NOTES of the NORTH |ner oi Pine' street and Fourth iAvenue, This site has a fine loc- ation, is within a few steps of the Still another slide has been €t-| present post-office site; and' is ected on the Children's Play-|cuitable in every way. This was ground. This will be an added the site surveyed this week, be- inducement to keep the children jing the location finally decided off the streets, even though it | upon by the Government. Work will mean many trouser seats will) will be started on construction at require the attention of needle} once.--Porcupine Advance. cotton. The Town Fathers and! the Towm, Engineer are to be!" Time flies; twenty years ago, compliméfted on their work injwhere today Cochrane stands, respect to making the playground |there was a big enough clearing asafe haven of refuge for the|to hold the present Court House. youngsters of the town--Tim-! In November, 1908, the T.&N.O. mins Citizen. Commission placed the new town ~d plot of Gochrane, so christened Mr. Varette of the Public at that time in honor of Ontario's Works Department, Ottawa, was! Minister of Lands Forests and in town this week in connection! Mines, the Hon. Frank Cochrane, with the necessary survey of the|on sale of auction. site of the new post-office for; What about celebrating the! Timmins. The Government after'twentieth anniversary of Coch-j careful consideration of all sites!rane's birth--Northland Post. available, has evidently decided munication anent a monument suggested to be placed in the T. &N.O.. garden. We imagine, without prejudice to the skeme, that there are other things be- sides monuments needed there. --Englehart Times. I payers to organize a school board in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. A com- mitteé comprising I. Upton, B. Styles and M. McCutcheon, havé taken the matter in hand and nesday next, Mrs. Geo. Harrison of Breth- our is a patient in the Lady Minto Hospital having been injured by a cow that the dog was trying to place in its right pasture field. Mrs. Harrison's right arm was badly trampled, no bones or art- eries being injured but the flesh badly mangled--New Liskeard Rey. R. J. Martindale, Parish Priest 'of St. Patrick's R.'C. Church, Cobalt, left for Rome on Tuesday evening, to visit the Kirkland Lake Northern News. blanket, field glasses The ad- In the first six months of 1928, Holy Land and take a two years;among the countries of the world study. On the Sunday evening' Canada had the largest ratio of prior to his departure the con-| increase in copper production gregation presented him with an|over the same period of last year address and some small tokens of remembrances, consisting of a travelling leather suit case, a steamer thé méeting is té)be held on Wed-) and a purse of money. September 5th.--\dress was read by F. J. Murray and the articles were presented 'to Father Martindale by Messrs. |T. O'Gorman and E. Atcheson. {--Cobalt Northern News. The rate was 60%. In the same time Canada had the largest actual increase, in tons,.in lead production. The world was off 20,000 tons, but Canada increased 11,700 tons. This country is becoming a big factor in copper production. So also in lead. And in Nickel the growth is tremendous. Gold. and~ silver popularized mining in Canada. The commer- cial metals are the strong found- ations--Northern Miner. Speaker. Citizens of Cheminis are appar- ently anxious that the boys and girls of that community shall re- ceive the benefits of the best pos- sible education that can be pro- vided-for them, and to this end plans have been' made for the that the best is the one at the cor- | Mayor Weeks has in this com- holding of a meeting of the rate- Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies Visit Lake of the Hanging Glacier: TRAIL RIDERS CROSSING A FORD att Eye of lovers of the great outdoors have joined the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies, an orggnization of pvets, novelists, scientists, educators, art- ists. Indian chiefs, cowboys, na- ture lovers in general, and those who wish to perpetuate ancient trails in the Canadian Rockies and get the grand kick of a wonder- ful horseback ride through © the Canadian Rockies to scenic wond- ers which have been viewed' by @ mere handful, John Murray Gib- bon, of Montreal, first: organized this great ride. which this year started August 2, for the Lake of the Hanging. Glaciers, from Banff and Lake Windermere, B.C. Each year it has heen bigger and sea level, in the Selkirk Range, was discovered about 20 years ago, but is still as wild as ever. Ite name gives some idea of its spec- tacular appearance, which is that of an immense cirque, with eight glaciers forming a morraine which drops off sheer in an ice wall nearly- 300 feet higher than the lake itself. From this wall ice- bergs are falling continually, and forming a miniature Arctic sea in the heart of the mountains. Surrounded as it 's by jagged Alpine peaks, many of which ex- ceed 11,000 feet in height, this district has challenged the ambi-+ tion of many Alpine climbers. --o '| «Stands Scotland Where It Did?" Aye, Laddie!, (102) Scorri sd @ GANFF & PIPE. GANO AT semble its namesake in Auld Scotia. Initiated last year under "the pat-| ronage of the Prince of Wales, this | festival has quickly established itself @s a Canadian institution, with regi- mental piping contests, athletic Sworo games, folksongs and Highland dances DANCE --all as old as Scotland herself. Nota- IN ble among the musical features ar- j § ranged by Harold Eustace Key, mus- ee : ical director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, is the special performance oi "The Jolly Beggars," a cantata with text by Burns and music by Sir Henry Bishop. At the daily concerts in the hotel ballroom notable Canadian art- ists will sing the folksongs of Scot- land, and Scottish Canadian lassies will join their laddies-in the High- land filing, the sword dance, the sail- or's hornpipe, the Scotch reel and the graceful seann triubhas. 