The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 23 Jul 1925, p. 5

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Established 1909 ; le- 0 2 = ie + DRAMATIC SOCIETY » hone 77 te Bang 34 Officers Installed. by. ' Old Testament Either 'TO eer FORMED AT: ee YBURY f PLY = 02; NG NEXT WEEK 'HAILE UPPLY © "30 For Haileybory| gas Ek 09 8 LOO . Encampment Gospel or Sealed Book 3.5. 2: : eee oe Pieler Sears é : ; ay mer c it planted un a rere Ie STOREL-- ay. > ~2 ic Sor 7 New. Liskeard, 3.) Bourgeois, p..-3 0. 0,0 3:0}. 'Weak 'Oddfeltows: iad: "tclonat ee "his, serthon last Sunda Revaytear fature: Dadar rueee. in <ibel - Bat a © Obe big inning decided the.balll) Gy to the-higher branch ofthe OrfJ.O. Watts, pastor the' United}ple 'who are Interested' ih or LN: Cane +Rérke Avecand Ressoll " apequte: at Lakeview. Park yester-| <. . ~c 38.3. 8. 24 In. Shder: assembled with the' brethren| Church,' touched on' the "question line' met in the T.0.0.Fy Thetsiel = ofat-New 'Liskeard last night' for} a! the semiannual: installation, 'of officers of Eonriskanting Sarat a > day gfternoen betweer the lecals| » wand" 'the' 'Liskeardites.-: Haikkybury eee neat S which is: causing: =a i ton Harrigoa's 'offerings e deal of Conitnedt 'through: World in View. of the trial on Weditesday Tati "wher } somé Bee Gedetrign de ind Provisions 'plansi were made and pretin ary work done. With the-object ofl TEM tne LEAGUE. IsKAMH EDULE OK 1935 vrtek orth a a ee ruts, and ---- mest No.-92.- Therewas* at" chool teichér in Tennes-}iaterestin; ~RRESH SH FRUITS 4 % as reat 4 number asl : that Sait 'decided: the issue. nae ee es tendance of abdut fifty and ait i: pe os Ma chargé" of breaking - a }possible:in'thé 'project, another aati Oranges, sweet ands ~ '= Qutside 'of that one frame it Was anybody's battles In fact, hE visitors out-hit the locak, and ~ "Gad fewer "errors. * Haileybury 2 'bunched four of their six hits in -~the big. frame; and made them at 'the. opportune moment. The 'barrage caused the retirement of Harrison, the young, southpaw, =ind the entry of Bourgeois, tall -right-hander, who Breezed by in the final four frames with only a solitary tally being counted a- _gainst him. meeting will be heldin the same place' on Wednesday evening July 29th. ~~ Ladies * and géntlemén : wishing to become" members of} the proposed sdciety are' request-| . 25% < ed-to-attend on' that date, when the: final organization will bé carried out. Those who afe promoting the proposed dramatic society have 'all joined in various amateur per- formances and are convinced that a first-class organization can be built up in town.: They are look- teresting and instructive evening, was spent. : Following - installation, . three Past Chief. Patriarchs, Bros, A\A:}m Andrews, J. H. Ruttan, of Hyiley- bury, and A. R. Parliament, of New Liskeard, - were presented with collars of their-rank, © >: * Several of the brethren présent gave addresses on the work of the Order and at the 'close of * the ivehaee refreshments w ere serv Cardinal Begin Had: "The new ace gen iso State few by teaching some of 'tthe doctrine. Mr. Watts spoke = m_ the text; "Who also hath iS, able" ministérs of the ee "testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit; forthe letter, killeth, but the spirit giveth life," ~-2 Cor., 3-6. Previous to 'his sermon, he read the first chapter lof 'Genesis, for his Oivn conifort, he said, and he proceeded to show the difference between the letter and the spirit. The "Bible was written; not with ink on tablets, . te 3% 29--Kirkland at Haileybury, 3.30. 31--Liskeard. at Cobalt, 6.00. ~ @ AUGUST 1--Haileybury at Kirkland, 6.00. 5--Cobalt at Haileybury, 3.30. 7--Kirkland at Liskeard, 6.00. 12--Haileybury at Liskeard, 3.30. 