ue i SEES = fe AES = ; ™ "eS 1 : , ? The Po of Familiar ALWAYS TIRED OUT Surnames and Their Origin : ay of : ag ; An , it is to be remembered, People Who ema! 'This Need MOWBRAY (ees unit with which he was con-j 4, yee + Alpes eee of ED - Racial Origin--Angto-Norman. nected. st of a f thing the Help of a Tonic. ike ML t= ThrHied with the unknown. There ls The dictionary defines a tonic as 2 medicine that increases the strength ~ and gives vigor to the system. -That tells why Dr. Williame' Pink Pil}s are a real tonic. Thousands of mer and women are ailing to-day, not sick tn bed, but without ambition to do a full day's work, though they are forced to keep on. They are always tired or --hervots, do not sleep well, and awake in the morning unrefreshed. Many have headaches, backachee and stcm- ach trouble. Such people need the tonic help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The beneficial effecta of this medicine reaches the whole system. Dr, Wil- liame' Pink Pills do more than relieve the symptoms--thoey remove the cause. Mrs, B. Virginia Gray, Tofleld, Alta., has proven the value of this medicine and says:--'"I can sincerely recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a tired and run-down condition of the system. I haye followed the nursing Profession for a number of years and after .a few weeke of hard or trying capes I take two or three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, aiid dlways with the very best results. The pills also - Proved a great boon to my daughter at a trying age, and I have seen splen- did results as their use in other oases," Dr. Willtame' Pink Pilis are sold by aH medicine dealers or sent by mall at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williama' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----@--__--_---- A Wonderful Invention. Cassidy--"I see that they've invent- ed a new whistle." Casey--"Phwat kind of a whistle?" Cassidy--"One that sounds just as oud in the morning as it does at quit- tin' time." --------- tmperfectly Coached. Magician (to youngster he has called up on the stage)--"Now, my boy, you have never seen me before, have you?" Boy--'No, daddy." = It costs four or five dollars to pre- pare for a picnic, and a good heavy rain is frequently worth it. KKaten 100 aaich) Take a' spoonful of Sel Lithofos nt lass of water. efore break- fast anid rid your= eat of that dis- eeable feeling 3 dullness. An efficient saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys- tem of clogging Poisons and makes a new being of you. ep, a G2 eer - Here ss one of those Mngeh family from its modern speling you would not be Hkaly to suspect it. and America, however, are full of such ; such for two reaecus: modern French is a very different thing from medieval French, and #e¢- ond, becauee vuder English influences the names have developed spellings different from their original ones and different from modern French. Mowbray is a spelling which repre- sents, under the influence of the Rng- lish tongue, the "Mont Bret" or "Mont Brave" of the Normans. If you bear this family name it is a fair inference that the medieval an- cestor who gave it to you was one of the Normans who came over to Eng- land with WiNiath the Conqueror, and also that he probably did not bear that name prior to that time. Such names az these developed from the fact that the forces of the Con- queror, gathered from many parts of northern France, contained many men of the same given names, 60, it was the easiest method of differentiating them to refer to the place from which they had come, as this not only Menti- fled the individual, but identified the names which ere derived from thé| Varjations--McGann, MacCann. names of places in France, though | 52043) origin--ivish. ¥ngland | Source--A given name. hd names, coming criginally from French ! form of the designation af a very 0! r gources, but. apigtes recognizable as | Trish clan, which in jts turn rose to the | delight" in this day which 'fs so prone = firet, because dignity of x olan ace a branch or sept, to hold ail that ts decorous ¢o be near "MeCANN. This family name és an Angticined of a ati] more ancient clan, that of the MacMahons of Uleter. The Irish speling of this family or clau name is excepttonel in that it is virtually identicat with the Anglicized form, this being one cace where the Irish and Emgiish epetiings ars #0 siinple that no confusion has resulted 'in the transition of the name from one tongue to another. The Gaelic of the name is "Mac Cana," when used in the plural sense. As applied to one person it fs "Mac- Cann." This "Cana" was o-son of a chieftain of the MacMahons, named be ascertained, the period of the for- mation of the Clan MacOann was about the year 900 A.D. Thus the family name is from two to five centuries older than the ma- jority of Exglish names, and antedates the bulk of the German family names by a sttil greater period, though it is not older than a great many of the Scottish