mn THE HAI LEYBURIAN eer ert Vol. 22, No. 17, For A Bigger And Better Haileybury HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1926 -- Subscription $1.50 per year PRIZES OFFERED FOR BEST VACANT LOT NOT Narrow Escape From { DECUPIED os PLANTED Serious Motor Accident' In connection wi ars the cam- (paign against weeds, 'citizens are Wirat cipher easily have prowed | remind led that there are valuable Se Ideal Weather and Large Crowds at Veterans' Picnic The weather svas ideal yesteT- OPEN, MEN LOCAL SOFTBALL TEAM WIN CLOSE GAME FROM COBALT KIWANIS CLUB | The softball team of the Cobalt Kiwanis visited Haileybury on Tuesday evening and engaged in a serious accident occurred 'on!} prizes offered by Mr. H. G. Pick~) day for the setond annual picnic] .First--Sweater Coat, donated a hard tussle with a picked team Friday evening, when little Doris! ard, of the Haileybury Horticult-| heid by the Haileybury veterans by E. E. Smith. eupae pee ae score, Desjardins, the four- year-olc | ural Secfety, for the best kept and large crowds were presemt at _ Second--Belt, donated by Jap. os ite ou ¢ es er als, setae z daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hace ant tots. Two prizes of $3:00| Dawson's Point, where all the Gibbons. ; ; good idea o eat play. as the Desjardins, Wake Shore Roage! worth of gladioli bulbs will be} usual raves and field events were) Ist--Fred Austin2, J. Southall. teams were evenly matched and} was struck by a motor car at the} given for the "best - appeaittng| run off, as well-as a softball tour-| N EEDLE AND THREAD, V it was anybody's game up to the cotner of Probyn Street and | vacant lot, 'not occupied or calti-|pament. The steamer Temiska- MEMB -RS AND WIVES last inning. Last week the Ki- Lake Shore. Fortunately, the vated, (a) sottth of Main © Street,| ming made three trips cross, kane and Brush, donat-j Wamans trimmed the Haileybury child escaped with no more Ser-| (b3 north of Main Street.' one at 10, another at 11.30 and ajed by R. T. Shillington. boys 0 a fast. game at Cobalt, so ious injury than a bretised foot {is an opporttmity not to be @ver-| third at 2.15, so that everyone Second 'asserole, donated by diissdan win for the locals and other bruises. \Wooked. 'The only qualification| who wished to enjoy the trip and WwW: Reilly. . eayes it a tie. It has been sug- Just how the acciderit occurr- hfer the contest is membership in spend a few hours at the picnic tet. "Mrs. H . Villeneuve, Mrs. eee iat Bame _be ed it is bard to say. ~The little je Horticultural Society. -May- had 'the 'opportunity. Each trip| Jay Gould. ig ms cone Hs the yo Pe fut- girl was alone at 'the 'time and Hamilton 'is giving a prize of| the 'boat was well toaded and it OPEN, LADHES wig ait ort ae eer - a = the car, driven by Mrs. Sparks, $5.00 for 'the best vacant lot|there was nothing outside of a First--Lamp and Shade, donat- AIS sah Coane ais Ss ign d A: was not travelling fast. Evident-|8rown 1n 'potatoes in each of the} few imosquitos to mar the sport. ed by A. W. Sanderson. peyes Ao li ee 7 oe ly the child enicde 'to cross 'the! two sections. ' The softball tournament, which Second --Jar of Preserves, do- re ie aly North Cobalt will be street and got in the way of the There has been considerable | was played immediately follow- | nated by Austin & Glassford. : ae a epee tee Rene Ay car. "Tavo cars were passing <at work 'done in the way of cutting |ing ithe races, was an intere ting ist~ Bernice McNaught, 2, Mrs. oh aaa sf : Pen ra on. I ie Teeide oc ehich probably had (weeds, but 'there are still some contest between teams represen- A. Bowman. Stes ie ile o oi did { se hur ing, fae a is "something to do with the ~acci-]t© be cut. In this connection, it) ting the town, thre Oddfellows Essay on the Picnic, $5.00, do on ey bury" aoe while i dent. The little -girl was picked is announced that any 'boy of}and the Veterans. The latter nated by G.F. Summers, for pup- ready 3 on ay tae mo up and given medical atteritien, [boys who want a job and can get| won the bye and the town team|ils of the Public and Separate us Sao ae on pews and it is thought tthat no serious |? 