a ~ Notes of The North The new railway station is to be built in the angle of land_ this side of the skating rink, between the tracks and the road to the Wye; work is to be begun-- im- mediately. On Wednesday afternoon the T. & N; O. Commission came to Iroquois Falls and Mayor Ebbitt and J. Vanier, President of the Jocal Board of Trade, met them to express the opinions of those bodies. Part of the tracks from the Townsite down to the T. & N. O. houses will be lifted. The Com- mission had the plans for the new station with them. The plans show a large, well-fitted station and it is probable that it will be built of brick--Truquois Falls Broke Hustler. The New Ontario Garage and Machine Shop last week deliver- ed the motor cycle ordered by the Town Council. The motor ey- cle was tried out and 1s evidently a good one. Itis to be used in an effort to stop speeding and other breaches of the 'traffic and highway regulations. "This week Mr. W. Raycroft, in uniform, was on the job as the "speed cop" Mr. Raycroft has had previous police experience, having been on the Tisdale force at Schumacher and Moneta. -- Poretrpine Ad- vanice. Interest in the possibilities of Patricia district producing coal of commercial grade and import- ance will be stimulated shortly dy news of developments which are taking place quietly on the Missinabie and Opozatika rivers, near their point of junction, which is a distance of about-125 ' gniles as the crow flies northwest of Cochrane. Up until now stak- ing in the present coal "rush" has been confined principally to the area close to the McCarthy oper- ations, about ninety miles north of here, on the Mattagami river. The scene of the most recent stakings is about fifty miles due west of the Mattagami--Coch- rane News. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, of Cobalt, was in town last aveek and gave an account and talk of the work being done for the Ontario 1-0.D. E. She was the representative | from the North Country attend- ing the annual meeting recently. We understand there was a well- attended gathering of the smem- bers of the Order present to hear the report of Mrs. Mitchell --En- glehart Times. As a result of a head-on colli- sion between two track speeders, T. H. Constable, Provincial Li- cense Inspector, is in bed with a badly cut head. Provincial Con- stable Wetherall is in the hospi- tal with a damaged foot and bad- ly cut up about the head, and Constable T. Glide, Mounted Po- liceman, of Amos, is also in the hospital with compound fractures of left leg and arm. All are do- ing as well as -can be expected. They were on their way east on business when they met the other THE TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE NOTICE A list of Lands for Sale for Ar- rears of Laxes has been prepared and copies may be had in my of- fice. The list is being published in the Ontario Gazette on Satur- day, the 12th, 19th, and 26th of June, and the 3rd of July respect- ively, and that in default of pay- ment of the taxes and costs the Jands will be sold for taxes and costs under R.S.O. Chapter 195, Sections 141 to 162. Should any of the lands described in the list published in the Ontario Gazette not be sold to recover the full amount of taxes and costs at the said sale of lands for taxes on September 15th, 1926, I hereby give notice that an adjourned sale will be held at the same hour and place on September 22nd, 1926, when any of such lands may- be sold for less than the full amount of accrued taxes and costs, and at any such adjourned sale I re- serve the right to bid in any par- cel of land for the Municipality for taxes and costs accrued on ~ account of such Iands. 4. 2 LY R WHIT» ; Treasurer 'Municipal Chambers : North Cobalt, Ont., 15th day of May, 1926. 9-43 oe aii speeder about 200 yards this side 'op three square miles of coal of the Abitibi bridge. The oc- lands on. the Mattagamt River cupants of the other speeder es- and are sending down men and caped without injury.