The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 22 Apr 1926, p. 8

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> pe ei ore ey ee Local and Personal Mr. R LeHeup is in Toronto fora feyy days this week: on busi- ness. 4 "* : i = A. Simpson, editor of the shart Times, was in Hailey- fog a few hours on Tuesday. od F Bs: Child, of Matheson, in a day or two-last week] & Ene bur) Mr "a forn = pestis for was town Mr J. Evered, of the Grown Reserve Mine at Kirkland,..was in town-for-a few days this weels: Miss May Ringrose left on Sunday evening to spend a couple of weeks with relatives in Otta- wa <. 4 Don't forget the Golf! meeting on April FORE! Club annual 26th in. the-Hotel Haileybury at 8 p.m. Hig One dollar for membership in the Horticultural Society wall en- title you to: 12°C adioli Bulbs free Join nov MrsaAy J. home aiter and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Perey Carson, in Carson has returned a visit with her son Mr. and Toronto. Bruce LeHeup, who is home on a month's leave from H.M.S. Pa- triot, of the Canadian Navy, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Kennedy. in Goweanda. Remember the tea and produce table on Saturday, given by the Catholic Girl§' Club at Columbus Hall from 3 to 6.. All: afte cordial- ly invited to attend. Reg. Hayward has returned to spend the summer with' his par- ents, Judge and Mrs. G. H. Hay- other clergymen and Sc oe) fect condition. Apply 110 Rorke ea age rae ee ne see | SE = a OBITUARY -- [High School Students (2° 2s Ses Condensed Ads. | xt Mrs. Garfield laasiegaatl The death- of. Mrs. Garfield Heggart, (nee Esther" Mary Grate) occurred at the Red Cros: Hospital, H4 uteybury, on April Sth, after an illness- of a few yeeks' duration. She had been taken ill at her-home in Timmins, brought here for an operation, trom which ; fasled to recover. She was only t irs of age and fiad been matried four ™months ago. She is survived by her htishand, of Timmins, her Parents, ole sister and one bro- ther, all of North Cobalt. The Jate Mrs. Heggart was the daughter of Mr,.and Mrs.Edward Grace. of North Cobalt, and was well known to many people in Haileybury, all of whom join in enaiig sympathy to thé sor- rowing husband and parents. The | funeral was held on Friday afternoon... Funeral. services were conducted inethe Baptist-Church Here by Rey. Mr. Lindorse and interment was in the Haileybury cemetery. Many friends sent floral offerings as a token of respect to one who had been a general favorite. Fol- lowing is a list of these: Wie aslis ch, Y. B. Lodge, No: 347, Mrs. Weggart and family, New: Liskeard Bowlers, Mr. and Mrs. Byberg, \Mr. and Mrs. K. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hed- man, Mr. and Mrs. G. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ee wm. Mrand Mrs. J. Erickson, Father, Mother Sister and Brother, Mrs. E. Pet- erson, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Elliott, Loyal Orange Lodge No.:- 175, North Cobalt, Kinley-Darragh Employees of Mc- Mine, © Cobalt, ;| entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Kingstod and fam- ily; Mr. and Mrs. J: Magnuson, Carl, Viola, Peart and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Heggart, ward, aften completing his exams at Toronto Univ Baby: Eric E. Smith will hold a violin | recital on Tuesday night next in| the Opera House, New Liskeard, | Sprays--Mr. and Mrs,..-J. Taylor, Mr. Charlie Briscoe, and Mrs. Geo. Ebert, Mr. Lathem, Mr. and Mrs. Young- S. | himself, Mr. _|role and he carried it out with and | great success. Stage Clever Comedy One of the inmost amusing events that and have "been held here ina long time was the comedy staged on Thursday hight last. by the students ef the High School in the assembly hail of the school. The eomedy° was entitled "The Irresistible Marina- duke," ard consis sted -of three} acts filled with amusing Sit:fa- tions and the fun continu- ous from 'the raising of the cur- tain' to the end.of the last act. That there is plenty of ability a- mong the students was made evi- Was dent and the whole performance | was. one that gave the. andience the best spell of laughter. that they had experiénced for many a day. The hall was filled to over- flowing and the play was follow- ed