clan names. Diagnosed. "Pretty slow train, What's the matter?" "Locomotive ataxia, I guess." conductor. An acid h caused by i often creates rh i Set your right with Seigel's Syrup. Any drug atore. ------_9--__--__ Alchemy. Sometimes my day so sordid seems, So blank and colorless, devoid of dreams; That Hke the grains of sand in oyster shells, It seems it, too, must irk the place wherein it dwells. Then through the hours, monotonous 5 and gray, Phere come adventures, auickening: ~~ and-gay; The proven love of friends, the Wan of right, The surging forth of all the heart's pure might, And, as the oyster to a pearl turned the sand, The alchemy of Truth shows treasure close at hand. --Mary Chase Witherbee. has What Ie it? "Whalebone," began the teacher, "ign't a bone at all." "Well," broke in the bold, bad boy, "St isn't a whale, elther, 60 what is it?" Ste The one secret of life and develop- ment is not to desire and pian, but to fall in with the forces at work, to do every moment's duty aright.--George MacDonald. Time and trade wait for no man. --The Prince of Wales. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES the Department of Education. 4 is given In various trades. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, h. , Collegiate Insti High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. { may be conducted In accordance with ths regulations Issued by | THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION : The schools and classes aro under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations lesued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Ministor, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. (e )500:xCASH 1st Prize $100 2nd Prize $75 - 3rd Prize $60 4th Prize $50 6th Prize 7th Prize 8th Prize $20 5 Prizes of $10 each 10 Prizes of $5 each Every con(>stant will receive a price of at least $2,50 value, COUNT THE DOTS i If you count the dots correctly ae sell 10 tubes of pose and oe Eemover at 35¢ a tube, you you will have a c lve one of th will for the Ble Cash Prize. When we recelve your co ae we paetl cing you the Rust and Stain Remover at o! UNITED | SUPPLY CO., Dept. 40, TORONTO, 3 The Safe Side. With certain indiyiduals the first question asked, when it is a matter of taking sides, is whether the indicated attitude is safe. They desire to have the honor and the fortune that await the brave, but the last thing they want is to incur the risk. You will not find them promptly volunteering at the out- set for an enterprise of hazard. They will wait and see what the outcome is likely to be ere they enroll as. parti- sans {in any conflict. It Js an understandable desire on the part of a man to want to be on the side that wins. The easier thing is always to cast in one's lot with the puissant majority, not to give all one has and is to a cause that looks forlorn from the inception and seems to have but @ rank outsider's chance of victory. Yet, happily, there are »those of the herofe mettle and the different mold who are attracted by the knowledge that success fs not a predetermined certainty and that conquest or failure depends largely on their own perform- ance. Some intrepid spirits have thrown themselves away on futile quests and vain objectives; they may have been 60 restless that they could not bide at home and must be "gentloman a™ venturers" in foreign legions, perhaps. taking part in Central American re- votutions, or it may be chartering ships and with kindred spirits engaged in @ search for buried treasure of Pirates in fronded isles of the West Inties . But Js there not adventure enough to be had in the champtonship of hopes, the furtherance of causes here at home that have nothing to do with the profession of the man-at-arms or the seamen? There is necessary war- fare in the name and under the flag of social, legal and medical reforme , which call for courage as well as the! battlefield, and whose pioneers must often inour loneliness and odium while the popular acclaim €0e8 to charlatang and demagogues "'Tis man's perdi- tion to be safe when for the truth he ought to die." Those who have de cided that a certain course ig right cannot be satisfied with another way, though their own path is difficult to tread. They are not asking to be spared the hard things; they give wel- come to the experiences that test their } i } | i 1 } | household | fibre and develop fortitude and train them to face serenely what the days may bring. ----9-- --_. Living Green. I never knew how much green grags Could mean until ¥ had it not; Until I went to live where I Could see no tree or garden-plot. The joy of living green I loved, It was a part of dally being, As easily as much of life As thinking, moving, feeling, seeing. But hedged about with stone below And sky above, what it could be-- I came to know, to realize-- To miss the eight of shrub and tree, And when spring came my poor starved soul Cried out aloud; I could not stay-- I have come back to where I see ; Green