--Cochrane equipment to sink a shaft. Post. Provincial Geologist Burrows, 'and a geologist of the Canada The council had entered into an!Geological Survey named Mac- arrangement with the Board ofjkay, are expected to visit the the Lady Minto Hospital in con-|district shortly. nection with the providing of a] pPpyblic interest is steadily suitable Isolation Hospital. Ow-jcrawhng up, on appreciation of ing to the fact that the Red Crossjthe fact that the geology is fav- Association is assuming control]orable for the finding of steam of the Lady Minto Hospital the|coal treasures, and possibly fuel question of an Isolation Hospital: suitable for domestic use. The was laid over until some arrange-| opinion is now expressed that the ment can be made with the new|formation is a separate part of management of the Lady Minto'that which covers a large part of Hospital--New Liskeard Speak-}the west, and which has produced Ox the Alberta coal fields--Northern Miner. Councillor Fortin, chairman eof the Fire and Light Committee of the Town Council paid a visit to the Central Public and St. Pat rick's Separate schools on Friday afternoon. At both schools fire _- ----.- <= = Cobalt Contact Mine Has Entered Producing Stage All the machinery in the Con- drill was held, the pupils from the !tact- mill has been successfully former leaving the building in 31|turned over and milling opera- seconds, while St. Patrick's scho-! tions were expected to begin in lars were out in 52 seconds. Therejearnest about the 11th or 12th. are eleyen exits in the public] Sufficient rock has already been school and four in the other. The crushed to fill the ore bins. A chiefsays the results are e€x- flotation unit has been installed tremely satisfactory and an im- to float the slime tailings and provement over those obtained a! good extraction is expected to be year ago.--Northern News. jobtained owing to this additional jequipment. Considerable argen- North Bay men, including sev- tite and ruby silver present in the eral T. & N, O. Railway officials, Ore necessitated this installation. The mill would have been run- have formed.a company to devel- | NEWs. BETTER FURNACE t aSensational Price, Gilson's of Guelph now offer B you a perfected furnace--pipeless or pipe style--at a_ sensational price. The first revolutionary im- provement in home heating in half a _century--low-priced, efficient, quickly installed in any home, school or church. Costs Less to Buy-- Less to Use The new Gilson "Magic™ is built of Tungsten Plate. Transmits heat THREE TIMES faster. Patented air-blast burns all the gas and ¥ smoke. New type cone-shaped \ grate gets more heat units out of fuel. Electric arc welding seals the furnace tight as an egg against leaks of gas, dust or smoke. Burns Hard or Soft Coal, Coke or Wood You are not dependent upon hard coal alone as you get excellent results from any kind of fuel--soft coal, coke, oil-or gas- You enjoy an extra saving by using low cost fuels. Write for Easy Payment Pian A modcrate payment down in- stalls the new Gilson "Magic." Learn all the features of this new sensationally-priced heating system. We will welcome your inquiry. Catalogue, sketch plan forms, estimates and full information, gladly sup- plied without obligating you in any way. Act at once--this is the time to make plans for heating your home properly. ee eo J. MEANEY fore Gilson Mfg. Co., Limited a » 5 Simmer Jourist Seto the. =, Canadian Pacitic OCRIeS and the Pacitic Coast AN 6 in effect May 5 : xN Aor VANCOUVER . VICTORIA "\\ SEATTLE i. PORTLAND SS ot. $113.85 ° --BANFF -- REACHED ONLY VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC $91.05 _| LAKE LOUISE REACHED ONLY VIACANADIAN PACIFIC $92.60 Return limit Oct.31 Stopover allowed CANADIAN | PACIFIC | pee Mee ning over a month ago, but ow-|England, this was impossible, and ing to the non-delivery of certain | altogether beyond the manage- equipment as well as steel from jment's control. The strike in THAT'S real value for your milk money! THEN figure this extra economy -- with Borden's St. Charles Milk there's never any waste no "left-over" or skim milk. KEEP a supply ef Borden's St. Charles on hand for everyday cooking--and emergencies, too. (Because of ils double richness Borden's St. Charles Milk can be di~ luted with an equal quan- lity of water to make it the same as ordinary qpadt MARK ARGIST EG ED CHARMES|L Borden ST.CHARLES s afresh supply |England was largely responsible !for the non-delivery of the Engs 'lish equipment--Northern Mineg In every tall can of BORDENS there ave @ cups of pure, rich milk ANY * STC 38-26 z up-to-date? UW) We Do you ever realize that your Stationery reflects your Business? Are your Letter Heads, State- ments, etc., neat, pleasing and ~ This Office is equipped to do First Class work and our motto is "'Printing of the Better Kind"' THE HAILEYBURIAN | -- Broadway Street ee Phone 24