with the greatest interest. and enjoyment. Great credit is due to Miss Scrymgeour of the teach- ing staff, under whose training the performance was arranged, Of the players. themselves, there could be nothing but praise for their clever portrayal of the:com- edy which is a fayorite one and was produced by special arrange- ment with Samuel French, of New York. Miss Georgina Blackwall in the role of . Lady Althea,and. Miss. Jessie Beattys as her sister,. Lady .Susan; were particularly pleasing and: "Mtss Jean McKee, as Patficia, was one of the best "of the performers. The difficult role of thé efficient secretary was very cleverly play- ed by Miss Frances Cameron, while Miss..2mily Hennessy; as Dawson, the maid, was a pleasing | character. A Of the. boys who _ took' part-Tye Marmaduke most difficult Yates chad the Charles as His cleyer acting es Jacobson and family, Mrs,|tn the many humorous sittiations . Peterson and Gertrude, Miss|Sshowed re: al talent. © Allen Ter- linac Waterson, Members A.S, | guso nas the family doctor, and D. Club, Simon Wilson, Miss E.| Lloyd Clarke as.the husband of ady Althea were splendid char- \moned and is of Game Played by Boys "Buster" Gibson, son cf Mr. and. Mrsak. Ro.Gibsmiy "Lake Shore Road, suffered a fractured ankle last Friday night when he was pinned beneath a crowd of other boys ina game of "ball" in the basement of the United Church. The boys were having a high time with the game, which is apparently menue tobe soute- what rough, and all cameé down in a heap with Buster at the bot- tom. 'When the mass..svas,. un- tangled, it was found that he hail suffered the taken home Mer was aid sum- resting easily > towards re- fracture: and mediéal now and makine proste covery : > Se So North Bay Hen Fails to Prove Prophetic Worth The North Bay hen which fore- told an earthquake for Aprile21st has faileé¢@to make good and,*ac= cording to latest reports, there is no solution of the mystery which stirred the city, on . Friday. last when an ege was found., bearing i raised letters-on the shell, the words "Earthquake, Beware, Ap- pril 21st'" The inseription was in raised lettering resembling a child's pre at printing, atid was slightly darker than the' re- maitder of the shell. Bo gene to Thg Nugget, experiments made-with other © but failed to produce anything ie the same effect, and some, of the citizens admitted that they were convin- ced that the exe might be a sien of-coming disaster. re ------e@--- CARD OF THANKS M. Craig and family de- to publicly thank all their ae nds in Haileybury_and | sur- rounding district tor their kind- ness and sympathy shown during their recent- bereavement. Join the Horticultural Society 12 and receive your premiuin 'of Gladioli bulbs now. (ja qrcmenn=) -- el-tf. Sewing--Wiil do all kinds ss _ plain sewing promptly. Calla Albert St., 3rd house cast of Gospel Hall. 2-1-* Wanted -- Reliable Housekeever; one who can ee full charge vApply to Mrs. HH..S. He unessy, Lake Shore Road. 2-t.f. For Sale--Slighily Used Electric Singer Sewiite,, Machine. , Will constder terms witharesponsib le persons A. G. Gagnen, 9 Maréella St: Phone 253. 2 -le For Sale--1925 Model Masort & Risch 'apartment size' tamed Oak Pianod>" cheap" for = cas! hh, 'Party déaving town. App Haileyburian Office. For Sale--Dining Room Set, tab- le, six chairs and,small buffet, solid oak, very cheap $40; Iit- chen-eupboard $4; medium size Quebec Heater Can be Seen at Mrs. -Philbia's, Marcella St: 2-1 For Sale--One Used Nordheimer Piano; a real bargain;. cash, or terms. A. MacLean, 110 Main Pea tieet. . ae Is 3-* Wanted To: Rent -- Five or Six- roomed 'house; possession May tt! "Apply Box 395, "Hailey- Duny. | g@azZ-* To Rent--May Ist. Small House 4 rooms, lightS and water. $20 per month.. Amwell near T. &N,,0.. Apply to Mrs en Herbert, Phone 149. et ts For Sale--Breakfast Set, Refrig- erator, 'Xitchen -Cabinet, Oil Stove, French grey finish. First -elass condition. 118,: Haileybury. 1-Ic Wanted TosRent-- Hoste Unfur- nished for a period of at least lease; EG one yedr on must be close to car, ant have all conveniences ght consider "purchase 'after twelve months residence. All particulars, etc, meet Haileyburian Office.. For Sale--Lots 14 and 15, Meri- * dian Ave} water Jaid on. , No reasonable offer refused; also two. choice lots, Rorke Avenue North, Apoly to G. Bailey, 110 Rorke Avenue. 