a which they had now. crol, were} tinable to provide many of fit things that go with the festive| season, suffered disappointment. ----_+=». The men'at the head of the) HOPE TO HAVE ICE IN movement, which was planned to| NEW SKATING RINK FOR avoid any unnecessary overlap- NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY ping, were Mayor Hamilton and | 2z Mr. Geo. T. Smith, preside of See tee LA veh % the Board of mre Othe I i is . aes Se Soh SCN, is due the ¢redit for its dete te eee oF ye nee ful. consummation. They were| : giyen hearty support by various] arena building on Saturday, Jan-| organizations and societies and) yary Ist. Every effort has. been| by individuals who contributed to| made during the last week to get and helped in the work, and tg ice in, but the mild weather made all these they wish to extend their} jt impossible to get a proper sur- hearty thank sk It. is quite clear) face built np. With the frost on| that their system of making the|Tuesday night, a fresh start was| ak niece na was the dest | made yesterday morning and un-| iat could have been inaugurated| jess aifother soft spell sets in to-| and that there was neither neg-| morrow, there is little doubt but} lect of any deservving eases OF) that there will be skating for the | overlapping. New Year's holiday. There is a large ice surface he-| ling prepared, which will allow of} |hockey games being: played, and | \ there is little doubt that,the local} Nes team will have an opportunity to| Mr. and Mrs« Harry Walsh, | get some practice before their| former residents of Haileybury, | first gaine on January 7th. The} ficured in a unique cujling eyent| first game billed for Haileybury | at the novelty bonspiel of the} at home is January 11th, when Fort Rouge Curling Club in Win-| the Cobalt team will meet the' nipeg this month. With their} locals here. -- daughter, Veronica, and their | gratefully acknowrearee= Let's get behind the boys and boost! probability be skating on the new rink in the Former Haileyburians Figure in Unique Curling Event in West ---T son, Harry, they formed a family | rink and won the chief.event SE ee END A ICE the 'spiel. This' was Mr. Walsh's OPENS CURLING SEASON | first year as a Skip, and the first year that the family had curled together. Mrs. Walsh is presi- dent of the Fort Rouge Ladies Curling Association. Mr. and. Mrs. Walsh and fam- ily, who were well known and popular in Haileybury at one time, have lived in the' western city for some years. Their pho- tos in curling costume and arm- The first competition at the | local curling rink, between the president and vice-president of the club, opened the curling s¢a-| son on Monday. The ice is: in} |eood shape and there are two or) \three games being played each} | night, which will finish the com-| Lsetigica this week-end The ice : lavas trie a ; i- ed with brooms, appeared in the] '¥@° tried out by a few enthus Wat Se : sade in copy. of |asts-on Christmas Day and on Winnipeg Free Press, a copy © Rec aati teaches: HEGs which was brought to this office a ca oa - Ey ASHIMNGT Ge = | > Mr. W. S. Blackwall. "Many | "© ORSm™ms: a ' | peo! : Sa fale iors | When this competition is fin-| of the oldet residents-ot HHatley-|. : ; nat : - BATEY ished a good line will be had on bury will remember the Walsh pwol9 4 i | cae. c ae : *. |those who intend to indulge in the} family and be interested"in thei : . : | -cess in tht world of sport came this winter and the larger} "eS -y s : $ ns é as | competitions will be started next| lweek. A meeting is called for N. O..H. A. CENTRAL GROUP | Saturday night, January Ist, lvhen the draw willbe made for ----___-- 4-New Liskeard at Cobalt presse -- a month in the interior of the prov- ince, exploring and taking motion pictures, including some of earibon on the trek. H Two brothers, George and Edward Hume, of Manor, Saskatchewan, earried off the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Dominion Livestock Board awards in the recent pig clubs competition conducted byg the Dx- tension Department of the ,Uni- versity of Saskatchewan at Saska- toon. Teams from all parts of Sas- katchewan competed. Fredericton, New Brunswic™e--A moose with antlers spreading 64 inches was shot in the New Bruns- wick woods by William Proudfoot of Dobbs' Ferry, New York, while 2 companion of his, F. C. Chesbrough, of New York City, brought down a lordly animal with an antler spread ef 57 inches. Mr. Proudfoot's trophy creates a record for the season. 