4 { LOST HEAVILY BY FIRE IN VILLE MARIE HOME OF MR. AND MRS. FLEURY Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleury were heavy losers in a fire which de- stroyed their home in Ville Marie on Wednesday night last. They had gone to bed at 10.30- and shortly afterwards were aroused by the smell of smoke, when it was found that the house was on fire from either stovepipes or sparks from the stove. The whole structure was in flames within ten minutes, it is said, and a great deal of the contents. were destroyed. Some forty men, in- cluding the sweeping gang of the I.C.0., responded to the alarm with the fire brigade and succeed- ed in the short time available in taking out most of the furniture from the lower floor and some personal effects from the upper. The building was totally destroy- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fleury are the parents of Mrs. W. J. Bulger and _are well known in Haileybury. Southern Motorists Finding Way to Northern Ontario The following is a list "of the southern motorist guests at Hotel Haileybury the past few days: Mr. and Mrs. A. Walz, New York; Senator and Mrs. Arthur H. Day, Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Decker, Terre Haute, Ind.;Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MclIn- tyre, Columbus, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McIntyre, evens Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. W. and Miss Mildred McIntyre, tadiae Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jack- man, and children, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Tuck, Hamil- ton, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young and party of four, Toron- to;Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Hensall, Ont.; Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Bagler, West Orange, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rifou, Sturgeon Falls; Mrs. V. Seligman, New York City; Mr. Horace F. Strong Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Voss, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. B. Wade, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dalton, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. W. B Stark and ~Miss Jean and Betty Saunders, Toronto. Ninety per cent. of the above are newcomers to this part of the country, and they are very much fascinated with the beauty and interest that this country of- fers to the tourist. The Ameri- can visitors all complain about the meagre amount of advertis- ing that there is in circulation about Northern Ontario. Some of the above guests wrote to Ottawa to get information, as to possible motor trips, and were *-sent literature depicting Mont- _ real and Quebec sections, and it is very true that outside of the mining interests, North American tourists have had no chance to gather information about the wonderful playground that Nor- thern Ontario had to offer. It is now time that the different Boards of Trade of Northern On- tario associate themselves with the Ontario Motor League and}p Ontario Government: in putting forth a concerted scheme of ad- vertising that will get into the hands of these pleasure-seeking Americans and bring them to this healthful, educative playground, not excelled on the continent. | CHURCHES THE UNITED CHURCH Rey. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A. Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist 10 a.m.--Church School. Lan- tern Slides on "Life of Christ." 11 a.m.--The Pastor. There will be no evening ser- x vice during July. THE SALVATION ARMY Capt. Patterson. Lt. Yurgensen SUNDAY SERVICES "11.00 a. m.--Swedish Company meeting, "West Road" 3.00 p. m.--Stnday School 7.30 p. m.--Salvation Meeting Tuesday, 8.00p. m.-- Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meet- ing. ; 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meet- "8 ALL WELCOME Haileyinty Baptist Church Pastor--E., TURNER SUNDAY, JULY 3ist. 11 am.--tThe Result of Unkept Promises. 7 p.m.--What to Seek First. Wed. 7.30--Prayer Meeting. aceous perennials. Englehart Newspaper Shows Pictures of Storm's Havoc Several illustrations of the havoc wrought by the severe el- ectrical storm which struck En- glehart and the district a couple of weeks ago made a feature of the front page of The Englehart Times last week. The pictures show the floods in the streets, a bad washout on the Charlton road and a landslide near Engle- hart. One of the pictures shows a man in a canoe paddling down the main street and the whole collection makes a striking re- cord of the work of the storm. The publisher of The Times is to be complimented on his enter- prise in thus preserving to the people of Englehart a record of the most unusual storm that the