2A For Sale--Lot 25, Plan M46, lo- cated on Meridian Ave.; sewer and water on lot, which iscen- trally located. Make "me an offer. L. Gagnon, props Coch- rane, Ont. 1-4-c For Sale -- $.€. White Leghorn Cockerels, Barron strain; _$- each, Eogs for hatching, $1. for 15. August Johnson, West Road, Phone 619, Haileybury. 1-t.f. Wanted--Plain Cook. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. For Sale--White Willow Go-Cart nearly new. "Apply at 145 Blackwall Street. 1-2-* For Sale--Findlay Range, 6-hole, tiled back, water front. Also Perfection Coal Oil Stove, four 1-tf | Eggs for Sale--From bred-to-lay Barred Rocks; $1 for 15; also hens-for setting. J. Home~ wood, 200 Browning: St., Hail- eybury. 52-t.£: Store for Rent--In Hutt Building now occupied by Woodhouse's Barber Shop. Apply on the premises. 51-tf. Singer Sewing Machines take the lead. See P. E. Gagnon,»New Liskeard -for 'your next electric or treadle "machine. -- Repairs and stipplies "always on hand. 51-4" For Sale--Small House on Latch- ford Street; all conveniences; apply at Haileyburian Office. House For Sale--Five Rooms, pantry and bath; new. Price $3,800. - Apply at Haileyburian Office. 26-tf For Sale--Seven Choice Building Lots on Meridian Ave., former site-of Children's Shelter. Easy at $ o'clock: for-the benefitiebtiie |berg, Martha Erickson, Mr. and|acters and Jack Fitzmaurice as} oi us. occcedicccecceee ates aor akan Nie tea payments if desired. eee : ~ litt li Jol Blackwall, as burners, with oven and high R. LeHeup, Secretary, Child Lady Minto Hospital. Mrs. C. Conroy and family, Mr.|the. solicitor, John Blackwall, a 3 . back, both nearly new and in per- 's Aid Societ 16-tf : oe a5) Mee Tyanson, ee and | ie vee a suflel dh a the 6 Abolished sack, both nearly new and in pe ren's Aid Society. Evangelist Mackintosh w i1 1) Sirs. amimerstrom anc fam-|¢ See gaauis nig aerhe mame a --= commerice on Sunday Me hE next il Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsoan and) the paper- lianger all played their or Not" a series of lectures in the Oraige family, Miner ddcorville, Mzs. W.|Parts i fine'style. © The whole i y | dai "din h rmance was. eatremely we 5 : EI fom the gus o agg pint, eda Mr erormnee wm esemel et ee a ition of th Gommaiic ANC TS. ooke r, and rs. |e 2 peter nae ia (Sa a : p34 . t ad Sh F fon of = the te _ sancnss i\Whorley and family, Mr. and!entertainment, "The Law in Its Relation to é OO Ss ari oes ql sreetings --_-- | Mss= Taeenigpand: | The attdience was wes it Be The Gospel" Fl A ldwween the acts to several~ viol THIS WEEKEND FEATURE IS IN SHOES el he 2 : ine Ghe tiie ; Sines ee ' y Miss Jean Belec and ei : S WEEK-END FEATURE IS IN SHOES E| Haileslane Curling Cleb will be, Clarence Edward Hunter eee Cuan ho are well f, Some assert. the Ten ; alleypury 8 , f reorg rodin, vho- are W " a pialie aaa ' E held on Tuesday, May 4th. in the Fideence hayward. tlc. four 14 5a aa as clever Fon GhGiaee the pe oe : ; Hotel Haileybury, when a dinnet ths' old baby of Mr. and Mr accompaniments were played by olished. Are they ?) 3 - ; FAs. fe 1 s il -|months Oj ayy or -and i S. Vian Sere en = the FI el Bs Dae ived opts e es bos Rd. Hunter"Amwell Strect,-pass-|5uss Frances Cameron. =| 1 Oo ) ) Z > Ot ~ . --------"-(----_-- % El] 2 . :: ed away on Monday morning, a Sgeat, Heav Do Seaeee > we riba "pril 19th, after an illness of one} CARD OF THANKS } 5 t f Mr.'A.-Lapresle, avho hasespent st a ont ae ae at Mar Carhcld despa and Ning Evangelist SPECTAL ALL E ne. liven erie aaa oA es youngest Of six clildren m-the} AT. Garh gatt and M s PRICES SIZES i the winter at the Noranda Mines j Those teftMredtedna. azed|and-Mrs, Ed. Grace~and -family | ~ p 1 5 Bai NthisS ; one, Those teft are dna, aged uly | 4 r in Rouyn, has returned to Hail i - Cecil, 7; Inez, 6;> Joyce, 4;|wish to express their apprecia- t Mackintosh E eybury. He'expects-to gota Cal- Shirley, 2, and a friend. of the|tion for the kindness shown dur-, { Ss d 25. ifornia this week-end to Vist his lime, Ailecp.McKenzie. ing the refieas ilness and dez athe Sun ay, / Apr. i son and daughter, agact hice \"The funeral service. was held} of Mrs. Hegeart, with Rs " id wer™ . : ae be at the Noranada' office at the home on Tuesday genes wy the he! of hed ee --in the- FF | 1ere. i ' Ee a > Rey.