15--Liskeard at Kirkland, 6.00. 17--Cobalt at Liskeard. 6.00. 19--Kirkland at Cobalt, 6.00. ee 11 qt. Basket . Bananas, Hiliphersias, Watermel- : ons, Canteloupes, etc. 4 %, se Haileybury's fllock of five runs : C.P.--G, C, Coulter. he but spiritually onthe hearts of|ing forward to some good enter- Tematecs, ae and all came with Barton, first man up, Long Church Career H.P.--R. W. \Piche. men.* Anyone who read the old|taiments during the coming. au- Frésh Vegetabl getting a life on Donohue's error S.W.--A. H. Jack: 'testament, Mr. Watts said, must/tumn and winter and ask that CREE AS at second. Barton stole and Mc-f J.W.--John C. Page. either arrive at 2 gospel or find alall who are: willing to join in will FRESH FISH * Scribe--J. G. Wyatt." Treas.--F. Findley. iS Guide--A, A. Andréws. Ist W.--V. C. Stuckey. 2nd W.--T. J. Duncan. 3rd W.--Allan Kay, 4th W.--J. W. Hughes. I. S--R. W. Thompson. O. S.--W. C. Beckett. Ist G. of T- a Norris. 2nd G. of T--A. R. Parliament. sealed book, for the spirit was in the heart of it. He wondered at the controversy, and how any person who read the Bible witha clean mind could engage in_ it, jand he doubted if either side | would profit to the extent of dis- covering the letter of the word. Rev. Watts told how the teaching of Jesus brought togeth-| His Eminence Cardinal Louis Nazaire Begin, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, died at the Archbishop's palace in Que- bec on Sunday morning last in} his eighty-fifth year. His death was the result of an attack of ur- emia: which developed a week previous following a motor trip to Kinney singled to centre, and come to the next meeting. went to second on the first ball. . Cowden rolled one to Donohue, who failed to gét the runner -- at ~the plate. Roberts drove a single #o, left, scoring two runs, and «stole second. Hughes 'went. out, ' pitcher to first, Roberts going to } third. McArthur rolled to Perry who failed to get Roberts at the arrives Thursday noon Cooked and Smoked Meats Milk-Fed Chickens McKINNON'S the martyrs of virtue, both in en- durance and in number, - plate, Burns singled through| the village of St. Nazaire. er verses of the old testament, as| eshort, and: Wood came through After lying i in state at the Basi- a etinisteputtozether tre epirit-| with a mammoth clout to. right|lica this week, the body will be ual and !physical in life. A shrine| THE SALVATION ARMY interred in the crypt on Saturday was needed, 'for two bases, scormg two more something central in runs. This was enough for Har-| beside the remains of the other! ~ Ginday services: Sunday school(every tte, Just as Jesus aid (His (} tison. Bourgeois caused McKee] Archbishops of Quebec. 3p.m.; Salvation meeting, 7.30 p disciples found theirs in the de- oD, to pop up to second, and threw] The deceased renin ey of i. "| termination to "do the will of my| Barton out at first, to end tle} Quebec, who only last month cel} \Week-day meetings: Tuesd Father," We need the study of | vent 7 ay 5) sday ra big frame. ' ébrated his Sacerdotal Jubilee, --Young People's rate! Shite 4.30-|the Stiptures and should vener-| Efficient Service Liskeard counted two 'in the}has been in the priesthood sixty] sojqiers' Meeting, 8 p.m. ate the-letter of the Word he said. | Established 1907 years, while he has been a bishop seventh. Grills singled with one Thirsday <S. S,-Guard Mect+|subasieseat value in the Christian| 'man down, and Auger drove one} for 37 mses and a cz ers i ing, 7 p.m. ~~ | life, but we ¢an "find part of God's| to left which Hughes tried to) years. e was given the biretta| 'Pyigqay: ape ; :. slalpbabetminievery. little child. | | make a shoestring catch on. Thelin 1914, just after the outbreak of an pees eect § "The Church Sricth Ades pat Abundance of ball got-lost in the grass and went| war. We extend to all al - wo).