"s Vaige" ap"Broadway. Mr. f. \e AMorrison left on} iday evening to spend a few; i Lgtonto on business. H fomday and Tuesday, Moore in "Desert Blower ceernt Broadway. --ae y E ; FAs) BORN--On ~Stmiday, . Fantary 2nd, to Dr.<igelyMrs. C. i. Taylor, | Timmins, a/sojL + i Friday and Saturday,-Bert Ly- tell in'Sporting" Life" at ghar way Theatre : Mr. C. W. Tully teff'6n-Tues- day for Rouyn, Quet, Where *-he will spend the next feymonths. St. Patil's 'ALY. BoA, walt meet on Monday evening next at the tink at 8.00 o'clock fof a skating party. Mr. G. J..Gibbons returned" on Monday after spending the' New Year holiday at his fornter home in Barrie, Mir. David Berry returned to Rouyn this week after spending the holiday season with his fam- ily in Haileybury. -~A lot of beautiful Dresses will be offered at Mrs, J. A' MacDou- gall's on Friday and Saturday, at $$5.98 to $9.98, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,' Caldbick went to Timmins on Sunday to| visit their daughter, Mrs. Dr. €.| FE. Taylor, fog afew days Mr. Jas. Dodds has returned to the Quebed mining' fields jafter spending « 'Clirtstmds and' "New Year's Withfiis family here. ie W. Mértimer Mooré returned to Sudbury this week after spend- ing Né\y Year's with' lis sister, Mrs. A. Best, "Blackwall Street. Mel, Htghes,: Jr., returned fo| Timmins after spending the holi- day with is' parents, Mr. an Mrs._J. W. Hughes, Browning St: Mr. Thomas' MeCabe returned sronto Monday 'night afféer ling the holiday, the guest of and Mrs J. W.. Hughes, Wuing Stréet: : rs. M& Jean Collins return- st week to her home in Phil- phia, after spending) some weeks in Haileybury the guest of a Dhwa\, oe eevee! J Lovely Fur Coats of/'Muskrat and Frenth Seal! "avith(° Chapple Sable trimmings, 'ranging from $175.00 up, at! Mrs: -J. A: Dougall's, Main' Street. Gordon Elkins has returned to Timmins after spending Christ- Went in the Broadway Theatre jand, Mrs. Meaney; and| returned on Mae-}Thereafter the choir met and pre- | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs | | James Elkins. Roy O'Neil returned to Toron-}was to last week after training this; OnlyT Sith niediate Ei) = to.the home of the bride's parents ¥ Wedding Bells ; pie 495 Bay Street, where a recep- je oS # ae fitioh was held, and at the buffet g ' . a € Dukelow-Oliver supper table, Mrs. M. Roger, Mrs. 1, lasf chance to see "His; mas andathe"Kew "Year holidays; . we f Is. Smith and Mrs. J. McLeod, -| The marriage of Miss Jane A.,three great aunts of the bride Oliver, of, Haileybury, to Mr.| presided. George Diikdlow, 68 "Elk" Lake, <Mr 'and Mrs, Washington have solemnized in St. Paul's left for Toronto, Buffalo, and | . spendingJ Church here on Saturday morn-|other points in the United States, wee, Christmas at-his home here> "Hefing, 4 anuary Ist,"1927, at 71s the bride travelling in a smartly Colleen will complete his relatives "and @esighed dress of fancy wool yeartat-the- Ontario. DentakeGoly|4riendseof-the-bride were present ;erepe in bolero style with trim- lege. See_the comedy, "Safety Firs¢" which will be played by local ¢ January 19th and 20th, under fhe auspices of the Haileybury Fare Brigade! #; Oswald Andrew, of Sturgeon Falls, and Vernon, of South Port cupine, spent New Year's in Hail, éybury with their mother, Mrs: R. J Oliver, and, Mr. Oliver, Rus- sell Street. The monthly meeting Of the Women's Missionary Society o the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. MacKéracher. on Thursday afternoon, January (3th, at 3 o'clock. , The Porcupine \Advante . says: "Mr. H. E.. Montgome;yy,,.. town Clerk and treasurer, spent Christ- mas at his home in Haileybury." "Mr.Lloyd Harris spént,Christ- mas at Haileybury, yéturning to Timmins on Mondaiight," * Ne On*Friday and Satfirday , next, January 8th, Ladies'{and Misses' Coats m a beautiful assort- ment at Mrs. EA, MacDou- gall's, from $8.49. 