» # THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 ie THE HAILEYBURI A N Page 7 $|disease was practically prevent-: disease is allowed to develop, the| Questi Health, addressed to ithe Canadian Medical Association, 184 College 'Street, Toronto, will be answered. Questions |as to diagnosis and treatment will not be am- ed. Preventive measures should| outlook is bad as far as treatment always be taken, because if the!is concerned. HE RHYMING Health tae Fashion Sa NCIES "Tweed Travelling Coats Take the Helm 2 You are on the crest of every wave when you sail away in a ssummer travelling coat of loose- ly-woven tweed. The wanderer is finding new coat adventures in | SECIRT arar: Life's songs are sweet. OPTIMIST 'Sne Songs Song lies about us On every hand, Would we but listen And understand. Dawn has its voices, Noontide and night Come with their chorus Chanting delight. Dawn's songs of labor, Dusk's songs of sleep, Sound where the cities' Great currents creep. And in far woodlands To lonely men Come deeds and dreaming With song again. Rhythmic and restful Vast pulses beat; Would we but hearken, They err who think that suppliant They soar to some celestial place To seek an all-absorbing grace They err, for prayer means many things That have no part in joyous wings Who cooks a meal for friends to of the Canadian Medical Association Lockjaw or Tetanus The disease Tetanus is com- monly called Lockjaw because, when it occurs, the mouth be- comes firmly fixed due to the ri- gid condition of the muscles of the jaw. The disease is caused by a germ whose entrance to the body is usually gained through a wound which tears the tissues of the body or which punctures them. The germ of Tetanus has cer- tain peculiarities. It grows best where there is no air, and so it thrives at the bottom of a punc- tured wound or in the depths of a lacerated wound where the air does not penetrate. This germ belongs to the group of germs which are able to form spores. The spore is a resistant state in- to which the germ goes when periods of time. The spore be- comes an active germ again when c onditions are favorable, for ex- ample, when it is introduced into the human body through a wound. The germ of Tetanus lives in the intestines of cows, horses and novelty wools, cashmeres and share, ' ; swede fabrics. But the tide of} Who scrubs a floor, may make a sheep. Any wound received on interest is centered on tweeds. prayer the farm, or any wound contami- There's neyer a dull moment with this popular fabric that runs the gamut of colors and weaves, but light, uncertain hues often revealing yellow threads take the helm on the style boat. Many models are furred as is the swagger model shown here. A straight line coae, pocketed and I f in her humble task she finds Some yestige of the love that binds All men in unity of toil Since Adam tilled primal soil. Not only from a candled shrine Must supplications incense twine; But every kindly deed and fight pictures, clear photography, and also Mary Astor in "New Year's Eve" at Broadway Thea- tre, Wed., Thurs. next. Matinee Wed. at 2.30; Children 15c. sport jacket embraces an all-over design in the same color. A bag of natural linen embellished with multi-colored stitching provides a nated by dirt, particularly if the dirt is at all likely to contain ma- nure, such as street dirt, is very likely to contain Tetanus germs. Any wound made by a nail or other piercing implement is the type of wound favorable for Te- tanus. We may say that in any wound where dirt has been driven under the skin should be treated the Great War, every man who was wounded received Tetanus antitoxin with the result that the Infant Welfare CLINIC EACH THURSDAY Don't try to pass -You can't be safe if you persist in passing another car on a curve, or near the brow of a hill. Before you attempt to pass another car, wait until you have a clear view of the road ahead, and make certain there is ample space for you in the traffic line. words conditions for its living are un- d ? ' th 4 Make prayer; that, winging up|favorable, and so in this state it On es an ou t see e roa . fike birds, Sh Ht able te) he dustanticaaiions curry hills, you can ahead, so always keep to the right. THE KEYSTONE OF Keep to the Right on Curves and Hills Highway Safety Committee ar vy B L29 The hous STORES' Personal at her nearest DOMINION STORE. For here she will find nationally advertised products as well as DOMINION ' ues, Quality -- om ATSB ame 4 4 Service ay eee | sities ewife's worries are at an end when she shops own gzaaranteed products, and all at the lowest Fruit Jars COFFEE 7-2 Richmello Large . ' Embroidery comes back! But economy end TEA lb. 75¢ es aay Rings isc ss: 3 doz. 25c A Delightfal Blend wait--this announcement doesn't urit K<-- i ) i Cart sell BESS KE 15e Doz herald the revival of the long- purlly, - : hee & Golden Tip b. 85e ff Certo Surejell --.