aise THE HAILEYBURIAN Published in the Interests of the Town of Haileybury and District of Temiskaming Issued every Thursday from the Haileyburian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$1.50 per year in advance In United States--$2-00 per year in advance LEISHMAN % SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1927 Life-Saving Apparatus Needed For some mysterious reason a series of accidents has occurred at the Haileybury wharf during the past week or so, any one of which might easily have proved fatal. No less than four persons have fallen into the lake during this month and in-each case there was some one handy who was able to effect a rescue, on two occasions by jumping in and thus Northern Crusaders to Get Warm Reception Hon. Wm. Finlayson announces that the Toronto Committee has had another meeting and the ar- rangements for the reception of the Northern Ontario Crusaders have greatly advanced. The programme as already in- timated was generally confirmed at the last meeting, but a com- mittee was arranged to go into it in greater detail. © The central committee of the Northern Ontario Crusaders held ameeting at Swastika on Wed- nesday when a good many details were cleared up. Among other things, the chairman and J. D. Macdonald, of Haileybury, are to go to Toronto next week to meet the Toronto Committee, when the final touches will be put on the programme from' start' to finish. At the meeting at Swastika a great many details which are not of public interest were gone in- to. There were, however, a number of decisions come to, which the people will approve. A large number of people who wish to join in the-procession in Toronto wish to go a week or 10 days ahead of time. The com- mittee decided that these people will be able to buy badges before saving a life and on the other two by just being on the spot at the right time and being able to pull the victim out. All this leads to the supposition that there will have to be some means of life-saving provided, if deaths are not to occur through the carelessness of the people who make a practice of visiting the wharf during the warm wea- ther. It is generally supposed that at all government wharves there is-some life-saving appara- tus provided and that all danger- ous places are protected. At thé} local wharf there are several slips} which slope gradually down to} the water. It is apparently in these that the greatest danger lies. The action of the water has caused a green, slimy growth at the bottom of the slips and any person stepping onto this is liable to slide into the lake. It was in this way that three of the recent accidents occurred. These slips are wide open and there is nothing to prevent anyone walk- ing down. They should be per- fectly safe in daylight, although none of the recent accidents have occurred at night, but apparently people will not take precautions. Whether the slips should be protected by gates is a question for the powers that be, but there should surely be some apparatus provided whereby a rescue might be made even by a person who cannot swim. A few life preser- vers that could be thrown to a person in the water would add greatly to the safety of the pub- lic) These are usually provided at all places of the kind, but noth- ing in that line has been done here, Perhaps the fact that there is no regular wharfinger appoint- ed, since the discontinuance of the larger boats on the lake, has something to do with it, but the people of Haileybury might be excused for making a protest a- gainst the total lack of anything for use in cases of emergency such as have occurred within the past week. --_------_-oe--_- Responded to Alarm of Fire in Fire Chief's Truck A small blaze in a truck, own- ed by Fire Chief Merkley, gave the brigade a run from the hall tol Probyn Street on Saturday even- ing. The fire is thought to have started through the crossing of the electric wires and the flames were coming up through the floor of the truck when the driver, Gordon Gerow, saw them first. He immediately rang in an alarm and the brigade came out with the truck in short order. The use of a chemical was all that was required. It was'feared by the driver that the flames would reach the gasoline tank, which had just been filled. Blueberry Season Opens With Prospects of a Heavy Crop The blueberry season opened last week and the first shipments were made by the local express agents on Friday. This is slight- ly later thant the opening of the season last year, although to the average observer there has been more warm weather. The fruit is now in fine shape and ts said to be fairly plentiful in the usual places where the har- vesting is done. There is a good demand for the berries in South- ern Ontario and this will continue for some time. The blueberry harvest usually extends over a few weeks and a good many peo- ple take advantage of the oppor- tunity to make an extra few dol- lars through the picking. Rasp- berries are not ripe yet, but there is a prospect of a good crop. they go, if they agree to be at the rendezvous north of Toronto on the morning of July 6th. In regard to service cars, the situation looks as if the number of cars will be so large that extra {service cars will have to be en- gaged. These cars will be provid- ed with derricks and all neces- sary equipment for thorough re- pairs along the road The registration cards have been issued and everyone desir- ous of going should get a card from the committee man in his town, fill it out and hand it back to the committee, so that all de- tails in connection with eating and sleeping accommodations can be attended to. The Northern Development Branch have kindly loaned the committee to be passed on to the individual drivers before the trip starts. The committee has ordered 1500 badges and as'soon as these are here they will be placed on sale at $1.00 each and these badges will constitute a creden- tial as far as this committee is concerned. 