hills and growing green each day. --George Elliston. ay AEs Family's Age Totals 465. Under the same roof in the WilleEO ,of Billingsborough, England, are -fiy women, 3:1 relate], whose combined | ages total 465, an average of ninety- ; three. They are all active. Two of j}them earn a iving by knitting ana dresemaking, while the other thres do! | housework. The patriarch of the is ninety-seven, but still! | gets out to do the shopping, while ihe | | flapper of eighty-coven epends most of |her time doing the kitchen work and \chores The others are aged eee eight, ninety-one and ninety-two. SS Minard's eo mene for sore throat. "Maithgambuin," and as nearly os can!" the poetry of familiar ehings, - true nevertheless in their Nttleness or greatness. This is the kind of poetry tn which that century eo dear. to Theckeray, the eighteenth of happy memory, so decorously detighted. One almost hesitates to eperk of "'decorous to the stilted or artificial. The decor- {ous is not nacesearily. so. amy more than the abandoned is neccesary ar- tistic or sincere---Cornelua Waygandt in "A Century of the English Novel." ee ee SIXTREN YEARS USK OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Has Shown One Mother There is Nothing to Equal Them. A constant use of Baby's Own Tab- Jets for their children has proven to thousands of mothers that they are without an equal for babyhood and childhood ailments. One mother, Mrs. C. W. Jackson, R.R. 1, Gilford, Ont., writes:--"We have used Baby's Own Tablets ever since our first baby was born sixteen years ago. We have seven fine healthy children and the Tablets is the only medicine they re- ceived In their early years. Our baby | 1s one and a half years old, {s walking ©} ana talking and weighs 25 pounds. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medl- cine he has ever had." Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed to be absolutely safe for even the new- born babe. They are free from opiates and narcotics; act as a gentle laxative on the stomach and bowels and thus relieve constipation and indigestion; | break up colds and simple fevers and; was not a good man the mourners had | make baby healthy and strong. "You can get Baby's Own Tablets, fag your druggist or direct by mail at ents a box from The Dr. Wil- Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. + he Prettiest of Gardens. No known nation has even equalled the Spanish Arabs in the beauty and costHness of their pleasure gardens. The flower-perfumed air was driven or drawn through Inetal pipes into the Hving rooms, while sprinkling foun- tains were everywhere, some of them even containing perfumed water. To these gardens where experimental gar- dening was always in order, the world of to-day is indebted for the peach as well as many other very valuable cul- tivated fruits. -----__@--__--- tinAcd:s Linknent for dandruff. Fair Enough. Guest--Do you play anything people request?" Orchestra Leader--"Certainly." Guest--"Fine, I wish you'd take your men out and play a game of pool while | I finish eating." So New Money for Erin. New coinage in silver, nickel, and bronze {s suggested for the Irish Free Btate. The proposed money will bear Irish designs instead of the King's head. oS CHAMBERLAIN'S _ PAIN-BALM Your favorite old LINIMENT pa SH ts now betng offered in im oe TUBE FORM "Sxa-|| Better than before! nreexli Kasy to apply! aki pai oees nt Me well-) own selena parerscmwean ealing an netrat' Bete gualities have been intene = P ed in the new, compact orm, For over fifty years it has been s standard household remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatic pains or muscular lameness from any cause. 'Generous tube for 25 cents. Sold Everywhere, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto , good Wont yu ROSE "is good tea". Red Rose Crange Ahoe TEA Tig ct ties? ARE YOU BUILDING? MacLean Builders' Guide con- taing many practical designs by prominent Canadian architects, actually Duiit and Hved tn. Also |) contains well juetrated articles on planning, building, decorating, furnishing and gardening. Profuse ly illustrated. Send Twenty Cents for a copy. Questions answered. MacLean Building Reports, Ltd., 844 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. When the Dead Were Judged. | In ancient times the dead were taken before a jindge and jury and given a trial just ae though they were alive. In Deypt, the body was taken soon after death to an embalmer and kept by him for forty days. It wae then re- turned to its old home where the mourners wept over it for thirty-two days and nights, after which it was carted to the nearest sacred lake where witnesses were heard. In the case of a good man the body was allowed to be taken acrosr the lake in a boat and buried on the other side. If the evidence showed that the dead to take the body back home and keep it until such time as they could, by good works, gifts to the priests, in- cense and such things bury it proper- | _ Classified Advertisements, FOR GALE ------ HITR O4K BRIDGE PLANK, ARR Umbern eid Brox, Bothwell, Ontarto,. LECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT AND BOLD. KUlton, Frederick 8t., Toranto, RUBBER Goops. Re IF Iv'S MADE OV RUBBER, WH ) bave Jt Write us end menUon your Re Supply Co, Dept. W. Box 2704, Montreal Elms. Elms are the most songful trees we |have. I always ¢hink so when.I s¢e one alone in a level meadowland, It springs up 80 spontaneousiy, it Is 0 straight growing; and yet {it reaches out dreamful arms al} ways and they muse a Httle and bend from the joy- ous oné up-springing trunk. Oh, yes, they are songful.