a PRS Ra NEN pu SO ra | was respected not only for him-|was expended, it might be pos- THE HAILEYBURIAN Ss as a man, but on account of!sible to secure from the govern- |his keen legal intellect and his | ment an_additional loan in order vigorous and refreshing methods |that the work of building might FOR SALE! during Sunday and Monday, the classes were suspended in the public school during the after- noon of the funeral and all pos- Published in the Interests of the Town of ) put us all in a good mood, pate Pungaiand . District, __\in the conduct of his legal work.!be further encouraged. It has/|sible 'respect shown for the death 1.--11 Lots on Lake Shore Road, North Cobalt, good for ss pie eer eanagy, AL ae On behalf of the Bar I add to}been found impossible to do this,|of one of the leading citizens of Summer Cottages; good beach. : Q é es Oetiy at |what you have said, condolences|/so that the activities of the|the town. A great gathering of 2.--1 acre Lake Shore Road, 1 mile north of Haileybury, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: to his relatives and his immediate | Housing Commission in Hailey-|townspeople attended the funeral beautiful view (cleared). 2 : ; 3 In Canada--$1.50 per year in advance | family, bury are at an end so far as the |services in the church and many 3.--Corner Lot adjoining the Golf Links, magnificent view. Tn United Spates Youre rear ie acyance ; "With your Lord-|building is concerned. The peo-|were present at the cemetery as 4.--6 Lots corner Rorke Ave. and Amwell; 'Col. Hay Estate J LEISHMAN &% SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS .{add a word or two to what THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1926 The Town Band on Parade Spring ---- "| | Mr. Smile | ship's permiss has jand by Mr. Gordon, as President the Bar Association here. I |have had the pleasure of an ac- |quaintance with Mr. Slaght bing beat of the drums, the clear! Bar, and haying been associated melody of the cornets, a rolling} with him, both in civil cases and march, the tramp, tramp of mar- jin the prosecution of the criminal Icdses in which I had the honor to on I would like to heen expressed by your Lordship for and the regular throb- many years as a member of the ple who have taken advantage of the loans will go on making their monthly payments until the en- tire amount is repaid, unless cir- cumstances arise in some cases when the loans may be paid off sooner. This is provided for~ in the agreements and may be taken advantage of at any time. It may be just as much to the advantage of Haileybury that the well. A great profusion of floral tributes testified to the general esteem and respect that was al- ways held for Mr. Slaght during his long residence here. ee 5.--8 Garden Lots over the track; Col. Hay Estate. 6.--Business Lots, Broadway, behind Union (Royal) Bank. 7--House and Lot opposite Fire Hall, reasonable terms. : FREDERICK ELLIOT, Solicitor Ry ! I ---- ching feet.and we all, from the hl g housing loans are exhausted. ' ragged urchin to the most sedate|act on behalf of the Crown. I!There appears tq be almost as 2 citizen feel our spirits rise and | desire to add to what has been}many houses now as there are x C: : t A i our feet tingle, while s6me inner|expressed by your Lordship and Teves for, and while there are ommuni y. SSE voice urges us to "follow the|Mr. Gordon as to the manner in |practically no houses vacant, the - band." lwhich the late Mr. Slaght con-|majority of people are fairly well rhe small boy who «hates practise his music lesson particn- larly loves the band. He runs a- long beside it all over the town and thrills at the mere thought of carrying the big bass drum. to | ducted so ably the ases he was engaged in. He was a man of outstanding ability and his in- | dustry and integrity placed him, jas your Lordship has stated, in |the forefront of the junior mem- provided for. In any event, the facilities afforded by the scheme have proved of great value in the rebuilding. Town Mourns Passing The need for the home town band, far from diminishing with the advent and rapid pgpularization of the victrola and the radio, is greater today than ever before, and is increasing with everygeneration. More and more forcibly are we being brought to realize that nothing can Te Mead ii siHeSeaAl ldnlas | barsiot the*Bar- foratien yuttale of Late H. L. Slaght take the place of the band at community gatherings of every kind. a si ' ; ? 