| Shepherd little children," he con- as a homer. They added another Cardinal Begin celebrated his) ome to needa ee cluded, "has lost its proper func- I ¢ E in the eighth. Barton funmbled| 85th birthday on January 10 last,| Wherever anc whenever our scr-| opm ene world, for all religion ' Donohue's roller. W. Thompson|and had intended visiting Rome! vice can be of any help and co_{centres around the little Child in -slammed a hot oné at Wood, who| Louis Nazaire Begin was born} fort to you, do not hesitate to the arms of Mary." "threw him out at first. Barton|in a farm house near Levis, Que-| call uponius: It will be ajoy to = 'again mussed up Perry's ground-|bec, and his subsequent rise finds} ys to serve you. Let every man ask himself with 1 'er, and when Roberts threw to| few parallels in the history of the EINAR JENSEN, Lt. which of his faculties he can and 'catch Perry stealing, Pee-Wee| Roman Catholic Church in Cana- Officer in charge| will someho winfluencé his age. 4 'delayed the throw home long|da. Despite the high position he GHAST GUARK? Ia: bi ae =~ pe, aa eee Ps Re agent gies a" OE vice far exceed Et ea aire, with godnch Bufet, Reg d 3 es } : = : ROOM SUITE, with 60-inch Buffet, Reg. i bury's final counter came in the| his childhood. He retained to ss . $935 00, for with 60-inch Buffet, Reg eighth. Cowden singled to centre the last the same kindliness of Patel = ae Ha : 3 , pele Seen and stole second. Roberts was|heart and simplicity of manner so}: SPECI L J Bo an ! BE*SURE: TO,S } safe-on Thompson's bobble, and| characteristic Gf the Frenéh-Can- A : A : i RIP u Hughes grounded to short, who adian farmer. He won everybody --_ . ' y Sled to force Roberts at Cee hay his native modesty. Children Ss Coaster Wagons (Shut got the hitter at first. Little] The late cardinal was in the STEAMER TEMISKAMING eras eee We arent Pete Burns, ditmped one down tol|habit of making annual visits to with Disc ieels and Rubber Tires "shird, scormg Cowden. all the parishes of the Quebec di- Haileybury to Ville=- Marie br Woe. a aa ten, pele they last The usually reliable Barton had} ocese, one of the largest in Amer- is} with Wooc 1eels, reg. $3.75 for 'the misfortune to turn his ankle|ica, mak ing therfirst in the spring R 1] We have many other lines which » are selling at early in the game, and it evident- and concluding the oe in nee 3 P: M., FRIDAY, JULY 24th i { Gaeeab mrices:: A call will ee ice vas that wie tan ly bothered him, as he had fourjember. There were 253 parishes ge ave you mone n your Furnishings. ee "of. the team's six errors. Roberts|in his diocese which extends from Returning at 7.30 in time for the | kc ae ys ies ea was the only one of the locals}Cacouna to Batiscan, and from ie : who grabbed off a pair of safeties Lake Edward to Coleraine, in the ION'S MOONLIG Has XCURSI ON HORPE & BRANCHAUD § although everybody was connect-|eastern tow nships. Cardinal Be- - ing with.the ball regularly. Roy}gin usually tri iwvelled by motor or House Furnishers Directors of Funeral Services E Grills grabbed three safe blows,| carriage; and boarded trains and TICRETS--SDULTS 31.00 CHILDREN--25c FERGUSON AVENUE my Ss -and Harry Perry had two for the| boats only when absoluetly nec- luckless Liskeardites. essary. . = a Clarence Thompson called the a OT ra -- "palls~ and 'strikes, while Bill Dee ee EEA ae ' r SNe ee a ea eT ? "Thuerck looked after the deci- SYMP. PHONE 29 FOR YOUR GROCERIES SOP ee sees ese eee P eee eee eG ee sions on the bases, and both were CABINET MINISTERS good. Thompson's manner of ae shouting them at the plate never; The usual sympathetic hez aring / "Jeft any doubt as to what the} was given ae corse raps