there are plenty of people who could safely work at it. In hard or rocky ground, wherever in- jury to the soil does not matter, dry salt or strong brine might be Phone 251 - Haileybury, DR. R. C. LYON" _ Physician and Surgeen Office hours 9-10 a.m., 2-4, 7-8 p.m Jory Bleck Ferguson Ave. Recipe Book Send today for this collection of tested recipes for Soups, Breads, Entrées, Fish, Vege- tables, Salads and Dressings, Cakes and Cookies, Pastries, Desserts, Ice Creams, Sher- bets, Candies and Beverages. It will be sent to you free. The Borden Co. Limited MONTREAL Browning St.W. Choice Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed I PHONE 244. | Z SS New Laid Eggs Kraft Cheese DAY-- McCREA, M.P.P. DOU NOD NINOUAA vs. St. Thomas, Sudbury (® HARDY E OF WATER SPORTS NO /BVO/A/AVI/DVI/BVI/4\) NT PRIZES Community Dancing No idle moments" y-go-round, Shows : Parades Galore Reduced Fares on all Rail- rads. Eastern Lines, Certifi- cate Plan. Single Fare and one-half plus 25c. "Enquire from your Agent LIOTTA John Ferguson, President COME AND ENJOY SEVEN GLORIOUS DAYS in Satie THE ees: CTY <3) ya ------See Programme for Full 'Details of 'all ev: Sates lg ha es Charlton, LR sae ae Sectetatyan a> aamre stirer > ae Fs GOLDEN BANTAM CORN (Fancy Quality) reg. 25c _Renfrew Creamery Butter (Fresh Weekly) 3 Big Week-End Specials can, B12 3 > Sie gees a A 19S PRN ies Ae RS ee Ore ee SoMa Ur Ib. 40; FRUIT SYRUPS (Orange, Lemon and Raspberry) for making delicious drinks Pages ase A Gro zennm ani ee ne Renee eee ee ee eee EY ' 60c New Season's Grape Fruit, nice medium size Jise Sees oN, Ha RE ec te each 15c NEW BEANS CABBAGE CARROTS, BEETS, APPLES, ETC. = : - 3 if r A shabby roof gives your buildin not spruce it up witha Barr Barrett Mincral-Surfaced surface of natural slate in red, gt In the Barrett line arc several tyy roofings--all lastingly Weather-tight, not rot or .rust--pever 2 highly fire-resistant. tt Roo? Wee Roll Routi.g, cen or blue-b Ir Yes, the Roof is Important es of s] These poly Haileybury, Ont. sarun-down look. Viky with its weather slack, ® shingles and 1c] necd painting or staining and = Oo ROOFINGS There's a Barrett Roofing that's d-fnitel or every type of building --your home, your your barn, your implement Come in! Let us show s : ou thes You'll find the prices mee aug shed, or your £3 acuozy. on your pocketbook. : ; . Reilly Allard Hardware Co. 2 Oe ak Phone 33 = = - speciaily like Prati Soe foonngs will are iy Rgde oa Garage, cofngx ae voy - ms 1 Sarr 4 ane te

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