3 z f Ontari and. he was Senin" D 2 ; me out of his oflice window when he| Province of Ontario, and he was 4 : * ap CK ES Te pha PS ea ety el ie Ste EE RAS on pa é 3 ' ' See Orel in Sean Hite Sees ont at neBie cane (Continued from Page 1) " The strains of the Band's lively marches are heard throughout the town Pee ees Bins ne ee : fice sa Districts obs alethigkaniiie He| The funeral was held on Mon- and all the citizens are drawn, more or less instinctively, to the centre of "Use y ( = pos ) ge) e S- A 7 Ry eS 4 i hte Traore eee BieA eS 4 3% 4 ~ Stes tt ; fe ae if ® toll w the band.{did not confine his abilities to|day afternoon from the family activity. The bright, lively music pleases and holds the audience, however é P| oO, ay follo a We «| « a = a G 5 ' Z S z ors Be Pek iat eo: home. hustling, hat-|the practice of law alone, but as|Home on Brewster Street, and large it may be, and does much to make the event a success. ez ome, s g, hat- A Creer We 4 a tgs ~ eae f co : ¢ ing everything and wishing she|the president of the Bar Associa- | Was under the auspices of the No well-informed person will deny the drawing power of good band A ; |tion has stated, he took part in|Hatleybury Lodge, A. F. & A. M. f music. had" kept that good job," runs to of which the Have you not seen crowds of people gathered on a Saturday even- Sa SSS SS = the window, watches and listens |the activities of the municipality r deceased was.a ing in the main section of a town, listening to the local hand concert? ; - while the parade passes, and goes |i which he resided. As a mem- member. 5 lineral services were 5 ' : back to her work with a smile on |ber of the Public Schoo! Board|conducted in St. Paul's Church, And business men know how profitable such concerts are!. They know 4 Gee faas Jand other public bodies, he gave |by Rev. Canon Hincks and inter- by the material increase in their business. For instead of going in their cars a * Pee bode} Be z ar a 4 > ~ x a a Se Rea ore S hae xs ane Yes, we all instinctively long |to them the same conscientious | ment, was made in Mount Pleas- to a nearby city, the citizens gather to listen to the band, their spirits are to follow the band, and it makes jeffort as he did to the practice of | his profession, ant Cemetery. Over sixty mem- bers of the Masonic Lodge met in pleasurably aroused, they spend their money in their own town and go home thinking that itLisn't "such a bad place after all." us all forget our troubles and and although \ a the Temple-and marched totl ss Fi lime f . 2mMineice a a¢ e e ye alc archee Oo 1e yxrie '@ man rt uch eminence, Wie n . gr yandes | if a : f a i. home and from there to the The town band has an almost universal appeal for everyone, everywhere, " ic > fierce yriet «02 z a a ass x - K : i Ces er ea I. Music the fiercest grief can ys a i te) cade ENG moc {| church At: Hemeratesitie fhe regardless of age, sex, wealth,time or place. Whether it be summer or win- P ar Cc. y and devo € Ss = 4 = ese > . * 4 . : , mine ' < a m 7 "h bel SE F is ae te 1q| Masonic burial Sevink wre eee ter, day or night, indoors or outdoors, when listening to the band one's spirits ; And Fate's severest rage dis-|Wish on behalf of the Bar to add|/asonic ales ape Fee : aie soe onee 3 S. : eee we Te An ' : ag 5 ; ; Ds i" B at, are quickened and civic