3efore the badges can be completely printed, how- ever, it is necessary that every committee man supply his chair- man with the number of badges required, also the town slogan. If these are not received in time the committee will have to put on the slogan themselves in or- der to get the badges ready in time for those who are leaving early. Dougald Macdonald of Hailey- bury presented to the committee chairman songs prepared for the trip and they were enthusiastical- ly applauded. The work, how- ever, was not completed, and the songs will not be given out fora couple of weeks yet. Song leaders will be selected from different sections so that the singing of the crusade songs shotild be a feature of the Toron- to visit. A letter from Hon. Wm. Fin- layson makes it likely that road |sueineets in Northern Ontario will be permitted to go on the crusade as it will be an education to them to travel over other roads than those they have built themselves. It has been arranged also by the central committee that strea- ROWING CHILDREN must have food that contains the ingredients of health to the highest degree. We sell the best and the cheapest children's food in the city--GOOD BREAD. "Most Nourishing.Food" = HAILEYBURY BAKERY J.B.E. & H. E. PROULX Phone 36 mers for cars, 6 feet long and 16 the most out of the trip. In re- inches wide, stencilled on cotton, 22° to the Niagara trip_it is pos- bearing "Northern Ontario Cru- sible that they will pass through de" h rape and peach orchards where sade" and the name of the town'they will be allowed to sample can be purchased through the| fruit to their heart's content, and central committee for the price ;, the evening see the illumination of $1.00. The committee hopes}. Niagara Falls that all those going will purchase e . ' these as the whole procession| The time table for the tour is then would be uniform in regard|now being drawn up. It is im- to streamers. This would not|portant that all those going fol- prevent a car owner from putting |!ow this time table as otherwise any other streamer that he sees|¢ating and sleeping accommoda- fit on his car. tion will get badly mixed up. Another important question in| Each town should keep togeth- regard to the trip which should|er as far as possible and for this be intimated to the committee|purpose it is suggested that men in their town is side trips|Marshals be appointed in each that crusaders would like to take|town to keep their cars together. out of Toronto, Niagara Falls, | This is not an absolute necessity Ontario Agricultural College at | but will add a great deal to the Guelph or any other point. If| impressiveness of the parade. the committee knows in lots of} If cars keep flocking in as they time how many cars want to go|have been it may be necessary to on these trips, the Hon. Mr. Fin-|set a limit to the number as the layson will make arrangements|accommodation at the functions for pilot cars, parking spaces,|in Toronto is limited from 1500 etc., so that the visitors will get|to 1800 people. WANTED Special Representative, Lady or Gentleman, unusual oppor- tunity. Education, reputation and address must be above average. Live at home--arrange your own time to call on present customers and others. A steady position-- dignified -- pléasant and remunerative-- previous Shoe experience not essential. Interview will be arranged. TAPLIN NATURAL TREAD SHOES, LIMITED 32 King Street West Toronto, Ontario ---- ee eee C. E. FLEMING "MAIN THE STREET MERCHANT House Furnishings We can supply you with everything necessary for the complete Furnishing of your home. Our prices are the lowest you will find anywhere. A call is solicited. THIS IS THE STORE OF BARGAINS Thorpe & Branchaud Directors of Funeral Services HAILEYBURY House Furnishers FERGUSON AVENUE - --- NESTLES | MILK _ oncentrated richness and creaminess (291 Meters) every Monday, 9 to 10 p.m. On the air from Station C J.Y.C. Toronto Made in Canada by rhe Makers of Nestlé's Baby Foo Telephone 2 © for Prompt Service and Best Quality Goods Linen Towel Free! with any of the following: 20 bars .Pi &°G. Soap'. Sou. ne ssn te ae $1.00 20 bars White Pearl Naptha Soap ................- $1.00 15 bars Gold Soap ........ RR A cere ah oe $1.00 15 bars 'Comfort *Soap/ (3)... n= ee oe eee $1.00 14: bars Fels-Naptha:Soap | So... 4-5. 3 2eche eee ee $1.00 14 bars-Sunlight;Soapes.); 3eres oben te oe eae $1.00 bisiats ta?) Specials This Week FOR CASH ONLY = A eee? @ pkts.. Jelly Powderste".. . (2 ,.c0-< eee eu ten ias E 3 Pkts. Corn Starch ..--.. Re no E || 2 pkts. Shredded Wheat 3 Ibs. CREAMERY BUTTER ............... Sees $1.20 Very Best Fresh Ground Coffee, 1-Ib ..:...........-- 60c ; Bulk Cocoa, 2-Ibs for .......-.0++-+ ss eete reese eee 25c E % SS) BROADWAY uieaey TONIGHT -- LAST SHOWING OF ' "GIGOLA" His latest hit. With Rod La Rocque. Comedy-Drama. ----_ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Ralph Lewis, in "The Block Signal' Greatest Railroad Drama ever produced Also "Play Ball" Serial and Comedy --MONDAY AND TUESDA Y---- Lewis Stone, Billie Dove, Lloyd Hughes in "An Affair of the Follies" Can a Chorus Girl marry for love? This is one picture that will thrill and interest you from start to finish WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY The WINNING of 'from the novel by HAROLD BELLWRIGHT with RONALD COLMAN, and VILMA BANKY Evening Prices 60c and 25c. Sa Protects Thousands In thousands of Canadian Nit | | // EE families, the Dominion s\n I) Y Life Shield of Protection }* WIG Sx has assumed the role of a EE protective force guarding the home from mis- chance. - Let me explain how the same security can be pro- vided for you and yours-- an appointment at your convenience. FRANCIS N. McNALLY Branch Manager = Macdonald Block, Haileybury Zi 27144 te i OMINION ASSURANCE COMPANY eae Office: WATERLOO, ONTARIO 3 a ae i ayasl dow Pe St r Qourist and the Pacific Coast in effect MAV/I5. JoVANCOUVER- VICTORIA SEATTLE- PORTLAND feng! ~ $109.55 ° 4) 0 B ANFF REACHED ONLY VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC - __ fenigla~ $ §7.80 Jo LAKE LOUISE Siig bee im Toth Bar $ 89.30 . _ IN EFFECT JUNE | a RETURN LIMIT --- OCTOBER 3] - STOP OVER ALLOWED CJor your Summer Vacation "The Canadian Pacific issues a number of very attractive and interesting -- booklets which will help you greatly in planning your summer vacation. Copies of these, fares, itineraries, time tables, etc., will be gladly furnished by s 7 CANADIAN PACIFIC 3 NORTH BAY. ONT. LIFE _