40 $35.00, in- cluding some $65 models. A good entertainmént is Pprom- ised for January 19th~ atid - 20th next, when the three-act comedy, "Safety First" will berstaged) in the Broadway Theatres under the auspices of the Haileybury Fire Brigade. Mr. Raymond Meaney, who has been spending Christmas' and New Year's with his parents, Mr. slliott Street; Monday to Low, Que., where; he "has a pSsition with the Frasér Brace Co. Wns GINPETL "Lavine 1eit yester= day to resuine his mining opera- ; tions in Northern Manitoba after aie hese uen yildtyiniert reer He Ahristmas at fig home|See es u ca par ey E is taking in 8omé> ad-|PTeSsfvely the various spending, here. F ditional fielp and 1ooks*for -con- siderable\ deyelopment:in .that part of the countrysdurime _ this year. At the close of the evening sér- vice last Sunday in_. the Church, "Mr. R..H.'Unwin,, the organist, gaye an organ recital. sented to linn a mittsi¢ Case; as a token 6f appreciation éf the val- uable services which he' has"ren- dered #hé*church and choir. YOUNGER SET HOLDS NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE IN HONOR OF PARENTS ef as The Younger Set bid a fitting' farewell to 1926 by giving a New, Year's dinner-dance at the hotel) in honor of their parents. ; Those } home from college augmented the? diners to about. forty,..and. the! fully than ever before. and green lattice worker a tiny! da Paches Christmas tree, symbolical of the "Vics ii pe Langstaff, season and glittered festively in! the light from_the.tall red candles Sand «Miss Howard »...Messrs..T: To the great a great parents were tnable to-attend. a Z Mr. J."W. Cochrane acted toastmastér, and toast to "The King"> Mr. ence Smith propesed= the téwst; to "Our Parents", to which Mr. G. A. Bagshaw responded. gF Ulric' Annett proposed "The Lad |. ies", Mr. W. E. Bagshaw re- sponding, then Mt, Lionel Tat guests, and Mr, Vic. Kempke responded. The "Past Year" was proposed le Shaw, Miss Eletta Lowery,' Miss "table was decorated more beauti-| yg : 3 4 Ln the | Vates : Miss; Audrey Millar, Miss midst of the circularly arranged) yr rie] Folland, tables woven together with red! Miss KathleerMurphy,)Miss Hilt | a a a regrét "of the 'Ginith, many of they Cabey of Beronto: Cochrane, Hy-}» P= é ua a 4 Le Proposed a toast to "Good Sports|» Bible Class, Thursdayp8 p: Young People Fri., 7.30 p.m/ Eve ever enjoyed and a herald ofe1927. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw; ~"Mr-"arid™Mrs> Fraser Reid; «Major and *Mrs» Holland, Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Miss Marga- ret Mlacdonalds and »Miss* "Alice Maedonald;. of © Toronto; ~ Miss Mary Cullen, Miss Estelle Bag- Z worthy ary Goodmany «Miss Dorothea Mrs, Annett, Miss Reid, guest of Doris Agnes Miss. Reid, ..Miss Taylor L. Syith,. Murphy, "Mc- ands, Eowery, Bagshaw, ~> Todd, 4S Roberts, Willis,. Yates, Kempkey|/ proposed _the "Annett, C,. Yates. . ae | Ter- = = = SS, -- ALBERT GOSPEL HALL fi ; ¢ Mbert bfeet Suk Bee J Sunday School - ue pond Goece itebtind 2 £08 by Mr. Cliff Lowery and Was Dez |< sponded to by Mr. Len Smith. "The New Year" was proposed by |= Major Holland, and all responded. Major Holland delighted. . the guests by giving ont of his inimi- table Habitant. recitations, "A French Wedding", after iwhich dancing was enjoyed in the ro- tunda. were the novelty dances, New Resoluticnset t aWWeytheph Cons uk at midght cante }% ii Tthe Chain | eo pote Who S 4 ag i j United? Catherine when the ceremony, was perform-|mings of red and gold. She wore Jed by ReyeCanoh Hipeks. ie ja model hat of brown tones witb The bride caters? the church! tettthes of red and gold in the on the arm of fer brother. Mr.|f!mmings and ber deat was sek Vivian R.! Oliver, and» (vas te seal with, sable trimming. 