The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 15 Jul 1926, p. 4

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i} THE HATLEYBURIAN seventy years of age to keep this beauty from being marred by al- to be able to make the improve- ments which should be done. However, we have not the money HOUSE FOR SALE do not. Again, your council would ap- preciate your assistance in Oe DS oe. ee ; re- ; : Btiished Giahe satrerae me ineecomn Ge ool AS Mii NEES SOR Dea eto tany things which your | porting any glaring instances of : Haileybury and District, ome unsightly. council would like to do. On}loafing, either to the chairman of! E Issued Every Thursday at The Haileyburian| fhe chairman of the Streets;the other hand, if you have some | the committee in whose depart- CORNER OF LAKE SHORE ROAD paella Printing Office, Broadway Street, Committee (Councillor J. A. Mc-' suggestions t6 offer in methods|ment this is being done, or direct STREET; ALL CONVENIENCES; BA , HaileyPpey: Kinnon) is taking steps to have| whereby funds could be raised to] to the town office or to the may- ELECTRIC LIGHT, WATER, FURNACE. TO BE . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the streets in the centre of the | do some of this beautifying arrd]or. SOLD AT A BARGAIN; TWO LOTS. CASH OR H In Canada--$1.50 per year in advance In United States----$2.00 per year in advance LEISHMAN &% SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS THURSDAY, JUL¥- 15th, 1926 A Band is a Pb ie Asset We should have a band. It isa community asset. This fact is being -reCugnized to a greater ex- town cleared of grass and weeds, and would be very pleased to do the same on streets outside the business section, but cannot do so for lack of funds. The'road to our new-cemetery is another unsightly spot in our town that might be made a beau- tiful driveway, and is now in a very rough state, leading to a cemetery which is well kept and is a credit to this community, and carrying this scheme a little fur- ther would be to connect the new useful work, your council_will be very pleased to have such gestions. This leads me to another phase of the situation, which is, that if some individual or small of- ganization undertakes such work better results are usually obtain- ed in getting more and_ better work done than can be obtained by the municipality doing it, be- cause it is a well known fact that there is a great tendency, where sug- I have no desire to be unreas- onable in this matter, but I do think we should havé a reason- able day's work from every man, because We are paying a reason- able wage, and I see no obligation TERMS. APPLY TO E. Hargreaves, on property sesooe on a municipality to tolerate lo&f- ing any more than the individuat would be expected to. Now, I am not inviting unkind- ly fault-finding, but I am asking that you place yourself in the other fellow's place, and then in NESTLES tent every year. "Musie¢ for ev- , ; All work is being done by a municip-|q friendly, brotherly spirit, in- ; eryone and everyone for music," | Cometery with the old one. al corporation for the average! form your council when you ob- this might be done by residents! man to spend too much time in j should be the growing aim of ey- donating a day's work of a man visiting, or leaning on his shovel serve your rights at a ratepayer being disregarded. ) MILK ery community. 3 : > : : f Musical trainino threugh the|OF 2 team. -- - handle, which he would not ex-| Hoping you will help your } band is in accord with the trend| 4S mentioned before your] pect-to be tolerated while work-|¢ouncil and your employees to ; of the times, which is placing|>rects Department have n0/ing for the individual or small or-| help you, I am, 3 greater emphasis than ever he- funds to do this work, because in| ganization. I do not say this to BN eee cee tit fore on enjoyment of music and striking the rate for the present|be true of all our men working urs sincerely. sy ve nee? : SELF - EXPRESSION through| ¥¢@t your council was anxious to| for your corporation, but you all GEO. T. HAMILTON, ; e finishing ensemble playi keep it as low as possible, and| know the men who do a reason- Mayor. ae g It maks music a "live subject" to the entire population. This is perhaps kept just a trifle too low able day's work, and those who touch to tea All ball players are asked to reflected in a better understand , he at the Park this evening at 6, Or cotfee & ing of the value of music in the whether members of the local 7 aa NES: educational scheme and a_ truer team or not, for a workout. appreciation of its role in the de- I velopment of the indiviual and ae Rise 63. eae the improvement of group life. f is E R A W A < . \ z B s With .its cheering and inspiring Under Auspices New Liskeard Fire Dept- T ay ANT D " sade tu Canada by the Makers of Nestié's Baby Food SWEETENED 