5° 4the or pair of grass clippers proved too fast for the Oddfel- Schools. ee co poet ore see arge y ow- consequences will result, but \this will be put to w ork if they call lows in seven inmings, although Children Ss Prizes--$5.00, donat- ing o their work lat t ie score on Mayor Hamilton. This 'is a/the score was fairly close. Billie ed by W. A. Gordon. was kept Jow. The games be should constitute a warning both ¢ ' , chance for earning a little money wa Ss ~~) torists ,* | . Se ae at ne se hee tat [that should not be overlooked. and Joe Southall for the Oddfel- re Race--Money Prizes. taken when there are so 'many ea lows. Renee LOI i Se ee t Scie)? on the streets. No Foundation for Rumor of The second game proved an] boys, 7 to 9 -years -- Box of ¢ Deaths in Motor Accident} ¢4Sy wit for the town and they Chocolate spealgles eS eee Reba went home in triumph, bearing Girls, 7 to 9 years -- Box of Children's Aid Inspector 4 amor tOthe effect that twol|the trophy, a splendid "silver" Chocolates, 50c. Goes to District of Cochrane ane n had met death ina motor |CUP. suitably engraved in letters) Boys, 10 to 13 years -- Box of = -- laccident on the South Lorrain} ol gold. There were also small | Chocolates, 50c. | Mr. R. LeHeup, who for ThE |eGad: which. was spread around imdividtal cups for the players of| _ Girls, 10 to 13 years -- Box of past eleven ve ars has ae d= the Haileybury on Saturday night ite reeset team. & Chocolates, 50c. position of Inspector and Secre- eae eee 6 ty an ie real enjoyment provide ---- SSS tary of the Children's Aid Socie- Poeaine 'T ae aes s aeons by this, the second ey at of its| VETERANS' THANKS ARE ty of Temiskaiming. has acce pte | Ino doubt, following a imishap| sind m Haileybury, has prompted EXTENDED TO THOSE WHO a similar position with the - | awhich befell Dick Fortin, of Co-|Some of the leading citizens to GAVE PRIZES FOR PICNIC cently organized Society in the | lpalt; whose car upset- into. the|Start.a movement to have a civic} n Ze District of Cochrane and will atch on that road.on Saturday holiday declared on a date early Phe Haileybury Veterans are take over the work there in the evening. . He Wwas passing an-|in August each year, to coincide particularly grateful this year to near future. For 'the present.| other car, the driver of Ww eh aid with the Veterans' picnic, thus|the business men and others who until a successor has been ap-/1o¢ allow him half the' road, and making a permanent day of it,| were so generous 4n donating pointed here, he vill carry on the the car turned over into the ditch and incidentally dividing the|prizes for the races and other work in both districts. Mr. LeHeup hassheen a valued icial in ek as ry to fee on is as only ee amaged. 'S01 r ver, th pars | x have spent a great deal of time more northern disteict: has prob % on the affair, and the success has res er werk to-do and has re iim : : i 3 5 en ably a greater ik to-d S| The annual blueberry egaey ovel ene will be carried been greatly due to their being greater need of an experienced man. Up to a year or two ago, one Society covered both dist- ' 3 ress companies. The first ship- the Shelter here are annually 4 . sic it ie by va me eee this year were made ae taken on the trip, thus providing Body pieormner Repent Bie Cochrane {ae Som res July 23rd, one week later than oe ee fog them that they uence ee Mr. LeHeup knows the whole the first last ie : eta f cae ae i a The body of Charles Dalley, a territory thoroughly and feels While it is difficult BOONES st fs Seyi oe a Leper ey former resident of Haileybt a Dp LOrOUR ey one, oe thexamount ofthe crop ats this] ce of the refreshments and f fe CEL CH Lo PLN that his Se ee res euuined | time, appearances go to show there was nothing overlooked to who died in Timmins last week, the north. The family will not hicae will pkobatly Be stitial make the day a success. was brought here on Sunday leave Haileybury for a time. fighter than last year. ries are not quite ripe yet, rece tion of green ones, but they of good quality. Shipments. wil . The districts of Temiskaming and Cochrane have been singular- ly free from forest fires this sum- mer, but the dangerous period is not over and there should be no xelaxation of the precautions and | ,,,, Gusands "of baskets. are ( a } : the campaign of education which pa eae . cee aoe ee ee Ae Nod chaud, Rey. Canon Hincks con- is, without doubt, bringing