argue = decision was, and he made a hit|the Northern Onfario Associatec PHE om D : with the fans. Boards of Trade which interview- MAIN STREET MERCHANT i Cote: MERCHANT CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND RORKE AVENUE ed membérs of theOntario_ Cabi- net last week on the questione of roads throughout~ the North Country. From 'accounts pub- lished in the Toronto papers, the case o& the North was put before, the government in a strong light and the attention of the ministers was drawn to conditions in the newer sections of the province in no uncertain terms. The delegation . asked for an expenditure of $750,000 on roads and cited instances-of the way in which dev elopment was being re- tarded owing to the impossibility, in a great many cases, of farmers getting their produce to market. The government was shown that The game was the fastest of -the season, being run off in one shour and thirty-five minutes. The locals play in Liskeard on Friday evening, weather permit- ting, being the play-off of the postponed game from Monday. Kirkland Lake were expected -to battle in Cobalt this evening, "put the threatening Weather may interefere again. Saturday the Cobalters are!due to play their second fixture at Kirkland. ; Next Wednesday afternoon the; } _ Kirkland lads will invade Hailey- J bury and this looks as though: it would be THE ball game of this -- season. Haileybury has to win Week-End Specials General Dry-Goods, Boot and Shoes of all kinds for every member of the family. Crown Sealers, Pints, Quarts, '/orGals. at Moderate Prices FRUIT OF ALL KINDS eeeecee en eee wee | Black Currants, Goosebetries, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, Oranges, Bananas, Grapefruit, Lemons A0c |i re 7 SATURDAY only--CREAMERY BUTTER, per Ib .. ; Bip Our prices are always reasonable i i Qrtrecrecesoesee FLOUR and FEED on hend at ali times erreccrsece ee a anne a --PHONE 29 FOR YOUR ORDER-- = seers weoeeooe er to keep in the hunt for the south i group championship. the tecnitory ri aie Bicoe ware Following is the bo xscore of|sent need is that lying along i Es H il b h c Li it d = _ yesterday's game: Transcontinental between Coch-} ,, Z al ey ury vin er 0. mi e 1G 3 HAIL EYBURY rane and Hearst. "i Fa ahs up- H 'I b oO t ab r h po a ejon the ministers that the propos-), | ur nta 'jon ~ McKee, ts ees 4.0 0 1 0 Ojed trans-Canada highway should a N S U R Eye N O w a ey Ys rio : Barton, ss. ---.: dm l)..0 Qe | 4) be built, through this region," in-> ad Spe Box 250 Phone 16 vee ' "McKinney, 2b..4/1 1 1 3 1)stead of arene the north' shore ies ------------E----EE "| : » Cowden, 1b. 2:.4 -2 1:14 1 Ojof Lake Superior. "WITH " --_ my Roberterc ssa "1 2-63, 0| The ee ee North who Our Complete Stock of FLOORINGS, SIDINGS, SHIN- < McArthur If. ...3- 10 1 0 1jcomprised the delegation were GLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, INTERIOR TRIM and § ~MBapneySbao- 3 0 1.1. 1. Ol Alex, Dewar, IroquotgsRalls; Macdonald & Donaldson ROUGH LUMBER open for your inspection a Wood=p.7...3 O*1 1 5 O;Stevens, Cochrane; Rev. Father LU} : I s y ins] ; - < Se Be Soe Sa Lambert, Hearst; F. W. Walling- Offic E rguson Ae Let us Quote You on Your Requiremeats--------__., oo 32 6 6 27 14 6 ford, Timmins anil D. McEachren € € ' ---- ---------- ------ _ NEW LISKEARD aie Cobalt, and the ministers .who We don't KEEP good lumber: WeSELL it -- j abr hpo a received them wer Hons. ue = AUTOMOBILE Pres ACCIDENT, eee . = Lapierre, Shey Oe 0. 2 0 Henry, Acting Premier, ILE. $4 LATE GLASS SERVICE : | : :/ PALIT 4 5 0 1 0 0 O Nickle, J. Lyons, JA, Martin and! Q Ls Ac BWR 20h 3 AON Paid Price. : 2 coals Sietee.eLiaige ¢-<caleren sti dea «sean " : o 7] ik ' = Pe

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