pride, so necessary to the town's well-being and arm." |my condolences and sympathies by R. W. Bro. N. J. MeAulay, and : ae ' f Hae '] 4 What is a town without a hand? Why be without the greatest re- fining influence and entertain- ment known? Where is our band ? Why haven't we a band which would bring the whole community _ to- gether at its open-air concerts, make us forget our petty daily cares, let us meet opr neighbors and hecome more interested in their cominunity spirit. -- Tributes in Court to Memory of Mr. Slaght At the sittings of the Supreme Court here on Monday, the Hon- orable Mr. Justice Mowat, Mr. W. A. Gordon and Crown Attor- ney Smiley all paid tribute to the memory of Mr. H.-L. terms of highest praise. Lordship spoke as follows: His Bearer Hid al tigiiaecan natin reasonable rates for those who Dj court proceeds I think it only | WST® NOt 1M a Position to patil 4 proper that | should allude to ees eel ae coin gels R 0 AD AY passing of a young gentleman of Soest OWnlagtunitls. thatieais sf this town who was one of the scheme has praved a great help ie E ATRE leaders of the Junior Bar of the Province of Ontarie, Mr. Tlugh ; . LeRoy Slaght,* whom I have known for some years, and who I : 1 edly. mid\iscathe: , best neial Government followi sible method of building a true Me in" 1922> The one ft to his sorrowing relatives. OS eo Last Housing Loan _ Has Been Approved At a meeting of the local Hous- ing Commission held this week, a loan was approved fora new house, which has completely used ip the amount voted by the Pro- mount was $300,000, Wwhiel was provided to be lent to those who wished to rebuild their homes; and in some cases to newcomers, and has been expended with the best judgment of the local com- mission. The loans in individual cases have run from $1,000 up Slaght in| to $3,000 and in some cases slightly above that amount, so it will he seen that well over one jhundred new houses have been eal on this plan. ~ The loans are spread over a |period of 20 years at 5 per cent. jinterest, thus providing money at in the rebuilding of Haileybury goes without saying, as in the great majority of loans jcould not have been secured with- cases, all the brethren paid their last tribute to the departed brother. The parade was in charge of R. W. Bro. C. W. Haentschel: Flags were flown at half-mast Pe CCSTCCE SCC CSS CEC SCCHCCeS GARDEN PARTY At New Liskeard Separate School Grounds, Lalze Shore = : Road, on -- and Children's Clothes a Specialty --Band ~PPCCCCCCC CCC CCC Ce seco ees in Attendance--~ ----NOW PLAYING----,; progress, is fostered. _Why not boost for this great community asset and build it as a perman- ent institution of the town? " te eed 5 4 a Write for a supply of helpful information as to how to form a band, ex- periences of other bands, band contests, etc. ¥ The R. S. Williams & Sons Co. Limited An Editorial Advertisement inserted in the interests of more and better bands by 145 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 2 > held a high place in the estima |out paying peogchten cee PENDS tion afthe Judges, and I ene rate of interest, and in some Th principally in that regard. You [eye ate als . 2 : know, of course, and T know, that | | : 2s cane oT tee eS | Leet nq ' he had a high place in the cot that, when the amount allotted Fe Yr iy ohh 7 hi "60°" £ rs : ad ac : n- 4 en) Chrysler fa munity. I donot refer té that so | 3 = : 2 ighter Rpalagentnees pen iee a ss | much as to his eminent position Teter eccccecces cco sesoces "1 6-Cylinder Chrysler Motor. Chieysier Guality ana Value at the Bar. I know also', { Wey TY.) <7 a with Billy Sull, 2 54 brake horse- ; n als ) ie | $ VA Me power. e art courage with Ww hich he-met the| WEE KLY SA Li Ruth Dwyer 3 60 miles per hour and more. At Wew Low Prices at continuing phases of his | OF HOME COOKING Rede ; 4 Sto 25 miles in'7%4 seconds. For you who would limit