re-| Southern Ontario. Both Domin-|nated by A, P. Danbaw dus tIRE: Rite: see ieee ey sults. ion and Canadian National Ex-] Second Prize--Fla: light bie | eae pele Be aes press company_agents handle the|nated by A Friend. Chere where: the a as alicy FALL FAIR DATES berries and dozens of men, wom- 1--Jas, Poppleton, 2 WB B bag bi ho died ee ee qe ae FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO) en and children do the picking. : shaw: J f see a viet pee The 'crop shipped so far" this| BGG AND SPOMs MARRIED the body here from Timmins and gathered chiefly ir of Cockrane-- Sept. 15th and 16th Chariton--Sept. 15th. Englefart--Sept. 17th and 18th Matheson--Sept. 22nd. year has been ¢ the neighborhood Martineau but no one was hurt and the car is now well started and shipments] . are being made daily by the ex- The ber- those ived so far having a propor- are continue throughout the present month and well into- September Say, the berries ripening in that section ahead of some of the oth- Bagshaw pitched for the town CHILDREN'S. PRIZES work of preparation events at the annual picnic~yes greater number of dhe Veter: ans have among the -qciliz toung able to offer, such a long list of One of the features o : good prizes. is the fact that all the children in evening for burial. The late Mr. Dalley was forty-eight years of age and had lived here in earlier days. He died on Saturday after a short illness. A very interesting and hard fought game of softball was play - ed-by teams of the ladies. Both players and spec tators. were 1 greatly interested in this contest, Mneshineralwasvheld on-Mon= but apparently no one kept the tien aehoankhe a score. . day afternoon from the undertak- ing parlors of Thorpe and Bran- 1 1 LADIES First Priz asia of Beef, do- nated by P. Lafrange. Second--Can of Honey, donat- ----, were present at the funeral. --------_~+ =» ----_ To The Patrons of the New Liskeard--Sept-9th to-ll.Jers. Later the west road and] eq by Graham Bros New Liskeard Beach Dances North Bay--Sept. 15th to 18°} ether places to the north will].-4st--Mrs. C, Austin, 2 2, Abs 0. y = South Poreupine--Sept. 15th. |contribute their share of the] ,_ ieanitee Boh, 8 We have received a few com- Porquis Jet--Sept. 14th, 15tr. crop. VETS., MEMBERS ON y plaints by patrons of Cobalt, ----- ee -- First--$5.00 Pipe, -- 7 Haileybury and New Liskeard, -- H. Faylor. ated /) pwith regard to dancing at the AMATEUR PRINTING AND DEVELOPING 2Oeee LEAVE YOUR FILMS. TODAY--GET YOUR PRINTS TOMORROW PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY Two Graduate Chemists ---- LAURA SECORD AGENCY------ V an; and as it is our desire and aim to please, not just a few; but all patrons, we wish to say that in future the programme as nee and which is quite var- ied must be strictly adhered to. With this in mind-ve would ask that the patrons kindly dance ac- cording to programme, and in this way do their part SO. that this may be accomplished in' an ami- table way. | There will be numbers on the Second--Smokers' Set, ae 'atea | ee Branchaud. st--H. Villeneuve, 2, Ay die, jr. 3 GIRLS UP TO 16 VERE First--Fountain Pen, "igbpared by Liggett's. donate | ee Bag, . O. Anderson. Ist--Shirley Seymour, 2, tie Clutchey. SERVICE MEN ons ' -. This isthe secend picii bt ature given ly Ban us? a number of wh tween the towus have been very popular and a good crowd. at- tends each night. ee oe ee Old Resident of West Road Died Suddenly Last Week Mr. Gilbert Carron, an old resi- dent of the West Road, about miles from Haileybury, died very suddenly at the home'of his son last Thursday morning. He was 64 years of age and a_ widower, having made his home with his son. He dropped dead just after he had been doing some carpenter work and talking with a friend. The late Mr. Carron had suffer- ed for some years with heart trouble and Dr. W.C. Arnold, who w as summoned, pronounce death ave "to eal eous sh by the heat. The i al was heldson Saturday, when a large number. of friends and neighbors paid their last respects. ee Have Extended Date for oe of Musical Entrics .The date for receipt of entries for the musical competitions at} the Canadian National Exhibition | has been extended to August 10th} this year, in response to numer- ous. requests. the competition will be