eo ie a he DL eS Local and Personal " Miss Marguerite McGregor left on Saturday last for Detroit to visit her sister, Miss Alma Mc- Gregor. The Troquois Falls Broke Hus- tler says: "Mrs. Bartlett, of Hail- eybury is visiting with her sister, Mrs. tb D. Kingston. Mr, R. LeHeup spent the past week visiting points on the tran- scontinental in the interests of the Children's Aid Society. cae a Jim Morton was home from Timmins for a couple of days this week for a visit with his par- ents, Mr. and:Mrs. J. T. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Griggs and family, of Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a couple of weeks in Haileybury on a visit with friends D. E. Sutherland went to Kirk- land Lake on Monday to assist with the installation. of officers at Kirkland Lodge No, 469, 1.0.0.F. ~ 'Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Day 1ett rday for a trip to Port Ar- where Mr. Day will attend Masonic Grand Lodge sions. ses- Mrs. Rupert Simpson daughter, Miss Mary, of Toronto are in Haileybury visiting Mrs. C. C. Fatr'and Mrs. W. S. Black- wall. and The Veterans of Haileybury are planning for their annual pic- | 4 nic, which will be held on Wed- nesday, August 4th, at Dawson's Point. Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Liz- zie Armstrong, and Mr. Walter Gough, of Kirkland Lake, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Purdon. Mrs. Robt. Mills, of Park River North Dakota, is in Haileybury for a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, O. Mayhew, and other relatives, Mir, Lloyd Math: of Kirkland | and Mr. dec. Johnston, of | motored and | Lake, Gowganda, down f pent the week-end with Mr. and F shige 1€ sia i Ad 5 Purdon. Mary Hutchinson, of Char spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Purdon on Ber way to Orillia for a holiday. Mr. John L. Maltby, Master of ele Masonic Lodge, and DES . Haentschel have gone to Port peat to attend tthe: an- nual sessions of the Grand alee, of Ontatine Seven prisoners from the dist- rict jail here were taken to Bur- wash on Tuesday to complete their terms there. The party was in charge of a guard from the prison farm. A good many people of Hailey- bury attended the celebration of the Glorious Twelfth in Cobalt on Monday, in spite of the fact that the early part of the day avas very wet. Mr. John Williams, a former Haileyburian, now liying in Ham- ilton, is in Haileybury for a few days this week renewing ac- quaintances and attending to some business matters. Miss Marion Ratchford, of Sturgeon Falls, who has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Philbin, is leaving Friday for Kapuskas- ing, where she will spend a few weeks with Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Carmichael. The only evidence of the 12th of July in Haileybury were ~the flag flying on the Orange Hall and)a-fife and drum band belong- ing to Elk Lake Lodge which 'passed through town in a motor truck and treated the people here to a couple of tunes. Condensed Ads. Bring Results. i . L. SLAGHT ESTATE OUSE FOR SALE 6 Brewster St., Haileybury wos Centrally located, with alt modern conveniences. Apply to R. D. Cumming ve "Haileybuty: Ont. ee ee eee Y {o 13 Pa ++ +s Splbbesserer= ween Staked Coal Claims on The Kapuskasing River M. Austin and W. Robb re- turned on Sunday from a six weeks' prospecting trip in the northwestern part of the proy- ince. During their travels they had the misfortune to lose their canoe and outfit in the Kapuska- sing River while trying to make a landing late one evening. They staked several coal claims im a newly opened district near the mouth of the Kapuskasing tiver and are quite confident that that district will eventually prove of value from a coal mining standpoint. Z IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear Brother, who died in Saskatoon Hospital, July 10th, 1924. Deep in our hearts lies a picttre, Of a loved one gone to rest; In Memory's frame we will keep it, Because he was one of the best. Our lips cannot speak how we loved him, Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God only meee s how we tniss hint AS we battle along Life's rouglt way. --Sadly missed by Flo. and Cliff. Purdon. fe is gone but not forgotten, As tt dawns another year, / In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. And again we hope to meet him