your motor car investment to any of Hl eer It Nee With great re- EVERY SATURDAY ; eee eam gallon. the lower-priced sixes, Walter P. Chrysler presents another Y stet to me last night when leay- ; r Frid 7 oes ¥ ee ene oeneninicy sensational quality product--the new lighter six-cylinder 1 4 ing the Union Station at Toronto ' Bremner Block -- Main St. FIcey cand "saturdayeae alien aloy estos bale Chrysler "60". : Ss : = tet ae fo sixteen one-hu: 2 E : ' 7 'outue here that I heard of his t 2 to 6 p.m. } én ° - ence! Tn the new lighter Chrysler "60" are the same brilliant Chrysler ¢ S q ; eat h. L would like to extend to fxwe-bietebs 0650s 6 a0-5.sie elolotiant i Lim: ted. i? 8 Impulse Neutralizer--not a bal- engineering, the same high quality of materials, thesame superior _ roe " us relatives, especially (AS | eS ae ae eae ane a, toes Seve thababente craftsmanship, the same rigid test "and inspection, the same 3 ow, respectiul condolences in this : st = a sore alee tea adon assured efidurance and dependability that have won such a sad event. She can look back TAKE NO TICE Mail" = engities. public acclaim in all other Chrysler cars. : eee ae a Hoe E os il > 9 Purol: file ie kcase oil This ance hat ihe new lighter "60" will outclass every othér ~ 4 5 ught a good fight and was high- a ahs: ' 1 ale 10 Centrifugal air-cleaner-- pr car in the field of the lower-priced Six--just as every Chrysler . 2 ks renege by both the Bar and Munnicieot ad age ae a Monte Blue, Vera Reynolds gingers me pistons from road outclasses every other car in its particular field. : le Bench. - cor] 2 oS ee a 11 a.m., June 24th, 1926, at the : ~_f| > 11 Follpressure citing system--a film You will find us eager to demonstrate to-you the extraordinary . Mies 'ag : tries eat of eauce Houve, Piaikeshuik Oat 8 : of oil forall bearings, insuring long Chrysler qualities which make the new lighter Chrysler "60" ; tion, with pee aah 'SSOCIa- | as the hour, day and place of || MONDAY and TUESDAY _ o 6 2 Sea ieantomarcl plug aural ae nee nope icupeiced Fie rise sensational value in all motor a 'hg " Re Boe eet I meeting to deal with the applica- fe i : Se coecls ic plus manva' car history. 4 uy =~ fl = oulc Ke é rhe . . e , > as . 'ak a ae ae ae i a ¥OU tion of the Township of Bucke & 99 13, Manifold heat control. Touring Car, *1535 ; Ps oie oe oe 4 S with re-| fo» the annexation of the unor- } et 14 Chrysler roadability easy to } Readster, °1605 : : : te ' ae FOr t s ae genized Townships of Lorrain oe? & pees evo andl arial Club Coupe, *z660 : ? » for many years, in fact since | ard South Lorrain to the organ= eo | eae = SYR Ca: ; ' 0; j sq = i d the earliest days of the Cobalt eed Municipality of the ay Cities Whos 54 | 15 a bear iedeaulictonzow heel tebe added) Tl cabo aa enck, me °1908_ mining camp, has been a resident | ship of Bucke, under Section 18, leen Moore's latest and -- : Rate Pedivers tohich sliminatewosd ir Gib tietaee ad eer ete aoe ' ~ here, and at all times, in spite of | sub-section 1, of the Consolidated|} best, supported by an. All- ___ shocks, at both front and rear. the unfortunate physical condi- Municipal Act of Ontario. : 17 Chrysler dynamic symmetry. of : ' ; tion from which he suffered, took | All parties, including Lorrain, Star Cast Se | body design, é , % i a very keen interest not only in|South Lorrain, Coleman, and ~ #3 sis a Eeeete oe : G W. P ERRAM ' ; ' ; his. professional activities but in|Bucke Townships are required to ; OS See ; if P Saag wie = < ome almost every public effort in this send and have duly appointed . ) Duce finis! - 0. Box 261 « Haileybury ~ Phone 63 ; - aa town apdin this district. 1 ant|representatives thereat. --USUAL PRICES-- Mieesions Ree Sart Mes 7 Fe TORR GN Si gD ai Sure I reflect the views of the Bar| A. P. TYRWHITT, W. J. Post, - ee Perot balloce 20 =5.25 cree. a _ 8 of Teméskaming when I say he Clerk Reeve.