'Duanlus Svutiana where Mt aid?" The programs of Scottish music are Yes, except during the period trom fe up in historical sequence, be- August 31 to September 3, when it | ginning the old ballads of the will seem to have been transplanted |1Sth, 14th and 15th centuries, follow- overnight to a new Highland haunt of Mary in the Canadian Rockies. The oc- casion ts the Hi G ng and Scottish Music Place a Second time at Banff, Alberta. with h juarters at the ed by groups from the period nee ot Scots, the Stuarts and the |races, weight-throwing, tugs-of-war, Springs Hotel. Songs that the Scot|made popular by has sung for seven centuries, and|Fraser ¢§ = m™ Kennedy such arrears and charges thereon. Copies of this list may be had at my office. Dated this 4th day of August, 1928 20-13-c : Sheriff's Sale of Lands DISTKICT OF TEMISKAMING By virtue of a certain warrant given under the hand of the Chairman and seal of the School Board of S. S. No. 1 Marter, in the District of Temiskaming for collection of \arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands, notice is hereby given that unless the taxes, together with the lawful charges and costs are sooner paid I shall at the Sheriff's Office in the Town of Haileybury, District of Temis- kaming on Saturday, the First day of December, 1928, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon pro- ceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge D 848 . Unpatented Ss 1n British Columbia Name Address Lot Con. or, Patented Year Taxes Costs Total ; (118) J. A. McInness, Vancouver =N%1 6 Patented 1924 $ 8.00 $20.25 $54.25 ' 160 acres nOZ5 Fis 6.00 1926 / 8.00 my Q 1927 12.00 Frank Malinsa, North Bay N344 1 Unpaten'd 1923 $ 6.00 $20.99 $84.59 160 acres 1924 14.40 1925 _.. 1440 1926 14.40 1927 14.40 John Jones, Englehart N%7 1. Patented 1924 $16.80 $20.08 $87.27 160 acres 1925 16.80 1926 16.80 1927 16.80 John Jones, Englehart S¥%6 2 Patented 1925 $18.00 ~ $20.75 $74.75 160 acres 1926 18.00 | 1927 18.00 ' better and the membership now Doctor. Lucy * NY%3 2 Patented 1924 $ 7.20 $20.12 $48.92 exceeds a thousand, many of whom 30 acres 1925 7.20. have won Be gold hae hg 1926 720 > b ignifyin a ey have = ridden a "less ees Lae 1927 7.20 iles. - Of the hundred so qualify- ° , . pe vs we A die. thre the Mrs. Osisko i Sete Unpaten'd on re $20.48 | $63.68 irl- joined up wi 5 the 'mai "party. this year a he 1927 14.40 xe / ee eee dap uiletcor jax We A; Massena S¥%4 3 Patented 1924 $14.40 $20.84 $78.44 mountain trails. : . 160 acres 1925 14.40 The Lake of the Hanging 1926 14.40 Glaciers, about 17,500 feet above 1927 14.40 The adjourned sale, if any, will be held at the same-time and place two weeks later. Published in the Ontario Gazette Aug. 18th, 25th, Sept. Ist and 8th. ¥ GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff, District of Temiskaming DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING in the Ontario Gazette July 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 1928. Copies of this list may be had at my Offie. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1928. j Sheriff's Sale of Lands th 'By virtue of a certain warrant given under the hand of the Chairman and seal of the School Board of School Section No. 1 of the Township of Catherine and Pacaud, in the District of Temiskaming, for collection of arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands, notice is hereby given that unless the taxes, together with the lawful charges and costs are sooner paid, I shall at the Sheriff's Office in the-Town of Haileybury in the District of Temiskaming, on MONDAY, the 15th day of OCTOBER, 1928, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon proceed to sell by public auction the said lands'or so _|much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears and charges thereon. i ; | Name Lot Con. -- Acres Year - Taxes Costs Total Patented or and Interest ' Unpatented 6 W. Daughy NY%3 4 160 1922 $14.00 $37.96 $156.11 Patented Pacaud 1923 17.40 , a é Twp. 1924 17.14 1925 18.85. 1 1926 19.06 1927 20.96 Interest 10.74 a The adjourned sale, if any, will be held at the same time and place two weeks later. Published GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING ' Sheriff's Sale of Lands ' 5 ' ! Under and by virtue of a certain warrant given under the hand of the Chairman and seal of the School Board of School Section No. 1. Insram Township, in the District of Temiskaming, for colléec- |tion of arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands, notice is hereby given that unless the taxes together with the lawful charges and costs are sooner paid I shall, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House, in the Town of Haileybury, District of Temiskaming, on MONDAY, the 15th day of OCTOBER, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears and charges thereon. ~ . ) . Name ots. \s@on, Acres Year Taxes Costs Total Patented or ; NS yee . Unpatented Mrs. Shipley NY 6 2) 160 1923 $11.40 $24.19 81.19 - U 1924 11.40 npatenged in 1925 11.40 - ' q é 1926 11.40 1927 11.40 G. V. Kendall pt. S¥%1 4 30 bal. 1922 $1.04 aS 1923 4.80 $23.39 48.43 ted : ate 1924 4.80 ; Fpgents ' / 1925 480 » i Q 1926 4.80 ' oo 192778 4-80, \ ae PIPING, POR ren Berea" Aleecunicl ear sy ; 3 160 1925 sis ' y p: ve * At the same time the Alberta ama- Assessed as Occupier 1926 $47.25 $23.93) eS 7/a 18: Patented tour Champlonaiip meet will crows ; Ter eae the victors in the flat and hurdle The adj ee: site ycuenen ' se ; 2 7 ug! e adjourned sale, if any, will be held at the same time and place two weeks later. Publi in sas igh an bond fumping, tins he | e.g Ontario Gazette July 7th, 4th, 2ist and 28th, 1928, Drees Javelin throwing. The« regin Copies of this list may be had at my Office. j ee pose | Dated this 3rd day of July, 1928. GEORGE CALDBICK, - Sheriff of Temiskaming . 4 PS Ls RARE