7 he tended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. couple will take up residence in R.. J. Oliver, while. J-.Oliyer| Haileybury, assisted, the groom. Following the ceremony, and. the signing ot, ithe register, the. bridal. party went to, the home_of Mr. and Mrs. RJ. Oliver, Russell Street, where a wedding breakfast was ed on New Year's afternidon 'at a seryed.;.. Later..Mr. and.<Mrs.|The Dansant inthe Hotels. Miss Dukelow) took, the morning, train Lowery received'with 'her mother for the North,.....4° , number, of and brother in the»rotunda, and friends were present atthe sta~| tea was served in the writing tion to give the -happy couple a} roonr-at) smalls candle=tit tables! send-off and, to.wish, fhem all joy;| festive with holly.» The' guests andihappiness, in .their,-wedaed! danced-in the rotunda which was life. Mrs. Dukelow: hasbeen ad decorated in the colors "of | the resident, of (Haileybury, for season, number of. years ands her. many friends)all, join.in extending their best wishes. Mr.jand Mrs, Duke- low, will) reside at? Elk where . Mri. Dukelow: is known and popular. eae Entertained at The Dansant In the Hotel Haileybury Miss Eletta Lowery entertain- rs) Alice Miss garet Macdonald and Miss Macdonald, of Tofonto, Lake,| Mary Cullen, Miss "Estelle Bags welll shaw, Miss' Eletta Lowery,' Mis& Mary Goodman, "Miss Dorothea Yates, Miss Audtey Millar, Miss Muriel Holland, "Mrs. Annett, Miss Kathleet Murphy, Miss Hil- The following account of the da Hughes, Miss Agnes Reid, wedding of Miss Vera Biggs, of Miss Alice Langstaff (guest " of Ottawa, to Mr. A. C. Washington Miss Reid), Messrs, T. Smith, L, fof Haileybury, is from the Otta-| Smith, Murphy, MeCabe}'of Tor- ah Patiscale eS onto, Cochrane, Hylands, Lowery bane f f é Bagshaw, Todd, Roberts, Willis, Christ, Church Cathedral, was Yates, Kempke, Annett, and C. the scene, of an unusually. attrac- Wetec tive wedding ceremony, and. one ; of widespread interest last even- ing at,half.. past,.seven o'clock, when _.Miss., Vera. Gwendolyne Biggs, daughter of Mr, and-Mrs. Robt. M: Biggs; was -united in Washington-Biggs | Discarded Christthas trees are to be seen the last few days orha- menting the grounds of many of the homes in Haile¥bury and tres Spite a C _| bearing mute testimony to a sea- Mekacsacwith ; Artorr (Cooperticcn oF enjoyment, particularly a- Washington, son.af fhe late. H. mong the younger members of \W ashington, andsef Mrs. Wash- the community. ington, also tof Ottawa: Festive séason decorations with crimson flowers fermed the set- ting at the chaneel, ahd crimson owersdnevases "dorned the altar. Rev. E!.A. Johnston officiated, ax sete b3 the rector of the\cathedraly Jev. E. Frank Sal- Mr. Hiyliés Johnson: pre- f Bryan's Pharmacy for pure drugs nuptial numbers, and daring the. signing of the register, Mr. E. F. Taylor sang' "Brida ip Dawn." Accompanied by her father, who later gaye hér.in marriage, the bride-aafattended dy. Miss M&cdonald as brides- Lmaid. Mr, Gerald McLatchie was groomsman; and there attended asvuShers.. Messrs. Howard Biggs brother of the bride, and Harold Beaton, a Cousin. The Jovely young .bride was Weating»an imported French bri- dak gown ,of ivory lace with pleatings. inuthe skirt which-was of 'period, style. der veil which was of rare old Brussels lace, was wort by,her great aunt and also by-her mother on. their wedding days, ,The/folds were in cap» ef- fect on the head and ornamented vith clusters of orange blossoms. An jarm, boquet of American Beauty. roses was carried. Invnediately following on, the chanch ceremony, the. bridal party and guests numbering sixty went BAKED Coops es Best You Ever Ate! The minute you slip a knife through the crust of our Bread, you detect its fragrance 'of tasty goodness! Yes, from end - to end you Il relish-every slice of it. : Haileyfiury Bakery Phone 36 1, The guests included 'Miss Matr- -- SKATING COMMENCED [parece terre ooo oe ore ee eee os ON MONDAY NIGHT IN | NEW RINK IN ARENA) IWRAY?'S DRUG STORE Stop That Cough! With Gibsen's Thé new skating rink «in the arena building was opened