--Josephine Preston Peabody. ------_----EEEe Few of us would like to see our. felves as others see us,--Lord Ernle, = Andrews' Plugs (as STOP QQTHACHE Ble ts NTLY 5c. SOLD E EVERYWHERE Package Norwan §, Wright & Ce., Lenieed, Distributers, Tecewse Bn, zd ly in later years. All Tired Out--Feel Miserable, Generally? If you fee) out of sorte, your kidneys and Mver are not acting naturally. | Don't delay but go to your druggist | and get a bottle of Warner's Safe Kid- | ney and Liver Remedy and take according to directions. In a short time you shou:d notice the benefit from this -remedy made from Chapped Hands and other skin irritations are quickly relieved by & few applications of Minard's diluted with sweet oll. herbs and other bene ficial ingredients. Used for over 50 years by millions in all parts of the world. For your health's sake take care of your kidneys and liver. Soli by all druggiets. Price $1.25 | per bottle. Warner's Srfe Remedies | Co., Toronto, Ontario. Hemorrhoids That Shockingly Painful Affliction There are few of us who have not | suffered from this trouble, but little | do we realize that in most cases it is due to our own neglect. Medical authorities agree that Hemorrhoids (piles) could be largely avoided were one to assist nature by observing nature's laws. Hemorrhoids are most frequently brought about as a result of constipa- tion. Therefore, assist nature by as- suring an easy passage of the waste matter, and this can best be done by the use of Nujol. Nujol simply softens the waste matter, and aud permits regular, easy elimination, without any overtaxing of the intestinal muscles. Nujol, the scientific internal Jubri- cant, replaces the lack of nature's lubricant, and obviates the possibility of constipation. Ask your druggist Se Nujol today and remember--look for the name "Nujol" in red on both bottle, label Proved safe by millions and preeeved by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache and package. | % | | Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART se is the trade mark acides that scpi of Baycr Oowpuny will be stamped with (registered in Oanada) of Bess, Maguey of Kon of Salicylicacld (Acctyl Baileylic Acid, "A, "). ict means Bsyer orenufacture. to assist the abil a Cr ick: only "Bayer? package contains proven directions. andy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and ROD Druggiste. bile it ts ~ galdet alates t theis general trade mask, Ge "purer Cross." YOUNG WOMEN SUFFER MOST -- These Two Pound] Relief ig Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable able Compound Ayer's Cliff, Qu Quebec. - --"T have been teaching' for three years, and pa at the end of the yaa Lalways feel a ed and have no 'appetite. I was 'jawful sick each month, too, havin, Eipains in my bac! 'until sometimes I was oblged to stop working. A friend recommended tynaty Lydia E. Pink- 4 ham's Vegetable C i to me and I ian many women telling how good it waa so | thought it eae help me. And it did. low I take six bottles every year and recommend it to others.' -- DonaLpA FAnTevx, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.--"I had ir- ; regular periods and great suffering at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. J was teach- | ing school and often for some houra | I would be unable to attend to my | work, Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and it pas been of great benefit to me, the "5 bles being nON Gent relieved," --LAURA ATON, Canning, Kin) County, Nova Scoti tia, s 3 i RASH COVERED TALE AND NECK Caused a Lot of Pain, Itched Badly. Healed by Cuticura. ""My trouble began with a rash of pimples that covered my face and neck. The pimples grew larger and started to fester, causing a lot of pain. They itched badly and I was very restless at night. The trouble lasted four months. " A Sriend advised me to try Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment so I pur- chased some, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment J was com- pletely healed.") (Signed) Miss Martha Martene, R. R, 2, Crediton, Ont., Nov. 3, 1925, Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then, keeps the skin fresh, smooth and clear. Cuticura Talcum also is ideal for the skin, Deptt "itteoe as antral 2c, Ointment 26 and rm 25 Cuticura 'Shavings Stick 25c. Address Canadian Price, Somp ISSUE No. 16--~26. ~ '