When our day of life is fled, And in Heaveti we hope to greet him, Where no farewell tears are shed. --Sadly missed by Father, Bro- thers and Sisters. ORANGE PEKOE BLEND--AL WAYS Daly's Good Tea is dependable. When you buya pound you know with certainty that you will serve a tea rich in flavor and of the proper strength, one that will make the members of your fam- ily and-\your guests exclaim, "What splendid cup of eee This famous brand for sale by The Haters, Supply Store and C. E. Flemigg. : | OBITUARY Isaac Palmer Isaac Palmer, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer, Second Street, died suddenly on Thursday afternoon last while he was being brought home by his father from north of Cochrane, where he had been employed as a section man on the T. & N. O. He had heen taken ill on Tues- day suffering from heart trouble and his father had gone up to bring him home. They got on the train at Maher, 32 miles north of Cochrane, the young man pass- ed away. He was only eighteen years of age. The body was re moved from the train and brought home on Friday. The late Mr. Palmer had spent the greater part of his life in Haileybury, where the family are old and well known residents. Besides his parents, he leaves three brothers and two sisters, who have the sincere sympathy of.a large circle of friends and acquaintances here. The funeral was held on Sun- day afternoon from the family home on Second Street. Service Was conducted by Rev. Omond, of New Liskeard, who is holding services in the United Church here during the absence of Rey. D, A. MacKeracher on his holi- days. After the service at the home, interment was made in the Haileybury cemetery in the pres- ence of a large number of friends and neighbors who gathered to pay their last respects to one who was well liked by all who knew him. There were a great THE UNITED CHURCH Be AVEcR cea cher, B.A. Pastor Rev. I JULY SERVICES 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Rey. Mx N. Omond. No morning service at 11 o'clock during July. All are cordially welcome. ALBERT GOSPEL HALL Albert Street Sunday School ....... 3 p.m.- Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. Young People Fri., 7.30 p.m. _| Haileybury, } when the THE MAIN C, FLEMING STREET MERCHANT Teleplione 2S for Prompt Service and Best Quality Goods 14 Bars fon CHIPSO, large pkt. PEARLINE, large ie Cream Olive, 6 bars for Palmolive, 3 bars for Infant's Delight, 3 bars for Palmtree Soap, 12 bars for Vegol Soap, 4 bars for Gold Dust, 3 pkts for Renso, 3 pkts for Saturday CASH Speciais --------GET YOUR SOAPS FOR WASH DAY-------- Soaps--P. & G., Comfort, Gold, Pearl, Fels Naptha, SG Ee aa ae RO emer t ON 35c FLEXO, nese pkt. Aoi b ne a Pe oi 25c CHLORIDE of LIME, 2 cartons for TOILET SOAPS. 35c ------HEADQUARTERS for FRESH FRUIT. las Shee New, well-built house, many beautiful floral tributes and there was very general sym- pathy shown' to the bereaved family, Express Rates Was Subject of Board of Trade Discussion A special meeting of the Hail- eybury Board of Trade was held on Saturday evening in the Hotel when the question of express rates in and out of town was the subject of discussion. The Board-fias in hand an en- deavor to have certain products of the district carried at redticed rates to Southern Ontario and Se take the matter up with the ssociation of ex <press companies it was stated that an applic ation ner increased rates had beén made by the companies, which would affect goods coming into the dis- trict from outside points, and this will be given some attention proper time comes. About fourtetn members the Board were present at meeting. of the Bryan's Pharmacy for pure drugs BCoudenced spe For Rent -- Modern nBoomed house with garage; beautifully located on Lake Shore Road, Haileybury, every convenience. R. LeHeup, Haileybury. 14-tf Wanted--Experienced Maid. Ap- ply to Mrs. R. Y. Campbell, ae Brewster Street. 14-1-7 For Sale--Four roomed Cottage, well finished, in pleasant loca- tion. Apply at Haileyburian Office. 14-3-* Wanted--Chambermaid and_Kit- chen girl or woman. Apply to Grand Union Hotel, New Lisk- eard. 14-1* The Fuller Brush Representative is in town. If you wish to see him 'before he calls, phone 247. 