for the first time on Monday night,! and the people of Haileybury a= gain had the opportunity of en joying a skate in-a-covered rink after being over four years with- out one. That there is skating this winter is largely due to the curling club, the members" of which have taken over the man- agement and idit tl ee ag and are providing "the 7 ice. The prices for skating are EUCALYPTOL vi reasonable, 25 cents for» adults and HONEY and 15 cents. for children. > In addition season tickets are being: sold at reduced rates which make it.possible forall 4¢ho wish to skate to enjeytthe sport without |. going out of town. b Arrangements have been made for practices for the hockey play- ers' and*there ;willsbe-four games played in the N.O.H.A. © Junior Séries! The boys comprising the local team are all home brews and will give a good account. of themselves in-the League -- this Winter. 2 The Famous Cotteh Remedy FINE STATIONERY TOILET ARTICLES DRUG SUNDRIES P.H: WRAY, Phm.B. The Family Druggist For Pure Drugs and Careful Dispensing Phone 3 Prompt Delivery e te eee St. Paul's Church THE UNITED CHURCH 7 The annual eVstry. meeting of St. Paul's: Church svill beheld in the Parish house ~ on' Monday, Jatary 10th, at'8 o'clock: "Phis is*in accordance with the new rule of the Diocese whereby the financial year Closes on 'Décénr 2.30 p.m.--Church. School. ber 3lst. A large attendance of Tuesday, 8 p.m,--Young. Peo- members of 'the Vestry is desir-}ples' Sotiety. ed. ' Friday, 8' p:m.--Choir, Practice. UNDERWEAR Jaeger, Turnbull *s Ceetee _Watson's and Penman's evetiy Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A. Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist If a.m: and'7 pm.--The Pastor Special Prices Byfore Siackiaking 4 JAP. GIBBONS Phone 8 MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Busy Corner ° A PPC cCos esos eee® TWO SPECIALS ~ English China Cups and Saucers \GB- SPECIAL 69'CENTS EACH "Se Saha ied > Ltews! "rome Aas Glass:Tumblers Oe" SPECIAL $1.25.PER DOZEN "eg A> W.SANDERSON __ JEWELER and STATIONER Headquarters fou Victrolas and vii cto r Records ib Phone 306 © va c ~"% J emia Men's Socks and Children's|}To Rent--Two Heated Furnished Stockings knitted by machine;! Rooms, ground floor. Apply work well done and yarn sup-j phone 338. 39-le plied if desired," Mrs. W. Bill- edo, 118 Elliott Street; phone! For Rent--66 Brewster Street, 3525 ; 39-1-*; sever' rooms, all ntodern con- ; veniences. Apply "at once. R. D.-Cumming, Phone 50. Boarding House and large Stable for sole--Deeded property, best location in*town with good bus-! Fer® Sale--sm hip. "Gasoline En- iness; partly furnished; price} -ogine, saw and frame complete, right for quick sale. Apply H.| ready for use «Hy» Brown, W. Crawford, Boston Cubs 4. Latchford Streets , i 39-tf. 3 == E .. |To Rent--Furnished. Bedroom in The Fuller Brush Representative comfortable, house, central, Ap- is in town. If you wish to see} him before he calls, Be oy ade elon Office, ry For Rent--Restaurant or Store: |House to Rent--Main Street, 8 new. comfortable building near | - rooms, hardwood floors, elec-} > centre of town,-Moderate rent.{ tric light and furnace. « Apply} Apply/at Haileyburian Office. |. to Mys. A.L. Herbert, 86 Brew- | ; 32+ {1 astex 'St. or piioue 149. SHett 2 oo ae . Are You in Need of Printed Stationery 7}. ta > ~ LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES '+ STATEMENTS, INVITATIONS + ANNOUNCEMENTS? }~ AAT AS BUSDNESISS CARDS ¢ i CALLING CARDS LEAFLETS, PRICE LISTS ~or-any--other-printed=matter=---} usually printed in print shops -- 2 ae aD Ui iv. neiga-tt ? If your supply is _Jow, bear in _ mind that we are_at_your service with experience that insures first- i : Cae class work. e - Job Printing is Our. Business. a a May We Have Your Order? = =~ - Haileyburian Job Departrient ° 2 ° > Sree apewein lent erent en upicenes mesa asegn-qauppacmsaca-ose-peaseceaA } (