| Minto Hospita ew Liskecghe 5 noon and was conducted by Rev. 1 1 at, eee! ' i 3 Mr. Lindorse, of the Baptist and the nurses of the Red Cross Grange fail Bal eyRury } Fl Sineice fae Ost El The Globe, ae ay Church. Brothers and sisters of| Hospital, Haileybury : ¥ +1 fe JES TO, CHOOSE FROM E says: "Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Con-|ine parents and many. other rela-|---= --_------ a Tk ie ¢ | jg) i : EI key of Haileybury, Ont.. whol, " and friends gathered to ex- i - : t el HARI SLATER McPHERSON é] <C) 3 J 5 1OVtives and friends gather THE UNITED CHURCH 8 15 EI have been spending the winter in} press their deep sympathy in this ' Ms . =D U e t i p. im. : i Hike aeeedenriee paeajere California, arrived im Globe pie: time of sorrew and bereayement.| Bev. D. A. Mace aesuer, Be: Je Po br nn SE Hi | the Southern Pacific, Tuesday, The parents desire to express Pastor ; 4 F : spend a few ema ee Mi their thanks to those who attend- 11 a.m. and 7 ge a Resto ie SAekG et Aw Geese 8) Er E and Mrs. €, C TedWway, ed and extended their sympathy.| 2.30 _p.m--Sunday School. E ° : South Street, whom, they lhave)and to the following for floral] All are cordially welcome. BI Jar. Gibbons BI known for more than a quarter tributes sent: Mr. and Mrs. nn ~ W/ rR. A Wy ? & i 5 : ' i of a century: ad Conkey was'a| Hughes, whorsent a spray of ALBERT GOSPEL HALL Phone 8 MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Busy Corner pioneer in mining and Inmbes in- By dustries in Northern Ontario. --_--<-So Spring Weather Here After Long Drawn Out Cold Spell! Spring weather has undoubted4 ly 'arrived now-after the long and tiresome cold spell which 'has been experienced. The past ko days haye shown unumistakat signs of spring and the prospects appear to be that we will haye warm weather now. The remainder of the snow is rapidly disappearing and_ the streets in some sections drying up. The\lake is taking on an ap- pearance of softness and looks as though traffic would not be safe for very long. Joe Police brought a large butterfly to The Hailey - burian Office yesterday, which was quite active and there have --~ been reports of bees baving been observed. Judge anc Mrs, Hay- ward noticed a robin near their home on 'I uesday evening, r oo Cabbages were sold in St.Paul's Churchyard, London, three hund- red years ago, when the cathedral clergy had the hawkers banished roses, sweet peas and carnations, Mrs. Duffett, sweet peas, and the Rehekah Lodge, sweet peas, car- leations and lilies. a et i 6 ' Get your Laura Secords at Bryan's Albert Street Sunday School ....... 3 p.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Bible Class, 'lhursday, 8 p.m. Young People Fri., 7.30 p.m. > LAWN & WEST ROAD on account of the noise they} enn PR . -ORNAMENTS- FOUNTAINS, BIRD BATHS, TABLES, S FLOWER POTS, VASES, ETC. ETC. Beautifully Built in Granite Pebbles REASONABLY PRICED See the Display at JAS. McFARLANE'S PHONE 301, GARDEN HAILEYBURY DRUG STORE SPRING MEDICINES Blood Purifiers, Spring Tonics, Waimpole's Cod Liver Oil. TOILET NECESSITIES Face Creams, etc., for protection gainst Spring winds. Lotions, a- We have a Fresh Shipment of Neilson's Chocolates and Bars Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos eos PH. WRAY, Phm.B. FAMILY DRUGGIST Developing and Printing 24-hour service Dr mA wera e nr rmnr serene ns: PRINCE OF WALES' TUR OF AFRICA AND SO. AMERICA Broadway Theatre, April 28th, 29th, 30th, May 1st Good , t What better calculated to stantly at home than a tal sonality of the hostess? to dainty service than 1847 A Well Set Table Promotes And what more efficient aids tern, or Holmes & Edwards "Romance" or "Century" Pattern Silverware? SEE OUR DESP: LAY OF THESE SPECIAL--Stainless Steel Tea Knives, set of six... Dinner Knives, set of six Cheer make one's guests feel in- le reflecting the true per- Rogers "Ambassador" Pat- FAVORITE LINES $4.50 $5.00 Headquarters for Victro n) A. W. SANDERSON JEWELER and STATIONER Pe ea ey ee er ae a ee | las and Victor Records « Phone

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