4 Vice-Admiral Sir Walter Cowan, K.C.B., of two visiting British cruisers to Philadelphia Navy Yards | recently, was one of the most en- thusiastic passengers on the Cana- dian Pacific's miniature train at Treasure Island, the C.P.R.'s exhibit- : at the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. The Admiral thor- oughly" enjoyed the ten-minute "Transcontinental" journey from Quelhec to Vancouver. In an effort to increase the num- ber of ducks and muskrats_in the northern patt of the Province of Manitoba, by providing additional sustenance, the Provincial -Depart- ment of Agriculture has sent north | sacks of wild rice to be sown by | aeroplane over the vast duck marsh known as Moose and Cedar Lakes. This constitutes an area 20 miles wide and 90 miles long, and is the largest duck marsh and muskrat harborage @n the continent. An attempt is being made by the Canadian railroad companies to have the construction of baggage receptables standardized in order to facilitate its handling. A meeting between representatives of the rail- Wve lt a Lutheran farmer and Ivars the purchase price being $28,800. According to Dr. A. T. Connell, the farm is well equipped with stock and buildings. Sheep from the Prince of Wales' Alberta ranch, south st of Cal- gary, are superfine, 2 cording. to Walter Charles Priddy, of the Cor- r ile Sheep Co., Grid Cali. | fornia.' He has just purck | head of imported Shro the Royal ranch, as w« from other flocks in the district. Asbestos waste as a soil strength- ener is the latest in the line of by- produets. Barly this. year the De- velopment Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway undertook an in- | vestigation and inaugurated a se- || | ries af experiments in the use of this material. Macdonald College actively co-operated and results so far show that this material has a real value when applied to certain soils. 3 B ine] Ln i=} 4 i) 5 "<6 28 5 5 cs) 5 oO es 3a vw ROADWAY ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE TONIGHT Last showing of Rex Beach's Novel The Auction Block with Eleanor Boardman and Charles Ray. Reg. Prices Friday and Saturday The Call of Courage All Star Cast, with, Rover, WEEKLY PROGRAMME | | | *C. E. FLEMING SPECIAL BARG# HOUSE FURNISHINGS Furniture and Christmas 'TPrade, low price We have yeveral Odd-Pieces of other articles left fromthe we are offgri at exceptionally es us I ) Yr € _° ° mu vate em, You carr effect a great Saving by visiting our store Way which this sgagon as the prices are the lowest you will fined anywhere. ¥ HAILEYBURY | 4 2 Consistent; Advertising in The Haileyburian Will Bring Customers. Lab Ae : Sareea AARNE | | is 2 ¢ Se OUR: HG ---------- eI =| K A S| al S| sf Reduction Sale -- 1S CONTINUING---- ®) All our: stock of Dry Goods, Bods and Shoes, Ladies' Men's and Children's Wear is reduced to the very bot- tom:and there is a great opportunity offered for saving A CALL IS SOLICITED = P.O. ANDERSON GENERAL MERCHANT Corner Main Street and Rorke Ave. Haileybury DAWA AAV ON ANAW AT AVA VON OU ONANE A MEI IG CPE SU CU ME NO I Re fh om Mf THE Sy af MATIN STREET MERCHANT }& fe cd of i You are mvited.to call and see what we are offering. f No obligatiom io buy. =o AS SRS SEES A SSM RT TET all" Thorpe &Branchaud.f Hovge Furhishers Directors of Funeral Services ) FERGUSON AWENUE -- -- | Telephone 22 for Prompt Service and Best 'Quality Gools ge ry the Grover Shield Competition | road companies and of Canadian ; | x ; : | a ; x the. w Se ae | =>. 