harmon- 8 Special features of | 'Prime Minister Here For Meetings Today The Ceckeme campaign opens in eatnest,in this district this af- ternoon, when the Hen. Arthur Meighen,, Prime Minister of Ca- nada, will' address audiences in Cobalt and New Liskeard and | will be present at a reception in Hotel Haileybury between these meetings. With the Premier are Hon. Dr. R. Morand, Hon. Cha Mc Ctse and the local candidate Dr. F. Armstrong: The meet- ing i Cobalt will be held in the afternoon in the Classic Theatre and that at New Liskeard in the evening in the Grand Opera | House, so that the majority ot | those who wish to hear the Prime Minister speak will be given the opportynity-. This will be the first gun to be fired in the campaign here and the local Conservatives are mak- ing preparations for the event. It is not often that the people of Temiskaming have the opportun- ity of listening to a speech from the Prime Minister and the fact that the Hon. Mr. Meighen is w coming here may be taken as a sign that the North Country 1s to be given more attention than '| has been the case in the past. At least it is to be hoped that this is the case, as in too many in- stattces this part of the country has been refused the considera- tion thatits importance demands. | If the present election results in an awakening of the powers that be to the true situation in the newer and less thickly populated districts of Canada, it will be well worth while, and the whole Dominion will benefit. Whether the other great poli- tical party will have its leader or the party pay. 4 visit, te Kaming' remains to be seen. is to he hoped that such will be be given an opportunity of hear- ing both sides, from men of pro- minence, who haye perhaps made a mote exhaustive study of the problems of the day than have our local candidates. At any rate we may -rest assured that there { will be no lack of effort onthe |part of each political party to |make a try for the support of | this constituenc y. ---- oo oe VETERANS, ATTENTION! -- ica contests in three classes, an| The regular monthly meeting old time fiddlers' contest in two! of the Haileybury branch, G. VW. classes, fitst for fiddlers over 65|V- A., will be held tomorrow, Fri- years of age, and second, for fid- day, eveniirg in the club rooms at dlers between 50 and 65 years, 8 o'clock. It is the wish of the and a bagpipes competition. officers that ail members make a These will be held on Music| special effort to attend this meet- Day, Thursday, September 2nd. jing, as there are several items of Full 'information may be had business that require attention. from J. S. Atkinson, Ryrie Bldg, 229 Yonge Street, Toronto. |Get your LauraSecords at Bryan's THE VICTOR IS HE W OUR WEEKLY MOTTO: -Hotel Haileybury HO CAN GO IT ALONE $1.50 per plate, including Dancing till 11.15 p.m. The place to spend a pleasant hour or two Every Saturday Evening j Special Duckling Dinner - - Aug. 7th Table d"Hote Ass Dinner 5.30 to 7.30. Cliff Brown's Orchestra embly. Special SUNDAY CHICKEN DOLLAR DINNER as usual. W. J. McLEAN, Manager Fountain Pen, donated by Bry- an's Pharmacy. : Second--Hunting Knif ed by S. Norfolk. Ist--H. Villeneuve, 2, A die, jr. Trot and it is requested that the Butterfly be confined to the num- bers so named on the programme. We also take this opportunity dto thank the patrons of the dist- rict not only for their patronage, but for the lady-like and gentle- Ked- 23 aa BALLOON, LADIES. __ First--Set of Carvers, d by A Friend. } mae Second--Plants, donate Whorley. y y manly behavior. It is our inten- tion to kee: these dances of the high class, respectable order. and BRYAN'S PHARMACY We Deliver Phone 58 estions from the patrons will ways be w eleé6med by the com- ittee in charge. New Liskeard Fire Dept. Third--Tea Pot, donated a Ci E. Fleming. Ast--Mrs- O: Ay Lewin, Davey, 3, Mrs. C. Austin, programme named Butterfly Fox|> 'ARCHIE -Re-Opened with a splendid Phone 356 Main LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Suitings and Overcoatings at the Old Stand. CLEANING and PRESSING © SHROFF line of Spring and Summer Street Haileybury eo ee: the ease, that the people here will, + i) xi 7 be some one high in the councils. nee Tene SK. 15 a ster NADA AANA et AAAAADA RATHW AA hae) Oe eae IY ANAND SS WA