Hospita: ior sits Gniidren 67 College St., Toronto 2, Ont. December. 1928. Dear Mr. Editor:-- for some years past the work that this Hospital has been able to do for the children of Ontario nas been seriously cramped through tack of space. A point Was reached where the Lrustees oad to decide whether its service should be restricted to the utmost number of "Sick Kids' whom it could provide with cots or whether it should add to its room There are many youngsters suffer- ing from afflictions of the spine and T. © N. O. Brakeman Is Instantly Killed at Porquis Junction Robert Legarey, of Englehart, well known brakeman on the T. &-N. O. was instantly killed on Friday morning last, when he slipped and fell underneath the wheels of a moving freight train at Porquois Junction. The un- fortunate man was a member of a train crew which had Ieft Coch- rane with 2 freight on the even- Local Orangemen Elect New Sacer At a well attefided meeting of Hailéybury L.O.L. No. 1162, held on Tuesday of this week in the Orange Hall here, the officers who will guide the destinies of the Order in Haileybury for the next year were elected. Good progress has been made by the local lodge during the past year and they made a splendid show- ing at the annual celebration on joints. whom only many long months can restore to health and strength. Medica} care will help; put what they principally need is tresh air and sunshine. Hitherto the Hospital July 12th. All present at Tues- day's meeting were enthusiastic over the prospects for the com- ing before. When the train reached Porquis it was found there was a defective car among for Sick Children has jooked after the others and this was being)1ng year. ; 'such children tn an institution close switched off when the fatality! The newly elected officers are: by a city playground, where more foccurred. There was no one| I.P.M--W.Bro. A: G.Hamilton fortunate boys and girls enjoy their NWVAl--W: Bro. As J, Peacock: near Mr. Legarey when he fell and it is not definitely known how he came to lose his footing. sports. Imagine their plight, lying 'month after month listening to the shouts and laughter of other children. Dep. M--Bro. W. S. Gainsford A. E. Phipps Chap.--W. Bro. J. L, Maltby.~ | ee teen tne Moeicn | Wihol addressed the! delegates of|but the train passed over his Sake H. Burton. open s country G yi 3 in. Sec.--W 2 ad- : . annex devoted to youngsters whose |the Canadian Bankers' Associa- body. es c--W. Bro. J. A. Brad PR one chance to have their limbs ' ; si Mr. Legarey had been in the = : straightened or their bodies built up wie Cae Toronto on the Osa employ ée the T. & N. O. since Treas.--W. Bro. C. W. Haent- » ; er 4 A must be in some place where they |of his election to the presidency ipao eat wae ei aera ONT aa schel. Canadian Doctors Visit Scottish Hospital have sunshine and fresh air plus of the Association ms if Ist Lec.--Bro. W. G. Davis. nursing care and medical attention This photograph shows a few of the Canadian doctors who visit- On a height of land near Weston. away from the murk of the city, children are winning their way back to health in an environment of sun- shine, pure breezes and quiet. The country hospital at Thistle- { town is a God-send for children whom it will take a long time to cure. [t also liberates a hundred 7 cots in the parent institution for youngsters who can be set right in a short time if quickly given con- stant attention So the Hospital for Sick Children has now two doors to keep open day and night to every 'class, color and creed For more than half a century the 'Hospitai has depended for its very -existence upon the public response to its annual appeal which, being in behalf of children, is appropriately made at Christmas time. For over ' fifty years the H.F.S.C. has been -enabled to make both ends meet by the donations of its friends, whether such be a dollar or an endowment. But the end of 1928 finds it with many large bills to pay for its new ~venture To its old friends the Hospitai for "Sick Children once more appeals. It -is because so many of your readers are included in that ever-growing 'circle, that { trespass upon your space to remind them that it was -their generosity in the past that em- -boldened the Hospital's Trustees to 'build for the future. With an extra effort stimulated by a new need, » cannot the income of the "Sick { '"Kids" be put once more abreast of -its urgent needs? Faithfully yours, IRVING E. ROBERTSON, Chairman Apnea! Committee. railway. He had a long exper- BET ce --W. Broo t. Memon dence at railroading and it is dif- met C. ante ie Childs ed Glasgow to study hospital conditions and tuberculosis treat- Sas Be gay Sone ae Tyler--W. Bro. W. Thompson. | ment at the Ruchill Hospital, Gl asgow Dr. T. H. Elliott (centre ----_------ of picture without hat), President of the Canadian Doctors' Union leaves a widow and family, who | ==> =i \ reside in Englehart. | TRY OUR WANT ADS lis talking to a patient. Coming, Wed., Thur., Nov. 28 29, Dolores Del Rio in "Ramona' the picture of the year. Keep these dates open. ------------ SAAT MAA "S. ae Fe TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE a Voters' List, 1928 Notice is hereby. given that I thave complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at "North Cobalt, on the 5th day of November, 1928, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Said Municipality at Municipal he Election, and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all vot- vers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to law. The last day of Appeal being the 27th day of November, 1928. A. P. TYRWHITT, Clerk to the Municipality AN ADVERTISEMENT is not only a statement of what you have to offer for sale, but an invitation to the public to visit your place of business. YOUR MESSAGE to the people is best conveyed through the Newspaper covering your particular field. THE HAILEYBURIAN reaches the buying public of the community in the intimacy of the home, where your invi- tation is received by the whole family. _ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS THIS SERVICE is at your disposal weekly, at a reason- able cost, and a trial will convince you that you can increase In the Matter of the Estate of Ht i * * be pn Pomnpha Mulsers your business by a judicious use of advertising space. NOTICE is hereby given that -all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of Cornelis Mulders, late -of the Village of Angliers, in the Province of Quebec, who died on -or about the Ist day of August, 1928, are required on or before the 10th day of December, 1928, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, Administra- trix to the said Estate, their 'Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions with full particulars of their claims, and statements of their accounts and the nature of security, if any, held by them. ; And take notice that after such -above mentioned date the Admin- istratrix will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said de- «ceased amongst the parties en- titled thereto having regard only | -to the claims of which she shall I then have notice. } And the said Administratrix ria shall not be liable for the said -assets or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim 'notice of which she shall not have received at the time of the said distribution. Dated at Haileybury this 8th -day of November, 1928. MARY O'HARA, Administratrix By Her Solicitor, JOSEPH A. LEGRIS, Haileybury, Ont. _ oO EE STUUTART EN VATVEUAE ETAT Suvsccegencuuauaganuesetaeagscccac aca guanaecenene nec ccg a aee The HAILEYBURIAN BROADWAY ST. PHONE 24 HATTA TTT ee ee cee cree a ee eee ccc -32-3c Star Pik ia