€ 6 LF THE HAILEYBU THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 ¥ GOES TO JAMBOREE WITH CANADIAN SCOUTS Above is a group of the United States Scouts which joined the Canadian contingent at Montreal to travel to the world's Scout Jamboree which is to be held at Birkenhead, England, in August. The ab- i James E. West, Chief Scout Executive o fthe United States and a member of the Scout Jamboree Committee; Dan Beard, known as "Uncle Dan", National Scout Commission of the Scouts of the United States, and one of the most picturesque figures in the Boy Scout movement on this continent; Frank Presby, Chairman of the Jamboree Committee in the Unit- ove picture shows, left to right, front: ed States, and Dr. Philly. = Notes of the North } pe ay a a a a Oe ae Oe New equipment due for deliv- ery toward the close of the com- ing month is expected to over- come possibility of a recurrence of the explosion which interrupt- ed production for a few days at Noranda. Incidentally, while the suspension of production for a few days is a serious thing at a time when output is at a rate of around $30,000: per day, yet the time has not been entirely lost in that the opportunity was grasped to make repairs, adjustments and general improvement of the plant during the brief period of enforc- ed idleness.--Twin City News. Another drowning fatality has shocked the citizens of Noranda and Rouyn when on Wednesday afternoon Danny Stewart lost his life through the capsizing of a flat bottomed boat in which he and three companions were mak- ing a trip. The accident occurred) when the youth at the bow of the boat which was driven by an outboard motor, tried to change places with his companion at the stern so that he might do the steering. As the change of seats was be- ing made the boat lurched badly and Dan Stewart was thrown overboard.--Kirkland Lake Nor- thern News. Forty-nine appeals faced the Court of Revision when it assem- bled in the council chamber at the Township Hall on Thursday night. The court comprised Reeve Norman Evoy, who was elected chairman of the court, and Couns. Macdonald, . Fraser and Kaplan. Only two or three of the appeals were outstanding, while nearly a third were routine Temiskaming © Northern Ontario Railway + TRAIN: SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily. operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These. trains use Canadian National Railways station at North. Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- soto Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. Through Sleepers: operated: bet tween Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These 'Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- mesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jct. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON) daily except Sunday. Connections at Swastika daily with Nipit- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE. LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN; and NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate. Points. Connections at Porquis Jcti for' IROQUOIS) FALLS, daily. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between' Coch: rane and Island Falls Jct., leaving Cochrane at 8.30 a.m., arriving Island Falls Jct. 11.20 a. m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; leaving Island Falls Jct.. ee 9 arriving Coch- rane 3.10 p.m., Thwesday, Thureday and Sat- arday. . appeals required for the correc- tion of errors found in reyising the roll and made for the purpose by the Assessor. Only sixteen J|}cases were dealt with, the re- mainder being adjourned till the following Wednesday, when the court resumes its sitting --Kirk- land Lake Northern News. The preliminary work of the committee in charge of the com- munity swimming tank has been completed, and the arrangements for the building of it are proceed- ing satisfactorily. The gravel will all be on the ground in a few days and the building of the tank will commence. The dimensions of the tank will be 100 feet long- by 40. feet wide with a depth of six feet at the deep end and three feet at the shallow end.--Engle- hart Times. Operations have been suspend- ed on the property of Gold Hill Mines; in the Boston Creek dist- trict. The crew was dismissed the latter part of last week, only afew men are being retained to keep the workings dewatered. Gold Hill has carried on an en- ergetic campaign of exploration for the past several years. Two years ago a mill was constructed which operated only few months. Tt is understood that an examination of the property is to be made by E. W. Todd before any resumption of operations is attempted.--Northern. Miner. Dr. Gagnon very kindly loaned his office and put four electric machines at the disposal of the Ladies of the Hospital Auxiliary to sew up three bolts into sheets on Thursday afternoon. The lad- ies are very grateful to Dr. Gag- non.--Cochrane Post. Among those who should be in a position to know there seems THE TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE NOTICE A list. of Lands for Sale for Ar- tears of Taxes has been prepared and copies may be had in my office. The list is being publish- ed in the Ontario Gazette on Sat- urday, the 25th of May, and the Ist, 8th and 15th of June respec- tively, and that in. default of pay- | ment of the Taxes and costs, the lands will be sold for Taxes and costs under the R.S.O. Chapter 195, Sections 141 to 162. Should any ofthe'lands. describ- ed in the list published it the Ontario Gazette not be sold to recover the full amount of Taxes and costs at the sale of lands for Taxes on September 16th, 1929; 1 hereby give notice that an ad= journed sale will be held at the same hour and place on Septem- ber the 23rd and 30th, 1929, when any of such lands' may be sold for less than the full amount of accrued Taxes atid' costs, and. at any such adjourned sale, I re- serve the right to bid in any par- cel of land for the Municipality for Taxes and: costs' accrued on zecount of such: lands: _ A. P. TYRWHITT, Treasurer Municipal Chambers, North Cobalt, Ont. day of May, 1929 11-13e] "to be a general opinion of hope- fulness in regard to the building of the railway from Timmins to 'Kamiskotia. It is understood ;that all difficulties are being ad- ;justed in the matter and that the 'decision of the Government in regard to the building of the road is favourable, and that within a 'short time due announcement will 'be made officially to this effect. It was expected that official an- nouncement in the matter would |have been made before this, but 'the announcement is looked for 'any day now. It is understood that immediately following the announcement active work on the railway willsbe taken up if the decision is favourable as ex- pected. BROADWAY THEATRE, Haileybury Tonight, last showing of RICHARD DIX in The Wheel of Life with Esther Ralston. London, India; English Army Life; Ro- mantic. FRIDAY, SATURDAY EMIL JANNINGS in "Betroyal" With Gary Cooper and Esther Ralston. Jennings is considered the greatest character actor on the screen. You will\laugh, you will sob as the story unfolds be- fore your eyes. Regular prices. MONDAY, TUESDAY IVOR NOVELLO in The Triumph of the Rat Paris underworld Apaches. Pic- ture actually taken in Paris. A drama of the-underworld. Reg- ular prices. WEDNES. -- THURS. MAX SCHEMELLING and PAULINO UZCUDUN 15 rounds fight picture. See every blow. Will Schmelling be the next champion? SHOWING ON THE SCREEN MARY ASTOR and CHARLES MORTON o 5. _ CW rears Eve Gangsters, a millionaire, thrilling romantic. Matinee Wednesday at 2.30. Children 15c; Adults 25¢ Evening prices: Adults 60c;|: children, 25c.. cet ult Coming Wed & Thur, Aug: 7-8) Jack Holt im "SUBMARINE" The greatest thri Picture ever screened. Close up photograph of undersea divers and submar- ines. Don't m : The Shortest ~ sales, that multiplies customers, is very prop- hing in the orld.... No, not a gnat's eyelash nor a mosquito's whisker--PUBLIC MEMORY You may have been in business for fifty years and the people know about it. But they | forget--new customers are being born every minute and they grow up and have to be told. Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you for this "store news' and will respond to your messages. Anything that increases favor, that adds to erly regarded as a good investment. ADVERTISING is a Good Investment! ! A Note to Merchants Unless you keep telling them by Advertising what you have to offer them, the fellow who has only been in business fifty weeks, and who advertises intelligently will prove to you the ' truth of it. fust | | Tell Them | _ _ To Sell Them 0