'UNSWEETENED } music, "its picturesque uniforms ° For Quick Results = and its general usefulness to the At New Liskeard Beach town, the band merits, and re- : t iy ceives, the enthusiastic support of i y the public. umm } In addition to these advantages | a band is quickly and easily de-| >] H S _ veloped and is a most attractive | Browning it, W medium for musical expression. | THE BIG WEEK DAY BY DAY Choice Groceries But its very usefulness and the] Be he A ot ae i ease of first development have} FIRST AFTERNOON Provisions, Flour somewhat blinded us to what it | ALICE CAMPBELL PLAYERS a and Feed " z ar ise guidance lti- Chautauqua opens in lively fashion with a "Get Acquainted' program. goo may, under wise guidance, ulti start is half the race--Alice Campbell is a real self-starter PHONE 244. mately accomplish. For the band a 'f is capable of development similar CAPTAIN J. A. H. McLEAN 5 ; ca , Buel ay Sit ad li The first lecture of the week is "'Canada's Place in the Empire and as a Nation" to t le symphony ore 1estra and in aineok shteresrste alle Gaaadiane Admission 50c. ---- certain ways the music of the FIRST EVENING aT band is superior to that possible SE <hr re C R ES! ¢ 'Hi RR Si! « 'Hi R R S from an orchestra of any kind. ALICE CAMPBELL PLAYERS HER 1 > E TE 2% E IE ce Ss Bet ' i. lik pe ai f The Alice Campbell Players romp through "A Night in Wonderland' giving an ; . fs Sion sustained organ-lke sas oleate: "ening of lively sketches, gorgeous stage settings, musical pictures and good Cherries and Gooseberries will shortly be at their best for Preserving. Unfortunately the Bra yee er and loveliness a uno reds ca vere en ean ee pra ae f Bc rniesion 2 Montmorency Cherry, which is the best for preserving, is a short crop this year. We would Ysa as ea, a ae i q SECOND AFTERNOON advise our customers to let us know their requirements at once and we will fill the orders agpeapteestate Gut one "of the |) 4 THE VENETIAN STROLLERS with the best fruit and at the most reasonable prices. PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW ! : unique effects of which this type Bidparvelously. <pierealecompany of, singers and players from thet Adriaric. . ie ' ot org izations capable. whirling accordéon melodies of Signore Qentanino are one of the week's features, ~ il l r = geal = oe y «4. E, A. RICARDSO ye 2 Je Speci \ ' WEEDS, WEEDS, WEEDS Hl fet te mika mip EK PRadardion, vp vader Pog ge oe : y sp 4 al - ar M7 soda, + 1 his original verse. "His poeins are rich in fun and philosophy. «anne! i. iy ' T; 1 i " Pa : cided Mfreshink IVs eave alertoon SY pateciotsOc Sa a aise SHERRIFF'S JELLY, with glass Nappie, packed limesrostifor Con ees 25c ~ 1e time has come when the "2 Wis f ) -- residents of Haileybury need to 2 SECOND EVENING { : U ND VEGET. BLES FOR THE WEEK-END turn their attention to-the vacant THE VENETIAN STROLLERS / FRESH FRUITS A z : lot situation for a week or two Another hour of captivating music in picturesque native costume. F . = sa 4 ' "resh Beets, Carrots, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage, Green Peas, Beans, etc., etc. We have a number of vacant|| E. A. RICHARDSON ' : é Deine» ; : ae lots Which aeeenot Unnerecul tite After the music "Big Rich" the Hoosier Poet, brings along a supply of defightful NEW POTATOES tion, and of eoleeme thee aera pro- pees se with his famous "'alligator grin" and gives some of Bias eg rt duc ing A, prolific crop of weeds, THIRD AFTERNOON WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS now is the proper time to have war ; isQere ioe ae : MUSIC BOX GIRLS ; \ ee ' We Is ¢ aa Ones to prer A charming+tappy-go-lucky bevy of accomplished girls give an entertainment frolic iS a vent the eeds ripening, and be- that includes concert overtures, orchestra oddities, songs, Scotch dances, novelty ing carried into our gardens by stunts and playful pranks. ~ -- -- ---- é the wind and other agencies, and FRED E. GATES 2 ; thus causing extra work next "Dad'" Gates, a confirmed optimist. an understanding student of home life and an 2 Wear town ers Bh eae irresistibly interesting speaker. gives 'Boy, Dad and Company." . It should be : ' BAC ' heard by every parent. Admission 50c. Che town council will do all in THIRD EVENING their power to have owners of | ee ae 6 : 29 lots where obnoxious weeds are MUSIC BOX GIRLS ; 1 : be A Chautauqua Revue, combining all the lively attractiveness of a theatrical revne S C O Cra el] 1c le onN i found destroy them or pay for with Chautangua standards of entertainment. having them destroyed, but un- FRED E. GATES fortunately we have only a few aiftenva 'memorable address by'an eloquedtcrapid'hreterator on! a eubsertvomrunda- oh pe ¢ 2 weeds that are classed as obnox- mental interest to every patriot: 'Community Aches and Pains."" Admission 75c. A rather breath-taking word, isn't it? And it