13-4-* For Sale or Rent--Eight roomed house in centre of town, all conyeniences, good garden. Ap- ply to J. R, MeCracken, Broad- way Street. Sete For Sale -- Good heavy work horse, single wagon, hatness f ait sleighs, cheap. Apply to S)H. Brown, Latchford St. 13-tf. splendid location, Uatchford St. n ni Mr. cent who so generously donated use of their cars. Mrs. family, ess, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. H. and bereavement; also ea CARD OF THANKS W. F. Timmins, Richardson and floral tributes, on Palmer wish to thank their many friends for all the kindness in their re- those the and l wish to express their gratitude for the many ex- pressions of sympathy and kind- the occasion of their recent bereave- lent. Here is a chance to have very Baby's Picture taken for little money. For the week of June 28 we are taking Baby's Picture in a neat little:card 5x7" at $4.00 per dozen; regu- lar $5.00 pictures. This is to announce our opening for Portraits See Our Window for Samples rn MiacLean's Broadway Hotel Haileybury Entrance Your Baby's PICTURE VETERANS, ATTENTION! There will be a meeting of members of the G.W.V.A. in the club rooms on Browning Street, tomorrow, Friday, evening at 8 o'clock. The president requests that all members will to be present, as there are im- portant matters to be discussed. @e 2 WRAY'S DRUG STORE Exclusive Agency : Fanny a Parker : = 6 Candies ; Pecan Rolls-and a Delicious Assortment of Chews, Hard ' and Soft Centres SUMMER FACE CREAMS BATH CAPS 4 TOILET REQUISITES 4 tc., for Outdoor Life 4 --Prescriptions a specialty-- ' , P.H. WRAY, Phm.B. et ¢ ; |} DISPENSING CHEMIST t |} Phone 3 We Deliver t | \ i? oe DON'T FAIL To Take Advantage of Our JULY CLEARANCE SALE' (Ai All. modern conveniences; 3 GREAT - REDUCTI O N S bedrooms, bathroom, living and dining room combined, dining 4 alcove and kitchen, heated sun AE THIS WEEK room. -Hot water heating. Ap- : ply to #_M. Philip, Latchford Street. 12-t.f. Nia CY ir To Rent--Bungalow on Amwell Street, four rooms, hardwood floors, electric lights. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert. 12-tf For Sale--Six Roomed House, on Ferguson Ave. and Russell St., well finished, modern conyen- iences. Apply Box 40, Hailey- bury. 12-tf. Wanted--Position as Stenograph- er or bookkeeper by young lady graduate of Academy, geon Falls; knowledge of French and English. Apply B. O'Hara, Phone 311. 12-4c. Local Representative Wanted -- To Sell for the "Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries." Start now, large list of specialties, hand- some free outfit, exclusive ter- ritory, highest commissions. Write for terms and catalogue. Stone & Wellington, Toronto. 11-4-c. Product for every need. CLUB BAGS, ' f z 5 Bon Voyage! For your trip there is a LANGMUIR-HARTMAN WARDROBE TRUNK there is that subtle air of dis- tinction we are always looking for, but seldom find. SPECIAL PRICES ON SUITCASES J. F. WILLIS Men's Wear _ © ONE DOOR NORTH OF HOTEL HAILEYBURY \ ; _ Phone 48 In the Langmuir-Hartman _ TRUNKS Wailted--Position as Stenograph- er} young lady with diploma from Henry' s Business College, Ottawa. Apply to Miss A. Renaud, Box 155, or phone 252. Ot. Insurance Agent Wanted--Young man or woman with clean ap- pearance and good character, who has\had no previous ex- perience. We pay-a most liberal commission. Write M. Thomas, District /Manager, Cobalt, Ont. atl 9-5-c. Wanted-- Housekeeper. Apply to Mrs. A.J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 9-tf For Sale--Comfortable 8-roomed house, nicely situated, Brown- ing Street, near Georgina; el- ectric stove and water heater included in sale of house. Ap- ply Mrs. H. Pudden, Browning Phone 8 Jap. Gibbons MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Busy Corner = endeavor Well BOUGHT. is Half SOLD! PERMIT US WE | TO QUOTE YOU REQUIREMENTS AND GET THE BENEFIT $= 2 ON YOUR BUILDING CARRY TEN TEST Insulating BUILDING BOARD. Haileybury Lumber Co. Limited : Haileybury, Ontario Box 250 Phone 16 Street. ~ 6-tf. To Rent--Furnished Bedroom; all conveniences. Phone'66. 4-tf \ ee e Choose Your Gifts Here--- Where there is a wide selection in ; JEWELRY, CHINA, SILVERWARE, 4 ~ GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS OF ALL 4 DESCRIPTIONS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, | 4 STATIONERY, ETC. ; ; We can assist you in making a choice , "- a ~ A. W. SANDERSON : 2 ee JEWELER and STATIONER - Headquarters for Vic trolas and Victor Records a e TOOTH V COSC ee