-.-... 30c f I-Ib. Tin 59c neglected work basket. It con- saf t f poaeeas "tht Broken Orange Pekoe ven or sealing)..2 Pkgs. 25c Yelb. Tin fides the gala news that an -in- atety - - | DOMINO 1b.65e f Vinegar... Gal eho ee triguing scheme for festive orna- i Aa 3 i . SEE es iso Bulk ah ed is afoot--in fact, even richness M tulle Sou? tere eg f Heinz Vinegar preserving Bottle Special Blend ib.49e at hand. Boasting its popularity SWEETENED UNSWEETENED 3 in the summer wardrobe, em- broidery appears at the most ex- clusive functions as a decorative note for slippers, bags and jack- ets as the ske:ches here reveal. These heavy silk crepe slippers embroidered in flower design on heels and toes, employing con- trasting pastel shades, happily complete a variety of summer costumes. This dainty flesh-colored pique NOTICE! The lists of lands for sale in Bryce and Beauchamp U.S.S. No. for arrears of taxes have been prepared, copies of which may be had at my office, Court House, Haileybury. Said list is being published in the Ontario Gazette on May 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, 3m Made in Canada by the makers of Nestlé's Baby Food Nestié's Food Company of Canada Limited, Toronto TRON NT ONT NT NNR NNN NT NNN RONG =H. A. CARLSON WAAR (i TNOINUING) Patterns and Styles TTI, LADIES' GENTLEMAN'S TAILOR We always have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from Fit and Workmanship of the Best AND ZNO DDI to Suit Every Taste HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI SmaliTiniile Med. Tin 15c CANNED LOBSTER. 4s. 35e LIBBY'S ROSEDALE CHRISTI BISCUITS . PEACHES Large Tin E'S DIGESTIVE 29¢e Ib. 33c AYLMER CATSU CRISCO 1-lb. Tin 27¢ Green Label Bottie 1Jec 3-Ib. Tin 79¢ - Sour VICTORY BRAND PICKLES Large RINSO .. . Pkg. Se JUST SOAK THE CLOTHES 40c Sweet 49c DICED POST'S BRAN Pkt. 12c CARROTS 2 Tall Tins 15¢ SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE TODHUNTER'S 16-07. Chocolate Nibs Ib. Zic 39e Tasty Coo Delicious Cakes Jelly Rolls Chelsea Buns Coffee Cake "TASTY" BREAD 24-Ounce Wrappea Loaf of Plain Nourishing Goodness 0c». Zoas kies 1929. In default of payment of Ee ' Said ne gaa aaa aaae i lands CLEANING AND PRESSING _) COMFORT OR GOLD CLUB HOUSE Queen's DURHAM OF CANADA therein mentioned will be sold at ") SOAP 10 bars §7e | OLIVES ..2°2%.. 35¢ | Corm Stareh P kg.10¢ the time and place named in said advertisement. _ Haileybury, May 7th, 1929. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming. District. ere : ; 5-13-c. FERGUSON AVE. Liggetts' old stand VAN ZANVANIANIZANITANIT "OUR ADP2ESS 1S EVERYWHERE" 4 DOMINICN STORES LIMITED. " suffed offers protection from sea thought ae Revacg Hon. Geo, S. Henry, Chairman Z » ' y a doctor. ' breezes with its shawl collar of|Of at best essences is Tetanus can be prevented. The as pee es : Each task well done, each toil| ound should be properly cared Embroidery Provides Fes- pao pares for and, in ee whee. = : . : is any suggestion that it is the tive Ornamentation Becomes an offering of prayer. type of wound in which Tetanus 5 is likely to occur, Tetanus anti- ps . % " Schmeling-Uzcudun, 15-round| toxin should be given. During JULEBZ ts BY GUR lo|oe L e y "A charming accessory for any sum- COLUMBUS HALL 8, possible prices. YASe mer costume. 3 to 4 p.m. | : ie 6 ; She will appreciate the "Personal Service'--the feature Se C5. % = 3 of every DOMINION STORE, that makes shopping a 43 St ~ i reat piessure: oe in Quality of products, Value in food- " stuffs, an Tvi to it: 9 d, BOIS '* CANADA'S KOW"* 9 K STORES constantly maintatis ils leadership) v Ke we A hot ~ EuteRaspberry "jz Reg. 35¢ ~- 29¢ re Pure Strawberry "< Reg. 39¢e - 33c to \ M 4 s¢ KRAFT ERs ILK Preserving Needs DPMINION : € Hi EB E § E Finest Granulated or Yellow CORN FLAKES z Write for free Nestié's Canadian or Pimento bs 'e 'Milky Way Recipe melas ese SUGAR $6.00 E 3 Pkes. 25¢o} ° Book Reg. 21ie £9c ; Crow Small Sis 99c D convenience a t Jars Medium «3109 Dor --