has a meaning just as = ious, ahd thus "leaves suse awit FOURTH AFTERNOON big. We looked it up in the dictionary and found this definition: "method of many specimens which are just THE KaDEL PLAYERS treating diseases by mental suggestion." : as difficult to' keep out of our The play company has en overflowing surplus of talent aid program. © They un- Many things, and things of vastly varyimg characters, are used for gardens and vacant lots, and no cork some of it for the benefit of the "Afternooners.' -psychotlierapeutic purposes; the main criterion being that they possess the ae ision is made by law for their 3 FOURTH EVENING quality which will make a person forget himself. In this way, many people ae Scot ' THE KaDEL PLAYERS tortured beyond belief by overwrought nerves, shell-shock, etc., have been ae dea S oe one possible The play this year is "Across the Street' the sparkling comedy of love and busi re led back to normal and are enabled to resume their ordinary mode of living. way or the residents: of this} n A chance to see the famous Chaut prize play that went to Broad- F , fi Sale "ee a X = an ATR eee. 4 < towii EGBA NY Set RTE Rone | , Richey 7a What could fulfil this purpose be tter than Mu sic? What is there with that 4s @oweall te ane th A 5 a greater power for drawing a person out of himself? i ¢ ' ) ge ogether | ae fesirine son Tic ay secure fro pe ee '6 " ¢ < a with» tet EakHetibe rile aciety. | RN PAULI USS SE ike ES RSLS them from Nor. do we have to be "mental cases" to feel the therapeutic benefits of 0 1 z Society, any members of the I eard Fire Dept. b f 7 7 the Board of Trade and the town apes 2 p Music. After all, it is rather difficult to draw the line between a normal per- council, and just rhake a general Children, under 12, $1.60; Ac 60 War Tax Extra son's day dreams and fears and the so-called "delusions of grandeur or of clean-up of all the weeds andj Afternoon Program begins at 2.15. Evening at 8.15 persecution" of the insane. The difference is one of degree, not of kind, for s growing al over town,|X Ji y _ iundamentally they are the same, 2 A similar to the weed-burning cam- | 3 . j Wouldn't we all do better to think less of ourselves and more of others oe, paign which was carried on with | er : and of life asa whole? We all feel, or should feel, the need of music to make such good results in the early} TRE aR ID EO ORE aT CB ee "1 us forget our petty cares and grievances and to make us more tolerant of spring. | - i } others. 2 If you are the owner of a lot h St k Al fulfi i i i i ) é 1 a lk | | band would fulfil this need, and would fulfil it admirably. Just as in town, you can assist such a e€ eamer emis aming Music is the most beloved of the Arts, so the Band, among all other forms of movement, by seeing that no Music, is the most universal in its appeal.' For everyone from the very young ./ gr ass or weeds on your lot are WILL RUN AN EXCURSION to the very old instinctively listens appreciatively to band music, and is con- a) low eC wy Bray into an ae ' sciously or unconsciously benefited thereby. y condition an > 2 T ? R. a ' ee ReliBy ae pe ait. Stat or E V is RY W E; DNESDAY¥ Why not boost fora Band? Twenty men wotld-make an excellent start \ ak é y 4 follow your example cham at aa Sa and surely there are many times that numper who would be eager to play in be acutt plished eee ihe nee a band. Soon they would be able to entertain the citizens upon all public resident. owners of vacant lots From HAILEYBURY to NORTH TEMISKAMING occasions, would establish a stronger comrffunity spirit and would, in time, , ee eae 3 eee ss : . bring honor, distinction and fame to your town, just as other bands have -- Ke . i done. for their communities. Give the movement the whole- hesibed' supp ae ae - . £5 =. ort 1 This spot we call our town aS a eh ver EEA ie Vals Ube ie cemereene sr 10.30 a.m. it deserves. iB oe seautiful place, and it only re- : ' { quires one hour each month for Reticnnigsat 0. eee ee » Z2S0ep rns ! 4 Upon request we will gladly send information regarding the organization each mat over exten andtnder ADULTS. 75c Gunite ase _ of bands experiences of other bands, band contests, ete. ----- An Editorial Advertisement inserted in -- . BRING YOUR PICNIC BASKETS ; : the interests of more and better bands_for JRA z r . a : | WEEKLY SA L K Hot Water Supplied Free on Boat dy are hice OF HOME COOKING KP . The R. S. Wilh Co. Limi BS me ay a . The R. S. Willams & Sons Co. Limited EVERY SATURDA The Steamer has been officially inspected and a Passenger : , a g ; ' : 145 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 2 remner Block -- Main St. License issued for 1926 7 2 Wea f- 2 to 6 p.m. t < <h seal : ; % ; ; % Z i : ° eee oe o-e y I EE IOT sata ee - & : : & 5 ia S. ; a 5 aaa 5A Sia east na Se.

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