7--Haileybury at New Liskeard Jand play will commence early iM| bagage manufacturers was called Ack weet Bate ae a #5 14--Cobalt at New Liskeard ithemwesssaaueel oss recently in Toronto by W. E. Alli- 236. PES Na dt Pribes | ie 11--Cobalt at Haileysury Present indications are that] son, general baggage agent of the Pe | Rit We desire at thfs time to sincerely thank all 18--Haileybury at Cobalt there will be as large, if not | Canadian Pacific Railway, and it \ S 21--New Liskeard at Haileybury |larger membership than there! was generally conceded that mini- MONDAY and TUESDAY | our Friends and Customers for the patronage = 3 25--New Liskeard at Cobalt ~} eae { 2B j 1--Haileybury at New Liskeard pes was last year. mum specifications for baggage and to extendgour best wishes for a construction should be edopted. obalt at Hailgybury ---- "Monte Carlo" JUNIOR HOCKEYISTS NOW PREPARING FOR THE SEASON'S OPENING 4--Haileybury at Balt 8--New Liskeard Taileybury 41--Cobalt at New , Keard. Pars LT A dozen or more of the aspir- "Thunder", the Mar tog?) y,jants for places on the local Jun- In "His Voice" | jor hockey team are going to Co- | balt this evening, ifarrangements re ever!can be made, for their first prac- made|¢ice, The ice is not quite ready j duction! in. the local arena yet, and it was "His Master's Voice" whith with} felt by the Executive that they Thunder, the Marvel Dog'4s its} should get into action as soon as star, comes to the 3roadway | possible in preparation for their Theatre next Weduesday ha: vet game which takes place "The greatest dog made," that is the for the latest Gotham Thursday at New Liskeard on Friday, Jan- In addition to this wonderfuljuary 7th. _ canine actor there is a stellar aa) The equipment, including goal cof human actors with Mary Uarr,|nets, uniforins, sticks, étc., have Marjorie aw and George Hack-| heen ordered and will probably be athorne at head of a long list of|here the beginning of next week. well kxown-fevarites. | Among the boys trying out for The story tells of d young man | the team are: Stanley Lemon, Ne whose upbringing has remalted in} P. Dolan, Jixhmy Pritchard, Per- being a physical eoward|cy White, Pat Philbin, Jack Fitz- his | i L fault of his owi>--He! maurice, Francis Joy, Garnet and through no is suddenly taken frm the ¢om-|Allan Murray, Gorman Burns, fort of his own home ond placed) Earl Sutherland, Wilf. Moriarity, in the front line trenches during | Joe Philbin, A. Belawger, Frank the great war. Here his regener-| Gregg, Joe Lacarte, Rene Guer- ation takes place aided 'by the tin, Me silent and faithful efforts of his'son, Archie Williamson. dog pal. } All boys of Junior age wiil be 2 e ra McCracken, Allen Fergu-|to have them placed with Reports of recklessness cn the part of motorists continue to be re- ceived at the headquarters of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In the majority of cases the accidents aro reported to have been the result of negligence on the part of the ear | With Gertrude Oimsted, Lew Cody, Roy D'Arcy and Kari Dane. See them and many more in 'Monte Carlo' Wednesday and Thursday owners. Two accidents at public | "crossings were reported recently; | Hi M ? y S one n Wingham when a Ford | iS aster S oice coupe r n into the side of a train which é proceeding slowly over With THUNDER, the won- der Dog, George Hacka- ing near Chatham. T a cros The second accident oc- oa curred when a truck was driven in | thorne, Mary Carr, Marjorie | Daw. He was a one-man aimed dog. Nothing meant any- thing to him except his mas- ter's voice. When he heard \{} that, nothing could stop him over the crossing at thre? n hour. Im each case cross- ing and cagine signals weve given. --Mat. Wednesday at 4.15-- _--sso - St. Paul's A. Y. P. A. will meet} in the Parish House on Monday, | at & p.m. All members are urg-| ently requested to be present. Jan. 10-11--Colieen Moore in "Desert Flower" Lloyd Huges. Reg. Prices. with, Jan. 17-18, Cecil B. DeMille's Masterpiece "The Volga Boatman" welcomed for a try-out, as svon as ice is available, as it is hoped Town) League teams_if they do not get on the Junior squad. Bright and™Prosperous New Year wy * - Shannan nnmaamnmamasS Say It With Flowers. Fresh Cut every morning from WHORLEY'S NURSERY. Store now located next to Nova Scotia Bank, Main Street. We carry a nice line of CHINA, FANCY GOODS, AND TOYS suitable {%r CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Pay usa visit. 1 hanking you for past patronage. WHORLEY Phione 357 E. B. acmet - err Te Le eee Oe