town has experienced. Dividing and Transplanting of Herbaceous Perennials September to early October isa good time to lift and divide herb- As soon -as the great heat of summer is over and one feels that the soil is not likely to dry out again, the work may be begun. The longer time the plants have to make roots af- ter re-planting the better condi- tion they will be in for blooming next spring. The Bearded Irises may be divided and transplanted earlier than most perennials, the month of August being a good time. In re-planting the pieces of Iris they should be planted quite shallow, the rhizome or thickened root part being barely covered with soil. If planted deeper they are liable to rot. The top buds of Peonies should not be more than two or three inches below the surface of the soil. Deep planting is one cause of Peonies not blooming well. Small pieces of perennials, if they have a few roots, will soon develop in- to good size plants if they have good soil conditions, so that large clumps may be divided into many plants. TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE Notice to Taxpayers From this date until further no- tice, I will be at the Municipal Office, North Cobalt, for the re- ceipt of Taxes, on Saturday only, from 9 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. SAM CRAIG, 16-1-c Tax Collector TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Train Service The Continental Limited, trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver daily; operating through Pullman Sleeper be- tween Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian Natio- nal Railways Stations at North ay. Through service, daily, Trains Nos. 46 and 47, between Toronto and Timmins, operating Parlor Cafe Service between North Bay and Timmins, also through Pull- man Sleeper between Toronto and Timmins. These trains use Canadian Natiofial Railways Sta- tion at North Bay. Daily, except Sunday, service between North Bay and Cochrane trains 17 & 18, operating through Canadian Pacific Sleeper between Timmins and Montreal. These trains use Canadian Pacitic Rly Station at North Bay. Local service daily except Sun- day, between Cobalt, Fountain Falls and Silver Centre. Local service daily except Sun-|} day, between Englehart and Co- balt. Connections at Earlton J: e for Elk Lake daily except Sunda Connections at Engichart for Charlton daily except Sunday. Connections at Swastika daily with Nipissing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, and Cheminis. Connections at Porquis Junc- tion for Iroquois Falls, daily. Tri-Weekly Service between Cochrane and Island Falls Junc- tion, leaving Cochrane 8.30 a.m., arriving Island Falls Jct. 11.20 a. m., Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday; leaving Island Falls Jct., 12.20 p.m., arriving Cochrane 3.10 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. See current time table or apply to any T. & N. O. Riv. Agent for full particulars, s A, J. Pave, Gen. Pass r Agent, North B Bay, Ont Youth Drowned From Canoe | At Ville Marie Last Week} R. Desormier, aged 16, eldest} son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Desor- mier, of Ville Marie, was drown- ed from a canoe in Lake Temis- kaming near his home on Wed-! nesday evening last. The body } was recovered in about 14 feet of | water shortly after the accident, } but too late to save his life, al-| though efforts at resuscitation, were carried on for a consider- able time. It is reported that the unfortunate youth was alone in the canoe and it is not known definitely how he came to upset the craft. TAPIOCA CREAM PUDDING Well BOUGHT is Half SOLD! PERMIT US TO QUOTE YOU ON YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS AND GET THE BENEFIT a' TEN TEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD, CREO-DIPT STAINED SHINGLES, BRICK Box 250 Haileybury Lumber Co. Limited Haileybury, Ontario Phone 16 ! 3%4 cup Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. 2% cups hot water. 4 tablespoons quick - cooking tapioca. ¥Y teaspoon salt. 2 eggs beaten separately. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla or any pre- ferred flavoring. Dilute milk with hot water, blending well. Bring to scalding point in a double boiler. Stir in tapioca and cook about one-half hour. Add butter and salt to ege yolks. Pour over them gradual- ly the hot tapioca, stirring con- stantly. Return to double boiler and cook three minutes longer. Pour slowly over the beaten egg whites, folding in gently; flavor and chill. Serve plain or with cream or fresh fruit sauce. Vary cream tapioca pudding by arranging fresh or canned peaches apricots or sliced oranges in bot- ee PROFESSIONAL COLUMN CANADIAN LEGION Haileybury: Branch No. 54 Meets in Club room on Browning Street First Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. --All Returned Men Welcome-- K. M. STEPHEN Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile Insurance The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada veral First t Class Fire Companies 93 Broadway St. Phone 322 'Halleybury, G. W. PERRAM Accounting and Auditing Macdonald block, Haileybury,Ont Telephones 63 and 313 At The tom of serving dish, pouring over the chilled tapioca cream. The Safe The Furniture You Want Price You Wish to Pay 2O0cee We carry the largest stock of New and Used Furniture and Stoves in the North Country, and our TRADE-IN SERVICE enables you to replace articles at a mini- mum cash outlay seco We deliver to Haileybury and outlying points C. E. CAIN & SON 10 SILVER STREET COBALT DR> W. R. "SOMERVILLE Dentist Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main & Ferguson Haileybury BELLEVILLE ASSAY 'OFFICE 257 Bleecker Ave., Belleville, Ont. Assays and Analyses of Ores, Minerals and Metals. Mining Properties examined and re- ported on. Samples sent by mail or express will receive prompt attention. W. A GORDON | Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public MYLES BLOCK, MAIN ST. Haileybury, Ont. FREDERICK ELLIOT Barrister and Solicitor Ontario and British Columbia Investments, Loans, etc. Gibson Block : Haileybury Drug Stores JOINT OWNERS OF 690 BOOTS DRUG STORES, GREAT BRITAIN Corner Main and Ferguson Haileybury THURSDAY -- FRIDAY - | Size 25 Dorin's Rouge 35 Frostilla 60 Mum, large .10 Palmolive Soap .20 Pear's Unscented Soap, Money Saving CUT PRICES 1.50 Houbigant's Face Powder .35 Talcum Powder, pounds 10 Bax Toilet Soap...) 4 BH vy », eleie 08c 35 Shell Brand Castile Soap, 2-tb Dara tietak, Mee igerne cietaeae >> 2,6 27¢ .50 Pebeco Tooth Paste ..,.......... 29c .30 Wernet's Powder, small ......... 21c 1.00 Pyorrhocide Powder ............ 79c .50 Watkin's Mulsified Cocoanut Oil . 34c -50 Reudell's Bath Saltrates ......... 34c .60 Cuticura Ointment, large ........ 43c wli00; Delatonier -): 2. <2 ke sins + ea > SARE 69c 1.30 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . 93c > wavoris, Sitlall sus, -< 0c ceeeene «.6 19c SiO) be erery Mh Bopadde osc: (ABBE 37c 49 Absorbent Cotton, 1-tb-roll ...... 45c pAomieruschen Salts)... te. sesh es. 53¢ -50 Auto Strop Blades, 5's'.j5.--..-. 35¢ 1.00 Auto Strop Blades, 10's .......... 69c .35 Riker's Seidlitz Powders, 7's ..... 15c .39 Welch's Grape Juice, 16 oz. ...... 32c - SATURDAY large 2 for 25¢ Salted Peanuts Crisp and crunchy. Freshly roasted 29c pound candy. FRUIT TABLETS A refreshing summer true fruit flavor. 29c pound Assorted They have the FREE! FREE! A 50c box of CHERISETTE ROUGE given with each purchase of a 75c box of CHERISETTE FACE POWDER $1.25 value, During July BOTH FOR Riker's French Balm Prevents roughness and chapping. Keeps the skin smooth and soft and protects it against sunburn Regular 50c DURING JULY A.S.A. Tablets Bottle of 100 Promptly relieve headaches, neuralgia, colds, etc. Do not depress the heart. Regularly 75c IDIOIRIIN Cy IIWIEN och oepoaneg oorres Riker's Milk of Magnesia A preparation of full strength and purity. Almost tasteless and smooth as cream. Regular 50c DURING JULY 39c Vacation Special A convenient rubberized cretonne CARRY-ALL and a 35c tube of KLENZO DENTAL CREME Keeps the teeth white and sparkling. During July 39c BOTH PORN. Oo ere ss dares ane ale Riker's JONTEEL PETROFOL TALCUM Mineral Oil Delightfully perfum- An effective intesti- | ed. Prevents chaf- nal lubricant. Taste- | ing and offsets per- less and colorless. | spiration. Soothes Easy to take the skin. Reg. $1.00 Regularly 25 Dur. July 79c Dur. July .. 19c F. L. SMILEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public CROWN ATTORNEY Court House Haileybury GEO. J. WHITE Architectural Drafting Plans, Specifications & Estimates Box 77 Phone 29B DR. J. DUNN Veterinarian and Surgeon New Liskeard Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office, Phone 188 Residence--J. Lever's, Phone 113 DR.R.H.O'NEILL DENTIST Liggett Block Main and Ferguson, Haileybury Phone--Office'79; Residence 400 BARROW SIGN SERVICE Show Cards Signs, Posters Cobalt Timmins HailkVBaey RH: UNWIN (Organist, United Church, Hail- eybury) Music Instructor Organ, Piano, Voice, Theory MacLean's 110 Main Street O. A. LEWIN Life, Sick, Accident, Automobile Insurance Agent for Indemnity Insurance Company of North America Box 341 2 Haileybury ERIC E. SMITH Piano Tuning and Practical Instruction in Violin Playing given at your home. Violins sold at Reasonable Prices Box 556 New Liskeard "KEARNEY & TUER Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public Office ibson Block